Wk Of Sept 1 - WISH Walking/Running Club

John and Karen - Way to go on the PR!!!:cool1: :thumbsup2 :banana:
Vic - Yesterdays Iowa win wasn't a pretty one, but a win is a win, just as 4 miles is 4 miles. Great job getting out there!
Kim - Good job on the 19K!!! Woo Hoo!
Richard - Hopefully they will plan another one, maybe at a different date. Was it an issue of not enough participants?
Kelley - Sorry to hear your 10 miles was a stonker. Your next LW will be better!

Day off yesterday and did mostly housework today (laundry/dishes/scrubbing bathroom/etc.) and will get in 40 min on the bike later tonight.

Happy Training!
Hey Team, I hope you are all having a great weekend. Mine has been more running around than I would like and I am kind of tired of it. Good news is that I booked a campsite for next weekend and I really hope the weather is pleasant. They have a club weekend at Jellystone Park (You know, Yogi Bear) and last year the weather was NASTY!!!!!

So yesterday I did just 5 miles and I opted for the TM, for several reasons. I haven't run on the TM pretty much most of the summer, so it was different. AND... my PF didn't bother me at all. This makes me wonder if all the road running is what aggravated it in the first place?? The one thing I hate about the TM is that my pace is really slow... the five miles took about 7-8 minutes longer than on the road. But I think my TM is off a little.

John and Karen - CONGRATS!!!! :dance3: I need to go read the race reports!!!

Andrew - Way to pound out that LR!!!

Vic - I feel the same way about the 26.2!!! Maybe we can drag each other through the course! Oh... or we could get those wheely shoes and glide through the miles!!!

Colleen - I hope your aches and pains go away!!!

Mel - Glad to hear the tests were OK and I hope there is nothing wrong!!!

Angie - Did you end up going to the doctor for your back???

OK, I gotta scoot. Have a great Labor Day all!!!
Ok, somehow I missed this last week....but Judy lives near Rob Thomas???!!! And various other celebrities?! :faint:
(have to keep up my stalker persona, ya know!)

Mel - glad the test was negative. I came on here tonight just to see if you had posted about the test.

Everyone is doing so great & I am still being a slug. :sad2:
I am hoping I will be over it starting this week. Zack starts 2 day a week preschool (full days) this Tuesday! :yay: (I am even going to waitlist him for a third day already) So, maybe I can workout with no issues those afternoons, and actually clean my house as well. Can you imagine? And I am with Cam, I wouldn't allow a cleaning person in my house the way it is now. (I also highly doubt that Cam's house is nearly as bad as mine!) In fact, I don't really let anyone in my house! :rotfl:
This week was fairly decent training wise. It was actually a little cooler temperature wise, but as Mel pointed out the humidity was a little too high. I think I have figured out it doesn't matter what the temperature is if the humidity is too high. Being totally soaked after the first mile doesn't help with cooling off and makes for a very long run.

Thursday's run was interesting in that I wound up tripping on a rock in the dark (the sidewalk is missing and isn't too smooth in that area) and took a dive into the ground. The only parts that hit were my hands and they were a little sore afterwards. My arms acted as shock absorbers and were definately sore the next day. Everything else seems to have come out unscathed though. I was too stubborn to quit since I had only gone 1.5 miles so I finished out most of the run (3 more miles) until I figured that I should probably make sure I wasn't bleeding all over everything.

Saturday I got 8 miles in. I think my pace was around 12:20 or so. I think I had negative splits throughout it but I can't remember for sure. I wasn't too sore so I will guess that the fall didn't hurt anything.

Lynnda wound up finally going to the foot doctor for her PF and is now going to PT twice a week. He said the half marathon should be doable and TOT is iffy but she states that she will do it no matter what. Now if I can just get her to behave and do what the doctor tells her to do. :rolleyes1

Mel - Glad the tests were good. Hope your AC is fixed by now. When ours went out a couple of years ago, it took a little while to get it fixed since I was out of town at the time. Lynnda was not happy with me for a while afterwards. :rolleyes:

Lily - Glad your mom is doing better. Hope things calm down for you a little.

Mike - I have noticed that around the July to September time frame, I have to slow my pace way down to get the same miles in. The heat/humidity are too bad for me to go far at a faster pace. Good job getting the training in through the tough times.

John - Great job on the race and congrats on the PR.

WWDave - With all your posts, it is just a matter of time before you get tagged. Sometimes it is a good thing and other times you want to forget you mentioned something. :lmao:

Nancy - Glad you had a good time and congrats on finishing the first week of training.

Kim - Great job on the distance. That is just under a 15 minute pace so you are definately ahead of the sweepers.

AngieT - Glad you are beginning to feel better. Congrats on getting out while not totally better in the horrible circumstances.

Richard - Sorry your race was cancelled. :sad1: At least they told you far enough in advance that you weren't totally ready for it.

Meghan - I have followed a modified Galloway plan for all my training. I found it to be a little more manageable and the mileage pushed me further during the training.

Kelley - Sorry the run wasn't that great but good job on completing it.

Vic - Glad you were able to get out for the mileage. Hopefully they will start looking better soon.

Craig - Happy belated birthday. It sounds like it was a good one with all the activities you have planned. May you have many more to come.

Renee - Great job on getting out for the 4 miles. Glad DD finally had a good time running.

Colleen - Sorry the miles weren't better but you still finished them. Hope you start feeling better for the MCM coming up. Now is not the time to push injuries and make them worse. Just ask Lynnda...

Terri - Great job on the run. Glad you felt good afterwards.

Jackie - 63 degrees :eek: Send some of that cold air down here. We are more than happy to send some warmer stuff up to you in return. :lmao:

SilverSteve - Great job on getting the miles in. Hope your knees are able to hold up and not give you problems during your training.

Andrew - Hope you enjoyed your day off.

Jen - Good job on the TM. That is alot further than I can handle running on one. Glad your PF didn't act up during it as well.

Kristi - I think it was Judy that was the official WISH house inspector last year. There are several of us that would have been blindfolding her before allowing her inside our houses. :lmao:

I am going to try to run in the morning since I have the day off but for some reason the magnet in the bed is getting more powerful. :lmao: I am hoping to avoid some of the lightening that seems to be cropping up every evening now.

WWDave - With all your posts, it is just a matter of time before you get tagged. Sometimes it is a good thing and other times you want to forget you mentioned something. :lmao:


So I should learn to keep my mouth shut. I guess I do talk to much. I'll have me beaten.

Hello teammates! Well, I had an interesting run this morning. The weather, comparatively, was beautiful. It was only in the 60s starting out! And almost no humidity--hopefully this will be a trend. Anyway, the first 8 miles, uneventful--ave about 9:10 miles, feeling good. So, I have my Garmin set to lap at every mile and I heard the beep for mile 8, checked my time, kept going. Felt like it was taking a really long time to hit mile 9, so I checked the Garmin again. Said 8.3, okay, so this is just a slow mile. Checked the Garmin again in 30sec or so--it read 7.9! WTH--it's going backwards!!!!! :eek: Then 7.8 down to around 7.5miles! I think there were some pesky aliens playing with the GPS sat. this am. The darn thing never caught back up--my mile 9 split was over 27 minutes!:scared1: I figure I "lost" around 2 miles. So, I'm guessing I finished close to 14 miles, maybe 13.5 in 2:05

Angie--sorry about the stonker today. Maybe our no humidity is heading your way! PD that it does!:wizard: How's the back? Did you go to the dr?

Kelley--sorry about the stonker as well. The one good thing about stonkers, is that they make the good runs that much better!

Mel--glad to hear that the tests came back clean!

FLBill--glad to hear that your tumble didn't cause too much damage. And make sure you keep Lynnda healthy!

Kim--WTG on the long distance! You are gonna do great in Toronto!

Okay, better get off of here--worn out from working this weekend--gonna enjoy tomorrow though! Have a great holiday everyone!
I'm interested in the "modified" Galloway plans that a couple of you have mentioned. If the bookstore is open tomorrow, I'm going to browse through his book and learn a bit more about his approach.

Jackie-I also only sort of watched the race. I was beginning my annual labor day weekend Halloween costume madness. I am one of those weird moms that likes to go to the fabric store and get an actual pattern so that I can sew an entire costume. Anyway, during the race I was focused more on cutting fabric than anything else. I really don't like road/street courses. I am so ready for Chicago next week. Oh, do you do r/w intervals during your shorter runs?

Stephanie-the battery in my Garmin died in the middle of one of my 8 mile runs and I was so upset. I think I would start crying if it went backwards and I wasn't getting "credit" for all of my miles. And, backwards? WTH?

I have to say to those of you who think you need to clean your house before the cleaning service comes, you just have to get over it. We live in CHAOS (you know, Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) most of the time and I still have someone come in twice a month just to clean the kitchen and bathrooms.

Have a good nght everyone!
Hey guys! After taking a couple of days off to see if my hip/piriformis would feel any better, I had a 2 hour bike ride yesterday, and got back on the road today for 9 miles, somewhere between 11-12 min/mi (run .5 miles, walk 1 min). The weather was great, almost starting to feel like fall, and I just had such a good time on my run.

I had only planned on doing 6, so when I pushed it out to 9, I didn't have anything with me other than water...I could have used a gel or sports drink or something around mile 7.5, but I haven't started practicing with those yet. Guess I'll have to, one of these days...I just never know what the appropriate distance/time to start incorporating them is. Oh well, that's what practice will be for, right?

Mel, sending cool air vibes in the direction of your house!
Lily, glad to hear your mom's still improving. And I think mental training definitely counts for something!
Mike, good luck with getting back in the game! I bet you'll be hitting the longer LRs in no time :goodvibes
Congrats on the PR, John & Karen! That rocks! :woohoo:
Nancy, highfives for completing week 1!
Kim, that LW is amazing! Congrats to you guys!
Angie, I hope you feel better soon! You'll get back into your stride, I know it.
Richard, good job on the long run. I am definitely with you in looking forward to the cooler season getting here! Bummer about the canceled tri - good luck picking a replacement :)
Meghan, good luck picking a training plan! I'm sort of doing a pick-and-choose elements of different plans, for myself. So far I guess it's working ;)
Kelley, too bad about the stonker, but at least it's OVER and you can look forward to a better run next time.
Vic, good job on your run. Ugly miles still count, thank goodness :)
Craig, I think I'd go crazy if I had to run that many laps on a track, but good on you for doing it! By the way, I am soooo jealous of those pancakes. They sound amazing.
Renee, wow, you and DD are FAST! Hope your cold clears all the way up soon.
Colleen, good decision to take a break and rest up. I know that worked really well for me to try this week (even though it was surprisingly hard, not doing anything for a couple of days).
Terri, great job with your training! Sometimes I have bizarre amounts of energy left over after a work out too. Other days...well, not so much ;)
Jackie, I hope you can get back out there soon. I've experienced the non-running grumps too, and they're no fun at all.
Steve, yay for 9 miles and not being sore!
Jen, yeah, I've found that different TMs are wonky in regards to how fast (or not) they tell me I'm going, and also none of them ever seem to be the same as when I'm out on the real roads. But, I guess they make do in a pinch.
Bill, sorry about your fall! Glad to hear you're not too banged up. Btw, I see you're from the Space Coast - that's where I grew up! Man do I miss it.
Stephanie, you were just going so fast that the Garmin couldn't keep up :) Great job with that distance!

Okay, keep up the good work everyone :yay:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

OK, I'm way behind on everyone's posts, and I don't really know what's going on. We were on our cruise to the Bahamas last week, and had a fabulous time. It was soooooo relaxing. I tried to run a couple of times. I got two 3 mile runs accomplished on the treadmill in the gym, but that was it. We got off the ship on Friday 8/31, and spent the day in Downtown Disney. We had lunch at Earl of Sandwich, traded pins, and pressed pennies. Then we had the long flight home, and we got back to Rochester after midnight. Saturday, we all slept in, did laundry, and cleaned. Yesterday I ran the Oak Tree 1/2 Marathon which was about 30 min from home.

It was a beautiful course on dirt roads in rolling farmland. The day was very nice to run. Coolish at the start and blue skies. I tried to maintain 9 min miles throughout the course, and finished in 2:00:36. Towards the end I wanted to come in under two hours, but there was a killer steep hill between miles 11 and 12. That was cruel. Anyhow, since I considered the race a training run for my Marine Corps Marathon prep, I was pretty happy with the run. It was a good way to get my training back on track after the cruise - I mean week long taper and carbo load.
Good morning everyone!

Steve – WTG with the 9 miler!

Andrew – Wassuupppp?!

Jen – WTG with the 5 miler, and I’ll drag you if you drag me.

FLBill – WTG with the two runs. Watch out for those “Tripping Rocks.” They’ve reached out and got me a few times. Glad you’re ok. Hope Lynnda’s foot gets better soon.

Stephanie – The Garmin deal smacks of the Twilight Zone. You didn’t see Rod Serling hiding behind a tree, did you? :lmao:

Moon – WTG with the 9 miler!

SWDave – WTG with the ½ marathon!
Meghan - The only time I don't do r/w intervals is on the TM. I usually do 3R/1W like we do on our LRs, but I modify it on the shorter runs depending on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I go 4R/1W, sometimes 2R/2W!

Stephanie - You're not crazy, nor do you live in the Twilight Zone. I watched my Garmin go backwards a couple of weeks ago too! Then I watched it do absolutely nothing for at least a half mile on a perfectly clear day with no trees overhead. I have the 201; I'm campaigning for a 205 for my birthday next week!

SWDave - Welcome back. Great job on the half!

SilverE: What knee surgery did you have? my half time was post-knee surgery mid-season tht year. I only had a complex meniscus tear though.

Meagan: is that flylady-ish you are speaking? i am a 3 time flylady drop-out. And cleaning your house BEFORE the cleaning lady!!!! My peeps---that is what they are hired for.:thumbsup2 The only "cleaning" I am doing is putting my things away.:cool1:

Stephanie..a backwards running Garmin is uncool! My garmin on Saturday---counted a lap before i reached the second mile. So my laps were: 13-ish for the 1st mile...10-ish for the 2nd (got excited until I saw i hadn't actually gotten to mile 2 yet. :mad: ) and then 16ish for the 3rd (did finish lap 3)--so it looks like I dogged the 3rd mile even though the pace was pretty even. Wonder if something is up with their Satellite????

Mouse Skywalker--wow--what a fantastic idea for a taper---a cruise.:cloud9: :cloud9: We head out on our cruise in 12 days.:banana: Then another in 27 days. (yeah we are crazy---both are family events and teh first was on Carnival--I just couldn't handle my sister going on a Disney cruise without me---so we are joining her!)

Okay--for me....

Today was 35 minutes at 3/2--very weird that the time seemed to fly even though i was doing nothing of the sort.:laughing:

I completed 2.65 miles---just a hair shorter than my first outdoor training run 8 days ago (that was 2.67) but at a much more even pacing (negative splits!). Pace was 13.2 . Almost got sad that it seemed so much slower than last Thursdays workout until I remember that was a speed workout.

My dad and step-mom are in town. I won't say this is a terribly unpleasant visit--but I worked hard (and quickly) on my daughter's Daphne costume. Well my step-mother who has a PhD in Home Economics (Something like that--but she is a very skilled costume-maker)....in any case, she inspects my handy work. I think she *might* have complimented it--but if she did it got lost in translation b/c she was looking at the inside of the garment at my (lack of) handiwork. Her comment was "looks like you can use some sewing lessons". Ummm---okay, probably, but not a comment one should make. Then I would have put it behind me but my daughter (who LOVES her costume) tried it on again to show them. Once again step-mom inspects this. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! Then she says--yep, just a few cuts and it will be so much better. I had carry on's so couldn't bring my scissors. Next time I will check luggage so I can bring my special scissors.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Glad I had my run this morning. I kept my mouth shut.:sad2:
Sorry everyone, I just did a huge catch up post and I lost it...:headache:

Congrats to everyone on there training and to those starting for the january marathon!!!!

Thank you all for the kind words on mine and Mike's 19K on Sat. It was such a metal boost to be able to finish 19K.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of this beautiful long weekend!!!

Hey everyone. I went out for my training run this morning. 36 minutes of run/walk. DH was cleaning the living room carpet and apparently I was bugging him, so he says "go for a run". Well then!!! So I did. It was really humid... MEL, what was that phrase you said 3000% humidity. Well it wasn't that bad, but it left me dripping after 36 minutes!!!

Stephanie - During the CDC my garmin was all possessed. Thankfully I was running with Mel and hers was acting normal. So I just used mine for the time. I think the 1/2 marathon on my garmin was around 12.6 miles when we finished. It was up, down, all over the place.

Dave - WELCOME BACK!!!!!

Lisa - My mom is a former Home Ec teacher and I learned very well from her. I am lucky that she is a perfectionist, however really doesn't criticize me too bad. Just tell her "I meant to do it that way".

OK, I have to get some more cleaning done, then I am off to my parents house to a little picnic... and RIBS!!!!! Yum!!!

First of all to those that asked about my back, no I am ashamed to say I have not gone to the doctor yet :confused: I was out of town for work last week - BAD EXCUSE. But after my race this morning I decided I am calling the doc first thing tomorrow morning.

I ended up doing my 5K this morning and was very happy with my preformance considering everything I have been dealing with. And all of those motivation issues I was talking about yesterday went out the door .... :moped:

I realized how much I missed the real training, the goals, the races :dance3: So I can't wait to get to the doctor, get whatever this is dealt with and get on with my training.

I posted it on the other thread, but I did my 5k in 28:30. First 2 miles were 18:15, but I had to walk some the third mile it was about 8:20 in the morning and the sun was BLAZING :scared1: I sweating just when we were standing there waiting for the race to start.

Sorry I don't have time to catch up with everyone, have to go get everything ready for the week. Back to real life after a 3 day weekend :confused3

Hi WISH Team, welcome back Mouse Buddy.

Erica and I had a nice race this morning a both of us won hardware. Then afer we finished we got a call from Tenacious, (Jen on Roberts site), her and her DH, Fred, were going to go to Mammouth Cave. Since the Cave Park is only 30 min from us we went home for a quick shower and headed up there for a great day of visiting.

So after a race and a long day of cave touring we are tired puppies.

Have a great evening y'all.

Hi WISHers!

Sorry I don't have time to catch up with everyone right now; I'll try to get 'r done manana!

Today DH and I got up and got in 5 miles at a 9:20 pace, very quick for us. Then we came home, showered, piled the kids in the car and went to Wet 'n Wild for the day along with everyone else. 60 minute wait for lunch! We were so disappointed in the service, we just kept saying "sure isn't Disney".

Now we are exhausted and counting down the minutes until we can go to sleep!

Happy training, all! :)
A/C was fixed Sat night by Keith the Magnificent A/C man (can you say time and a half? :scared1: ) Apparently the capacitor was blown which I thought was the thing that made DeLoreans fly...not sure what it does in A/C but things are working magically now!

Today's run was most excellent! I'm officially in week 1 of training on the higdon plan so did 3 miles today with R4/W2 intervals at a 12:15 overall pace :cool1: Much, much better than Sat :thumbsup2 I've discovered that XT on Fri before a LR on sat makes it hard to breathe on Sat (I've been really working on core) so I'm going to try to change things up a bit. I'm going to move XT to Wed, then do one SR with DH which will count as my tempo run. He's doing great! :woohoo: His first 5 mile run ever yesterday was in 59:34 at R3/W2 :cheer2: I'm planning to do my tempo runs at R3/W2 so I thought running with DH would be perfect!

Craig...happy belated birthday!!

SWDave...that's my kinda taper! Great pace on your half!

Lisa...congrats on your run today!

WWDave...the tag fairies are very mysterious and never seen by us mortals on the boards. They're the only ones that can enter your tag in color.

Teri...looks like you finally got tagged too!

Angie...congrats on your 5K! That race is usually a pretty fast field!

My mom failed a Home Ec sewing project because of an attitude problem :rolleyes1 but she's one of the best seamstresses I know. Our current project is running headbands, I have a reversible lime green and black prototype worked up...need to post pics!

meghan...CHAOS!!!! :lmao: I can totally relate! I'm afraid DH is the clean freak in the house, though I can get really testy if the kitchen isn't pristine. I like my food prep areas near-sterile (I was a microbiologist back in the day), but the rest of the house, not so much :cool2:

Bill...ouch! Hope everything's feeling better! :wizard: for Lynnda's PF and tell her welcome to the club.

Moonie...great run! I think rule of thumb for gels is one every 45 min or so of a run. I gauge mine by mileage and do a gel every 3 miles. If you train with a sports drink like Gatorade, you don't necessarily need gels too.

John and Karen...congrats on the PR! You'll have to let us know how the geocaching WISH bracelet travels!

SilverSteve...welcome back! Hope to see you around more often!

Stephanie...can we all come run at your house?

We might have accidentally taken a daytrip to EPCOT today :confused3 The Epcot, wand and stars are completely gone from Spaceship Earth now. Found two new things, Strawberry Oolong Tea Slushies in China and officially licensed NCAA football Gator pins in the UK. They also had pins for Ohio State and that other Florida school currently getting stomped by Clemson :rolleyes1

<big sigh> back to work tomorrow :sad2: We need more three-day weekends!
Good Morning Team

Just wanted to let you guys know that you would be very proud of me. I just made a doctor's appointment for Thursday morning. :banana:

Gotta go back to work. Have a good day

Okay; kids are off to school so I've got a few minutes to catch up with everyone:

Colleen - Hope those aches and pains clear up for the MCM! That is definitely on my list of races to run.

Terri - For me, 4 miles on a track should count for 5 -- it's so boring!

Jackie - I have given Soccer Post plenty of my money already -- bought both kids new cleats there this year! I hope you are healing up nicely so you can get out and enjoy these nice cool mornings! Shelley Lake was beautiful on Sunday!

Vic - Ya know, I always say tough runs make tough runners. So ugly runs would ...

SilverSteve - I'm with you on the anxiety as marathon weekend creeps up on us. Yikes!

Andrew - Hope you got your biking in after all that housework!

Jen - Have fun camping with Yogi!

Kristi - How did Zack's first day of preschool go today?

Bill - I agree that the humidity matter more than the heat!

Stephanie - With your Garmin counting backward, sounds like you've been punk'd!

Meghan - Love the CHAOS! I feel that way a lot!

moon - Fall is definitely in the air! I'm loving it!

MSDave - Welcome back from the cruise and congrats on a great race! All that carb loading must have done the trick!

Lisa - 2 cruises coming up?!? Wow!

Angie - Congrats on your 5K AND on making a dr appointment!

WWDave - WTG for you and Erica on your race! Adding to the collection of hardware!

Mel - "Accidentally" took a day trip to Epcot?!? Boy, that's pretty irritating to those of us who live 10 hours away!!! Glad you had fun.

I've got a 30 minute xt to get in sometime today. After laundry, groceries, etc....

Happy training, all! :)


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