Buzz's Brigade 2009 - Moving to Infinity and Beyond!!!

Congrats Allie! Great job this weekend:cool1:

I've got a 10 mile race next Sunday that I'm sort of freaked out about:eek:

Hope everyone is doing well!
Aaack! I am so behind on everything :confused3 We just got a new dog -- he is fun but so much work! I am getting a LOT of walking in (and tossing tennis balls; does that count??), if I can ever get my act together to add in the hours and miles.

Oh well, I needed another project, and it sure wasn't going to be another child!!

Can't wait to read about the CM 1/2 -- conditions sound brutal -- congrats Allie on your first :cheer2:
I finally have miles this month! Not a lot, but some.

miles 18.37
time 3 hrs, 50 min

Bloomsday (12k) is this next Sunday. It is something that I do with kids so I won't have a time worth bragging about, but it is almost always fun. :goodvibes
Hey what's this? April is not over. Who is posting April miles and times. We have a few more hours. Get out there, go that extra mile/minute. GO GO GO!

OK, I'll be back this weekend to post. I haven't been out here in a while. Been too busy at work - used to sign on at lunch. Now it is "what's lunch?"

Hey Everybody.
Still here on this end. Made it through a 'chemo' month OK. Finished until July now.

It sure is nice outside right now. Kinda feel the heat coming so enjoying while I can. Anyway here's the April #'s

Miles 37.5
Time 307 minutes

Apologizes for my absence the past few months. After returning from the Princess 1/2 at WDW I got very busy - I bought a house. :yay: Even though I closed 4 weeks ago, I am still in the process of moving in... :rolleyes1 Work has also been crazy busy, but these days I'm not complaining.

I have been running (unfortunately not as much as I would have liked) and I made it to Nashville to run the Country Music 1/2 (although I was there for only 24 hours). Now that I have finalized my 2009 running schedule, I should be more focused.

For whoever is keeping track, here are my miles & minutes for March & April:
March: 71.25 miles, 1220 minutes
April: 63.20 miles, 1280 minutes
Here are my April totals:

Miles = 45.1
Time = 12 hours, 54 minutes

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Congratulations on the house Lisa!! :thumbsup2 I was there last weekend too! Man was it HOT?!! :scared: <- that's me sweating ;) Glad to have you back!

Ok, here are my totals for April:

Miles: 83.27

Hours: 19:54:20


DH and I are celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary on the 20th of this month. We have decided to buy a treadmill for the occasion. I need recommendations, and reasons why you think your treadmill is good. It will go upstairs in our Bonus Room. DH and I are both tall. I am 5'8" and he is 6'1". Any and all tips for buying would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks! :grouphug:
Congratulations on the house Lisa!! :thumbsup2 I was there last weekend too! Man was it HOT?!! :scared: <- that's me sweating ;) Glad to have you back!

Ok, here are my totals for April:

Miles: 83.27

Hours: 19:54:20


DH and I are celebrating our 20th Wedding Anniversary on the 20th of this month. We have decided to buy a treadmill for the occasion. I need recommendations, and reasons why you think your treadmill is good. It will go upstairs in our Bonus Room. DH and I are both tall. I am 5'8" and he is 6'1". Any and all tips for buying would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks! :grouphug:

Hey Allie,
First of all Happy Anniversary!
As for treadmills, although I hardly use it except for hill work now because I almost always go outside, but I love my NordicTrack treadmill. Actually bought it at Sears of all places. It is a fairly high end. Do not go cheap! Don't mean expensive, just don't buy a cheap one as you'll regret it. Expect to spend around $1,200 for a pretty good one.

Get a deck that is long enough and wide enough for you. Even 2" in width makes all the difference in the world. Mine doesn't have all the bells and whistles but as long as it has incline, that is all you really need.

April recap: The month got off to a good start with a half marathon PR. Then I had a couple weeks with low running mileage due to various minor injuries. But with my new mountain bike I have a lot more miles and time from cycling.

Miles: 162 (includes running and cycling with some doubled miles from races)
Minutes: 1327 (22 hours and 7 minutes)
Hey All,
Mike glad you made it through another month!

We should hear from Chris pretty soon as he ran the Capital Cities marathon, or half, not sure.

Here are my miles for April. No cycling yet. Once it gets hotter I will add cycling. Actually went out today with the mountain bike. Boy was that tiring. We down some trails that had a lot of sand. Unlike the road, when you stop pedaling, you actually stop :) No coasting here.

Running: 64 miles 680 minutes
Cross train: 480 minutes

enjoy the week!
Hey all......

I'm about to go through the thread and update our team. Life has been pretty crazy for me so I'm sorry to all of you.

As Duane said I just finished a Half Marathon in Columbus. Was way undertrained, but still finished so I'm happy.

Hope everyone is doing good out there.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Responses to this week's prompt can be posted on the 'Ohana team thread, and starts here.

Free advice, it's worth what you paid for it. Then again, sometimes the best things in life are free. You decide in this week's mixer prompt.

Share with us some memorable advice you've received.

Your advice can be related to training or races. It can focus on healthy habits or be "life" advice. It can be the best advice you've ever received, the worst, or the most profound. It can be helpful tips that helped you as a WISHer and athlete. Or it can be simply the funniest, most useless, or totally inappropriate for a situation. Just so long as it's memorable.

And just like M & Ms, don't feel restricted to just one piece....
Wow! Nobody for a week! Everbody must be really busy.:laundy: I know I have. Just doing a fly by to see how everyone was. Take care Team:cheer2:!
Sorry I went MIA on y'all. I had a CRAZY week, and I am very thankful to be alive and well and able to write this. Please read about my week.

Ok, on Wed. morning, I was leaving for work. A little early actually, which is unusual for me. When I get to the front of my neighborhood, I hear the tornado sirens go off. Now, our sirens go off all the time, and it is for a storm that isn't in my part of the county. I live in a big county. Well, I call a coworker, and ask her to ask the office staff where the storm is because they have a weather radio, and I had turned mine off because it drives my dogs nuts.

She tells me that it is West and South of me, and seems to be tracking due East. I continue driving. Now my commute to work is only 10 minutes tops. While driving, my husband beeps in. I decide to take it since he is my weather guru. Note to self: should have called DH FIRST! ;) He asks where I am, and I tell him I'm in the car on the way to work. He says be careful, the storm spotters had spotted a funnel cloud. I got his call at 9:00 AM.

I drive less than a half a mile down the road, and I hear a wierd sound off to my right, and then the WIND and RAIN really start coming at me. My heart is beating just writing this. I reached a curve in the road and knew that I better get around it so as not to be underneath the trees. It was the scariest thing of my life. I have never seen wind like that in my life! :scared1: There is a little Nissan in front of me, and all of a sudden a tree falls across the road in front of him. I call DH back, and tell him how bad it is, and ask what I should do. He told me that it was probably on top of me, and I should turn around and go home. I think he felt helpless, and wasn't there, so didn't know what to tell me. All the while the wind is really blowing around my Tahoe. I figured it was going to be my last call to my husband. Well, I finally get turned around (it is a really narrow two lane road, and I was right next to a bridge that had rushing water going through it due to all the rain), but then find another HUGE tree across the road. I was blocked, and had to ride it out in my car.

Finally, it all passes, and I ask DH what I should do. He told me to hang up and call 911 and tell them that me and the other gentlemen are stuck between two fallen trees. I do that and tell them to come get the first tree that fell because it was smaller and would take less time to cut out of the way. I also tell them that I am fine physically, just shaken up. Then I call work and tell them that I am stuck, and won't be there for a while.

I do another UTurn, and face the first fallen tree so that I would be facing the right direction when the firemen get there. Well, shortly after that some guys drove their truck to the other side of our fallen tree, and start trying to move it. Well, I decide to get out and try and help too. If we could break a few of the branches, maybe we could get through. Well, it wasn't going anywhere, and they decide to leave their truck and jump through our tree because they said that their family's house just got "F'd".

Let me just say here, that I heard that Fword enough that day to last me a lifetime. Why do people choose to use just language? :confused3 It wasn't necessary.

Anyway, I go back to my car, and my husband calls and tells me that he heard them dispatch my call. He keeps a police scanner with him at work. :thumbsup2 At that time, I heard sirens, so I told him I better go. Only thing, they were coming to the BIG tree, not the smaller tree. Well, when the gentleman and I got around to that tree, we hear a policeman screaming for us to stay back that there was someone trapped in a vehicle under that tree. I had just driven under that tree probably 30 seconds before it fell on her car. The Lord was watching over me. :angel:

There was a trailor right beside this tree, and it wasn't damaged AT ALL! The policeman was worried about the family inside, but they were already out, and yelling that they were *F'n* fine. :sad2: I decided I wasn't needed there and didn't want to be part of the problem, so I went back to my car. By this time I am soaking wet, and my cell phone battery is almost dead. I plug my phone up to my cigarette lighter, and sit.

Within a few minutes the firefighters showed up with a chainsaw to cut down our tree. I called DH back and told him. He asked if I was going to work, and that he recommended that I go home. At this point on the radio, they are talking of damage on the road I live off of. I call work and tell them that I am going home.

I am very impressed with our local fire dept. because they had me out of there by 9:35. :thumbsup2 Then they moved on to that big tree to cut it up and get it out of the way.

I had to go a round about way to get home, but the damage I saw around me was unbelievable. I am so lucky to be alive right now, and am so thankful to be alive!

I say all that to say that I LOVE Y'ALL!! :love:Eventhough, I have never met most of you, you are all my friends! :grouphug: Even though I haven't met all of you, you have been a driving force in my life. I am so thankful for my BUZZ family. :grouphug: Enjoy your familes and friends because in the course of 5 minutes, your life can change. God doesn't promise us tomorrow, and we need to appreciate every moment, no matter how good or bad, that he gives us.

Oh, and my DH sent me a note later in the day from the National Weather Service. I survived an EF -2 tornado with 115 mph winds. The Lord has a plan for me. :thumbsup2

Oh, and you can bet that the next time I hear that siren, I am keeping my butt at home! ::yes::
Mike - Sup!

Allie - OMG that is scary!!! I'm so happy to hear you are OK!!!!!!

Everyone else - WHERE ARE YOU????? We miss you guys!

Duane - I know you are out there.......


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