8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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Now it is time to start cleaning ....... and packing for the WDW trip on Wednesday plus get all of our "Stuff" ready for the trip (passes, plane tickets, ressies etc).

Later. :thumbsup2
This is what I am supposed to be doing today as I play hooky from work but you see what I am doing! :surfweb:

We all have our priorities and it looks like yours are in the right place. (look left, look right), shhhhh I better get back to work.
Wow, finally caught up. Read to the end, first time in a long time.

Glad to know you are all still as lively as ever.

Topics of extreme entertainment, yet little practical usefullness...:lmao:
I don't know about that, I learned something extremely useful having to do with some ribbons :rotfl:

We used to tell little ones, when the ride was 'scary' "Its just mickey magic, its not real. Mickey magic will never hurt you"
I wonder if this would work on DS14. He still will not ride Tower of Terror or RocknRoll. Drives Mark nuts because he refuses to go and gets extremely stressed out about it when we even go to MGM. He has a friend going with us to WDW this coming trip and I asked him if he would go on those rides if his friend wanted to go and he said "NO!!!! if he wants to rid them he has to go back with his parents. ' I guess that will be the time his friend will be glad to hang out with us old timers. We love those rides.

Hope it gets to feeling better today Andy.:)
My back is really aching this morning. I must have lifted something wrong in the cooler at work yesterday.
Paula, :hug: for our back. Not to tight though:) hope it feels better soon.

I just tell them, try the ride, if you don't like it, as soon as it ends, you can get off.
We tired that with DS and got all the way to the elevator door at T of T and he was so upset the CM told us she would not put him on the ride. I understand their position but as a parent I knew he would be okay if he went. Probably would love it. But he has never even gone in line again.

Unless you are from Alaska, then its Anony-moose (or .8 anonymooose)?
:lmao: :lmao:

Wow! What did I miss? No more Lynchburg Lemonade for me on Fridays! I'll stick to my good old diet Pepsi.

Happy Monday! Nasty weekend weather wise. DD's dance recital went well, but it was so hot in that school! When we came outside, it was cooler, not by much though. We got home before a thunderstorm hit.

DD is bummed. She got the letter from her choir director telling her she didn't make the ensemble group. It came Friday. She was upset and then we went to dance rehersal. Her friend at dance didn't make it either. It was a nice letter, they can talk to the director if they want pointers for next year.
hugs to DD.
Holy Moly Judy that's what I'm afraid of! I'm getting a reputation :rotfl2: Not that I care about that but really I am just a nice, church-going, conservative middle-aged lady. ;)

Hello MR! We are not middle-aged ladies! We are women just hitting our prime!

At dd's softball practice one of the wippersnappers called the coach middle-aged. Found out he's 34! If he is middle-aged than I shutter to think what we are?:confused3

Hey, we are still too young to be Red Hatters!
Wow, finally caught up. Read to the end, first time in a long time.

Glad to know you are all still as lively as ever.

I don't know about that, I learned something extremely useful having to do with some ribbons :rotfl:

I wonder if this would work on DS14. He still will not ride Tower of Terror or RocknRoll. Drives Mark nuts because he refuses to go and gets extremely stressed out about it when we even go to MGM. He has a friend going with us to WDW this coming trip and I asked him if he would go on those rides if his friend wanted to go and he said "NO!!!! if he wants to rid them he has to go back with his parents. ' I guess that will be the time his friend will be glad to hang out with us old timers. We love those rides.

Paula, :hug: for our back. Not to tight though:) hope it feels better soon.

We tired that with DS and got all the way to the elevator door at T of T and he was so upset the CM told us she would not put him on the ride. I understand their position but as a parent I knew he would be okay if he went. Probably would love it. But he has never even gone in line again.

:lmao: :lmao:

hugs to DD.

She is doing OK. She wanted to quit and than thought it over. I think she felt better when she found out her friend didn't make it either.
Hello Everyone!

Good morning Andy, take it slow today and watch those knees, remember grass is slippery when wet. I don't need to tell you that.

How are things going for you and the family?:)

All is well here!!!

Just got in for lunch after reading 190 meters in the rain this morning, I'm just a tad wet as I had to climb through many wet bushes to get to the meters.............:rotfl: Did I ever mention how much I LOVE my job, at least the fringe benefits are worth all the aggravation!!! :thumbsup2
All is well here!!!

Just got in for lunch after reading 190 meters in the rain this morning, I'm just a tad wet as I had to climb through many wet bushes to get to the meters.............:rotfl: Did I ever mention how much I LOVE my job, at least the fringe benefits are worth all the aggravation!!! :thumbsup2

Andy, we had a soggy morning here too. I took Gracie dog for a 5 mile walk and we both came home all covered in soggy leaves and cottonwood fluff from the trail.
Hope your knee is feeling better. Just make sure to rest it as often as possible.
Andy, we had a soggy morning here too. I took Gracie dog for a 5 mile walk and we both came home all covered in soggy leaves and cottonwood fluff from the trail.
Hope your knee is feeling better. Just make sure to rest it as often as possible.

Thanks Laura, I'm taking it easy this afternoon, that's for sure!!! ;)
...it may seem like i have a "perpetual" [i heard the lady on the ultimate
dis. fans made usage], insight...however, the majority of my came from
learning things the hard way...:rolleyes1

i watched some recorded disney shows..like the ultima. fans' guide.
..maybe they come "here" and do the utlimate. dis. fans & dcl ?
* i think i prefered the young married couple. it really "hit"
home..she geting all tearful -epcot fireworks, while he is in
the background, guzzling a pitcher of o'bwv's home brew? "they both
looked happy"...the lady doing magic k., i think we have seen her in
the parks...to much~ esp. the way she was pushing her stroller.
makes one wonder if kids are being tossed around to hard?

was it hulk hog. ,who said.."i pity the fool crossing paths..."?

..i think the biggest benefit, i have acquired from our recent disney
trips...is apprication. lil' things..like my boys finding a pin they liked.

the cruises, are where i begin to realized, the people with you..have
a major bearing on the outcomes. good & bad. the lady from naples...
i wished i had gotten her name, :goodvibes . then there was the
welcoming in cermony...2002, "let's hear for chipper- i have no idea
what made jordan yell that..but hearing the audience joined in...gave
us "chills".

keeping up here...explains where all the good people comes from- esp.

princess: s. [ ha! i bet you was thinking wenches? :flower3: , mommy
didn't raised no fool. ]

crash..or 2004 cruise was effected by the sept. hurricanes-2 in between.
we made the last flight from altanta..to orlando...but then had to drive all
the way down to fort L. , * we should went down A-1a. on the way down,
we saw another disney bus...broken down. however, it was pretty neat
the wonder & magic together. getting time off, requires a year in advance.
& we usually do a week @ the parks...so we usually make the best of it.
another reason besides scheduling, is celebrating a special occassion.
i think this one is getting oout of the house...:yay: , to me that's good

you're soooo right downriver.m, :thumbsup2
:flower3: , for your dd.., my guess they probably were locked in toward
a certain sound?

..i get the feeling, pbager is going give free lessons...out! :teacher:
over responsible behaviors?..it seem like yesterday...we were having
the same problems...oh, we still are. [my kids are slow learners.]

pixiedust: ~ :welcome: to our new fellow sailors! hiya doing " pluto: ?

hi, cindy 'm. , it so nice to hear from those been tied up! pirate: s'
greeting~ :disrocks:
hey, mr. v? are the wenches very slippery when wet?
[ no peticular-" pirate: " reason ]...

..taking it easy, huh....isn't that the way you're always operating?


remember when we used to :lmao: , about waking up to a new pain
every day....iam no longer laughing....:sad1:
remember when we used to :lmao: , about waking up to a new pain
every day....iam no longer laughing....:sad1:

Me either LG, me either..............:sad2: :rolleyes:

Time for me to get back to work, I've got to get two more meter books ready for tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Lil' Grumpy:
you're soooo right downriver.m,
, for your dd.., my guess they probably were locked in toward
a certain sound?

You could be right, not sure what the director was looking for. It broke my heart to see her cry, but I know you don't always get what you want in life. It's better for her to learn that early in life, so when other things happen later she will be able to handle them. Besides, I always feel better after a good cry.
Good Morning Everyone!!!:surfweb:

I haven't been around for awhile. I went home to NY two weeks ago and came back sick. Just started to feel better yesterday. Now I have a cold and sore throat! Go figure. I leave again on Friday to fly to Syracuse, NY for my neice Jaclyn's(Reenieny's daughter) high school graduation. Yes my neice who I remember the exact day and time she was born is graduating. Last night was their baccalurate Mass and all of the graduates had to wear their caps and gowns. It was very emotional!!!!! she received her honors ropes. I have several boxes of tissues for the ceremony on Saturday.

I bought a camcorder(Canon D230) and today I am going to Ritz Camera for them to show me how to use it so I can take video of the graduation.

I hope everyone has a great day and talk to you later!!!!


Enjoy Karen. :goodvibes
Wow! What did I miss? No more Lynchburg Lemonade for me on Fridays! I'll stick to my good old diet Pepsi.

Happy Monday! Nasty weekend weather wise. DD's dance recital went well, but it was so hot in that school! When we came outside, it was cooler, not by much though. We got home before a thunderstorm hit.

DD is bummed. She got the letter from her choir director telling her she didn't make the ensemble group. It came Friday. She was upset and then we went to dance rehersal. Her friend at dance didn't make it either. It was a nice letter, they can talk to the director if they want pointers for next year.

Tina, glad the recital went well.:)
Yeah, it will be one of those days here. I knew where Adam was, but he said he would be home by 2. So when I woke up and he wasn't here at 5am I called to make sure he wasn't off the road somewhere. It is really hard loosening those strings we have worked so hard attaching to them.
We used to tell little ones, when the ride was 'scary' "Its just mickey magic, its not real. Mickey magic will never hurt you"

So I am not the only person to believe Walt created "real Mickey Magic!":cool1:

OK, it's not a Pirate Joke. My mom sent it to me in an email. But it's a knee slapper. Consider it my apology for the last one. :rotfl:

pirate: pirate:
>An old Italian man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his
> tomato garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His
> only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
> wrote a letter to him:
> Dear Vincent,
> I am feeling pretty badly because it looks like I won't
> be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old
> to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles
> would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me. . .
> Love, Dad
> A few days later, he received a letter from his son
> Dear Dad,
> Don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the bodies
> Love, Vinnie
> At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived at
> Vinny's Dad's house and dug up the entire area without finding any
> bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old
> man
> received another letter from his son:
> Dear Dad,
> Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could
> do under the circumstances
> I Love you, Vinnie

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Boy do I have a lot of ketchup. But it will have to wait for another day. For those of you who missed chat this week - it was a wild time!

Being married to an Italian(Oh well, what is a person to do)I rolled on the floor !!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Rainy and damp, that's why I woke up a little after 3am and now have my knee wrapped up in the heating pad. :sad2:

So sorry Andy. Cold weather is coming again. Only highs in the 60"s here.

But Brack - who is the high speed internet for? The guests or the employees? ;)

And on that note - I just had to post that within the last 10 minutes - I made my 1000th post on this board. It just so happen to be on my Med thread but since you all know me - I had to come here and say it!

:cheer2: :banana: 1000th posting! :banana: :cheer2:

Amazing - when I first started I thought I'd NEVER EVER hit 1000 post and gosh within the last 4 months - I've more than tripled my original starting post. Can't help but wonder what that says about me. :confused:

Congrat Laura on the 100th post. :woohoo:

Ah, I only have about 200 meters to read today, they are all outside readers so it should go quick, just a lot of soggy lawns to walk across..........:guilty:

Wow Andy, how many meters do usuually read in a day. Did you ever figure how many miles you really walk a day???:rolleyes:

Wow! What did I miss? No more Lynchburg Lemonade for me on Fridays! I'll stick to my good old diet Pepsi.

Happy Monday! Nasty weekend weather wise. DD's dance recital went well, but it was so hot in that school! When we came outside, it was cooler, not by much though. We got home before a thunderstorm hit.

DD is bummed. She got the letter from her choir director telling her she didn't make the ensemble group. It came Friday. She was upset and then we went to dance rehersal. Her friend at dance didn't make it either. It was a nice letter, they can talk to the director if they want pointers for next year.

You had the wrong brand. Mikes Har Lemonade is the choice of "eloquent"
People on the board.:laughing:
Yeah, it will be one of those days here. I knew where Adam was, but he said he would be home by 2. So when I woke up and he wasn't here at 5am I called to make sure he wasn't off the road somewhere. It is really hard loosening those strings we have worked so hard attaching to them.

It is hard to let those strings go even when your babies are married and have babies of their own.:flower3: :rolleyes:
Um........Paula were we at the same chat room last night? lol

How can you call any of the topics covered eloquent.........Monica ask Mark if we were eloquent......Please

Miss Judy what happens in chat stays in chat! ;) ;) :rotfl: :rotfl:

Monica ask Mark nothing :rotfl2: (especially nothing involving veggies)

good thing I read the MR's post before answering Judy's question....was going to mention vegetables
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