8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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Happy Birthday Jeanne / jeanneg!!!

Good morning all.:)

I woke up and DS has not made it home yet. Boy is he in trouble.:headache:

By this point he might be waiting for you to not be home to sneak in the house? No matter what his age is IMO it is only common courtesy to let you know approximately what time he will be home while he is living there. :grouphug:
Anyone is welcome on my soapbox any time, whether you agree with me or not, that’s what it is for.

And WOW! I’ve always wanted my own research slave. Adjunct faculty don’t usually get research slaves!

You really are a lawyer aren’t you?

Apparently I'm really a research slave...... :lmao:

It was easy, just went to npr.org and searched for trophy kids and it popped up
We tired that with DS and got all the way to the elevator door at T of T and he was so upset the CM told us she would not put him on the ride. I understand their position but as a parent I knew he would be okay if he went. Probably would love it. But he has never even gone in line again.

:lmao: :lmao:

Well I have to admit that I was terrified of TOT and refused to try it. I do love RNR though. :) After our 2005 cruise while at WDW with friends DH & I went to use our FPs for RNR while they took all the kids to the O Lights. After we were done we were walking past the TOT and I told him that we still had FPs for that. I did't want to try it by myself but I would ride it with him. We went and my tummy was flipping out even though we had NO WAIT AT ALL!!! We just walked thru the FP queue and right into the "waiting room." I was expecting something so much worse than it was! We went back and met up with our friends & told them...then we went back with a couple of them to use the rest of the FPs. :cool1:
OK, forget everything I've said about youth sports. I just dropped a huge chunk of change on hockey camp!

Yes (but I'm also cheap/frugal/in search of a bargain/etc.)

That will come in handy. Research slave doesn't pay very well.

Come to think of it, neither does adjunct faculty.
:eek: ..any one else wishing they were going on a disney trip? :sad1:

..gotta say, ...goingonthe~highseas's pics didn't help...though very, very
good! :thumbsup2

:hug: , being an x-naval officer, i always pausing & praying for our
boys. [it break my heart every loss.] while i was already thinking about
the other 2, thanks for sharing-its makes it even more relevant on
how we all are connected. :grouphug:

..sports, are out of control @ all levels per my feelings. however, i
think you guys are indeed on target. [ i never heard of the trophy
generation....my kids' are down in the basement...not in their rooms, and
to be honest..it was "doing the things together...that we felt were the
best accomplishments. ]. physical acting out---against refrees and
other teams, players...resolved the values into nothing-ness. if one
evulated the outcomes determining the winner..its based on math.
* which is why i think sports are favor by guys..due to the ways of
measuring things? :rolleyes1 {like size of swords and feet & such}.

well, i once made "my observations" on how college sports are being
influenced by $$$, some totally threw a hissy-p. fit. but for all the
barking , one cannot changed the miscalulations. we used to enjoyed
the "good games"..when players were playing for old fashioned fun.
to me, its the way the games/sports are played....and the rules on
engagment should be changed. our schools mandated that all players
on the team play...can you imagined?..if college teams were required?
to rotate all players of their teams...instead of focusing on a few?
maybe that would reduced your team winning..points...but look how
much funnier for the players and fans? college players should reap the
profits by dividing equally...state schools should be required to get
their players from within the state. * its weird that ohio's players are
nearly 50% florida players... now these attitudes are influencing high
schools...to pee wees? ......what ever happened to sportsmanship and
learning to work with others? big deal...that one can can throw a ball
80 yards or catched it...you should seen the spectular catch i made
of our jack russell..when he went to bite the cable men. they used
to played college football..and they reacted by saying " you had to
played- cos that was one heck of a catch--big deal! in no ways, making
my life better..except not being sued...:rolleyes1 . if all one cares about
the "points"..then gambling, must be the primary objective..but what
costs?..lets ask pete r.?

dear downriverm...i made that suggestion as for hoping there weren't
politics...& to show my apprication for your caring attitudes. i believe
"you"- taking the time, demonstrating :love: suport..was the most important
response of all. wow! judy?..i'm so sorry there isn't any youth leagues
nearby...based on kids having fun & participation. [ i started a soap box
derby..that iam now trying to set limits on? why?...there was an hostile
take over...by a group of self serving adults..so someone suggested
we looked up , & see if they had "records"..sure enough, they all do...
even break /entering..needless to say, we [ our group ] are pulling out.
oh by the way, what was akron's response?....after chosing "us", they
changed their minds....ignoring their criminal records..why? $$$! payoffs.
:sad1: ..life goes on, but we will "see" them in court. lucky, for us we
have an outstanding girl scouts leader, and a wonderful dance program-
for girls and boys..., * jordan had to give up irish dancing--because her
school decided not to let her out 2 hrs. early { its up in dublin oh.}. we
also pulled her out of cheerleading..because of to many fights /adlts
during the games.

my take on sports...i'm losing interest...boring and to much manipulation
for $$$. what's wrong with the football championship last year?
score looked awful..41-14...boise st./sooners played a game, where
i felt both teams won! :yay: ..but guess who they ranked #2????
ohio state..something wrong ?, huh? wonder if betting on the
rankings had any thing to do with it? :rolleyes1

my new sport...that i :love: ..is the art of "doing disney"! pixiedust:

hope everyone here is with me! pirate: :grouphug:
I don't get to take a vacation this year. <frown> I'm really jealous of all of the rest of you -- please post trip reports so I can live vicariously through you.

Don't feel too jealous of our plans. The one thing we are doing this year is spending a week at WDW...but we wont be going to the parks every day. We will mostly be spending time with DISfriends from our past cruises and meeting a couple from this one. :) This is to replace our cruise that we transferred to the TOAL.
For all the people who are confused by math and statistics:

"I was reading an article today where it said 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese.

There are five people in my family.

I wonder which one is Chinese?"

At a computer software training course, a group of computer programmers were asked "If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your company's software was responsible for the flight control software, how many of you would remain onboard?"

One man raised his hand. The instructor asked him why he would be willing to stay on board.

"Well, with my company's software, it's highly unlikely the plane would be able to taxi to the runway, let alone take off".


IIRC a couple of you here are daycare providers? I gotta know if I'm overreacting or what...

DW called and told me about the latest visit to the Y. Our Y offers 2 free hours of Child Watch which is nice because we don't have a babysitter as of yet. (One advertised on CraigsList and she's in our development but that's a story for later). Anyway, she went to sign DS in and the lady said he can go join the 2-year old group. :confused: Evidently he's not a baby anymore and can play with the big kids. The main difference is they have more structured activities but he could still hang out in the baby area.

So DW put him over there and asked the lady to please put his hat on him should he go outside. Yes, he'll probably take it off but he's pretty good about wearing it. She said no problem. Well she left and didn't pass the word to the next girl who came in. Yeah, you know where this is going...DW said a lady came up to her and asked if she is "Nathan's Mommy"--yes, that's her name now :teeth:--and that she should go check on him. Well he was outside and when the girl went to bring him in...he was red as a beet!!!!
:eek: Not only that but he was sopping wet from sweat and his diaper was about 5 pounds (not dirty, just wet)!!!! The girl sloughed it off saying he must have been playing hard...
Well the mommy behind DW demanded to see her tow headed child and she was just as bad or worse! Well she started to raise holy hell
and I guess there's going to be a big pow wow tomorrow. Turns out the lady who normally runs that side wasn't in that day so I don't know if this was lack of training or what.

DS if feeling fine now...he had sunscreen on, sucked down his entire sippy cup in about 2 seconds and DW says he only has a little sunburn on his cheeks. Not sure how that other little girl will fare because she didn't have sunscreen on...

I would have taken my child into the office of the director at the Y and demanded that something be done to correct their problem immediately! I don't think that you guys are overreacting at all. :mad:
Hey everybody - somebody probably has posted but take at look at my siggie line?

I think I'm within guidelines - ok - don't laugh ok - but I calculated bytes and it looks like I'm in - but I'm a techno-phobic.

You all like? :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

You are fine, Laura. The image that Andrew is using it too big though. I will check out the thread and let them know to use your resized version. :)
Originally posted by windermerejudy:
I totally agree. My son who is 10 has suddenly decided he would really like to try softball. Well all the places that I have found, are the type of places where all the kids in the league have been playing since they were 4 and he would never get a great experience. Whatever happened to sports for fun not a career. I call it the Tiger Woods syndrome. Everyone is convinced that their child will be the next Tiger in their particular sport. We too did competitive swimming. All the parents would talk at about their 7 yo getting scholarships to college. I just thought it was so ridiculous. We just wanted exercise and fun.

Found the same here. Last year was dd's first year in the city's rec softball. WE didn't know a soul. This year same thing. DD was bothered by it, but she does know a couple of girls from choir. It's coach pitched at her age, so really not competitive.

I think kids should just have fun and learn the fundamentals of the game.



There is also a meet and greet with CJS at the back end of the island where he is standing around piles of treasure.
Sorry if I overloaded you bandwidth with all of the pictures but I really wanted to share them with you. I will put together a slide show with all of the pictures I took and post that later.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I can't believe that CJS has a ponytail and a braid. Have I really missed that much by not seeing POC3 yet? :lmao:

IIRC a couple of you here are daycare providers? I gotta know if I'm overreacting or what...

DW called and told me about the latest visit to the Y. Our Y offers 2 free hours of Child Watch which is nice because we don't have a babysitter as of yet. (One advertised on CraigsList and she's in our development but that's a story for later). Anyway, she went to sign DS in and the lady said he can go join the 2-year old group. :confused: Evidently he's not a baby anymore and can play with the big kids. The main difference is they have more structured activities but he could still hang out in the baby area.

So DW put him over there and asked the lady to please put his hat on him should he go outside. Yes, he'll probably take it off but he's pretty good about wearing it. She said no problem. Well she left and didn't pass the word to the next girl who came in. Yeah, you know where this is going...DW said a lady came up to her and asked if she is "Nathan's Mommy"--yes, that's her name now :teeth:--and that she should go check on him. Well he was outside and when the girl went to bring him in...he was red as a beet!!!!
:eek: Not only that but he was sopping wet from sweat and his diaper was about 5 pounds (not dirty, just wet)!!!! The girl sloughed it off saying he must have been playing hard...
Well the mommy behind DW demanded to see her tow headed child and she was just as bad or worse! Well she started to raise holy hell
and I guess there's going to be a big pow wow tomorrow. Turns out the lady who normally runs that side wasn't in that day so I don't know if this was lack of training or what.

DS if feeling fine now...he had sunscreen on, sucked down his entire sippy cup in about 2 seconds and DW says he only has a little sunburn on his cheeks. Not sure how that other little girl will fare because she didn't have sunscreen on...

I would of been livid! Not impressed with our Y, although the new building is nice.

When dd was between 1 and 2, I had her in a church daycare. I noticed that dd's clothes had small bleach stains on the back! Found out that they were using too much bleach in the cleaning solution they wiped the changing table with. They weren't drying it well and sometimes when I would pick her up I could smell the bleach. I was concerened because smelling bleach all day isn't good for you and alot of the stains where up by her neck- so the back of her head was probably getting it too.When I complained to the director about the bleach stains, she tells me that kids are hard on their clothes! I told her there is no reason my child should be playing with bleach! I told her I didn't appreciated adults ruining my kids clothes and she said she would not change her sanitation practices! We went back an forth about this and I and another mom left for work. The other mom told me everyone has complained about it, but she won't change it.

I got to work and went on the internet and found the state agency that licenses daycares. I called and got a real nice lady and explained what was going on. Turns out I had a valid complaint. Never had the problem again and the bleachy smell went away! Heck hath no fury like a mother on the warpath!

Tell Gabbie give 'em heck!
Your Invited!
DIS mini-meet
Saturday, August 25, 2007DVC Villas at the Wilderness Lodge

Hosted by Darthrugby and FINCANTIERI.

From 1 pm till ?
Bring a bathing suit if you wish.
We'll have food and drink (maybe Sushi as well)

Please let us know if your coming so we have a head count.

So Far (correct me if I'm wrong Arlene)

Peter (4)
Jack (6)
Mattapulco (4)
Arlene (4?)
Esteri (4?)
David (4?)
Judy (4) you have to come

Can't wait to see you all!

I'm sorry if we can't encompass everyone:sad1:


I've just checked our ADRs and we're all clear so we'll be there :thumbsup2

Well... here I am getting my lunch heated (Marie Callandars' frozen chicken pot pie). I last left off MY page here last nite when I was wandering forward from post number 300 ... where I left off last time ... so I found a couple of nostalgic postings...

Below are words of wisdom all out of porportion to the reality, eh?

I have a feeling this thread is going to move fast all the way thru. There are members of the Blabbermouths and the DIS Geeks onboard and we all like to gab. :)

How many remember those days not so king ago when we were egarly anticipating booking for this TOAL? How many played hookie to hang around to handle thier booking that fateful morning?

I DO FEEL BAD FOR YOU!! (and me!!)
I think employers should give us some kind of (paid of course!) mental health leave during all of this booking saga!!:thumbsup2

AND here is the first instance of an individual tally being posted for the thread. What laundry list of Mangy Pirates and Saucy Wenches, eh? Shoot... I just barely made the list with a post count of THREE and will ya look at LISA.... she's leading with a whopping 108! No one else is in triple digits.

:goodvibes Our request is in for this cruise! We are so excited it will be a reunion cruise with all of our PC Repo Ship of Fools friends and others. I see some familiar names here. I can't believe my daughter will be 11 at the time of this sailing. This will be our fifth sailing with some of the same folks, they are like family now.

On the last PC Repo cruise there were 2 formal nights, 2 semi-formal, one pirate night and one tropical. There was a lovely Princess tea hosted by Belle in Lumiere's.

We had no problems getting Palo reservations. You have the same amount of people on board with twice as much availability. I love how Disney really made an effort to improve the ports for this cruise. Of course more ports usually means more $$$.

It looks like this thread is off to a hearty start:;)

Post count update
  • lbgraves 108
  • windermerejudy 64
  • DisneyVegas1 60
  • justmestace 51
  • Verandah Man 44
  • ivanova 32
  • tjeagle 18
  • disneyjunkie 12
  • dh chrisva 12
  • GoofyontheHiSeas 11
  • mom_rules 11
  • Scratch42 11
  • tynkerbell 10
  • GrayFal 9
  • pyramid2000 8
  • winnyis 6
  • drumbumswife 6
  • A fat english gent 5
  • atakaratemom 5
  • arlenesp 4
  • rsschneck 4
  • goofyforlife 4
  • eeyoregon 4
  • 2canadianfans 3
  • Bella2000 3
  • captaincrash 3
  • Enna 3
  • dahuffy 2
  • lillygator 2
  • wheelerkidz3 2
  • disneyfreakjackie 2
  • Downrivermama 2
  • got2travel 2
  • Hanover 2
  • bellelinus 2
  • TiggerKing 2
  • radioclash2 1
  • sk8ingmom 1
  • Mickey02 1
  • cinderella_mom 1
  • CBJHockeyNut 1
  • SnowWhite2 1
  • RebeccaLovesDisney 1
  • miztigg 1
  • Lil' Grumpy 1
  • daipp 1
  • Zane_Anthony 1
  • minnieandmickey 1
  • Buddy Bear 1
  • gydell 1
  • off to neverland 1

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