Wk of Jan 14--WISH Walking/Running Club

Stacey - That stinks!!!!!!

Melissa - Yay for gettign your EC back!!!!!!! lol about the sprint!
Sunny and Krista - Thank you for noticing my talent for taking pictures of beautiful women. :thumbsup2

Colleen: I would really enjoy planning an event like this with you, Dave, Sara and anyone else from the WISH Team that would be interested in running the MCM in 2008. It may seem like postponing it for you, but for me it is looming on the horizon. Grad school will be over before I know it (May 2008). I am trying to get my friend (from Pennsylvania) to run it with me also.

Enjoy your day!



Hey! That sounds cool! We could have our own WISH meet there!
But be warned....I think they have a start like the 1/2 did this year. I know they did it one year....not sure if they still do.
Kristi - maybe one day we'll be brave enough the thing is, by the time i get brave enough, i'll be a 40yo w/ a newborn:confused3

I am with ya on the 40 thing! I said I would be done for good by 35. Umm, well, that didn't happen since this is still up for discussion. I have to find another race. My last excuse was that I was training for the Minnie, then Disneyland, then WDW half... :scratchin ;)

I'd sprint for hot chocolate too! I think I am going to make some now & get to bed while no one else is home...:tiptoe: (boy, I am evil tonight!)
Today I did a 3 mile run, in the snow!! I loved running in the snow, it had just started snowing so the ground was only wet and not icy yet. I finished my run in just under 30 minutes. I plan on resting tomorrow before my next run on saturday which will be 5 miles.

Thanks to everyone for all the advice on not worrying about the distances. Today, I thought of my run being in small parts and all I focused on was getting to the next point on my run. It made my run go much quicker and I felt great. I am going to use the same approach on saturday morning for my long run.

mogalskr - Jumping right in works!!!! hen yuo feel up to it, tell us more about yourself!

To all newer WISHers -Tell us about yourself and your training and jump in where you feel comfortable. DOn't worry about keeping up and keeping everyone straight too soon. It takes a while and even those oof us who camp her emroe often :rolleyes1 can't keep up sometimes. You'll get to a point where you "know" more people and in the meantime, hopefully, we can give you some help.
Yes! Please jump in. You'll be fine and it will be such fun. Yeah, I can't remember everyone either. I try.

Work was frustrating as I reached the end of my day, but I had the greatest experience at work today. I talked with another runner! I told him what I did not too long ago and he said that he's run several marathons and is looking at some for this year trying to choose. Wow! I talked running with someone while I was at work! When I heard him say he did this, I spun around and said Ohhhhh! then you "get it." He nodded and I said no one else here does. It was a moment in time. Too bad he's not here often. He cleans our offices 2X/week and we don't get time to chat often. No one else had much to say about my endeavor when I returned, just another day in paradise as I came back from vaca.

I think I hear my TM calling me for a small trial tonight. I really need to try it out.
Gosh all these future races sound great, it's quite depressing not knowing what the future state of the world will be and thus what our military's posture will be and thus what my deployment schedule will be. :confused3

I keep piling them on while I'm here since I'm still finishing up training, actually looks like I might do the Bridge to Bridge 15k in Pensacola on Feb 3rd, the Pensacola Marathon (cept running the half) on Feb 18th, and the Mardi Gras Marathon (cept running the half) on Feb 25th. Oh, and did I mention potentially making a quick jaunt out to LA to run the LA Marathon March 4th? Edit: and the MCM is definitely in my plans whatever year I'm around, would be great to see you all there too!

Sounds quite silly I know, and they'd all be at a real slow pace, but I'm really getting into this bling collecting thing! Even March is a long way out though, might be done with training and on the other side of the world by then...
Hey all... I am back home, for a week at least. My flight was again delayed and I was over 2 hours late. So I logged into my work computer to send an email out for a meeting I have tomorrrow.... Guess was DH said.... You better not be chatting on the DIS boards all night. I guess I needed to actually make my presence at home.

Anyhoo... If anyone is doing Grandma's in Duluth, let me know and I will be your scream team. It's only 3 hours away. Do they have a 1/2 marathon? Tho I am not sure I would want to run those hills!!!!

OK, DH is nagging me to get off the 'puter. Chat with you all tomorrow!!!
Greetings all, sorry that I have been away from here for a bit. Something about having to make up all the time that I was in Orlando for the Goofy. You all know how that goes.

I know this is a bit late, but congrats to all of the people who endured the worst running conditions that I have ever experienced. Everyone who showed persistence and survived the conditions the Mouse threw at us this year is a champion in my book. I was complaining about the cold in 2006, but I will take the cold over the hot and humid at the start (at 6 am!!) any time.

All this talk of future marathons is making me think about my swearing off marathons and/or Goofy challenges forever. There is a loophole somewhere that says "never again" uttered within 2 weeks of the finish of a marathon doesn't count, right? Now, if I can only convince my wife of that rule....

For the first time in a very long time, I have no races on the schedule, and no Disney trips on the schedule. I have to decide if I am going to try Goofy again (if 2 Goofy's = Dumbo, what does 3 Goofy's equal??) or if I am going to do the Disneyland 1/2 this year again. I don't think it is in the budget to do both again this year. Something about having a baby in March and the impact that has on the finances.

To all the newcomers: Welcome! Jump right on in and join the fun. Feel free to ask all kinds of questions, and make yourselves comfortable. We truly are a team here.


I just posted on the thread about the Goofy filling up that PumpkinKing posted to and asked him if you two were going Goofy again in 2008. I know you said never but had been wondering if you changed your mind yet LOL

I mentioned in that thread to PumpkinKing that the advise you and he gave Susan and I about doing a Full before taking on the Goofy was widely accepted and we signed up for just the Full for 2008. We'll leave the Goofy for another year if ever ;) That actually falls more in line with my plans but Susan's aunt who does Half marathons told her that she did 1 Marathon and that was enough for her and has not done another yet. She sticks with the 13.1. So Susan was worried that she'd do the Full and never want it again and therefore wanted the Goofy. I wanted a few 13.1 then a 26.2 before attempting the Goofy so with you and your brother's help I won the argument LOL Thanks!!!!!

Now just to convince myself of the 26.2. As you said, horrible racining conditions that weekend still have me twitching at the memories :rotfl: I'm looking at the Minnie Marathon so that I can learn those 9 miles and then only have a few unknowns on Jan 13th. Susan graduates the day before the Minnie but has given me her blessing to go forth and bring back information and a medal. Just as long as she doesn't think she gets the medal! :lmao:

I saw you had posted and had to jump on the thread and let you know.

Hope to see you both in 2008. Best wishes to you and your wife!

So to the organizer of the 2008 Race Weekend List ....

Susan (mousemgr) and Diane are signed up for the Full. Susan was kind enough to hold off until Monday night (Jan 8th) before registering us LOL She gave me a whole 24 hours extra to decide! She was going to sign us up the moment it came online.

The weather is horrible here. I think it actually was above 30*! *gasp* Will stay below 30 this weekend and there is probably still icey patches at the park. Susan has been sick all week and I'm about to collapse from work related stress. Not a single minute of exercise has been done. I don't think either of us is happy about that. I'm starting to twitch and will probably use the ellipitcal machine tomorrow if DH is home to handle dinner for me.

I need to play catch up with the list. Hope all is well with everyone else! TGIF tomorow!
Matt, I hope you've got lots of races around here and that you're not needed on the other side.

All this talk of future marathons is making me think about my swearing off marathons and/or Goofy challenges forever. There is a loophole somewhere that says "never again" uttered within 2 weeks of the finish of a marathon doesn't count, right? Now, if I can only convince my wife of that rule....
Paul, you ned to read the race reports. Everyone is saying the same thing...never again, then signing up! Sorry you're so swamped. I get that for sure sad to say.

Jen, glad you made it home safe and sound. Enjoy the time.

I thought I posted up that I did TM tonight. I just have no idea where. I did 2.5 miles in about 37 minutes. I felt good and stretched a good bit. I just need to look for someone to show me how to stretch that IT band better. I feel back pain when I'm doing it and that cannot be right. So looking at it on the Internet and trying to do it are different. It felt good to get the steps in and I hope it feels good in the a.m.
Okay here goes. I'll try to keep up. I've just taking up running because I am sick of riding my trainer all winter. I compete in a few endurance mountain bike events during the year and figure I would get into endurance running events.

I also seem to be having a mini mid life crisis as I approach 40. I have set a bunch of endurance goals that are basically races I want to finish.

My first question is - has anyone trained for 12 weeks for a 1/2 on just a treadmill?
Morning Everyone,

Well tomorrow -- I get my butt back into gear. Now that my cold is finally totally gone. I have a session with my personal trainer tomorrow morning :woohoo: :woohoo: .

My goal is to start doing 5k runs again in March or April. Right now, with getting back in gear I will be doing strength training.

Well, I've run a little late getting into work today; I have been keeping up with reading the thread this week just don't have time to comment.

Hope everyone's day goes well.

My first question is - has anyone trained for 12 weeks for a 1/2 on just a treadmill?

I followed John Bingham's 14 week half-marathon program just using a TM. It is very doable. I also trained for the WDW full only using a TM. It's not for everybody, but it works for me!

Good luck!!
Okay here goes. I'll try to keep up. I've just taking up running because I am sick of riding my trainer all winter. I compete in a few endurance mountain bike events during the year and figure I would get into endurance running events.

I also seem to be having a mini mid life crisis as I approach 40. I have set a bunch of endurance goals that are basically races I want to finish.

oooooo I love you already!!!! Mt. biking is my athletic nemisis!!! I do it all the time, yet, I never see much improvement!!!! Maybe w/ the running you should add oreinteering and start adventure racing. It is the perfect answer to a mid life crisis. I rode the trainer for 30 mins this week and could not handle it much longer!!!!!!!!!!!! It just sucks every ounce of fun out of biking for me. My bike that i use for adv. races has been in the shop for about 3 1/2 weeks. I built up single speed this yr., so I have been riding it. Judy (honibee) labled my normal bike the bronc b/c it bucked me off over the handlebars every time i rode it. I have since had the geometry adjusted (cannondale jekyll) and got some xc riser bars and it helped. The other is a bianch p.u.s.s (pink ugly single speed) I've thought about doing some races (not the longer ones) w/ it this year. My thinking on that is that I'm slow anyway and no one will think anything of my slowness on a ss.
Planning on being a slug today. I think we are supposed to get quite a bit of snow this weekend, but the temps are also going to go up into the 40's so I'm hoping we find a way to get outside and play!
Hi All,

Well…one of my goals for this year is to participate more here on the WISH board, but you all have been moving much faster then I can keep up,:lmao: so….I’m going to just jump on in.

First….Welcome to all the newbies!:welcome:

Jan (DisneymomJan) – I think that was me you were talking with on Sunday at the Beach Club. Glad you found your way over here.:welcome:

All the talk about the Minnie has me really jealous. :tilt: I would love to go this year, but Sean’s(DS) Fire Company (for those that don’t know, Sean is a Volunteer Firefighter) is having a “Wet Down” the day before the Minnie. John & I have already committed to help/work at it. I will definitely be there in 2008 though.::MinnieMo

Glad to see everyone is getting back into training or training to train. I have a question I’m hoping you can all help me with. Now that I am back into training to train….How long should my long runs be? Should they be the same every week or vary the distance week to week? If vary, what’s a good range to stay within? :thanks:
So, I went to the gym last night and had my orientation with the weight equipment. That pretty much confirmed just how out of shape I've managed to get. :sad2:

Then I thought, hey, why not jump on the elliptical for 30 minutes? That won't be too bad.

I was only on for about 5 before I thought I was going to DIE. I'd forgotten how that machine felt. Oy. I did manage to go for a full 20 minutes before calling it a night.

Surprisingly, I feel pretty good today. Just a touch sore (but mostly my arms - and that was from the weight work), but not bad at all. I am glad it's a rest day, though. :)
Okay here goes. I'll try to keep up. I've just taking up running because I am sick of riding my trainer all winter. I compete in a few endurance mountain bike events during the year and figure I would get into endurance running events.

I also seem to be having a mini mid life crisis as I approach 40. I have set a bunch of endurance goals that are basically races I want to finish.

My first question is - has anyone trained for 12 weeks for a 1/2 on just a treadmill?

I did the majority of my training for the 1/2 on my TM. It didn't work so well for me. I did however have an injury I had to work through too. But, I believe I'm one who needs to hit the pavement to maximize my training.
We have one of those too, Melissa. The good new is that when the first one is really hard work, it makes the second look easy! As a matter of fact, who am I kidding? I've heard God never gives you more than you can handle. . . well, he had wayyyyy tooo much faith in me as far as my first was concerned. His views on my abililities were much more realistic by the time Andrew came along -- he has been a breeze since he was in the womb! ;) Oh, and I do firmly believe you can tell a child's personality by their personality in the womb. Both of my kids have exactly the personalities I would have expected based on how hyper or placid they were for those 9 LONNNNNNGGGG months. :rotfl2:

That is soooo true (especially the part about God thinking I could handle DD17!!!:rotfl2: ). She's my princess: but she is mega high maitenance! If DS6 was anything like her, I'd be in the looney bin for sure. The womb thing is true, too. I had never thought about it. DD17 was 2 1/2 weeks late (she's still late for everything she does). DD6 bounced so much I hardly ever slepted (he still does!). They are definitely both totally different.


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