8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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Good evening quick hello, spent an hour on catch up on the Med thread for July 28th very active and many from here on it!

Hope you are all well.
:sad1: I'm sorry that I missed chat last night it sounds interesting ...... as usual.

We spent over 3 hours at the Pet ER with JoJo the DISDog. After all that time with over $500 in xrays and tests we are fairly certain that he is getting old. It appears to have been just a bad day for him. :hug:

He gets bed rest, no stair climbing and rice with chicken to eat (which he loves!)

I left him at home with my DW to look after him.

Oh NO! I hope JoJo's doing better now.
BTW, you can go into your options and turn off displaying signatures. That's what I've done b/c it does make it easier to read.

IIRC, you can turn off displaying pictures too, but that would mean Crash's posts wouldn't make any sense at all. ;)

So the difference between the two would be....:rolleyes1 .

JK Tom!!!! :goodvibes
So I am not the only person to believe Walt created "real Mickey Magic!":cool1:

Not at all. I am always impressed he managed to get people to spend so much money just to stand in line in the heat all day. :rotfl:
Checkin in..

How is everyone.. i am not even gonna think about ketchup.. busy at work as it is last month of a qtr.. anyone want to buy some software???:rotfl2:

I had Eric graduation party Sat night with DH's side of family, then his aunt stayed over and we went to a wedding shower on Sunday.. Today is rain.. and then tonight is Boy Scout Court of Honor.. Eric graduates wednesday, and Geoff has finals wed-Fri..

But Geoff and I leave for SWW on Friday right after he finished finals.... will take us all day to travel.. We have to go from Chicago to NY to Tampa to Orlando..

Anyway, Hi to all... and be back soon..
All is well here!!!

Just got in for lunch after reading 190 meters in the rain this morning, I'm just a tad wet as I had to climb through many wet bushes to get to the meters.............:rotfl: Did I ever mention how much I LOVE my job, at least the fringe benefits are worth all the aggravation!!! :thumbsup2

Sorry to hear about your morning. It just started raining here, which means I am in trouble b/c I am working from home today and kept DD5 at home and told her if she behaved during my morning conference calls, I'd let her play outside this afternoon.
Hello MR! We are not middle-aged ladies! We are women just hitting our prime!

At dd's softball practice one of the wippersnappers called the coach middle-aged. Found out he's 34! If he is middle-aged than I shutter to think what we are?:confused3

Hey, we are still too young to be Red Hatters!

I have a question. How old do you have to be before people will say "He/she died of old age"?
I wonder if this would work on DS14. He still will not ride Tower of Terror or RocknRoll. Drives Mark nuts because he refuses to go and gets extremely stressed out about it when we even go to MGM. He has a friend going with us to WDW this coming trip and I asked him if he would go on those rides if his friend wanted to go and he said "NO!!!! if he wants to rid them he has to go back with his parents. ' I guess that will be the time his friend will be glad to hang out with us old timers. We love those rides.

We tired that with DS and got all the way to the elevator door at T of T and he was so upset the CM told us she would not put him on the ride. I understand their position but as a parent I knew he would be okay if he went. Probably would love it. But he has never even gone in line again.

We went through that with DS10 the first time for Space Mountain. After my wife waited in line for 45 minutes, he gets to the top, throws a major fit and the ride attendant wouldn't let him ride. When I met my wife later, she still looked like she could kill him (mainly because he waited until almost near the end before saying he didn't want to go).

I finally got him to ride by telling him I would ride Splash Mountain with him if he would ride Space Mountain later. He loved SplM and I had never ridden it. (I don't care for water rides b/c when I was younger I had a horrible allergy to chlorine and if I rode one, I would get ill). So he went with me to SplM and then agreed to try Space Mt.

He loved it. Wanted to ride it again.

And then the next time we went up to ride it the next day, he was too short (according to the ride attendant).
What a blast from the past! We use to have DUnkirk and when we moved it was AVenue. Then we moved in the house with AV my parents had to call to get a regular line. It was a party line still in 1972! And we got our first push button phone.

I don't remember those, but I do remember when you could dial locally by just dialing the last five digits. Now you have to dial 11 digits around here.
Okay Taryn's flight finally took off. Soooooo not only am I the World's Worst Flier.......I am the World's Worst Parent of a Flier. I need to hit the prescription tonight I think.................

Hope Taryn made it home safely and someday you will realize your fear of flying is, well, groundless.
...or taken into account time gone for vacations. ;)

I don't get to take a vacation this year. <frown> I'm really jealous of all of the rest of you -- please post trip reports so I can live vicariously through you.
I have a question. How old do you have to be before people will say "He/she died of old age"?

Really, really old!

OK, but isn't 77 the new 66?

I don't remember those, but I do remember when you could dial locally by just dialing the last five digits. Now you have to dial 11 digits around here.

I hate having to dial all those digits. Guess that's why they made memory dial on phones for.
Wow Andy, how many meters do usuually read in a day. Did you ever figure how many miles you really walk a day???:rolleyes:

I usually read between 125-150 meters per day if they are inside meters. The meters I did today were all on the outside wall of the homes, so I can get more of them read per day. Tomorrow I have 265 meters scheduled to read, as they are just like to meters I read today. I am in the newer section of town for the next several weeks, so I will be able to get more accomplished........:upsidedow

I foresee some serious "house cleanin'" on the horizon....

I printed this & put it on my fridge. Not that it hit home or anything! :rolleyes1

You could be right, not sure what the director was looking for. It broke my heart to see her cry, but I know you don't always get what you want in life. It's better for her to learn that early in life, so when other things happen later she will be able to handle them. Besides, I always feel better after a good cry.

I know you're right but still....:sad1: ! Hugs to you & your DD! :grouphug:

Checkin in..

How is everyone.. i am not even gonna think about ketchup.. busy at work as it is last month of a qtr.. anyone want to buy some software???:rotfl2:

I had Eric graduation party Sat night with DH's side of family, then his aunt stayed over and we went to a wedding shower on Sunday.. Today is rain.. and then tonight is Boy Scout Court of Honor.. Eric graduates wednesday, and Geoff has finals wed-Fri..

But Geoff and I leave for SWW on Friday right after he finished finals.... will take us all day to travel.. We have to go from Chicago to NY to Tampa to Orlando..

Anyway, Hi to all... and be back soon..

Wow sounds busy! Hope you have fun on your trip!
Not at all. I am always impressed he managed to get people to spend so much money just to stand in line in the heat all day. :rotfl:

:eek: You better duck because I think you're about to get struck by lightening making statements like that around here! :sad2: ;)
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