Wk Of Sept 1 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Good morning WISH Team. Here is your "YARC" story for the week.

It Was Already Late Fall And The Indians On A Remote Reservation In South Dakota Asked Their New Chief If The Coming Winter Was Going To Be Cold Or Mild.

Since He Was A Chief In A Modern Society He Had Never Been Taught The Old Secrets. When He Looked At The Sky He Couldn't Tell What The Winter Was Going To Be Like.

Nevertheless, To Be On The Safe Side, He Told His Tribe That The Winter Was Indeed Going To Be Cold And That The Members Of The Village Should Collect Firewood To Be Prepared.

But Being A Practical Leader, After Several Days He Got An Idea. He Went To The Phone Booth, Called The National Weather Service And Asked, "is The Coming Winter Going To Be Cold?"

"It Looks Like This Winter Is Going To Be Quite Cold," The Meteorologist At The Weather Service Responded.

So The Chief Went Back To His People And Told Them To Collect Even More Firewood In Order To Be Prepared.

A Week Later He Called The National Weather Service Again. "Does It Still Look Like It Is Going To Be A Very Cold Winter?"

"Yes," The Man At National Weather Service Again Replied, "it's Going To Be A Very Cold Winter."

The Chief Again Went Back To His People And Ordered Them To Collect Every Scrap Of Firewood They Could Find.

Two Weeks Later The Chief Called The National Weather Service Again. "are You Absolutely Sure That The Winter Is Going To Be Very Cold?"

Absolutely," The Man Replied. "it's Looking More and More Like It Is Going To Be One Of The Coldest Winters We've Ever Seen."

"How Can You Be So Sure?" The Chief Asked.

The Weatherman Replied, "Because the Indians Are Collecting Firewood Like Crazy."

Have an awesome day guys.

Just a quick post...

Mel - I accidentally fall off the curb, not visit Epcot!!!!! When we were there a couple weeks ago just the stars were on the ball yet. The next day they were all gone. It was quite sad!!!!! I had a decent run yesterday also, not as fast as you, but no pains and everything felt A-OK!!!!

Angie - YAH on the appointment. Let us know how it goes!!!!
I am so sorry that I can't keep up with the thread and respond to everyone. Life is crazy right now!!!

Saturday I ran with a group for my 14 miler...my longest distance ever! It was great to have some company. I finished in just over 2:42 and felt strong the whole way through.
Sunday I drove out to Lake Louise in the Rockies for a 14K hike up to the Plains of Six Glaciers. It was absolutely beautiful. If I get a chance I will post some pictures.
Yesterday I got 4 mi in at an 11:10/mi pace on a pretty hilly route.
Tonight is my final boot camp session, plus I'm aiming for another 3 miles. Tomorrow night is yoga, Thursday I am shooting for 4 mi. Then this weekend I'm in Seattle for the Iron Girl 10K!

Have a great weekend everyone.
Good morning WISHers! Nice to be back on the boards!

I made it home from VA beach yesterday, but was too tired to get on the computer. My 1/2 marathon went great. Weather was perfect, race went well, and I finished comfortably at 2:33:19. I walked at each water station, and walked a few times on the last stretch on the board walk. I didn't push myself since my marathon is at the end of the month.

I wasn't sore the next day either, and that's with running 13.1 miles and walking at least 6 before and after the race!

The kids had a wonderful time, and have again I have promised to do it again next year!

I did get to meet John "The Penguin" Bigham at the expo and what a great guy he is! My dh had emailed him before and he actually sent me a personal encouraging email in response. I did thank him for that, and then he asked my name.....when I told him my name he actually remembered his email to me! I felt like I was meeting royalty!

I did get myself a new pair of running shoes (for 20% off!) and they were a deal!

This weekend will be my 20 miler......I am hoping for good weather!

Good morning WISH team! :surfweb:

I do hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! We picked up DH's birthday present on saturday. Sunday was the Jimmy Buffett concert (you know, I really wish I knew how to post a picture on these boards; I'd post a picture of us at the tailgate portion of the event; every time I try what people tell me to do, it doesn't work). Yesterday the 4-legged hairballs woke us up at a very ungodly hour and I was Mr. Grumpy Gills for a couple hours. I then got up and made some yummy muffins and sent DH to Starbucks for tea. I felt better.

I did get a 5 mile run in on Saturday and a cross-train on Sunday.

Beth: great job on the half-marathon!! :thumbsup2 Good luck with the upcoming marathon!

cdn_gal_eeyore: :cool1: on your 14 mile run! Then a 14K hike? Are you nuts? ;)

WWDave: thank for the chuckle!

angie: excellent; now you just have to take it easy until then. Don't strain it any more than it is!

Mel: keep us posted on how your are progressing with the Higdon plan. DH and I are on that also. I like how you go up in miles on the LR for 2 weeks then down one week then back up. Something to look forward to.

Lisa loves Pooh: WOW!! Could your MIL be any more tactful!?! I'm sure the costume is wonderful and, as you say, your daughter loves it!!

Gotta runn. Gotta look busy. Have a great day everyone!!
I don't know how you guys keep up with these posts. Do you take notes? Anyway, I enjoy reading them so keep it up.

Congrats to everyone on the great runs and the not so great runs. Remember they all count!

Did 8 miles on Saturday, took Sunday off and did 40 minutes on Monday. I am following the MfM plan like I am supposed to. It is tough not running more than 40 minutes when you feel good. On other days it just plain tough to run 40 minutes.

It has been so hot and humid this year. Saturday I was soaked within the first mile and the sun wasn't even up yet. Last Thursday I was running after work and it was a bit warm, but not too bad, I thought. Well I passed a lady who was walking her dog and she said "it sure is hot out here today". Sure as can be, within 1/4 mile it sure seemed a lot hotter that it did before I talked to her. So see, when you Mother told you not to talk to strangers it was for you own good :)

Have a great week everyone.
Greetings Racing Team -

We spent our three day weekend working in the yard. I think I'm getting too old for this stuff. Remind me again why we wanted a huge house on five and a half acres. :crazy2:

We did go to the track twice, which was great. For some reason I got into my head that I wanted to try listening to music when I was training. I never do. On the TM I am watching movies, and on the road I am taking in all the actual nature. But either way I am constantly checking myself and my pace. But on Saturday I decided to strap on the Sony Walkman, and - looking totally 80's - I hit the track. This didn't really work for several reasons. Mostly because the junk in my trunk kept making the CD skip. And I just could not focus. I kept listening to the tunes and not paying attention, then I'd look at my Garmin and I'd be like "Holy Moly! I've got to get going!" So after a mile and a half I took it off.

Saturday was 4.01 miles with these splits:

1) 13:39
2) 12:27
3) 14:09
4) 13:10

Yesterday was 3 miles:

1) 14:30
2) 13:02
3) 13:13

Using Vic's criteria, I consider these to be hideously ugly miles, but considering six weeks ago I couldn't walk, I guess I'll take them. :rolleyes1

We also need to get to the track earlier By 8:00am it is entirely in the sun and although it was beautiful out, it got very hot out there.

And I'd just like to say, twice - TWICE - somebody complimented Charlie on how great he looked out there. And I was standing with him both times. Alright so maybe I don't look as professional as he does, in my neon pink capris and crazy headband and CD played bouncing off my back side. Just kidding. Actually I am very very proud of him. :goodvibes

Mel - Congratulations on a most excellent tag! :thumbsup2 Oh I'm so glad they didn't find anything wrong. Your A/C has a flux capacitor? Whoa! I'm impressed! That must be the industrial model.

Mike - Pictures? :laughing: Hey, I've been called a lot of things but not cheap. Well, actually... :rolleyes1 But anyway, you know you're team is here for you. We all struggle with the same issues eventually. :hug:

John and Karen
- Excellent! :thumbsup2 Congratulations to both of you!!

Kim - Whoo hoo! Congratulations to you and DH! :woohoo:

Angie - You need some big time PD. Here ya go....:wizard: :wizard: Oh YAY on the 5K! You did great! :woohoo:

Craig - I'm glad you enjoyed your day. I just want you to know...I've seen pictures....:laughing:

if I can keep the PF away, not sprain my ankle again, keep the dog bites to the legs at a minimum, and stop eating like it's my last meal, I might just make it.
Vic - I don't know, that seems like an awful lot to ask.

Kristi - Yes, I live dangerously close to Rob Thomas. He has horses too! :yay: And I have been to Cam and Howard's house. That is one of the first things I said to her when I got there "OMG Your house is so cleeeaaan!" So don't listen to her. :upsidedow

Bill - Blindfold me? Hmmmmm.... :rolleyes1 Oh I'm sorry you fell. But kudos to you for getting back up and continuing. You get brownie points for that. Maybe they are WISH points. But just don't try to use them to get a room. They aren't like DVC points. :laughing:

- I'm so glad you enjoyed your cruise. As Mike would say, you know how we feel about pictures...:rolleyes1 Congratulations on the Half! :thumbsup2 That WAS cruel, putting that hill in so close to the end.

Lisa - Ohh! Stepmom's like that make all us SMs look evil! :headache: YAY on your training.

WWDave - Oh geez! Where do you get these stories!?? :rotfl: Congratulations on the 5K! :woohoo:

Where's our Sunny??? :confused3
It's been a while since I last posted or visited the DISBoards but I was away at WDW for the past week and a half. Got in very late last night.

Needless to say the trip was great. The only downsides were the weather (90+ and insanely humid every day) and the extra pounds I probably brought home. This was our first WDW trip in the summer and probably our last in the summer for a while. The crowds and heat were bad but the free dining was enough to tempt me this time.

All in all the WDW was great. We were down there with 3 other families (21 people total). It was fun to hang out with other people with kids at WDW.

I actually ran 15 miles the day before I left and that was rough. It was the first time I had a really tough time running my LR. It was really hot and humid that Saturday and I overdid it. I ran way too fast the first 7+ miles and ended up struggling to finish, although I made it. The pace was around 9:50 so it was not too bad.

The other killer was trying to walk around WDW the day after running 15 miles. I limped around the first 2 days but by Day 3 I was okay and tried running again (another post).
This weekend was beautiful for walking! I can't believe there are only 19 weeks to the WDW marathon EEEK! Can you tell I'm a newbie to all of this?

I'm going shopping for new shoes today. I've been fighting bad blisters on my heels for weeks. For some reason my shoes slide around on my heels. When I got home after yesterday's 3 miles, both of my socks were bloody from the rubbing on the heels. I don't know if my shoes just wore out or what but I can't handle it any more!
Hello all. Just back from the gym. Got an easy 5 miler in and then some core work--gonna lay off the weights until after the marathon at the end of the month. Got 20 miles on tap for saturday, which I will be doing solo (poor lonely me!) Hopefully, the Garmin will behave--I think I'll cry if during the 20 the thing starts counting backwards again!

Hope everyone is having a great day. Gotta get back to cleaning--DSIL will be here on Thursday and the house is a disaster!

For all ya'll college football fans--Buh-bye MEEEE-chigan!
As I said in the previous post I just got back from WDW last night after a 9-day trip. We stayed at All Star Resort with another couple of families with kids so it was nice and less expensive.

This was actually a tough trip for me to get psyched about due to the fact that I have been thinking about and planning for the WDW Marathon in January. I found myself looking at the roads and paths in the parks wondering what I will be feeling like when I pass by here.

I had stuck to a marathon plan for the past 10 weeks although I kind of expected that I would have to ease off the plan for vacation. However, I totally expected to get in my runs while at WDW. They would just not be as long as.

I actually found a decent path to run from ASMu to Blizzard Beach that I ran 4 times. I'm not sure if this link will work but this is the route I ran 3 times: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1288808 . I did a semi-LR of 5 miles that went from ASMu to CSR and back. http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1288895

First off, running at WDW in August was tough. As hot and humid as it gets in South Jersey in the summer it is nothing like Orlando. I got up to run at 6AM 4 times and it was even hot running in the dark. The air felt thick. I was also still sore from running 15 miles before I left and my legs hurt all over.

I'm praying for 45-55 degree weather in January because running in that hot and thick air would be very hard.

The path/trail I ran wasn't too exciting but it was nice. For anyone staying at ASR or CSR I would recommend that route. There were usually a handful of other runners out every morning and an occasional armadillo. I'm sure people in Florida could care less about armadillos but I haven't seen one outside of a zoo before.
Judy said:
Vic - I don't know, that seems like an awful lot to ask.

A guy can dream, can't he? ;) :lmao:

The main problem is, my chicken legs don't care much for carrying my hippo body. :sad2: :rotfl2:
Hi friends! I'm going to try to ease back in here.:blush: The kids are back in school full time now! Last week we still had 1/2 days for the big Kindergartener.;) I've totally slacked since the Minnie in May. I've done spinning and run sometimes, but I'm not up to snuff!

Today I hit the trail for 5.5 miles, running about 3 miles of it.

It will be nice to catch up with you all and get back in the groove.:hippie: I miss this thread and miss putting exercise as a priority.
Hi everyone-

It looks like it is coming back day. I have started to run again after my 1/2 on April 1st. I have the RFTT and then the Manchester 1/2 Nov. 4th. I have set my goal high (1:44) so I make sure I train hard. I only rode my MTB 3 times this summer as well and one was a 12 hour race. I have another 50 mile race coming up Sept. 30th that I will suffer through.

Spent most of the summer building a deck on my house and it really took up all my free time. I know I won't be able to keep up with this thread, but I do enjoy reading it and seeing how everyone is doing. it keeps me motivated.
Hi everyone :wave:

You all inspired me to get off the couch and out on the roads on a beautiful evening last night :cool1:

I had a wonderful walk (though a bit sore) and when my MP3 hit "wishes!" I couldn't help thinking about all of you.

I'm trying to ease back into my exercise routine. I want to avoid re-injury to my back at all costs so I'm starting with walking. I've got my days planned out like I used to do for school so hopefully I will stick to it :wizard:

Sending everyone the best and hope to catch up with everyone soon :wizard: :grouphug:
Ok, I have a new symptom that is driving me crazy. I am already planning to see the chiro this evening, and will call to make an appointment with my doctor. However, I am hoping that someone here can help me figure out what the heck is going on with my leg now.

You probably have already read my complaining about my mis-aligned hip causing hip flexor/quad soreness. That problem is pretty much resolved. However, now I am experiencing numbness and tingling from the side of my hip to my toes. This only happens on the side of my leg and there isn't any pain, but it feels like my leg/foot is falling asleep. Sitting seems to make it worse, but I don't exactly get any relief when I stand up. I suspect it is some sort of nerve thing, but my symptoms don't seem to match up with sciatica or piriformis syndrome because I don't have any pain. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
SilverE: What knee surgery did you have? my half time was post-knee surgery mid-season tht year. I only had a complex meniscus tear though.

At the end of February I went in for exploratory arthroscopic surgery on my left knee; an MRI showed nothing significant but my doc agreed to check under the hood (the knee was giving me a lot of trouble). Post surgery he told me my knee was "a mess." Lots of osteoarthritis and shredded cartilage under my kneecap. It was nearly 14 weeks before I could run again. The same doc repaired a meniscus tear in my (R) knee in 2005; I was only off the roads 8 weeks after that surgery.

Happy training!
Quick post to report actual training. Well, if you can call it that. :rolleyes:

I set out to do 3 miles. My legs felt like lead and I was having a real tough time. Not sure if it's just an off day, me not taking care of myself (eating right, sleeping enough) or just that I am used to the indoor track now. Or all of the above. I cut it down to 2 miles and called it a day.


Off to the allergy doctor now!
Lynne's bib number for Ironman Wisconsin this Sunday is 2193 if anyone would like to track her.


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