The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

Hi everyone!

I'm starting my eating healthier and exercising plan today. I got on the scale this morning and I was 5 lbs heavier than I thought, so I have 55lbs to lose.

In the past that would have made me more upset and I probably would have binged, but today I walked the dog 3 miles. :)

Have a good day!
Hi Liz - I thought I would report each week how many pounds we had collectively lost. I can also highlight the biggest loser of the week month etc.

I am certainly open to suggestions if any of you want top 3 highlighted - although as the weeks go on an weight loss stablizes it should only be 1lb /2lb per week :)

That sounds like a fantastic idea to do a weekly overall loser and and then maybe a monthly one. Then after say 3 months we have a winner and move on to round 2. That way no one gets bored or quits if they fall of the wagon.

I am just throwing ideas out there so dont feel obligated to listen to my rambling nonsense. LOL. I like the relaxed supportive atmosphere more so than the hard line one. I like the idea of keeping a running tally of total weight lost for our group. That would be a cool stat to see.

Thanks again everyone for taking this on.
Believe me, I was as addicted to diet coke as anyone. It was my morning beverage and every meal plus a few more per day. I lived on it and I have quit 95 percent. I notice (either real or just because I believe it) that when I drink diet coke now I tend to binge. This weekend we spent a mini-vacation in chicago and I was terrible. Diet Coke and chocolate...and pizza...but I'm back on the wagon today and doing good so far.

Keep it up, I haven't found any real proof about the diet coke/appetite connection, but there is some info out there and it seems true in my world.

Oh, I know that it has something to do with appetite. Not only that, but I've been told many times when "dieting" that water is the best thing when you've "cheated". Drink lots of water. Pop is just so bad. And, I don't understand the diet, caffeine free, because no caffeine and no sugar. Might as well drink something else. So, water it is.
That sounds like a fantastic idea to do a weekly overall loser and and then maybe a monthly one. Then after say 3 months we have a winner and move on to round 2. That way no one gets bored or quits if they fall of the wagon.

I am just throwing ideas out there so dont feel obligated to listen to my rambling nonsense. LOL. I like the relaxed supportive atmosphere more so than the hard line one. I like the idea of keeping a running tally of total weight lost for our group. That would be a cool stat to see.

Thanks again everyone for taking this on.

Well we have at the moment 26 WOnDeRs on this board and some on the other thread that have not popped over yet - so even if we only lost 1lb each can you imagine the group loss
Well we have at the moment 26 WOnDeRs on this board and some on the other thread that have not popped over yet - so even if we only lost 1lb each can you imagine the group loss

WOW that is amazing. It also might make keeping track hard. :scared: Whatever you decide to do would be great. I cant believe there are that many of us. At least I am not alone. :hug:
What day is our check in day? Monday or another day? I am so excited to get going with this today. I have my sneakers out and ready. Shrimp are defrosting for dinner. Yeah!!!!:cool1:
Well we have at the moment 26 WOnDeRs on this board and some on the other thread that have not popped over yet - so even if we only lost 1lb each can you imagine the group loss

Wow - that's great...soon we will be known as the biggest bunch of losers! :lmao:

We appear to still be missing a certain person....Pete, where are you!! ;)
Wow - that's great...soon we will be known as the biggest bunch of losers! :lmao:

We appear to still be missing a certain person....Pete, where are you!! ;)

Petes waiting till he returns from California....actually...he should be in the air right now correct??
We do have caffeine free, but my understanding (very non-scientific) is that both are just as "bad". Several studies point to it as a appetite increaser. Again, these "studies" aren't very conclusive, but it seems to work for me. I try to stick with Propel, water, and the occassional sprite/root beer type soda.

Oh, I know that it has something to do with appetite. Not only that, but I've been told many times when "dieting" that water is the best thing when you've "cheated". Drink lots of water. Pop is just so bad. And, I don't understand the diet, caffeine free, because no caffeine and no sugar. Might as well drink something else. So, water it is.

it's not the caffiene as much as the low-cal sweetener that is a problem for some people. You may find that your body also has a problem with MSG and various preservatives.
I'll see if i can find some links for you. But from what i remember of my reading a few years back, somehow they cause the body to retain water and to gain weight.
i'll go look for the links. But if you have this sensitivity, it will get worse as you get older. And more and more foods will become a problem.
Hi everyone! :wave2:

OK, count me in. My name is Jon, and I have to lose weight. I'm 43, 5'10" and have been heavy most of my adult life. I'm right now at 231, and *will* be losing 61 lbs.

A few years ago, I was a couple of pounds heavier, and was able to drop 32 lbs. in < 3 months by watching what I ate and exercising 3-4 times a week. Over the next 3 years, I put it back on little by little and have been bouncing around 230 - 235.

I absolutely hate being in any photograph - I am disgusted with the way I look.

My downfalls?
1) Starbucks (although I usually get their 'skinny' versions of lattes)
2) Fast food (love the pizza, love the burgers, love the convenience)
3) Convenience food
4) Having a very sedentary work environment
5) Finding time to exercise
6) Living in a cold climate (Wisconsin) - its easy to pack on the lbs between September and April (and just look at my location - you can see why so many people in Wisconsin are in the same boat! :eek: )
7) Eating when I'm bored

I can't fix 4 & 6, can easily control 1 & 7, 2 & 3 will require a lifestyle change/willpower, but 5 is going to be really hard!

We are going on a cruise in 6 1/2 weeks (Alaska on Holland America); I *will* be down to 220 by then! The next intermediate goal is our trip to Disney World (staying at the WL) in August; I *will* be down another 15 lbs by then. I'd like to go on the Podcast Cruise, but we haven't planned our vacations that far off yet, but if I'm there I *will* be down to 170 or less.

My steps for getting to my goals:
1) Get rid of the bad foods in the house (mostly it's high fat, high sodium convenience foods)
2) Eliminate the caffeine (it's down to the morning coffee now; I really don't drink soda)
3) Bring a healthy lunch to work, instead of running out to pick up a quick bite from a fast food place
4) Plan a week's worth of meals at a time, and take the time to cook them
5) Shop for #4 above, and not add 'bad' items to the cart
6) Exercise 5 times a week, 30 minutes a day
7) Get help from this group

So, are you ready to support me?
Hi All You Skinny People Trapped In The Wrong Bodies!!!

I'm Lisa and I've also battled being overweight most of my life. I was always a little on the chubby side...and then had two kids and it was downhill from there! I've already mentioned in the other thread that about a year ago (after returning from a cruise!) my entire family decided to make some lifestyle changes. We've been very conscience about what we're eating/not eating and have lost a combined weight of over 100 lbs. I've lost about 50 and would still like to lose another 10-15 lbs before the cruise. I know that's not a very high amount, but I'm at a point now where it's getting extremely frustrating as I work really hard and feel lucky if I can lose even a 1/2 lb a week.

I started walking as my primary form of exercise and actually go about 5 miles a day now -- rain or shine. It was very difficult at first and I moved at a snail's pace but now I can move pretty fast without feeling like I need a medic. :thumbsup2

As for the whole Coke/Diet Coke issue, I can honestly say that once I got used to drinking water almost exclusively -- I can hardly stand to drink any carbonated beverages. It makes me feel so bloated and uncomfortable that it's just not worth it. I do enjoy a large cup of coffee with non-fat French Vanilla creamer each morning and drink iced tea from time to time. The main thing with the water is to just keep one of the polycarbonate bottles filled all the time and keep it in plain sight...pick it up and drink as much as you can, then refill it again.

We can all do this together!!!
I have a suggestion. I think that most of us agree, we want to be accountable. I think in a group tihs size, it would be easy to lose someone. Maybe not the group size, but the fact that we aren't seeing each other face to face. Anyway, my suggestion is that we each have a buddy. That buddy can be someone that we make sure is reporting in each week. If they are missing, we find out why. We can send quick little encouraging messages. I think buddies could be whomever, but I think that it might be a good idea to split them up by the amount of weight needed to be lost. Someone who needs to lose 15 pounds might be discouraged with the person who needs to lose bigger numbers, and therefore loses 15 pounds quicker. And, the other way that the person who needs to lose 50 or more might get discouraged by the person who needs to lose 15 and they get to their goal a lot quicker. What does everyone think?
Sounds like a great idea, or even small groups that can compete agains other small 30 people = 6 groups of 5 etc...

I pick Pete...
Sounds like a great idea, or even small groups that can compete agains other small 30 people = 6 groups of 5 etc...

I pick Pete...

Small groups are a great idea. That way if someone did "drop out" for some unknown reason, we're not left alone. Not that anyone would ever think of dropping out or anything.
Well we have at the moment 26 WOnDeRs on this board and some on the other thread that have not popped over yet - so even if we only lost 1lb each can you imagine the group loss

Maybe we can be featured on Boprah!! :lmao:
I like the group idea.

I think I blew the curve this week. I had a little too much "fun" on my birthday. Do we have to add our pluses to the group?
I have a suggestion. I think that most of us agree, we want to be accountable. I think in a group tihs size, it would be easy to lose someone. Maybe not the group size, but the fact that we aren't seeing each other face to face. Anyway, my suggestion is that we each have a buddy. That buddy can be someone that we make sure is reporting in each week. If they are missing, we find out why. We can send quick little encouraging messages. I think buddies could be whomever, but I think that it might be a good idea to split them up by the amount of weight needed to be lost. Someone who needs to lose 15 pounds might be discouraged with the person who needs to lose bigger numbers, and therefore loses 15 pounds quicker. And, the other way that the person who needs to lose 50 or more might get discouraged by the person who needs to lose 15 and they get to their goal a lot quicker. What does everyone think?

I like that idea.
I like the group idea.

I think I blew the curve this week. I had a little too much "fun" on my birthday. Do we have to add our pluses to the group?

Me too! It was a rough weekend and couple days. I've been bad and really need to weigh in, but we don't until monday. Hopefully I can recover quickly. Football game tonight...that usually helps....
I weighed in this morning at WW and I wanted to cry. I knew it was going to be a bad weigh in though.

I like the ideas of groups. I don't think there is anything wrong with a little friendly competition. I think it would be a great incentive to do well for ourselves and others.


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