The WOnDeRs - Welcome to the Club -W/C 7th April

I'm Kathy. I'm 53, toward the upper end of the age distribution here. I have had a weight problem most of my life. No children, just cats, so there's no baby weight excuse for me. A genetic predisposition and a lot of denial, but that's about it.

I'm 5'7", and have a fairly large frame, so I can carry more weight without looking too bad. Of course, that means that even when I weighed 125 (high school), I wore size 11 or 13, and thought I was fat. What I wouldn't give.....

Back in spring, 2002 I got very sick, and lost 50 pounds in about two months. After major surgery, the weight just zoomed back, plus another 10, putting me perilously close to 300.

I lost 16 by myself, and another 35 at WW. I was doing 10 week sessions at work, and regained all but 13 of the 35. I had developed an incisional hernia as a result of the surgery and the regained weight, so even when I was losing a fair amound of weight, my pants were getting tighter, and I looked worse in them. Tends to lead to a what's the use mindset. I'm in a catch 22 because there's no point repairing the hernia until I'm at a stable weight, and this isn't it.

I finally realized that it was how I felt that mattered, not how I looked. And I felt better when I was really following WW. I started up again in late February, and I'm down 8.6 so far. (That includes a week in Orlando, with ice cream from Ghirardellis and onion rings from the Orlando Ale House.) But I need help to sustain good eating habits and to develop some exercise habits - especially when I stand sideways and look in the mirror.

I just weighed in a little while ago, and was down 1.4 pounds for the week. My first report.

I think everyone should think of the amount they lose as a percentage of either their current weight or as a percentage of the amount they want to lose. When I went to Weight Watchers the first time, my first week I lost 10 lbs. But to reach my goal weight I needed to lose 140 lbs, so that was only 3.4% of my weight at the time (I'll save you the math, 290 lbs) or 7% of what I wanted to lose. Kind of like the Biggest Loser ( I want Ali to win). Everyone needs to be realistic in their goals. Right now, I just want to lose 25 lbs. so I can fit into the next size down. They are all waiting for me in bags in the basement. I don't even have to go shopping. And the buddy system is a good idea. How do we want to pick? Me first, I pick Pete. He is easy to find :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sounds like a great idea, or even small groups that can compete agains other small 30 people = 6 groups of 5 etc...

I pick Pete...

I like this idea. Small groups. Maybe a 0-25 group 25-50 group 50-75 group and a 75+ group. That way we are closer to our loss ranges. Or something similar.
I have a suggestion. I think that most of us agree, we want to be accountable. I think in a group tihs size, it would be easy to lose someone. Maybe not the group size, but the fact that we aren't seeing each other face to face. Anyway, my suggestion is that we each have a buddy. That buddy can be someone that we make sure is reporting in each week. If they are missing, we find out why. We can send quick little encouraging messages. I think buddies could be whomever, but I think that it might be a good idea to split them up by the amount of weight needed to be lost. Someone who needs to lose 15 pounds might be discouraged with the person who needs to lose bigger numbers, and therefore loses 15 pounds quicker. And, the other way that the person who needs to lose 50 or more might get discouraged by the person who needs to lose 15 and they get to their goal a lot quicker. What does everyone think?

What I can do is see how many come on board and see how many we have. I will keep a weekly total and can keep a record of everyones weightloss individually.

You can post your weight loss at anytime during the weeks thread - some may want to weigh in on Monday and others a Friday.

I like the idea of a buddy system so lets see how the first weigh in gets on and I can maybe pair you all up.

We dont want to overcomplicate things but I dont want to loose anyone :)
If we do small groups, we could first split people into 25 or less and over 25 for weight to lose. Then, depending on how many groups, evenly diperse the under 25 and over 25 equally. We could go alphabetically. If we do groups, maybe three groups. Alphabetically, by first name, list the under 25 and over 25. Then split them equally between three groups or how ever many groups.

We could see if a few of the members of the podcast would be our cheerleader and have Team Bob, Team Kevin, etc. They don't have to lose with us, they could just be our head cheerleader. I'm sorry. I'm really over thinking this.
I am late to the thread and need to catch up on the rules/groups/etc.... Please sign me up.

I need to loose about 15lbs but I am short so it will really show. I have never done an organized group weight loss program before....I am however learning that once you are in your thirties and had a baby you can not eat chocolate at every meal.:sad1:
I have a suggestion. I think that most of us agree, we want to be accountable. I think in a group tihs size, it would be easy to lose someone. Maybe not the group size, but the fact that we aren't seeing each other face to face. Anyway, my suggestion is that we each have a buddy. That buddy can be someone that we make sure is reporting in each week. If they are missing, we find out why. We can send quick little encouraging messages. I think buddies could be whomever, but I think that it might be a good idea to split them up by the amount of weight needed to be lost. Someone who needs to lose 15 pounds might be discouraged with the person who needs to lose bigger numbers, and therefore loses 15 pounds quicker. And, the other way that the person who needs to lose 50 or more might get discouraged by the person who needs to lose 15 and they get to their goal a lot quicker. What does everyone think?

I think pairing up with a buddy is a great idea.

I think having one on one's is best so all you have to do is check that your buddy posts each week and if they haven't posted their weight you can PM each other to check all is ok.
I know from experience that if i've been bad and had a gain I haven't posted that week as I thought to myself that no one will notice....and this is when I needed the support/help the most.

I am not saying that if you gain 2lbs that you have to post the amount because I think that this is your personal decision if you want to say how much you have put on, but if you just post I've had a bad week then everyone can give you some help/encouragement.
I am liking all the ideas. The reason I kind of think just buddies and not groups is bad is because if your buddy quits you are alone but this cant happen if you are in a group. It would be crappy for someone if their buddy quit on them. It happened to me before and then I quit too. Just something to think about.:goodvibes
So since it looks like we'll be put into teams, are we still starting right away with weigh-ins, etc?

Oh! And we need a logo! I'm not very good at that stuff...any ideas? :)
I think we should get into the swing of things for a couple of weeks. I have a list of everyone that has joined the thread then take it from there :goodvibes

It would be a shame if some were put off by competing - although for some it may be a boost

Shall we say first weigh in thread will be up on Monday and run from the week and we can see how it runs.
I'm Kathy. I'm 53, toward the upper end of the age distribution here. I have had a weight problem most of my life. No children, just cats, so there's no baby weight excuse for me. A genetic predisposition and a lot of denial, but that's about it.

I'm 5'7", and have a fairly large frame, so I can carry more weight without looking too bad. Of course, that means that even when I weighed 125 (high school), I wore size 11 or 13, and thought I was fat. What I wouldn't give.....

Back in spring, 2002 I got very sick, and lost 50 pounds in about two months. After major surgery, the weight just zoomed back, plus another 10, putting me perilously close to 300.

I lost 16 by myself, and another 35 at WW. I was doing 10 week sessions at work, and regained all but 13 of the 35. I had developed an incisional hernia as a result of the surgery and the regained weight, so even when I was losing a fair amound of weight, my pants were getting tighter, and I looked worse in them. Tends to lead to a what's the use mindset. I'm in a catch 22 because there's no point repairing the hernia until I'm at a stable weight, and this isn't it.

I finally realized that it was how I felt that mattered, not how I looked. And I felt better when I was really following WW. I started up again in late February, and I'm down 8.6 so far. (That includes a week in Orlando, with ice cream from Ghirardellis and onion rings from the Orlando Ale House.) But I need help to sustain good eating habits and to develop some exercise habits - especially when I stand sideways and look in the mirror.

I just weighed in a little while ago, and was down 1.4 pounds for the week. My first report.


HI Kathy! I'm going to be 53 in May so we're both at the upper end of the age distribution.
but i feel more like 18 and i tend to act about 12 (when i'm behaving ;) )
I think we should get into the swing of things for a couple of weeks. I have a list of everyone that has joined the thread then take it from there :goodvibes

It would be a shame if some were put off by competing - although for some it may be a boost

Shall we say first weigh in thread will be up on Monday and run from the week and we can see how it runs.
Works for me! :thumbsup2
I think we should get into the swing of things for a couple of weeks. I have a list of everyone that has joined the thread then take it from there :goodvibes

It would be a shame if some were put off by competing - although for some it may be a boost

Shall we say first weigh in thread will be up on Monday and run from the week and we can see how it runs.

Yes, I think that's good...Let everyone get settled in to it for a week or two and then maybe post a poll and we can all vote? (Just an idea).
Wow - what a great response so far. Ok, here goes - my turn. :blush: Hello all Wonders members. I'm Mary and I am just shy of 38 years old. I have battled my weight most of my life but it's been really tough over the past 4 years or so. My father was very ill for about 2 years and then he passed away about 2 years ago. It has been very stressful and being an emotional eater, well, that explains that.
I have about 70lbs to lose to be comfortable (will never be really thin but that's okay). I have been recently making some life changes (career, diet, etc) so this thread is just up my alley. I also recently became a vegetarian. I am feeling better everyday but really want to up the effort and drop this excess weight.
As far as buddies, groups, etc - I'm game for whatever the majority wants. :grouphug: I do agree that maybe running a week or two just with the basic thread and see how it goes is a good idea. Regardless, I'm looking forward to losing with our fabulous group!! Can't wait to see how everybody progresses and also to have Pete in to join the group as well.

Good luck everyone!! :cheer2:
Is it too late to join in on this?? I've been a little absent from the DIS lately (work has been making me CrAzY!!!!!!!), so I missed the beginning of this! I haven't been through all the posts yet, but I wanted to jump in right away...

Anyway, I've been up and down the scales pretty much since high school. I finally lost it all (even had my brother telling me to 'eat a sandwich' - LOVED that!!) and then met the love of my life. Did I mention that he runs between a 32 and 34 inch waist, yet eats EVERYTHING IN SIGHT??? When we were dating, our regular thing was a night at the movies followed by a late dinner...we're talking nachos, burgers, fries, etc - at 10 or 11 at night. NOT a good idea. Another problem (which I'm really not complaining about) is the fact that he would love me if I weighed 800 pounds. Truly...I'm very, very lucky. The man sees my heart, not my stomach! :love: :love: BUT, that's made it too easy for me to pack on the pounds.

So, here I sit, at the heaviest I've ever been, and I'm looking at a goal of 50-60 lbs. to lose. I joined ww about a month ago and so far, so good. I like the fact that I can find things to cook for both me AND DH. That was always a big problem for me before - whenever I would diet, he would hit up the fast food every night. While he didn't put any weight on from it (the turd), I felt bad looking at him eat that all the time. He had NO problems with it, but I did. So, I always wound up back to cooking and, therefore, back to eating.

So, I say...on with this thing!! This is a GREAT idea!! You guys TRULY are the BEST!!!
Hi Mary and Plutes - we have had a fantastic response so far. Good luck for your first week :thumbsup2
Did I mention that he runs between a 32 and 34 inch waist, yet eats EVERYTHING IN SIGHT??? When we were dating, our regular thing was a night at the movies followed by a late dinner...we're talking nachos, burgers, fries, etc - at 10 or 11 at night. NOT a good idea. Another problem (which I'm really not complaining about) is the fact that he would love me if I weighed 800 pounds. Truly...I'm very, very lucky. The man sees my heart, not my stomach! :love: :love: BUT, that's made it too easy for me to pack on the pounds.

Sounds like we married the same man. LOL. Mine can eat a box of tastycakes and not gain an ounce. All I have to do is look at them. Glad to have you over here!!!
Sounds like we married the same man. LOL. Mine can eat a box of tastycakes and not gain an ounce. All I have to do is look at them. Glad to have you over here!!!

lol! We love 'em, but don't you just want to scream sometimes??? Especially when he MAKES me buy him 34" jeans and then asks me to try to 'shrink' them in the wash because they're "too big"! AHHHH!!!! :rotfl:
Good to see everyone joining you Jackie.

Another from the land of clan chiefs :goodvibes To much nice food, tablet and haggis means that I should probably be joining you :rolleyes1


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