Wk of Jan 14--WISH Walking/Running Club

I also have done the majority of my training for 2 Halfs and the Full on the TM, mostly because of my vision issues and not being on the same training schedule as DH. I really didn't mind it so much, and now that I have a video ipod I think I am really going to enjoy those TM sessions a lot more.

Well, gang, I did my first TM session last night since the Full and it really wasn't bad at all. My toes are still healing and I'll have to do something about the bottoms of my feet as a result of the huge blisters that covered them and left behind what I'd guess you'd call scarring. But I did 2.12 miles (including slow warm up) in 30 minutes for an overall pace of 14:09. Running was fine and I took it at a slower pace 4.8 mph instead of 5.0 - 5.2 and everything seemed good. My heart rate still kicks up very quickly to about 155 (definately vtach but doctors are okay with that as long as it kicks down when I slow down); I am checking in with cardiologist in March so we'll confirm all is okay on the EKG. I see the pulmonologist on 2/1 to talk about the acidosis (sp?) issue and he thinks it is again due to blood oxygen issues leftover from heart condition and heart meds, which might not be resolvable, but I could learn breathing techniques to compensate -- hey, wasn't there a movie called "Learning to Breathe?" ;) So, all is great and right on track and I am going to have so much FUN training to jog much of the Minnie! :yay: :banana:
Karen - I like to keep my bod where i can pretty much go out and o 10 miles whenever. In the off months and months where i'm working other disciplines actively, 8 is good (that is just me, I have nothing to back it up!!!)
I had my dr apt with the Harvard Ortho-surgeon at Brigham & Women's yesterday.

There's good news and bad news.

The bad news is, he confirmed I need the full disk lamenectomy and L4-L5 fusion. It's not a matter of "if", but "when". He would not give me any advice on when I should have it, but he said, "if you can run back to back marathons, I my opinion is you are not a candidate for teh surgery yet.". He told me people my age don't usually have this surgery (I've heard that before), its really an "old" person condition. He started to tell me the risks and implications. He got to "you will not be able to do endurance sports..." and I waved my hands and said, "I don't want to hear any more, I'm not ready for surgery".

He said he wasn't surprized I got minimal help from pt. He said, "you are an athlete, you need to be seen by a sports specialists". OK, tears flowed here, he called me an athlete. He gave me a name of a sports specialists/PT at B&W and I have an apt for Feb 20th. He felt I should try the injections again, along with her care. He said, "when the two of you know it's time, you come back to see me" (meaning surgery). I don't know if I have months or years...

The really good news he gave me was: he said there is absolutely no evidence that running causes spinal degeneration or exacerbates existing degeneration. I said, "So I can run?" and he said "as much as you want".

I asked him how it is possible that I can run marathon but I can't get through a simple day at work, picking up my son and making dinner. He didn't have an answer but he did confirm my condition should/would make sitting, standing, twisting painful.

He didn't mention the lumbar stenosis. He told me my facet joints have failed, causing my L4 to slip over my L5, causing impingment of the nerves.

Now its all up to me to decide when I can no longer tolerate the pain. I was pretty down last night. But there was a quote taped to teh side of the pc of the women who registered me and I've pondered it a lot:

Be careful of your thoughts; your thoughts become actions. Becareful of your actions; your actions become habits. Becareful of your habits; your habits become your character. Becareful of your character; your character determines your destiny.

My thoughts have been very dismal and my outlook has been downright scary. I don't want to be that character and I don't want to have that destiny.

I'm going to work on my thoughts. The decision on pain is so huge because it's not just me, it affects my whole family, my job, my world.

Sunny -- I am so proud of you, as always for your determination and strength of will. I am glad you got good news and we never doubted that you are an Athlete with a capital "A". I remember how much relief you got from the epidural. I hope you can come up with a plan/protocol that takes you back to a pain-free existence. :hug:
oooooo I love you already!!!! Mt. biking is my athletic nemisis!!! I do it all the time, yet, I never see much improvement!!!! Maybe w/ the running you should add oreinteering and start adventure racing. It is the perfect answer to a mid life crisis. I rode the trainer for 30 mins this week and could not handle it much longer!!!!!!!!!!!! It just sucks every ounce of fun out of biking for me. My bike that i use for adv. races has been in the shop for about 3 1/2 weeks. I built up single speed this yr., so I have been riding it. Judy (honibee) labled my normal bike the bronc b/c it bucked me off over the handlebars every time i rode it. I have since had the geometry adjusted (cannondale jekyll) and got some xc riser bars and it helped. The other is a bianch p.u.s.s (pink ugly single speed) I've thought about doing some races (not the longer ones) w/ it this year. My thinking on that is that I'm slow anyway and no one will think anything of my slowness on a ss.

:thumbsup2 another biker cool. I have been riding for many years and just started the endurance stuff the last 3 years. I just got into ss building up a Surly 1x1 last year and race a Yeti 575. I also road bike for training. I am realy hoping running with increase my overall endurance for the longer races.

No adventure racing for me. I would love to, but by wife would shoot me if I told her I had a new sport.
Okay, guys, can I beg your indulgence for a few minutes? I have been thinking a lot about my marathon experience and truly regretting that I was as miserable during the race as is so obvious from the pictures I have seen. But I just had what my friend Kathy called a "lightbulb moment" :idea: -- I was well-trained for this event. I was conditioned and positive in spirit and confident in my ability to finish and I was bolstered by the support of an awesome Team.

When all was said and done, my inability to finish within the required time (by just a few minutes!) and the pain I was feeling during the race was strictly related to my fall and the extreme heat. I had no pain after the race, either, that wasn't related to the fall and the blisters on my feet (due to the heat and my gait being off because of hurting both knees). Even the cramping I had in my right leg sounds like what everyone says was due to the heat and hydration issues.

It has meant a lot to me to be able to come to these conclusions after a lot of obsessing about it. It makes me happy to know that my training was effective and that I had it in me to finish a marathon. I have been belittling my accomplishment in my head and feeling something of a fraud for having a medal I felt so unworthy to have. I realize now I would not let a fellow teammate feel that way and I really want to move on to just feeling pride and no regret. And believe me, I have been suffering severe regret for having slowed down Rhonda, for not enjoying the last 19 miles of the experience, and for not taking the time to high-five or hug every single one of my WISH teammates who stood out there to cheer for us. But I think I've come to peace with all of it. And Rhonda, bless her heart, has never uttered a word of regret (AND she was just as upbeat and fabulous and fresh as she looks in the pix!) I have to get past this all,and just getting back on the TM last night and doing a decent pace was very reassuring.

Here's the reality -- I've completed 4 endurance events in the past year -- my first half marathon was comfortably within the required finish time. The Minnie was hard because of my hip/hamstring injury and the 40+ minute potty fiasco that meant no time to stretch. In retrospect, I am even pleased with my performance in the Disneyland Half, especially considering I was mostly solo (thanks, Kristi, for keeping me company a couple of miles) and I was stupid enough to do it with 2 hours of sleep or so and after being in the parks on my feet. And I recently actually finished a full marathon!

I am so grateful for all the support I have found here and that everyone has encouraged me beyond each experience to seek the next success.
I am really looking forward to the training this year. You guys are absolutely the BEST! :grouphug: :love: :lovestruc :cloud9: I just wanted to say that and to tell our newest team members that each stride is an accomplishment. Take pride in the fact that you are doing something so good for you, instead of eating bon-bons in front of the tv in every spare moment.

Okay, off my soapbox and out of the confessional!
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to touch base a quick second. I haven't had a chance to read anyone's posts....it's been that sort of week....

I promise to catch up this weekend.... right now I've got multiple crises on multiple fronts and I'm trying to catch my breath. Just wanted to let you know I haven't abandoned ship ;)

I'm still plugging along with my training as best I can.

Take Care,
Kevin :earsboy:
Take pride in the fact that you are doing something so good for you, instead of eating bon-bons in front of the tv in every spare moment.

I'm new here, but I think this one statement says it all. You should be proud that you had the courage to stand at the starting line and try to accomplish something most people think is impossible.
I just want to say, the females on this team are some of the most determined and strong willed women I've ever had the privilege of being associated with. I'm proud of all of you!

I've said this before and I'll say it again, its an honor and a privilege to be part of this team.

Can I get a HOORAH!? ;)
HOORAH:banana: :banana:

This is a awesome group and I also am very happy to be part of your group, everyone is made to feel so welcome....even us newbies with questions I am sure you have all seen a million times but continue to answer for us.

Cam, what a awesome post, you are truly amazing and you should be very proud of what you did do. From what I understand the weather was unbelieveable that weekend and that fact that any of you even finished, regardless of time is a true achievement. Please be proud of yourself:grouphug:

Morning all! Just checking in--today is a rest day--and I sure need it after that killer Pilates bootcamp yesterday. I have muscles hurting in places that I didn't know had muscles! Have a 13.1 miler tommorrow--at least the cold rain won't start until we're finished.

Cam--you are such an inspiration! I love what you had to say! I have to keep reminding myself that the only person I'm competing with is the voice in my head that says "You're only a wife and a SAHM--you can't do this!" Every morning I get up and look that person in the mirror and answer back "You wanna bet!" I was telling my running partner (a guy) last weekend during our LR that one of the main reasons I'm doing this marathon is to prove that even though I am a wife and a SAHM of two small kids, that underneath it all I am still a strong woman--and this is something that I can do for myself--not for my DH or my kids--I still have an identity that is not tied to them--I am a soon to be marathoner--no matter when I finish!

I got the greatest compliment yesterday from the Pilates instructor. She said "Hey, I know you--you're the runner, right?" I about fell over! I'm a runner now! :banana:

Oh, and thanks for posting the link to the Minnie contest--that's the only way I could go--so I have, what a one in a million chance??:rolleyes1
Whoo Hooo, I am back home for a week! My flight was yet again delayed, so I got home late. The whole trip was not fun at all. This weekend I plan to get back on the either the indoor track or treadmill and get my booty in dear.

MelR - I love that you said you try to stay at the point where you can run 8-10 miles at any time. I want to always be able to run 3-6 miles, so I can sign up for a race on a whim.

Dave - I signed up for the Free Minnie trip. Thanks for the link, I would LOVE to go!

Cam - You are so inspiring. Thanks for the post. I loved it. It doesn't matter that you didn't make the time, you still crossed that finish line with pics to prove it. So you are a Marathon Finisher!!!

Vic - HOORAH!!! I never thought I would continue running after finishing the 1/2 marathon. That is really all I wanted to do... now I can't leave. I just love all the WISHers way too much!

OK, work really needs to get done... blahhhhhh!
Oh, and thanks for posting the link to the Minnie contest--that's the only way I could go--so I have, what a one in a million chance??:rolleyes1

"So, you're saying I have a chance then" (my favorite quote from dumb and dumber!)

Cam - thanks for your honesty and wonderful post. Everyone here porbably struggles w/ those same thoughts as we are a group of overachievers! You should be proud!!!

Sunny - You're in my thoughts and prayers in regards to your struggle w/ pain. Your attitude and strength are amazing!

Scott - there are actually lots of bikers on the thread. I think Heather(txbelle) has done the MS 150 (road) and Christa (gatorphipps) road bikes and has done tris. Lynn, xterratri, (hence the screen name) was the exterra queen but now is our resident ironwoman (i don't know how many she has done but it is more than one!!) What color is the surly? I have the surly fork on the p.u.s.s. It looks really sweet. I've actually been considering going soft and getting a suspension fork. My ss. pretty light as the frame is aluminum (sissy, I know!) We placed in our last adventure race and won some $$ at our local outdoor store. I used some to buy a surly t-shirt, which is my current favorite!! I think it is like the harley of bicycles! I got my husband (phil) a 29er frame for christmas, but he is building it up as a geared bike (i keep trying to talk him in to going hard core and single speeding it, but he has NO interest in doing that)!!!
nucpharm - Here is my SAHM smilie for the day (b/c this is what i've been doing all day!!):laundy: Ok, and maybe some of this.:surfweb:
What color is the surly?

The surly is black and is squishy in front. Right now I'm in a mental battle to pick up a 29" Zion and build it as a 1x9. The frame is cheap enough, but I know once I start with the parts it will add up. Plus how many bikes can I ride at once. Though building them is half the fun I guess.
What?!?!? We're NOT supposed to eat bon-bons in front of the tv in every spare moment????? :eek:


Cam, I'm glad you had your "light bulb" monent, so you could realize what I have been telling you all this time! You ARE amazing, you ARE a long distance endurance athlete and you JUST DID A MARATHON! Holy cow, woman, what does it take for you to realize how incredibly AWESOME that is?????

You have inspired so many people here, especially me. You really are amazing. It's about time to give yourself some credit for how far you've come. :thumbsup2

Vic - You know, Vic, sir...I just keep liking you more and more....

Kevin - :upsidedow :wave:
Cam, your lack of an "official" finish does not diminish your achievement in any way. The fall you took would have sent most people to the med tent - your determination and courage inspite of the fall and the heat only makes your Mickey medal glow all the more. It is an amazing accomplishment to finish a marathon (something less than 1% of the population has done), to finish it under the conditions you did should make it all the more special. I'm so sorry the day did not live up to your expectations, but you took your bad luck and still did something wonderful. Please wear your Mickey medal with pride, you earned it!
Though building them is half the fun I guess.

That is exactly why I got phil that frame for christmas (it was kindof' like when homer simpson got marge the bowling ball for her birthday!) The sad thing is, phil is totally into the build up process now and I haven't gotten to do any of it!!! As far as cost, I generally go to the LBS and look through the take off pts. bin! On my ss, the wheels don't match (i have a wtb speed disc on front and dual duty on back!) and b/c i got the 2 new wheels w/ tires and tubes for 50bucks, i just used a ss. coversion kit on the shimano style hub. It does have the horizontal drops, so i didn't have to use that ugly tensioner hanging down, I got those cool surly chain tugs w/ the bottle opener on them b/c they had the adapter for a quick release skewer!!! OK, i have to stop now, i'm feeling a little nerdy!! As far as convincing your wife to let you adventure race, you can get her to do it w/ you (they usually require you have a girl on the team!!)
Just checking in today--I ran three miles in the rain/snow yesterday afternoon, and I LOVED it!!! I didn't think I would, but it was great.

Dave-thanks for the info on the sweepstakes, that would be the only way I would be able to go...so I wil keep my fingers crossed, who knows maybe I will get lucky for once in my life....lol!!!

mogulskr-unlike some of the others, I hate training on a treadmill, and I try to do everything outdoors, as much as the weather permits. I find that I cannot go as hard on the treadmill as I can out on the pavement. My mile times are much slower. You should find what is right for you!

Sunny--I am sorry to hear about your prognosis for your back. Keep up your positive attitude, you are an inspiration.

Cam--Like the others have said, I loved reading your story. Remember there are so many people out there that don't even have the courage to step up to the starting line, let alone finish a marathon. Who cares about the time, you accomplished something that most people in this world will never even attempt, let alone consider doing.

As a newbie to the team, I have to say, you guys all are awesome!!! I can't wait each day to read the boards to see what is going on...it really is a form of motivation for me!!

Enjoy the day!



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