The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

I'm game.. this seems like a great group to join in on... I'm 28 and have been battling my weight since I was about 8... I'm 5'6 and at my heaviest I was 200lbs.. I managed to get down to 150 about 2 1/2 years ago and kept it off for about a year when my DH left for 8 month deployment and I put back on about 30 of it... so now I'm working on loosing it again.. I've lost almost 20 (i'm MAJORLY own fault:rolleyes1 gotta keep eating healthy-- that batch of brownies i made last sunday and consumed in 1 day didn't help :confused3 ) I'm trying to exercise 5 days a week either running or kickboxing and am gearing up to run the 5k at disney next Jan (I plan ahead :rotfl: ) I have about another 20 lbs to go.. I hope to be down to 160 before we go to Disney May 4th, but I'm not sure if I'll make it with my hectic schedule over the next couple weeks... lots of eating out required:scared1: Oh, I'm doing it all with the South Beach Diet... hubby is following it too, although not nearly as well.. b/c he's about 30 pounds overweight for the navy and could get kicked out here soon:eek:
Good luck everyone!!!!
Good to see everyone joining you Jackie.

Another from the land of clan chiefs :goodvibes To much nice food, tablet and haggis means that I should probably be joining you :rolleyes1

Ewwww, haggis. Thanks, helped control my appetite with that one word.

Guess I should make a sign for the fridge...HAGGIS WITHIN
Is it too late to join in on this?? I've been a little absent from the DIS lately (work has been making me CrAzY!!!!!!!), so I missed the beginning of this! I haven't been through all the posts yet, but I wanted to jump in right away...

Anyway, I've been up and down the scales pretty much since high school. I finally lost it all (even had my brother telling me to 'eat a sandwich' - LOVED that!!) and then met the love of my life. Did I mention that he runs between a 32 and 34 inch waist, yet eats EVERYTHING IN SIGHT??? When we were dating, our regular thing was a night at the movies followed by a late dinner...we're talking nachos, burgers, fries, etc - at 10 or 11 at night. NOT a good idea. Another problem (which I'm really not complaining about) is the fact that he would love me if I weighed 800 pounds. Truly...I'm very, very lucky. The man sees my heart, not my stomach! :love: :love: BUT, that's made it too easy for me to pack on the pounds.

So, here I sit, at the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm looking at a goal of 50-60 lbs. to lose. I joined ww about a month ago and so far, so good. I like the fact that I can find things to cook for both me AND DH. That was always a big problem for me before - whenever I would diet, he would hit up the fast food every night. While he didn't put any weight on from it (the turd), I felt bad looking at him eat that all the time. He had NO problems with it, but I did. So, I always wound up back to cooking and, therefore, back to eating.

So, I say...on with this thing!! This is a GREAT idea!! You guys TRULY are the BEST!!!
'bout time you got here...:rolleyes1 Thought I would be doing this by myself know i luvs ya! :hug:
Hi, im Mel and I need to loose 10-20 pounds, and I need to stop my addiction of candy. I'm starting to eat healthier, like today I ate an apple, but I had 2 chocolate chip granola bars, 6 cookies, 1 bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, 1 white cheddar rice cake. I usually go to the store 3 times a week for candy.
Haggis? Ewwwwwwwwwwww...:scared: methinks i've found my inspiration. Get on that treadmill or be forced to eat haggis! ;)
Hope it's not too late for another person to join. I'm Christine and I'd like to lose ~40-50 pounds. As many of you have said it's been a life-long struggle for me and I find my self easily veering off course with convenience food, wine and the old "I'm too tired to work out" excuse. I'm really looking forward to some accountability-- especially within this DIS community that has made me feel so welcome. I have a trip coming up in October and I'd love it if I could be well on my way to my goal by then. As someone else said, it would be nice to "rediscover/reclaim my 'hotness'" ;)

Looking forward to cheering eachother on!!
This thread is starting to rival Wildeoscar's! I was sad today b/c I found out I have an eye problem that's not leaving any time soon, so I was on the pity pots and ATE A LOT (may still eat---night time is the worst for me!).

Thanks for reading this! I hope there's still room for me even though I am a mere PC Cruise wanna be.

I'm 46 and only 5'2" and I quit smoking Sept. 21, 2006 and began eating until this Feb., when I got real and saw I weighed more than my top prenancy weight from almost a decade ago! So, I returned to WW (returning lifetimer---my 1st time at WW I gained a ton when I worked w/ a children's hospice---food and grief and stress just went together)---I have only been back to WW for about two months, but I have lost 8 pounds :dance3: , though I weighed in today and gained =(

I lost 5 lbs of by having influenza A & B, so I have to fight to really keep it off and then really lose!! The ONLY + thing about the flu was that weight loss!

I joined a Hip Hop dance group :banana: :banana: :banana: the same week I re-joined WW---that is helping me get fit and although everyone laughs at me and not w/ me and all are far younger and have talent, I am LOVING it---it is like "Sweatin' to the Newies!"---I even have a performance this Sat. at an auction <GULP>:scared1: , so I have to go practice now.

I want to be a healthier role model for my son and also want to be able to shimmy up a cistern if I have to help save Will...lin CASE I get to go on the cruise.

That's my goal. THANKS! My first change was to get 94% fat free popcorn and also the Olean Fat Free Lays Chips (YUM)---popcorn is only a point for 5 cups---or something like that---otherwise, my gerbils are eating better than me---they get more treats and we all eat VEGGIES now constantly <YAWN> (still, there are some great Fat Free products out there these days!).

Hi, my name is Charlotte and I live just outside of London, (right near Heathrow Airport for preciseness). I'm 17, turning 18 in May, and am 5'8" (or is it 5"8', I don't work in feet and inches much). Right now, I don't know how much I weigh as I'm heading south to portsmouth in about an hour until tomorrow evening, so will weigh in friday morning. I would like to reach my "normal BMI" which would be 158lbs.

I'm going to start going to Aquarobics with my mum on Monday, and I'm digging the exercise bike out of the shed. I also try to walk wherever I can. Food wise, I think the best thing for me to do is to just swap cakes and crisps with fruit, since other than that, I eat pretty healthily.
If I'm not too late...

I'm Donna, living in southern Ontario, Canada (north of Buffalo, west of Toronto) We still have a few bits of snow left, but it is warming up now. I had tossed around the idea of joining until I stepped on the scale this morning and realized I have at least 10 pounds to lose - 20 would be better.

I am only 5' tall so another smallish frame here. I have had arthritis since childhood so I have to watch my weight or risk having trouble walking. Too much weight means painful to move, less moving means more pain and more weight and the circle begins.
I am currently at my maximum weight - this is where the problems can begin. Part of my current situation is due to a change in medication. The pharmacist said the generic was the same - I disagree. I have been going through the past 2 weeks of bizzarre side effects including a weight gain of almost a full 10 pounds. I have managed to get the proper medication again, but I doubt the weight will go off as fast as it came on.

My weaknesses are salty crunchies - potato chips & these wonderful little potato chip coated peanuts called Chipnuts. Pretzels are my alternative, but they don't always help. I also work shifts so it is a little harder to eat at normal times. I love to bake, but I have people at work who eat it for portion control isn't always a problem.

Activities- I am a little limited to low-to-zero impact. I am a bellydancer, and dance at least 3 hours a week, but I have missed a lot of classes this winter and there hasn't been anything for the troupe I dance with. I am trying to add more DVD workouts and maybe dust off the treadmill - walking is ok.

I quit smoking 9 years ago, and have been back to the pre-smoking weight once since then.

DD is 6 and is my little Jiminey Cricket when it comes to sticking to healthy snacks. (where'd she get that habit???? :confused3 )
Sounds like we married the same man. LOL. Mine can eat a box of tastycakes and not gain an ounce. All I have to do is look at them. Glad to have you over here!!!

Mine too! He wears the same size he did in HS(34), but eats like a horse. :confused: Very hard to live in the same house with someone like that when you are trying to make a lifestyle change. I don't want to deny him(or my skinny teenage girls) their treats, but it makes it way harder on me.
So far so good- but it's only been 2 full days. :laughing:
I went to the gym last night and worked out with my trainer. I even got a couple healthy cookbooks at the bookstore before I went. I am going back to the gym on Thursday. I have homework to work on tonight. I have been good about eating better. I just need to keep this up.

I went to the gym last night and worked out with my trainer. I even got a couple healthy cookbooks at the bookstore before I went. I am going back to the gym on Thursday. I have homework to work on tonight. I have been good about eating better. I just need to keep this up.


Well done Becky :hug:
This thread has already helped me! I was running some errands yesterday and did not do my morning walk. The day pretty much frittered away and I was feeling really tired (still a little rundown from our DLR trip) and for the first time was seriously tempted to "just skip one day" (especially since my DH went out of town and wasn't here to walk with me). Anyway...I was just sitting here going over some active threads I'm involved in and read my previous post where I stated I walked everyday rain or shine -- then immediately got on the treadmill and walked for an hour!
This thread has already helped me! I was running some errands yesterday and did not do my morning walk. The day pretty much frittered away and I was feeling really tired (still a little rundown from our DLR trip) and for the first time was seriously tempted to "just skip one day" (especially since my DH went out of town and wasn't here to walk with me). Anyway...I was just sitting here going over some active threads I'm involved in and read my previous post where I stated I walked everyday rain or shine -- then immediately got on the treadmill and walked for an hour!

Well done - you probably felt a lot better for it :cutie:
Just checking in I've been jogging ( 1 mile) the past two nights and plan on going every night:thumbsup2
I haven't begun exercising yet...been working frantically on a project that's due next week for one of my classes.

BUT, I was quite proud of myself! I skipped my usual Wednesday morning Chick-Fil-A breakfast today! Around here, they do free breakfast entrees on Wednesdays as long as you purchase the drink and hashbrowns. I drove right on by and instead had my favorite "healthy" breakfast of a sliced banana, some peanut butter, a fat free white chocolate strawberry yogurt, and some granola sprinkled on top! (got that idea from a Biggest Loser cookbook!)

Yay me!

Hey...every little bit helps ;)
Checking in here...

I have lost 15lbs (and one size) over the past 3 months since using Weight Watchers online. I'm not keeping track of everything, but I think I've hit a plateau. I think I need to start excercising, so I'm hoping this thread will help motivate me. I'd like to lose another 15 pounds.

If you are doing WW, check out I use that to identify foods before I go to a restaurant so I know how many points I'll be eating. It has some good boards and tips too.

Good luck to everyone.
O/T here...but does anyone else think of the O-ni-ders from the movie "That Thing You Do" whenever they see this thread? :lmao:


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