Your BCV for multiple categories!

Your BCV for multiple categories!

  • CM's have always been very nice

  • CM's usually very nice, but have run into a couple of "Grumpy's"

  • CM's less than magical on several occasions

  • Room condition is always excellent

  • Room condition is usually very good with some minor issues

  • Room condition has been unacceptable at least once

  • Overall satisfaction with BCV is outstanding

  • Overall satisfaction with BCV is so so, no major complaints

  • Overall satisfaction with BCV is not as good as it should be

Results are only viewable after voting.


Yeah, I'm a guy
Jul 25, 2001
Okay, with all the recent scuttle about BCV, I've tried to put together a poll for those who have stayed at BCV. It is very difficult to word these things well, and I'm sure there are some tweaks that would have improved it, but please give it your best shot.

I see many of the BCV complaints seeming to fall into "room condition" and "CM attitude" areas for the most part, so that's where the focus is of this poll. Feel free to add comments to supplement your votes.

And yes, you can and should vote for multiple categories. Hopefully, everyone will mark at least three things. But only vote if you've stayed there!:)
Granny, You always put yourself in a position of defending DVC against negative posts-usually somehow infering that the negative posts are somehow wrong. Let me tell you something-none of the things that have been reported should be happening at a resort that charges the prices they charge at BCV. In fact some of the things should not happen anywhere regardless of the price.
Granny, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one of the reasons you posted this poll was in response to someone else's post asking for some positive input on BVC!
Granny, You always put yourself in a position of defending DVC against negative posts-usually somehow infering that the negative posts are somehow wrong. Let me tell you something-none of the things that have been reported should be happening at a resort that charges the prices they charge at BCV. In fact some of the things should not happen anywhere regardless of the price.

Pa@okw95....Actually, I have stated many times that I personally welcome all feedback on DVC resorts, good and bad. I think that reporting bad situations is good information for everyone.

And I try to respect others opinions and try not to infer that someone else's opinion is "wrong". Sorry if you see it that way.

What I do get concerned about is that new people to this board, or new or prospective owners, get a very slanted view and get very jittery or worried about their purchases or whether they should even join.

I agree that we pay a lot of money for DVC and they should not have upkeep or attitude problems at all. I'm just trying to see if the BCV problems that have been stated are very widespread, or somewhat sporadic.

Obviously, it's not a scientific poll. Just a way of organizing the feedback from this board.
I think this type of post/poll provides a balance for people to have a better grasp on what is going on 'most' of the time. People (such as myself ;) ) tend to focus on the negative of something, when in reality, the negative is pretty rare.
Yes, the CMs should always be great, but sadly, they are human.

I am always grateful when someone posts a negative report because I don't want to hear just the good. But some people may think that there is only 'bad'. Thanks Granny (as always).
Thanks, Granny, for taking the time to set up this poll!

Thanks for setting up the poll.

We're just waiting for the 7 month window to open for our next stay at BCV!

Thanks for posting the poll, Granny! I love my BCV!
Granny - this is an excellent poll!

I was thinking of getting one going myself earlier today. One big post about a legit problem seems to overshadow 20 good posts and I wanted to see - just how many are we talking about here. Are half the experiences really, really bad? 1/3? 5%

And what would really make it meaningful would be to post the same poll for each DVC resort. See how the numbers play out everywhere and if they are similar.

I made a mistake - must be the time of day - and didn't notice the BCV until I got to the end (I know, I know, it's in the title duh) and marked the "sometimes Grumpy" CM and should have marked the first one instead. I have never, ever, ever had a grumpy CM at BCV. (However I have had one each at BWV and Mr Super Grumpy at OKW) thus the Grumpy vote. So, subtract one and add to the other.

I know you mean well, but I LOVE the negative posts about the BCV. I hope more people read them and fewer people start staying there (thank God for the 11 month window or we may never get to stay there).

Then, if that holds true, maybe they will start to sell their points, (which, by the way, I don't see too many people doing) and I can buy more.

So, please stop trying to show everyone that overall the BCV is a wonderful resort--not perfect--but I have not stayed at a perfect one yet--and how much people love it. It just makes getting a room there harder and harder! :tongue: :crazy: :wave2:
Good post Granny. I have stayed at the BCV two times and have always had an excellent experience. Before that I stayed at the BC more times than I can count and it was the same. It's good to let people know the facts, good and bad.

Originally posted by Doc and Family

I know you mean well, but I LOVE the negative posts about the BCV. I hope more people read them and fewer people start staying there (thank God for the 11 month window or we may never get to stay there).

Then, if that holds true, maybe they will start to sell their points, (which, by the way, I don't see too many people doing) and I can buy more.

So, please stop trying to show everyone that overall the BCV is a wonderful resort--not perfect--but I have not stayed at a perfect one yet--and how much people love it. It just makes getting a room there harder and harder! :tongue: :crazy: :wave2:

LOL....I wasn't trying to undermine the hidden agenda of the negative posts...honest!! :p But, to be clear, I'm not "trying to show everyone that overall the BCV is a wonderful resort".

I'm just trying to gather more opinions in one place. I don't have a vested interest in the poll, actually. We don't own points at BCV nor do we think we will spend much time there as my family members don't seem to be SAB fans.

Originally posted by kathleena
I made a mistake - must be the time of day - and didn't notice the BCV until I got to the end (I know, I know, it's in the title duh)
Too funny!! Especially since it was your comment on the other poll that made me put in the "vote multiple times" right into the title!! Hey...I've done the "vote now, read later" thing too! Just please don't cast your Presidential ballot that way!
Our last trip to BCV wasn't what it should have been. We're going again in October and we're hoping for it to be back to the way it was on our first trip there.
Granny, thank you for this great poll! We own at BCV and have only stayed there once. We will be at OKW in October, and hope to try all the resorts in time. While I agree that some of this bad stuff should NEVER happen, I also agree with you that the bad reports get a lot more attention than the good ones. Keep up the good work. Lacee
Granny, I'm so glad you posted this poll. I am hopeful that my experience is the exception and not the norm. I do have a vested interest in BCV, and I would hope that in time and with the correct amount of positive feedback form others I can move on and try it again!

We also own at BCV and will be at OKW in October 16-23.
When will you be there. We are trying out all the resorts also.


I should have worded it better. I like the poll and meant to say that the poll was pointing out that BCV is a wonderful resort--not you. However, I have seen them all and are in the process of staying at them all and think they are all wonderful, albeit for different reasons.

Good hearing from you again.

Have a Great Day!!!!:wave:
I am going to post a new thread about athe results of this poll. I did my figures at 141 votes. New thread will be called "figures on BCV"
Interesting results. It does feel like BCV gets most of the "bad publicity" on the DIS as compared to the other DVC resorts. But this poll indicates that the truly bad experiences are still in the minority.

:wave: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :wave:
Granny - Thanks for your hard work. I own at BCV but haven't had the chance to stay yet. We stayed at YC/BC before we bought and loved the resort and SAB. We have 3 boys under 3 yrs old and bought where we thought we (and the boys) would must want to stay the majority of the time) Our last trip we stayed at OKW and VWL because we never stayed there and wanted to try somewhere new. I would like to view the results....can I without posting?? Thanks again I always find your posts to be postitve and well thought out. And you seem very kind.:flower3:
I agree with one irrefutable (sp?) point made above. If BCV is having so many problems, why aren't owners selling like crazy? I think that fact makes all of the negative posts about BCV rather irrelevant. I don't mind them, mind you, and I read them all, but there seems to be some discrepancy. Again (and I can't say it enough), we're very happy with our BCV acquisition.


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