DDA Chapter 16

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Well John has been shoveling all day and he has plowed twice, he thinks when all is said and done we will have 8"
Is it spring yet?
They were hyping up a snow storm that was supposed to last all day..we had a dusting by the time i woke up today..and nothing since..i wnat a little bit of winter! (JUST a LITTLE bit!)
If we go in December it will be Dec. 3-7.
Momboss was thinking about maybe trying to go in October. DS has off Oct. 9, so we could go Oct. 8-13 and he would only miss 2 days if we left after school on Thursday. I am not sure we could pull off an October trip after 2 weeks in August. Depends on airfare.

Robyn - Really, the Coffee Mate creamer is fine. The other brand is GROSS!
Yay for Joe!! :banana:
Have fun at your Boy Scout thing. :)

He has another dinner date tonight!! Said things are going really well, I told not to screw them up. ;)

Mom just called. The insurance has approved her radiation with the new machine.:banana: She starts radiation on Tuesday afternoon. Good thoughts for her would be greatly appreciated!! I hate that her first radiation is on the 13th. :scared: And it is a Tuesday, which is historically a bad luck day for me.

She will continue the treatments for her lymphedema for another couple of weeks. The radiation will be for about 6 weeks.

I am happy there is an end in sight, but I am nervous about what complications she may encounter before she finishes treatment.

Lots of good thoughts!:wizard:

thanks for the dittoable post, you busy,busy lady!

Me busy? Never!

I need heavy alcohol....I can't take the mess that the children and dogs keep bringing into this house from the snow :scared1:

Bill informed me that I need to "lighten up, since the snow will be here until March" :sick::sick::sick: I'm not sure I can make it!

Yep, lots of alcohol sounds like a fabulous plan.

I'm caught up here and heading to work. This is really taking a chunk out of my weekend. I had planned to go grocery shopping tonight so now I'll need to reschedule that. Nick has a friend coming over tomorrow and he is a bit wild for my tasted. Maybe I'll go while he is here and let Chris deal with him ;)

Perfect plan!


I just got done running my 6 miles. I was able to do it under the 16 minute pace. I'm so excited. I haven't done that since college. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon is exactly what I needed. I haven't stayed on an exercise plan since high school. I exercised in college but I was never in the best of shape even then. I need to get some better socks and some different shorts. Otherwise, my body seems to be holding up really well.

Way to go, Vicki!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Well John has been shoveling all day and he has plowed twice, he thinks when all is said and done we will have 8"
Is it spring yet?

I am sorry for all of you who are being snowed in/on....it's beautiful here today! (Other than the biting wind)

I went to ARC and got a winter purse, shoes, and 3 work blouses (and a purse for Abi and scarf for Cassidy) for just under $20. We then went to Costco....5 items cost $45:rotfl:
Vicki- you go girl!!!:thumbsup2

Deb-you are one busy lady too!! Going to the grocery store tomorrow sounds like a great plan!:thumbsup2

I just got done running my 6 miles. I was able to do it under the 16 minute pace. I'm so excited. I haven't done that since college. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon is exactly what I needed. I haven't stayed on an exercise plan since high school. I exercised in college but I was never in the best of shape even then. I need to get some better socks and some different shorts. Otherwise, my body seems to be holding up really well.


Yes, good socks are important.

I just got done running my 6 miles. I was able to do it under the 16 minute pace. I'm so excited. I haven't done that since college. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon is exactly what I needed. I haven't stayed on an exercise plan since high school. I exercised in college but I was never in the best of shape even then. I need to get some better socks and some different shorts. Otherwise, my body seems to be holding up really well.

You go girl!!!:dance3: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Suppose to be some giant storm today. Supposed to be inches of snow. I cancelled my plans to go to York, because it was supposed to be so awful..

We got nuthin'. It is cold, but nuthin' falling from the sky.:cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:
Elizabeth good thoughts for your mom. :wizard:

Thanks, Heidi!

He has another dinner date tonight!! Said things are going really well, I told not to screw them up. ;)

Lots of good thoughts!:wizard:

Way to go, Vicki!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Lots of good thoughts for Joe! :wizard:
Ditto, Vicki!

I need to dry my hair so I can get out of here on time. I am just trying to eat something before I have to go!
Agreed! I say you ought to plan a trip for a year or more from now, Janet. Then you can put a ticker back AND you canstart saving for it! :thumbsup2

I'm still toying with using the 40% pin for a trip later this year with the boys!
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