Wk Of Sept 1 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
bekkiz WA
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
ChiFiveO Donna IL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
CrazySecretRecipe Jennifer FL
CreativeBeth Beth PA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
DreamBeliever IL
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
eeyore45 Sandy IL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FirstTimertoDiz Lisa PA
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
Goofyin08forErica Erica KY
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Hockeymom311 Jen
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jims2cool Jim IL
jodistar Jodi CT
kaf7878 Kelly FL
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
KathyRN137 Kathy NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
klh-or Karla OR
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lenshanem Shan
Lexxiefern Becky MA
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
lourodrigis Lou NJ
lustergirl NY
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MainStMandy Amanda NY
marathonmommy Laura NJ
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
Moonie NC
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
MyZoeJane Ali IL
msblrobs Sara NY
nepatsfan73 Bill CT
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
patsfaninpa Jen PA
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
plutopdx OR
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
rake5 Rachael WA
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
runwdw2008 Dona
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
tiberius Richard
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
TNTsParty Tricia FL
TriMom Mary Kathryn TN
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
windwalker Dave KY
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
hey dude...I just noticed...I got tagged! :cool1:

I'm going to keep it brief because it's 10:30pm and we're waiting for the A/C guy to come. We went down to my mom's today, got back about an hour ago and found the outside fan wasn't working. I was going to complain to y'all about my run today at 7am when it was 80 degrees and 3000% humidity, but that sounds positively refreshing when it's currently 87 degrees in the house :scared:

Endoscopy went fine, pathology was negative so we have no answers as to why my stomach's so sloooooow, but no bad things were found, so that's a good thing.

Anyway, just wanted to get the thread started. Off to put the dogs away so they don't wake the neighbors when the A/C guy arrives.
Mel, Congratulations on the Tag! I'm glad your test went ok in that nothing seems to be terribly wrong. WISH you find a good answer to the problem.

I updated the WISH Team calendar just now. Please Check.

Still going on with LTO, but doing a heck of a job mind training. Wonder if that counts for anything? Mom continues improving slowly, had another unit of blood (that's 3 now, but who's counting...) I'm working out how I will work out. Happy training all. Keep on keepin' on.
Mel - Good luck with the AC. A visit after 2200 on a Saturday? Now that's what I call service.

Endoscopy went fine, pathology was negative so we have no answers as to why my stomach's so sloooooow, but no bad things were found, so that's a good thing.
You gonna post the pictures? You know how we love pictures!

Andrew - Great job on the LR. You sound like you're ready to whip the world. I have to admit I always have a slight twinge of guilt when I run past guys that are working (as opposed to those leaning on the shovel). I always imagine them thinking "if he had to work as hard as I do he wouldn't need to run to keep in shape".

On the training front; I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I had a nice fast 4 miles on Tues, a solid 8 on Wed and a horrible abbreviated LR of 10 on Fri (scheduled 17). Something about no run longer than 9 miles for about 6 weeks may have contributed. :scared:

I pulled DD4 around in the bike trailer Sat for a little cross training and in an effort to work out a little stiffness.

At this point I'm not real sure if my current struggles are more physical or mental. My endurance just seems to be lagging. I've had to slow down and walk way, way more than in the past. I was attributing some of it to the heat but....

I was also sure that I had just sort of lost the intestinal fortitude to push through when it got tough. I could always convince myself to "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" in the past and now it is easier to just stop and walk for a bit.

I think my bad LR this week may have pointed out that maybe my fitness has suffered more than I thought. I had some blistering problems with my little toes that usually only happen when I'm really fatigued and struggling with my stride.

Hopefully, getting back into a regular training routine and hitting my scheduled marKs will address the fitness issues. The weather will begin to cool. Then I'll only have the idiots in Cranium Command to blame.

Thanks for listening (if anyone's still out there). This is way cheaper than therapy!
DW (kareneast) and I did a local 5k yesterday. I know Karen posted on a report on the other thread but I had to say...

:dance3: :dance3: We both PR'd yesterday :dance3: :dance3:

Today is a rest day so we are heading to the Delaware Water Gap in the mountains of beautiful northwest NJ (For those that only know NJ as Newark Airport there are much better parts:) ) to do some Geocaching. I have my WISH bracelet travel bug to drop off.

Good luck to all this week and enjoy the Holiday weekend!!

hey dude...I just noticed...I got tagged! :cool1:

Ok I'm clueless, as usuall, what does it mean to get Tagged? Is that like your "IT"?

Glad your tests were normal Mel. That takes away a lot of worry I know.

Have an awesome weekend Team.

We had a wonderful time meeting Cam and Howard yesterday. They are really wonderful and we could have talked for many more hours. Cam and I did the majority of the talking, the poor guys can hardly get a word in. Cam showed me all her medals and that helped inspire me to get back out there and keep training. So I came home and went out and did my 5 miles.

As a reward for finishing week 1 of marathon training, I went and got a SPA pedicure and it was lovely. I could have that done every week.

John and Karen--- Good job on your 5K

Dave--- Get tagged is that you have some message under your screen name. If you look at Chimera and then your screen name you will see the difference. I'm not tagged either.

It is to be another beautiful day in Central PA, so will need to see what we can do activity wise that we are outside other than my walk and yard work.

Good morning team. Sorry I just didn't get a chance to catch up on last weeks thread.!!!

HOWEVER, BIG NEWS FOR DH AND MYSELF.....:woohoo: :woohoo: We did our longest walk to date last night!!!!!!! Are you ready for it!!!!! 19K.....longest DH has done is 12 and me was 15 at the Minnie....19K....only 2 more and we would have done a 1/2 marathon....what a mental boost this is. Our time wasn't that fast but we where on a goal to finish. We did 19K in 2:55, not sure what pace that is but I believe it is under sweeper pace:woohoo: :woohoo:

Is this a long weekend in the States as well, we are having amazing weather here and we are enjoying it. Off to a baseball game today:scared1: As some of you recall I am not a baseball fan but DS is and he is going with a friend but neither is comfortable driving down to the city so DH and I will go and just sit in the cheappie section....the boys have great seats:confused3 Then we have a BBQ party tonight

Nancy Pedicure very nice, I have only ever had one on a cruise and it was fab.

John and Karen Congrats on your 5K yesterday!!!!!PR's :woohoo: :woohoo:

Optimator Sorry so to hear abut your training issues. I have battled on and off with blisters and it sucks.....you will get through it. This is a new week.:hug:

LilyGlad to hear mom is continuing to improve that is awesome:grouphug:

Mel Glad to hear nothing bad was found, I know it doesn't help with the issues you are having but no bad news is good news:hug:

Off to do the housework I didn't do yesterday!!!!!

Have a great rest of the weekend all.


Sorry I have been so absent around here, one of those LTO!! Anyway;
Mel I too went for a run this morning in the 80 deg. and 3000% humidity, I keep telling myself that it will get better when the heat lets up :confused3 I'm glad everything is ok with your tests.
Lily I hope your mom continues to get well and you find time to workout.
Mike I know exactly how you feel and if you find a way to overcome it, please let me know. My whole 6 miles this morning was a battle in my head trying to keep convincing myself to "keep running" & that I wasn't REALLY going to puke from the heat (although my stomache said otherwise)

I used to find it easier to make myself keep going when I wanted to stop, now I just stop and walk. Maybe it really is the heat, not just all in our heads. I don't know how hot it is where you are, but averaging around 100 every day here with the heat index. That's hot :scared1:
John Congratulations on the PR :banana:
Nancy Good job on week one of Marathon training, I LOVE PEDICURES :cool1: :cool1: Lucky girl princess:

As for me as I mentioned above I had a horrible 6 this morning if you want to call it that. But being that I have only run about 14 total in the last two weeks probably does not help. And oh yeah, the double ear infection and cough that i am recovering from.

I was supposed to do a 5 K tomorrow, but I really don't think I am going to. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday tomorrow.

Hi Team!

I worked up to a long run of 7.8 miles yesterday. Easily my longest since a 9.5 mile run in early June. I had been taking it "easy" over the summer, but with a 10 miler and a half-marathon in October it is time to kick things up a notch for the winter running season. Good thing for me the 10 miler is 2 weeks before the half. One thing is certain, I am looking forward to some relief from the heat and humidity this fall/winter for these outdoor runs.

On the bad side, my initial attempt at a sprint triathlon is cancelled. The November 11,2007, Tri101 race for my area has been cancelled. I was really looking forward to trying a tri, eespecially one in my own neighborhood. Now I won't have to go buy that bike I have been eyeing just yet. Oh, well; at least I can still choose to run a 25K on the other side of Houston or go to San Antonio to run the half-- those two races will be on the same weekend. Worst case, it is another training weekend.

It feels good to be back on this board after being gone a few months.

Next Race: Ten for Texas http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=1470396
Mel-glad your tests went well and they didn't find anything serious. But, it must be frustrating to go without an answer to your problem. Do the doctors have some other ideas to work with for now?

Richard-too bad that your tri was cancelled. Are you looking for another event to replace it?

No training to report here. I've been in a real slump since my injury pre-CDC. I am trying to figure out what type of training I should be doing for the next four weeks before starting (hopefully) the run/walk plan to train for Donald. I need to find some motivation!

I am considering using Galloway's plan instead of the MfM plan. Can someone highlight the differences between the two, or are they pretty much the same thing?
Good morning, all.

Just driving by. Had a horrible 10 mi LW yesterday. No interest, motivation, or inspiration through the whole thing. I just kept thinking, "Ugh, when will this be over?!?!?" I was not expecting to feel that way, especially since last week's 23mi was such a pleasant experience.

Oh well. Chalk it up to just having a stonker. :rolleyes:

Have a good week, everyone.
Good morning everyone.

I actually went outside and did 4 miles. They were ugly miles, but miles all the same.

Mel – Sorry to hear about the AC, and having to call the man on a Saturday night to fix it. Glad to hear the tests came out ok, and that you got tagged.

Lily – Hope your mom continues to improve.

Mike – You shall overcome. :thumbsup2

John – Hope you and Karen have fun today.

Nancy – Glad to hear you had a fun day, yesterday.

Kim – WTG with the 19K’er! :thumbsup2

Angie – Hope you feel better soon.

Richard – WTG with the 7.8 miler, and sorry your race was cancelled.

Meghan – You shall overcome, also. :thumbsup2

Kelley - Sorry your 10 miler wasn't good.
Thank you to all for the birthday wishes. I have to admit, this is shaping up to be one of the better ones:

1. 10 mile training run, smooth and easy. Today was the first real fall morning of the season, cool and dry, with long shadows. I wanted 100 minutes and did 10.15 to get there, averaging 9:51 per mile. I know this hurts a lot of you, but I did nearly 41 laps on the high school track. My primary concern today was to show some maturity and intelligence in my pace (make all the jokes about age you like), and at the track I always know my precise pace, and if I'm smart that day I can control it. I did the first 5 nice and comfortably, and then picked up the pace perhaps 15 seconds per mile in the second 5.

2. Hot and tasty pancakes for breakfast. Golden brown and delicious! I did none of the work and enjoyed all of the yumminess.

3. Off at 3 p.m. today to tailgate and then the Buffett show. The tailgate is almost as good as the show. Where else can you see middle-aged successful professionals act and dress so dumb?

I did 22 miles this week, and am well ahead of my fitness level of a year ago. If I can (1) not get hurt in training and (2) get a cool and dry day on January 13 in Orlando, perhaps I can keep up with Colleen and Dana.

Mel, glad to hear of the results of you test. It sounds like you studied hard to get the favorable outcome :rolleyes: .

Take care all.
Hello, WISHers!

Wow, there's a lot of motivation issues out there. I have felt the same way, especially as I'm getting over a cold (that I made worse by running through last week. Maybe it's the end of summer blues?

This morning I dragged DD out with me to do 4 miles. The first lap she did fine. The second she really started whining and wanted to stop. It hurt to breathe; her shoulder hurt; she needed to sit down. I didn't let her. (Mean mom!) I told her if she made it to the next bridge we'd take a walk break. Well, we made it to the next bridge and she just kept right on going. In fact, she sped up! Then she sped up more!! The last mile I swear she went from a 10 minute pace to an 8:30 pace! She just kept getting faster and faster and finished it off strong. Now she is very very proud of herself and amazed that she ran the whole 4 miles. Yay!

Mel - Congrats on the tag!

Lily - I feel the LTO pain. This was my first run since Wednesday!

Mike - Hope the endurance picks up. It seems like mine is slow coming sometimes!

John - CONGRATS on the PR for your 5K!!!

WWDave - A tag is the colored phrase under your user name in the left column. They are granted (or not) by the most gracious tag fairies who live here on the Disboards.

Nancy - My feet are way to beat up to get a pedicure! I've still got a couple toenails growing back from the half!

Kim - Congrats on the 19K!!

Angie - PD for you ear infection/cough!

Richard - Sorry your triathlon was cancelled. But good job on the 7.8!

Meghan - Can't give you any advice on Galloway v MfM. I'm using a modified MfM

Kelley - At least you got through the yuck and got the 10 mi done - WTG!

Vic - Yay for the 4 miles!

Craig - I'm jealous! Have fun at Buffett!! DS was singing "Cheeseburger" on the way to soccer this morning, but he thought it was "big colder pickle" instead of "big kosher pickle".

Happy training, all! :)
I did 22 miles this week, and am well ahead of my fitness level of a year ago. If I can (1) not get hurt in training and (2) get a cool and dry day on January 13 in Orlando, perhaps I can keep up with Colleen and Dana.

Happy Belated Birthday Craig, sounds like you have a wonderful day planned today!

I wouldn't worry about keeping up with me, I am experiencing some aches and pains, so much so I plan to take time this week and maybe next to try and nurse my ailments back to health before my LR's for MCM. Dana and Sara on the other hand has been turning out some very impressive runs!:)

Vic, good job getting those 4 miles in, you are right, sometimes they are just put in the books and you have to move on.

Mel, glad the endoscopy went well, but I am sure you would like to find out what is going on.

Lily, prayers for mother.

Optimike, I have problems with my toes too when I get fatigued. Take care of those little piggies.

Yeah JOhn and Karen for PRing! Must feel great!:banana:

Nancy, so glad you have a wonderful evening with Cam and Howard. Arn't they just the most wonderful people.:grouphug:

Kim, wow, 19K, that is so awesome! :cool1: Have fun at the BBQ party tonight.

Angie, please take care of yourself girl, PD for the double ear infection, cough and a sore back.

Richard, it is the perfect time to start kicking things up a notch. Finally we are getting some cooler weather here in NC. It is suppose to be 59 degrees tomorrow morning, now that is perfect weather for running.

Kelley, you put in 23 miles last weekend and then 10 today, wow, you are really putting on the miles. Take care of yourself! Are you planning on getting up to 26 miles in training?

We have 8 weeks left before MCM and I put in 16 ugly miles yesterday as well. What was it this weekend with everyone's less than stellar runs, except for Craig's, maybe we should be doing more track running.;) That is a great test of mental fortitude. I think I will put some track running in my next 18 miler, maybe it will break things up a bit.

Have a great week.

Mel - Glad they didn't find anything bad!:)

Mike - Hang in there. I think we all have those bouts of wanting to take it easy and not fight through the pain and tired feelings (did that today!:rolleyes: )

John & Karen - Congrats on your PR's!:thumbsup2

Lily - Hope Mom continues to improve.:goodvibes

Colleen - I don't think I could ever refer to completing 16 miles as ugly.

Renee - love the quote. "Tough Runs make tough Runners!"

Dave - A tag is when someone (the tag fairy) puts a comment under your screen name. It's usually in color. I've been wanting one for a long time, but I think the Tag Fairy is ignoring me. I don't know why. I've always been nice to TinkerBell!:)

Craig - Happy belated birthday! Have fun at the Buffett concert!

I got out and did 4 miles today. Finished with an ave.pace of 13:18. I did laps on the track also (the cushioned surface takes some of the impact off my achilles). I was hoping to do 5 miles, but stopped after 4. I was pleased with my time, but it was all flat. Still need to do some hill work to get ready for SF. Funny thing is, by the time I drove home from the track and got in the house, I felt like I had a ton of energy :confused3

Now that I'm back from vacation, I really have to buckle down to make sure I get the steps in as scheduled!

John & Karen - Congrats on the PR!

Lily - Hang in there. Hope you can find a little time to train. Glad mom's continuing to improve.

Kim - Great job on the distance!

Mike - We're always here to listen. Sometimes you just have to struggle through the miles until the mind gets back into it. I'm just envious that you can do the miles...

Angie - Take it easy. I think the heat is screwing with all of us!

- Good job with the 7.8.

- I'm doing Galloway by default since I'm training with a Galloway group, but I'm only doing it based on the LR distances. Otherwise I'm just running twice a week 3-5 miles each time.
We're kinda watching the race right now (Annie quit as soon as Marco DNFd - I at least still have it on to see if Dario can hold off Dixon and regain the lead!) Oops - just saw Helio's crash - his season isn't looking any better than Marco's! And nasty comments by Scheckter...

Kelley - I was having the same problem. The really long runs were going great; the 10 milers were all stonkers!

Vic - I'm seeing a theme here with ugly miles...

Craig - I can only hope that my birthday next weekend will be half as good as yours!

Renee - Congrats to DD for overcoming the whiny stage! We don't have soccer this weekend (hooray!) but checked out the new soccer store at Plantation Point.

Colleen - Looked at the thermometer this morning and it said 63 - thought maybe I needed winter clothes! This is WONDERFUL!

Where is Krista?

The non-running frustration/irritation is beginning to set in. (Does this have a name like Taper Madness?) I've had several episodes of random depression/grumpiness this weekend, and I know they're caused by not being able to run. I may have to stay away from my family over the next few days!

Jackie said:
Vic - I'm seeing a theme here with ugly miles...


My last few runs have been pretty ugly.

I was telling my DW, if I didn't chunk the treadmill and get outside, and clean up my eathing habits, I'd never make 26.2 miles

Soooo, if I can keep the PF away, not sprain my ankle again, keep the dog bites to the legs at a minimum, and stop eating like it's my last meal, I might just make it. :rotfl:

I hope your injury heals up quickly. :)

Colleen - WTG with the 16 ugly miler!

Craig - Happy Belated Birthday!

Terri and Renee - WTG with the 4 milers!

Hi WISH Team!

I'm going to try to post more frequently; all you regular posters have such a great rapport :) I think I had a mini anxiety attack this weekend when it dawned on me that we are 19 weeks away from WDW Marathon Weekend! :eek: (I didn't seem to be as dedicated to summer mileage base-building as I should have been :rolleyes1 )

Anyhow, I did a LR of 9 miles yesterday, my longest run since last February and one knee surgery ago. I'm not too sore today, so I'm happy. I'm following my own sort of Bingham/Galloway hybrid training plan; so far all of my mileage has been running, but I anticipate incorporating run/walks as the mileage increases in an effort to save and preserve my two balky knees.

BTW, did you notice that there are 171 members listed under the WISH team? This is just awesome! :woohoo: Happy training to you all; and did I mention that we are only 19 weeks away from WDW Marathon Weekend? :guilty:


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