Wk of Jan 14--WISH Walking/Running Club

Cam, I'm glad you had your "light bulb" monent, so you could realize what I have been telling you all this time! You ARE amazing, you ARE a long distance endurance athlete and you JUST DID A MARATHON! Holy cow, woman, what does it take for you to realize how incredibly AWESOME that is?????

I second that! You are totally awesome, Cam! :cheer2:

Dave - thanks for the Minnie contest info. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Scott - where are you in Southern NH? We may be neighbors - I am in Nashua.

- you continue to amaze me, you know. Stay strong and follow all your PT's & doctor's orders, ok?

I also read through the race reports on disneyrunning today - you guys kill me, making me tear up at work and all. ;-)
Boy it's hard to keep up at times...

I went out for a 4 mile run last night. My legs are still a little stiff but they felt better this morning. My pace was still slower than normal but it seems to be getting better.

I spent this morning doing odd cross training things around the house. Like fixing the hot water heater (squats from getting down to all the elements), putting up Christmas decorations in the attic (stair climbing), and getting baby stuff down from attic (stair climbing combined with weights). :thumbsup2 The plan is to go for a long run tomorrow morning and see if things feel better or not.

All this talk of races, Lynnda is attempting to talk me into running the Minnie so she can take part in all the relaxing and fun parts. Not sure how fair that is, me do all the hard running and her playing around. :lmao: Although 5 weeks post baby, she may need it. I would also be interested in doing the MCM in 2008 if I can get Lynnda to approve as well.

We are hoping for a calmer baby this time. Billy has kept us on our toes for a while and trying to keep up with him has been one reason for the delay in a second one.

Sunny - glad to hear that they finally figured out what is wrong and we hope that there can finally be some solution to it now.

Judy - we are supposed to eat chocolate chip cookies in front of the TV. ;)

Cam - you did great in the marathon and looking over the past year, it was even better. Things will continue to go up.

Scott - where are you in Southern NH? We may be neighbors - I am in Nashua.

We ARE neighbors well with the exception of Hudson being in between us. I am in Windham.

Just finished todays workout on the TM.

5 Miles - 55:03
1 mile warm up
1600 @ 8:27
800 @ 12:00
1600 @ 8:27
800 @ 10:00
1 miles cool down

I have a question though, my program give me the pace for the 1600s, but says 800 jogs. I'm totally guessing at the jog pace.:confused3
Thanks for everyone's positive, supportive responses to my post. I really wasn't fishing for a compliment or anything, and I do mean that.

I just wanted my team mates to know how much you have helped me to come the conclusions I posted and to encourage the newbies to give themselves credit for coming this far and to hang in there. And I really, really want everyone to understand that I learned first-hand what it means to be a member of a team when Rhonda stayed with me every step of the way. I have read in so many race reports how much it meant to have someone to run or walk with and that is one of the most absolutely amazing things about being a part of this team. Here we are, virtual strangers, strung out all over the world (hi, Helen, sweetie!) and yet we were a unified team that weekend, brought together initially by our love of Disney, but bound together ultimately, through the bonds of friendship that form when people support each other through ups and downs and the joys and struggles of the training process. Yes, the lime green shirts were very nice, but I think we were just as easily identified by the comaraderie we shared on the courses and off, while we worked not only toward our personal goals, but also to give our teammates whatever they needed to bring themselves to their goals.

Does any of that make sense? I am so proud to be a member of this team. I really do mean that. Like Stephanie said, we all have something in us that drives us to find this new identity as athletes, and for some us who were never ever athletes, as members of this team we are so much more than we were before.

And like Jen said, I love it here so much that it motivates me more than anything else to get right back into the training again.
ok, I was feeling kinda left out 'cause I'm not ready for the longer races yet...BUT I found some shorter ones and registered, so now I have some too!!

I signed up for C.A.R.S (Capitol Area Race Series) and will be doing

Gilmanton 5K Road Race
SEA 5K Road Race and Fitness Walk
NHTI/Delta Dental 5K Road Race
Mother of all 5Ks
Bill Luti 5-Miler

and I DID register for the 1/2 in 2008, I WILL be ready by then

Go me go!
ok, I was feeling kinda left out 'cause I'm not ready for the longer races yet...BUT I found some shorter ones and registered, so now I have some too!!

I signed up for C.A.R.S (Capitol Area Race Series) and will be doing

Gilmanton 5K Road Race
SEA 5K Road Race and Fitness Walk
NHTI/Delta Dental 5K Road Race
Mother of all 5Ks
Bill Luti 5-Miler

and I DID register for the 1/2 in 2008, I WILL be ready by then

Go me go!

YAY, Angie!!!
Here we are, virtual strangers, strung out all over the world (hi, Helen, sweetie!) and yet we were a unified team that weekend, brought together initially by our love of Disney, but bound together ultimately, through the bonds of friendship that form when people support each other through ups and downs and the joys and struggles of the training process. Yes, the lime green shirts were very nice, but I think we were just as easily identified by the comaraderie we shared on the courses and off, while we worked not only toward our personal goals, but also to give our teammates whatever they needed to bring themselves to their goals.

Does any of that make sense? I am so proud to be a member of this team. I really do mean that. Like Stephanie said, we all have something in us that drives us to find this new identity as athletes, and for some us who were never ever athletes, as members of this team we are so much more than we were before.

And like Jen said, I love it here so much that it motivates me more than anything else to get right back into the training again.

Yes, makes perfect sense, but makes me a little teary-eyed too :grouphug: I think it is incredible to be a part of something bigger than myself. I did the Sarasota half last year, essentially alone, and there was something really big missing from the experience...all you guys. I love how things have grown and continue to evolve...everyone's had some great ideas and I think we work together as a team incredibly well, especially with the distance that separates us.

I have had some struggles too, dealing with my disappointment in the finish of this year's half. I'm hoping to use this as a learning experience and train better and smarter for other races. And I hope to have you guys along for advice, support and friendship on the way :love:
Mel - You are doing the Full next year??? AWESOME!!! Last night I told Dh that maybe I should consider the full, 1, because it will make my transition from convention to marathon easier with the extra day to get there, and 2, because of the anniv. medal. WHAT???? Am I nuts???? I swore up and down that I would never ever ever have the urge to run a full marathon. I think I am a little loopy from all the airplane fumes!!!

I haven't registered for either the 1/2 or full yet, so who knows, I may change my mind. Right now I am trying to convince work that I can do both the convention and the marathon. They aren't convinced yet, so I need to keep working the magic!!!
Mel -- I am so psyched to hear you are going to do the Full next year. That Mickey is just screaming your name! ::MickeyMo

Jen -- I can't believe your work doesn't know you can accomplish anything you set your heart and mind to. Haven't they already seen that first hand? :thumbsup2 I think someone else here said that anything said within 2 weeks of finishing an endurance event (i.e., I am NEVER doing that again) does not count. Those words just float away, never to bind us. Kind of like Heather telling Kevin she NEVER wanted to walk 26.2 miles again and he told her she wouldn't have to. And what did she do? She signed up for Goofy in '08. How awesome is that? :cheer2:
Go Angie, :banana: Go Angie :banana:

Sunny - So glad to hear you have an answer and they don't think you're nuts! Listen to the Doc and PT. Oh, by the way - WE already
knew you were an awesome athlete! :cool1:

Cam - I know what you mean. I, too, feel so proud to be
associated with you all. It felt so good seeing all of the WISH-ers on the course. So many gave me encouraging words when I was struggling.
It's a big boost to know you have teammates out there on the course.

Lisa (MickeySP) - Where are ya? Did you see our pic on the ASI site? I'm definitely ordering one.

Well, it's official. I'm going Goofy '08. After seeing the Goofy was 50% full last night, I sent in my form this morning. Can't take a chance on getting shut out. Of course family and friends at home were calling me something other than "Goofy".;)
Now I just have to remember how to get the clippie in my sig. Does anyone have the link for WISH racing team clippie?

Hello, teammates!!

I'm rereading the end of MfM. It was great to read that Coach Jenny gave permission to take the week after the 1/2 off, if you needed to. ::yes:: Then for those over 40, she says you'll need a day for every kilometer you've raced. 3 weeks for a half, up to 6 weeks for a full to recover!! Stay active, but don't train until you feel ready.

So, having read that, I wanted to post my training for the week. 'Cause I just got back in the game this last week. It's been hard! :guilty: And to let those lurkers out there know that there is someone out there barely breaking a 14:30 minute mile.

(TM has 3% incline.)
Monday-TM warm up and cool down, total 10 min @ 2.4
1 mile at 3.7!!!
Tuesday-{sore!} 30 min strength training
Thursday-TM warm up and cool down, total 10 min @ 2.4
25 min @ 3.8 (1.5 miles)
Friday-TM warm up and cool down, total 10 min @ 2.4
1 mile @ 3.8 (can't hack it, cut back!!)
2 miles @ 3.5 for a total of 50 minutes
Tomorrow, I'm going for a 4 mile walk. I will have to bundle up because it is going to be in the 40's! :goodvibes Anne
Wow, Anne! That is awesome! What happened to taking time off, taking it easy? You certainly put in some good workouts this week! Ahhh, strength training. Now I remember that one of my resolutions was to get back to strength training. Okay, you've motivated me! Thanks, Sweetie! :hug:
I sent this to a long list of my friends, since you are amongst them... I wanted to share it with you too, here you go.

Dear Friends:

Most of you are at least aware that I intended to participate and/or run in the Walt Disney World Half Marathon (13.1 miles) and Marathon (26.2 miles) back to back in early January 2007. The combined events are aptly named "Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge." I am happy to report that I did indeed finish both events without endangering myself or others in the process. Actually I had a wonderful time... despite how awe fully hot (85 degrees +/-) it was down there in Orlando for the races.

My good friend, John, put together a list of photos from the Half-Marathon and Marathon. The link below takes you to the photos. I hope you like them.... proof of completion for those of you who might have had doubts are also shown.


Thank you for checking the photos out.

All the best,


I completed the half marathon and had a little bit of trouble with my shins. :headache: I've taken the past two weeks off to recover and I'm now ready to get back in shape for the Minnie in May. Should I follow the same plan that I did to get ready for the half? I used MFM. Do I just follow the same half marathon training schedule? What is everyone doing to prepare for the Minnie?
Thanks for the advice!!

Cam - Thank you for posting so honestly. Your accomplishments are amazing. I don't say that lightly. Would you share more about your hip/hamstring issue with me, what you did and how long it took to heal? I would appreciate it. When my hip acts up it is really discouraging.

Today, I didn't walk. I took dd16 to the doctor. Then she babysat this afternoon for ds2 so that I could volunteer in ds4 class. Luckily she finished finals and was off today.

Tomorrow I plan on 3.5 miles on the track. My pace is currently 16.5min/miles. Anything faster and I seem to aggrivate my hip/hamstring again. Any other walkers out there that started this slow? I would like to hear that there is still hope for me!:)

Sunny - If there's anyone who deserves to call herself an athlete, it's YOU! Who went out and did a half marathon without training last year, after barely being able to walk for weeks? I hope this new doc can help find some solutions to the pain - it sounds like surgery is not an option!

Cam - Your finish time is so unimportant. Remember DLF>DNF>>DNS? As Pat said, less than 1% of the people have done what you did. I'm glad that this group can make such a difference in the end result!

Dave - Thanks for the sweepstakes link. Looks like we stand a chance of one of us winning since so many of us have registered! And like the rest of them, that's the only way I'll be able to do it this year.

Kristi - We're getting ready to open an office in Nashua! I'm campaigning to try to come up and help get things going - I have an old college friend in the area and would love to combine a business trip with seeing her - couldn't believe it when I read you were there too!

Angie - There are plenty of us who aren't ready for the long races yet. I'm perfectly happy doing 5K's right now, but have to get ready for 2008 as well.

Stephanie - I can relate to your doing this as something you can do for yourself. Even though I work, this is MY thing. I like it when DH runs with me, but I don't want him with me all the time!

I'm having a really hard time finding the time right now. Weekends are great, but I cannot seem to get in any runs Mon-Fri, even with the treadmill. Something has to change with my schedule and/or priorities. I am doing strength training and stretching every morning. My MfM arrived yesterday, so I'll get into that this weekend and maybe that will help get me going again!

Hi WISH Team, I'm doing this kinda drive-by, but I HAD to post.

Cam, I am so glad that you got it! Really glad and proud of you for sure!

Sunny, yup, you are an Athlete! You are! Sorry about your news, and I'm sending PD and prayers that you can hold out for a long long time.

Vic Hoorah!

New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride more. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Judy, it's M&Ms peanuts.
I'm rereading the end of MfM. It was great to read that Coach Jenny gave permission to take the week after the 1/2 off, if you needed to. ::yes:: Then for those over 40, she says you'll need a day for every kilometer you've raced. 3 weeks for a half, up to 6 weeks for a full to recover!! Stay active, but don't train until you feel ready.
I'm thinking I won't be "training" for a Lonnnggggg time then huh? Wayyy over 40 and 39.3 miles hmmm too much math, I can't even get my brain to think about how long it's recommended for my "recovery." That would be like what, 3 weeks + 6 weeks = what date to start training? Too much math at this hour of the night.
Hey guys - oh, I'm weeping again!!! Cam: there are runners in New Zealand that know that you ran 19 miles bleeding The New Zealand woman's 48 hour running champion even knows of Cam and the socks that must not be shown -you are a worldwide legend in the running community!!!!

I'm still on the exercise bike, did 35 minutes today (wearing my marathon shirt to remind myself why), tomorrow in Goofy training mode, I will do 1 hour 10 minutes although I may have to get on my real bike to do that. Considering I haven't got on that since I got off it after my first (and only) triathlon about 18 months ago that could be funny. Physio is pleased with foot progress, and it's stopped pullling first thing in the morning, so maybe only another 9 days off, we'll see. Can;t work out how I can be on anti-inflammatories three times a day and still have a headache though!

Not much else to report here, I got on the scales at the gym which was frightening - cue mass shopping spree in the vegetable aisle afterwards. My mother is now not only running, she's joined Weight Watchers and there's no way she's going to be thinner than me when we meet in Thailand in 7 weeks, that's just wrong, so I must for once try and last longer than five days - about 49 at least in fact!!!! Hence why I'm on here at 4pm Saturday afternoon - busy hands can't eat things!! Helen


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