DDA Chapter 16

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Mom just called. The insurance has approved her radiation with the new machine.:banana: She starts radiation on Tuesday afternoon. Good thoughts for her would be greatly appreciated!! I hate that her first radiation is on the 13th. :scared: And it is a Tuesday, which is historically a bad luck day for me.

She will continue the treatments for her lymphedema for another couple of weeks. The radiation will be for about 6 weeks.

I am happy there is an end in sight, but I am nervous about what complications she may encounter before she finishes treatment.

:wizard: & :hug: for your mom Elizabeth!

I just got done running my 6 miles. I was able to do it under the 16 minute pace. I'm so excited. I haven't done that since college. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon is exactly what I needed. I haven't stayed on an exercise plan since high school. I exercised in college but I was never in the best of shape even then. I need to get some better socks and some different shorts. Otherwise, my body seems to be holding up really well.

Awesome Vicki, WTG :cheer2: :cheer2:
Belated Birthday wishes to Tammi & Garret!!!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: To all worried about employment!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

:woohoo: Congrats to all doing well with their New Years resolutions!

Elin-congrats to Kathrin! :wizard: For Button! Love your new signature.

Janet-hope you can figure out a way to book a trip.
Vicki-You go girl!!!! :wizard: For Chuck's mom & his SIL.

Jennifer-good luck with that wedding!:eek: Your new signature is beautiful!!!

Amy-sorry I missed you. I'm sure you're having a magical trip! On our last trip to WDW we took a photo of each kid in a shoe shine chair under the train station.
Robyn-do you ever slow down?

Tammi-your b-day gift sounds wonderful, glad you got photopass worked out, congrats on BCV, hope you're having a wonderful b-day dinner tonight!

I can't wait to get back and spend more time there. Next time, I'll let Alan play around in the other part, and I'll spend the whole day in WS!!!
You'll have to spend a few hours in future world til WS opens at 11am.;)

You'd find me on Toy Story Mania. Over and over and over again. Maybe with a break to go look through the cement prints at the Theatre...I've never really done that before - actually looked at them. Then back to Toy Story Mania. Ohhh and a quiet Fantasmic! would be awesome (I know, I'm odd since I like that show) but it might cut into Toy Story Mania time... :rolleyes:
:laughing: I've told Lizzy we will be at MGM for opening every morning to ride Toy Story Mania. We can't do that or I'd have shoulder problems before the end of the trip.

Marci-do you ever slow down?

But I can plan what resort, how many days, what the dates are where we would like to eat, so that I can start budgeting for it. Also I have a list of thing I am hoping to make for the girls for our trip and those will appear under the Christmas tree this year.
Coloring/Activity books for the plane, Coupons to reedem for new shirts that mommy will make them, Autograph books, Invitations to MVMCP and to the Character meals we will do.:)
I don't see any sewing on that list.;)


Cassidy's idea of planning right now is which restaurants she wants to eat at....her main focus is to get her mom drunk:rotfl: (I have promised her that she can sip any alcohol I get while there)

She knows she wants to split stay between Pop and Animal Kingdom Lodge (but if a POTC room is available I may change AKL to that). We are probably going to do the Deluxe Dining Plan, just because Cassidy wants so much signature dining and I like the fact the food is already paid for.

Got all that Chanon???:confused3 :rotfl2:
Problem with a split stay and DDP is you'd have to buy tickets at your 2nd resort to get the meal plan.

ETA: And buy some Sabra Red Pepper Hummus and pretzel chips. That stuff is GOOD.
I bought that for the 1st time last night.

Jennifer-I've stayed at POFQ twice. Once we were on the 3rd floor of building #4. That was great. The next time was 3rd floor of building #7 and that really wasn't too bad.

Tia-good luck with open houses!

Tom-since your housebound hope your getting lots of sewing done!

Elizabeth-:wizard: for your Mom! Are you exhausted after your dreams? I've been having some bizarre ones too and I wake up exhausted. I dreamt I had an 80+ year old friend of my Mom's drive us to the airport and we were having lunch first at a mall and I realized I hadn't packed any socks so I went to buy some and she left so then I had only socks. No suitcase and NO camera.:scared1:

Debbie-Love the lady bug name!!!!

Kristine-hope you survive your snow. It is headed our way.

Becky-I'm sure you can do the half! Hope your sinuses are better!
We got a little bit of snow this morning, nothing like what you are all talking about.

Everyone stay safe & warm!
Well as hard as I've tried to deny it was happening I guess I'm officially sick, it was inevitable with all my sick co workers, we have at least six sick right now and that many more who have already had it.

I'm coughing up gunk, I go from burning up to freezing, so much so that I've been switching from heater to air conditioner all day, no wonder my daughter went out and hasn't come back yet. :rotfl2:

Dinner didn't stay with me long . . . . .

We inventory Thursday and unless I'm actually in the hospital there is no way I can miss, I only have one day off so we'll see how things go.
Garrett & a friend of his are painting his & Riley's room while Gary is laying some floor. It is looking pretty good :thumbsup2

Now if we can just get the boys to keep the room clean ;)
Today is Joe's birthday! I got up early to make him Mickey pancakes and then we went to Lowes to do the free kids project they have every 2 weeks. Today we made a time capsule. Then we picked up his Wall*E birthday cake. I asked him if he wanted take out for his birthday dinner and he wanted me to make him something.:scared: We bought ingredients for lasagna. I came home took Emma for a hair cut, tried to catch up here, made the lasagna, wrapped Joe's gift, had dinner, had cake, opened gifts and back here to really catch up.

OH....and Lizzy said the lasagna was better than she expected. Joe said it was better than Grandma's-the only other kind he's had.
Debbie hope you are better soon :wizard:

Riley was up a few times last night praying to the porcelain god. He got sick a couple more times this morning, but seems to be better now.
Well as hard as I've tried to deny it was happening I guess I'm officially sick, it was inevitable with all my sick co workers, we have at least six sick right now and that many more who have already had it.

I'm coughing up gunk, I go from burning up to freezing, so much so that I've been switching from heater to air conditioner all day, no wonder my daughter went out and hasn't come back yet. :rotfl2:

Dinner didn't stay with me long . . . . .

We inventory Thursday and unless I'm actually in the hospital there is no way I can miss, I only have one day off so we'll see how things go.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Hope you can recover quickly!!!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Garrett & a friend of his are painting his & Riley's room while Gary is laying some floor. It is looking pretty good :thumbsup2

Now if we can just get the boys to keep the room clean ;)

I wish DH was as handy as Gary, we have three rooms that need new flooring desperately. Of course new flooring means painting, new bedding and new accessories in the bathroom. :headache:
:laughing: I've told Lizzy we will be at MGM for opening every morning to ride Toy Story Mania. We can't do that or I'd have shoulder problems before the end of the trip.

Becky-I'm sure you can do the half! Hope your sinuses are better!


I am surprised that all the cars do not just have the push button, to release the objects like the handicap car, instead of the pull string like the regular cars. It would be less wear and tear on the body.

Vicki- Great job! I need new shoes. For some reason the left one is more worn out then the left. I wonder why.:confused3 ;) :laughing:

Debbie- Take care of yourself. Please feel better.

I hope Riley feels better.

Hugs and good thoughts to everyone else. I hope the sickies stop making their rounds.
So we did a little shopping on our brief trip, they were having a sale on T shirts, 40% off so we got the three of us matching shirts for our May trip. And 40% off beach towels so we got a couple of those for May also, we plan on spending quite a bit of time at the main pool at OKW so they'll get quite a bit of use.

My inlaws and father gave me cash for Christmas so I spent it there. I've been collecting Precious Moments for years, it's gotten to the point that I really don't have room for many more so I've started collecting the park exclusives at Disney. I found this one in the Art of Disney store on Main Street and was really excited to discover that it had been signed by Sam Butcher, DH didn't understand why it was a big deal.

Debbie hope you are better soon :wizard:

Riley was up a few times last night praying to the porcelain god. He got sick a couple more times this morning, but seems to be better now.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Hope you can recover quickly!!!:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:


I am surprised that all the cars do not just have the push button, to release the objects like the handicap car, instead of the pull string like the regular cars. It would be less wear and tear on the body.

Vicki- Great job! I need new shoes. For some reason the left one is more worn out then the left. I wonder why.:confused3 ;) :laughing:

Debbie- Take care of yourself. Please feel better.

I hope Riley feels better.

Hugs and good thoughts to everyone else. I hope the sickies stop making their rounds.

Come on up! John just plowed for the 3rd time. :sad2:

They were hyping up a snow storm that was supposed to last all day..we had a dusting by the time i woke up today..and nothing since..i wnat a little bit of winter! (JUST a LITTLE bit!)
I extend the same invitation that I gave Jen, come on up! we have plenty of snow.

Suppose to be some giant storm today. Supposed to be inches of snow. I cancelled my plans to go to York, because it was supposed to be so awful..

We got nuthin'. It is cold, but nuthin' falling from the sky.:cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:
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