You're Going AGAIN?????

Your ADRs look great! You have all of our favorites in there and then some! Good job on the My Points gift card. I'm still working on mine for T-Rex. It'll be nice to have one meal for "free". I'm sorry to hear about your pay freeze, but you're right to focus on how at least you're still employed. It is a shame that pay increases haven't kept up with the increase in cost of living. At least you got that nice appreciation breakfast. That sounds like quite a spread!

So you've officially been bitten by the camping bug, huh? People at work keep talking about camping, but they haven't convinced me to go yet. For now, I'll just camp vicariously through you :laughing: That'll be nice when you go camping with your extended family :goodvibes

62 DAYS FOLKS!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: That’s where we are at!! Peter intends on paying off the trip on the due date (August 8th) and he already has the money in the account! I’m soooo excited!!! Now that I have to pay $160 per week for Victoria’s summer camp, I haven’t been able to contribute to the vacation fund. :confused3 Oh, I’ll be the one saving up the spending money and I should be getting the Rainforest Café gift cards in the mail soon! $75 worth and I’m hoping to have enough Mypoints for another $25 gift card by then. I’ve done a little more shopping for Disney, too. I bought an insulated cooler wallet to keep my diabetes med pen in. Apparently it’s supposed to keep med cold all day! I read about it here on the Disboards, so I’m pretty excited about that. I have to take my insulin at night, so that’s no problem, but I do have to take Victoza mid-day and I would be in the parks at that time. I didn’t want to have to run to the first aid station when it was time to take it. This way here I will have it with me and it won’t take up any more room than a regular wallet. Thank you Disboards for the tip!! :thumbsup2 I’ve also paid for my Photopass Share membership. I’m still kind of nervous about all that, as I’ve never been in a share before, but hey, if it all works out like it should, $20 is a heck of a lot better than the $99 for the prepaid CD and this way I will be in at least some of the pics with my family! :love: I’ve also bought a new med id charm for my bracelet. I used to have one and I stopped wearing it. I don’t know if I am sometimes in denial about my conditions, but I really get sick of being reminded that I’m sick. Ugh! But, this charm will go on the charm bracelet that will hold my Disney charms. I had received a free bracelet and Tangled charm when I bought the movie, so now I want to fill it up with those charms you can find at Once Upon A Toy in DTD and other places. I’ve wanted to do that previously, but couldn’t justify the price. It’s one of the few things I regret not buying, so this year, I’m going to. :woohoo: I also want a Disney salt/pepper shaker set! I didn’t have enough money this pay period for the MNSSHP tickets for September 13th, but hopefully I can work that in soon! I still have time to order them and get them before we leave.

We will go camping again in August (aside from our trip in July). This time we will be going to Old Orchard Beach and spend time on the beach where we got married. I cannot wait for that trip. It will be just Peter, Victoria and I. They have a very nice pool at the campground and yes, free wi-fi for Victoria!! ;)

Speaking of Victoria, she was voted “Camper of the Day” yesterday and has a chance to win “Camper of the Week” this week. Neither she nor I know what qualified her for this award, :confused3 but I told her to keep it up. She got a free water bottle as the award! Thank goodness she is really liking camp. She’s all nice and tan now, unless her pale-as-a-ghost mother!! Her personality is sooooooo much better than it was. I’m really pleased.

Last weekend we took one of our “Family Rides” and this time landed in Bucksport. We went to see the grave of John Buck. Here’s the legend that goes with the grave: A woman was accused of witchcraft and brought before Colonel Buck. She was then condemned to death. As the noose was placed around her neck, she supposedly uttered this curse," Jonathan Buck, listen to these words, the last my tongue shall utter. In the spirit of the only true and living God I speak to you. You will soon die. Over your grave they will erect a stone that all may know where the bones of the mighty Jonathan Buck are crumbling to dust. But listen, all ye people, and may your descendents ever know the truth. Upon that stone will appear the imprint of my foot, and for a long time after your accursed race has perished from the earth the people will come from afar to view the fulfillment and will say: 'There lies the man who murdered a woman.' Remember well, Jonathan Buck, remember well." When the Colonel died, his grave was marked by an ordinary marker. In 1852, Buck's descendents decided to erect a larger, more elegant monument to better honor their esteemed ancestor. That is when the curse came to bear. It was noted at the time that the relatives had chosen an exceptionally clean, unblemished piece of granite. Nevertheless, one morning the townspeople noticed the unmistakable mark of a leg and a foot on the front of the monument! It was assumed that it was done by vandals, and they attempted to have the monument cleaned with some kind of solution, but nothing worked. The legend goes on to state that they tried to gouge it out, but it returned, and that the monument was replaced three times, but the image returned every time.


We all love that kind of stuff, so this was really neat to see. We also saw historical Fort Knox on the Penobscot River.


It was a really enjoyable ride. On Sunday Victoria had her very first ride on a motorcycle. Peter is an excellent driver and I knew he’d be super careful with Victoria. She was a bit scared at first :scared1: but she came back and proclaimed she LOVED IT!! :moped:



Our 4th of July was spent at my Aunt Bea’s home from about noon to 3.


It was so hot and humid out that we wanted to leave and go into our pool, so we did, at least Victoria and I did.


Peter wasn’t in the best of moods, so he just continued yard work while we played. That is, until the thunder started. We never did end up getting a storm that day, but they always tell you when you hear thunder, get out of the pool.

Other than that, all is pretty quiet around here. Just watching the daily countdown numbers and getting more and more excited for Disney!!! Oh, another thing I’ve done to get Victoria excited is to pack her lunch in Disney bags from our last time. Yes, like the dork I am, I saved them. :rolleyes1 Good thing I did, because Victoria seems to really like having her lunches in Disney bags!!
:woohoo: Your trip is so close! It seems like you guys are having a great summer though so we wouldn't want to rush those 62 day. :goodvibes
I've been playing with my Photoshop and different tshirt ideas.....

Here's one I'm doing for Victoria....



42 days people…..42 more days!!! :cool1: I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by!!! We were able to pay off the balance last week so now it’s just a matter or waiting! Oh, I do still have to purchase MNSSHP tickets for September 13th as I haven’t done that yet, but I’m hoping to do that tomorrow when some money gets deposited into my account. I did receive my gift cards for T-Rex Café from MyPoints. Although, those little stinkers no longer allow Avon as one of their merchants. Urrghh! :mad: At least I have $75!! That should get us a nice little meal! My tip envelopes are all stamped and they just need to be colored. I was going to do that today, but I couldn’t find them. I don’t remember where I put them at this point. :confused3 I hope I find them soon! I bought 2 more rain ponchos at the Dollar Store and I have the toiletries all set. I’m now working on what I am bringing in the suitcases vs. the carryons. Peter and I will each have one suitcase and one carryon and I’m thinking Victoria will have one carryon and her laptop case. Maybe a suitcase of her own…..I’m not sure yet. She will have to go through the pins on her lanyard and figure out which ones she is going to keep on there and which ones she’ll want to trade. I put locking backs on the ones she keeps so she doesn’t lose them.

Aside from getting Disney stuff ready, there’s a lot going on right now in the real world……My doctor has finally approved my request of having my lap band removed. I am just waiting for a surgery date now, but August is a really busy month so I’m hoping to know soon! My family has another camping weekend planned and there is a scrapbooking weekend coming up, too, that I want to attend. My mom is also going to have surgery sometime this month, but she is waiting on my date so that she can help us out when it’s my turn. She has a herniated disc in her back that needs repair. Oh, and then to add to the list, my darling husband comes home on Monday after a visit to the urologist and says he has to have surgery to repair a possible hernia in a not so comfy area. :eek: :sick: So now he also has to wait on my date before scheduling his own. Then of course we have the first day of school on August 31st. We’ll need to go shopping for supplies and an outfit. My Mom has already bought her 5 pairs of new jeans, so it’s a matter of getting some nice shirts. Nope, my child is not a dress and skirt type of girl. I wanted to have a Saturday to invite some friends over to my pool, but again, I don’t know when. I just wish the doctor’s office would call.

I’ve purchased each of us 3 tshirts and I may buy more…..I’m doing the Victoria design on hers and I’ve done an anniversary design for both Peter and I. I’m not sure if I’m going to do more Mickey tie dyes or if I’m just going to do some regular tie dyes but I did buy another kit at AC Moore’s while they were on sale for $5. I still want to do some more Disigns, but I’m not sure if I will have the time. Slowly but surely I’m going through my own clothes to see what I want to wear in Disney. I don’t think I’ll need to buy anything, but I may want to just the same. We usually bring enough for 6 days and I do laundry mid trip. I’ve also been known to wash underpants in the hotel’s sink!! I think I may have to pick up some jeans at Goodwill and make some cut offs for myself. That’s the hard part --- how many pants vs shorts??? Maybe ½ and ½. :confused3

We had a wonderful camping trip in July!! :lovestruc We had gone to Bass Harbor, Maine and it was soooo awesome. Not one drop of rain this time around and we were with his sister and her family, so it was a lot of fun!! I finally got the campfire I’ve wanted!! We weren’t directly on the ocean, but you can smell it from the campground. Oh man…..I loved that!!! :love: I so want to retire and have a home on the coast!!! Peter’s sister fed us tonz!! I couldn’t believe all the stuff she brought with her! We spent some time driving around Acadia National Park, too, and that was beautiful! Something really disappointing happened on that trip….my nice new $200 camera that I got for Christmas died!!! Well, not the entire camera, but the lcd screen cracked. :headache: :headache: I have no idea how that happened because I am super careful with it!!! It would probably cost $80 to send it back to Fugi and I don’t think I want to put the money into it……who’s to say it won’t happen again? As I said, I’m super careful! Thankfully, I keep my old faithful in the car, so I was able to take pics all weekend! :thumbsup2 I really want another camera, especially with the 15x zoom lens, but I don’t know if I should spend the money. I did find one on which is an Olympus on sale for $85, but again, I don’t know.

So here are some camping pics....






Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been reading your updates :goodvibes

I really like your idea for Victoria's Pluto shirt. Has she seen it or will it be a surprise?
I tried to hide a Perry the Platypus shirt I bought for DS but he saw a pic I had taken for our PTR. He just happened to take some pics and was scrolling back through photos that were still on the camera :lmao:
Yes, I know, I know. I haven't read anyone's PTRs in nearly a month again :blush: I really miss you guys and your updates when I don't get to go on the boards! A lot has been going on over here on your PTR! Let's see... Summer camp - that is fantastic that Victoria is enjoying that. Or is camp over now? It's been so long since I've been on here. I like your idea of packing her lunches in WDW bags! Also, the name fill design you made for her is great!

I'm glad to hear your doctor approved removing the lap band. That must be a relief! I am sorry to hear your mom AND husband both have to have surgery! I hope all of that goes well for you and your family.

On a lighter note: You think washing underwear in the hotel sink is bad? Well, I had to wash my daughter’s jeans in the hotel sink on our trip in 2008 :lmao: I'll never forget it because I used the shampoo to wash them and then hung them up with the hanger clips to dry. They still weren't dry by the time we came back from the parks the next day! So I spent an hour that night drying them with the hairdryer! :laughing: But she had clean jeans to wear to the parks the next day! :thumbsup2
Sorry I haven't been posting but I have been reading your updates :goodvibes

I really like your idea for Victoria's Pluto shirt. Has she seen it or will it be a surprise?
I tried to hide a Perry the Platypus shirt I bought for DS but he saw a pic I had taken for our PTR. He just happened to take some pics and was scrolling back through photos that were still on the camera :lmao:

Hi Pooksma!!! Glad you are still with me!! :goodvibes Yes, Victoria did see her design. I thought for sure she'd want another character like Bolt, but she chose Pluto. That's kinda funny that your DS went through your pics. Victoria likes doing that to MY VOICE MAILS!!! ugh!!! Oh well, I never have anything on there too exciting..... :confused3

Yes, I know, I know. I haven't read anyone's PTRs in nearly a month again :blush: I really miss you guys and your updates when I don't get to go on the boards! A lot has been going on over here on your PTR! Let's see... Summer camp - that is fantastic that Victoria is enjoying that. Or is camp over now? It's been so long since I've been on here. I like your idea of packing her lunches in WDW bags! Also, the name fill design you made for her is great!

I'm glad to hear your doctor approved removing the lap band. That must be a relief! I am sorry to hear your mom AND husband both have to have surgery! I hope all of that goes well for you and your family.

On a lighter note: You think washing underwear in the hotel sink is bad? Well, I had to wash my daughter’s jeans in the hotel sink on our trip in 2008 :lmao: I'll never forget it because I used the shampoo to wash them and then hung them up with the hanger clips to dry. They still weren't dry by the time we came back from the parks the next day! So I spent an hour that night drying them with the hairdryer! :laughing: But she had clean jeans to wear to the parks the next day! :thumbsup2

Ok, I bow down to you.....washing jeans in the sink with shampoo!!! :lmao: Then drying them with a hairdryer.....I really have no comment on that one......:scared1:. I have one......when Victoria was 6, we had gotten soaked on Kali River Rapids so I pulled a "Mr. Mom" and dried her butt on the air blower in the bathroom!!! Oh yeah, her bare butt!!!! I always have a fresh pair of undies in the backpack, so we put those on and I also dried her pants on the air blower! The things we have to do! :rotfl2:

There are only 3 more weeks of camp, but Victoria decided she wanted to spend these last weeks at home. I don't mind, as long as she does her chores (walking the dog, picking up her clothes, putting away the dishes, etc. ) The MINUTE she states she's bored, it's back to camp she goes! ;)

Here we go, Day 35!!! I cannot believe we are just barely one month out! :cool1: Let's see.....I purchased our MNSSHP tickets online on Tuesday. It's really cool since you can print them right on your own printer. Now the only thing I have to make sure I have is spending money. Other than that, everything is all paid for! I'm waiting on my "Mickey Mail" to come, but I know that's going to show up more towards the middle of the month. Currently I am making new tie dye shirts for both Victoria and I. She needs a bigger size shirt and I didn't like how mine came out last year. I'm up to the dipping in soda ash part now. I'm probably going to do that on Sunday since it's going to be a rainy day here. Oh remember how I said I wouldn't have to buy much? Well, that's true, BUT, Sears was having an AMAZING sale!!! Prices were half off the lowest tag price, so some $35 shirts I got for $5!!!! :woohoo: I now have quite a few new outfits --- probably more than I'll need, so now I'll have to decide what to take. I couldn't help myself!!! Really!! :yay: I have to start on rolling my change in the Disney piggy bank. My idea is to have that money be our tip money for Mousekeeping and TS restaurants. I have no idea if I'll have enough, but the thing certainly is heavy! Ok.....I just lost my train of thought as Victoria asked me a question....ugh!!! OH well, if I think of it later, I will post again, right???

You wonderful readers are all so supportive!! Yes, I will take pics of the shirts, both the ones I bought and the ones we tie dyed/ironed-on tonight when I get home. Yesterday was devoted to Disney planning/projects. I did iron ons for 6 shirts and tie dyed 2. I have also finally finished my Cinderella shirt I am wearing to 1900 Park Fare. Boy, that one was work! First of all, don't believe the sizes on the patterns. I cut the pattern for a size 18 (yes, I'm pooh sized) and before it was all sewed up, I had to add some material to the sides, under the arms, to make it fit. :rolleyes1 You would never know I did it and I think it came out better than I anticipated! I made a matching headband but Victoria thought that was overkill...:scared1: So, I guess my hair will be down. I now have to start on my pirate costume. Acutally, I just need to make my pants and vest. I have a shirt that will be perfect. See, last year I bought 2 pirate costumes at Wal-mart on Halloween clearence, but they didn't have 3, so I have to make mine. It will be fine as pants with an elastic waistband are pretty easy. I'll have to make a vest, too. I found the perfect material at Wal-Mart (black & white striped). I may end up looking like a prisoner, too. :rotfl2: So, at MNSSHP we will be the pirate family!! I also have a cool pirate looking belt and bandana to wear. :thumbsup2

I remembered what I wanted to share with you all last time I posted. I am having the surgery to remove my lap band on August 23rd. I FINALLY received approval from the insurance company for this to be done. I have been so miserable with it --- some of my posts have talked about it. Thank goodness this will happen BEFORE DISNEY and I will have 15 days to recover before going! It's laprascopic, so the recovery should be a piece of cake! ;) Then in Disney I will be a gluton like Karen is describing! Oh, to eat and not worry about the pain or vomitting will be such a nice change! I will have preop testing on August 16th and then a post op visit on August 31st. Victoria also starts school on August 31st, so we are quite busy this month.

This past Saturday we went to the Owls Head Transportation Museum for a car and air show. Not my cup of tea, but Peter loves his old antique cars! They had an entire display on the various years, makes and models of MG's and that's the car he has in his garage now that he's restoring. I made a comment while there that it was his Disney World. It was so cute to see his face looking at all those cars! ;) The air show was cool as they had a Japanese Zero plane and an American Corvair that did manuvers together like a mock fight. It was interesting and I'd go again because Peter loves it so much. Again, I'd rather be at Disney!!

There's a scrapbooking weekend on August 20th that I'm not sure if I'm attending. I don't think I will be going. I'm sure I will still have stuff to get ready. Peter has to go up in the shed and get my big suitcase down from the loft. My carryon is already full!! :lmao:

I did order and receive my new camera. It's not as complex as the one that the screen broke, but I think it will be fine. My only picky point is that the battery is like a cell phone battery that you have to charge instead of being AAA's or AA's. I'm not sure how I'm going to like that. I wonder how long the battery will hold a charge. Do you know how mad I would be if the camera ran out of battery is Disney??? Oh, that wouldn't be good!!! :mad: I do intend on plugging it in every night at the resort, but what if it runs out while in a park?? Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing? It's not a huge zoom (7x optical) but it's much better that my old standby. Heck, it was only $85, so I can't expect too much, right?

I have to buy our Universal Studios tickets this week. Of course dummy me deleted my Mousesavers newsletter with the "secret" ticket link, so I put a plea out on the boards for someone to send me the newsletter. Ugh. Sometimes I don't know where my head is....:rolleyes1 We are only doing one day there and taking the Mears shuttle over, so it shouldn't be too bad as far as cost. If Peter would only realize all the time and effort I put into planning and creating these vacations ---- I don't think he'd believe it. I still need to bring the piggy bank to the coinsorter machine and get that all counted up. Maybe I'll get that done tonight. We'll see. I'm usually pretty tired after work.

OH, and yes Disney planning for 2012 is getting underway shortly. There are two coworkers who want to bring their families at the same time we go next year and they want me to help them plan....oh yeah baby!! Me? help plan more Disney vacations? Yep, I'm all over that one!!! :cheer2: Now I've always wanted to stay at Pop so that's where we are planning. Hopefully there will be Free Dining and we will upgrade to the DDP as Peter really enjoys the table service meals. We were talking about it yesterday and all 3 of us agreed that our least favorite restaurant was the Coral Reef. It was so funny that we said it at the same time! We would stay from September 6 through the 17th, subject to change, as always........:rotfl2:

OOOOOhhhh....I got back here in time before anyone read the post.....I can now put pics in it....

Victoria's is the one on the right....


This is Rusty on my sewing....apparently he knows we are leaving him again for Disney....









There you have far......
Love the colors on your tie-dye! You've been a busy beaver getting all of your fabulous outfits ready- you guys are gonna turn some heads. :thumbsup2
Love the colors on your tie-dye! You've been a busy beaver getting all of your fabulous outfits ready- you guys are gonna turn some heads. :thumbsup2

Thanks Hope. I don't know about the turning heads part, but it's been fun doing the shirts. It's been almost a week and my fingers are still stained with blue dye! :lmao:

I did purchase our Universal tickets, so that's another thing done. We leave today at 2pm for a camping trip in Old Orchard Beach! Our last camping trip of the season planned. :sad2:

The shirts look great. I always find that doing something constructive like that helps pass the time.:goodvibes

Pretty soon we will be passing through your neck of the woods- Portland bound on Monday:cool1:
27 Days! :cool1: You'll be there before you know it! I'm so happy to hear that you're getting your lapband removed in time to recover before Disney :goodvibes As you well know, our family is like yours because we also think that the dining on vacation is almost as much fun as the vacation itself! I hope you have a very speedy recovery!

Those shirts are AWESOME! I love the tie dye. You did a fantastic job on the name fills! I say go for the headband to go with your outfit. I'm all about the overkill when it comes to Disney! :lmao: But seriously, I think a matching headband would be so cute! :cutie:

Have fun on your camping trip! I can't wait to hear about it and your plans for your 2012 trip!
The shirts look great. I always find that doing something constructive like that helps pass the time.:goodvibes

Pretty soon we will be passing through your neck of the woods- Portland bound on Monday:cool1:

Thanks for the compliment!!! I wish you safe travels on Monday and when you go through Augusta, beep your horn!!! :lmao:


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