You Guys Part of the Family? You've Got the Magic In Your Eyes!!->Updated 10/19x3!!!!

You guys were getting a lot done! Wow!

I've never even heard of that rainy day parade replacement. It's cute!

Haha, yup!! Paige and I rock it in Disney!!

It was super cute!!

Move It Shake It, Je t'adore!! :love:

Awww, that sucks that Peter didn't show up.

Ahaha, love Sonny Eclipse.

And I, for one, really enjoy the Rainy Day Cavalcade. I can see it being a disappointment for someone's first trip, but it's a nice change from the regular parade if you've seen it. Also a bit more interaction too, but then that may be due to lower crowds from the rain. :scratchin

Move it Shake It is seriously me one true love, I'm really hoping that it doesn't go anywhere anytime soon, it's so great!!

Sonny is hilarious! Lol

I really like it, and I like seeing something different, I mean, you get to see most of the characters still, and it's still something fun to watch.

Hi Katt! I just got caught up with all the updates since your Dream Along with Mickey photo marathon - which I really enjoyed. I love the zoomed in photos that showed all the facial expressions of the dancers and Aurora's pantaloons!! Those dancers really do a great job and put on a wonderful show.

What a compliment when you are asked if you are part of the "family." Hoping to be is a great answer. :)

If Peter only knew that you were waiting for him I'm sure he would have shown up!

Never done Space Mtn?? Still or has that now been remedied? ;)

I've heard of the rainy day parade but not seen it for myself.

Ahaha, yeah, I take a lot of pics, lol. Thank you!! I love the camera that I have for the amazing zoom!!

Eck, the amount of times I've been asked if I'm a CM is just insane!! It doesn't help that I usually will give out directions for people, or answer questions that they dont know about, haha

Bahah! He probably would've just thought that us girls talk to much anyways!

You'll see! Lol, but yes, by now I have ridden it, not my favorite, especially in the back of the car way too jerky, but it's still good!

When I first saw that you were watching the Move It Shake It parade I immediately thought about Stilts Guy. Then I remembered that this trip was pre-Stilts Guy. But then you think you saw him any way. :confused3 :rotfl2:

Cosmic Rays looks yummy! Good thing you timed your lunch right with the rain.

You guys got a lot done that afternoon despite the rain. I really need to do a September trip sometime!

What a cool thing to get to see a totally different parade because of the rain! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures from it.

Ahahaha, yeah, this was the beginning of our stilts friend, but I don't think any of us realized it til Feb!!

Cosmic's is great! I really do like the variety of the food there!

Sept is the best!! Hot, but awesome, you should definitely go!

Katt, I love your Dream Along With Mickey pictures! And I love how many you posted, lol, there can never be enough!

I've never even heard of the Rainy Day Character Cavalcade! That's really cool that they do that. I kinda like the simplicity of it. I also got excited because that's my favorite Snow White and my favorite Belle in the princess car. Belle is also friends with Aurora and totally TRANSFORMS into whoever she is hanging out with at the time, it's pretty cool. I love spotting princesses I recognize!

Ahhhh!!! Royalty in the house!! So glad you're here and reading! Ah! I'm honored! :hug:

Thank you!! Lol, I always have so many show pictures from my trips, FOTLK, easily does over 100, now if only I could figure out how to photograph it better lol!

It's super cute!! I love that they have something for when it's too wet to do the parade, instead o just cancelling! Ah!! Awesome!!! I was on instagram when we were down there a few weeks ago and found someone who was friends with Drizella and Aurora, and showed my Mom the magic of Disney make up as they looked SO different, it's amazing!!

First of all, I can NOT believe you updated while in Disney. You are so much better of a Diser than me!

Being mistaken for a CM is foreshadowing of your future! I'm so sad that I didn't do the College Program. Although I suppose I really couldn't connect it to nursing in any way but still, it just seems like the best experience!

Fantastic Dream Along with Mickey pictures! I love watching that show and I love when we come in the MK during the day and there's one already going on because it just makes me happy!

I still don't think we fully experienced the Move It Shake It parade because there didn't seem to be a dance party going on when we saw it! :confused3 But yay for your stilts guy!

I didn't know they did a Rainy Day Character Cavalcade (I didn't actually know a Cavalcade is a thing :confused3:rotfl2:)! But it looks adorable and fun!

Bahah, I managed to have time somehow!!

Here's hoping!! I've started looking into just getting a job down there but I'm not sure how the visa situation would work out, it's just so compliated lol!

Aahaha, yeah, MiSi was pretty odd that few weeks ago, because of the rain/wet pavement we only saw the stilts up on stilts once, and most of the showings the characters were already up on the top of the boxes, and they cut out half the dance party and half the performing part, I saw like, four versions of it that trip! Lol

Super cute!!


The driver of the Tremaine’s car is a pretty well known Main Street/parade control CM and she’s absolutely amazing, and always so into whatever she’s doing, it’s great!!





Cute! Love the umbrellas, plus, then they stay dry no matter what!




Woody was pretty excited to see us, and we found someone else that we were pretty excited to see, is this where you’ve been hiding out all day Peter?!





The cavalcade was done, and it was super cute, they had some awesome music going along with it, and we were okay with missing the actual parade as we’d seen it earlier in the trip, yay for new experiences!

The thunder and lightning and subsided during the parade and the rain seemed to have stopped to, so we figured it’d be a good time to head over to the Adventureland Veranda and see if Ariel would actually be meeting now!


Judging by our excitement, she was! Yay! Favourite princess time! I don’t think we had to wait very long before we were saying hello!






We chatted for a bit about who knows what, but had a good time, this is clearly me being a good trip report writer and taking down NO details whatsoever on our chat with Ariel, oh well!





Yay! We were very happy that we had gotten to see our favourite mermaid today! I was also really happy that it was a different one than the one mom and I had met earlier because I can’t lie, I wasn’t her hugest fan, so yay for a new one!

Paige and I said good bye to Ariel, and a very long goodbye to Eric, I mean, this would be the last time that we would be seeing him! ACK! So heart breaking! However, we had a new target in our minds, and that was over in Tomorrowland!

I was nervous, very nervous, but Paige was confident that we could do it, and conquer Space and be the brave ones that we are! Using our fast passes, we got in pretty quick, and when we got to the loading dock, Paige realized that you don’t sit beside each other on this coaster, and kinda freaked out, causing me to freak out, and laughing, suggested that we didn’t HAVE to do the ride. Paige is clearly the ride devil of the two of us, and said we had to, I mean, we’d made it this far, right?!

Well…we survived it! Obviously, I mean, I’m writing this, aren’t I? Haha. Paige absolutely loved it, and I did agree that it was nice to have something that I would actually consider a thrill ride in MK, Splash only counts so much, so we jumped right onto the coaster again! Yaay! New fun things to do!!

I’m super glad that I actually got on Space, and glad that Paige was insisting that we go on it sometime during that trip, I mean, anything I hadn’t done, my Mom wasn’t too keen on doing, but Paige helped me conquer fears, yay!

With new adventures over with for now, it was time to go hang out with some old friends, so we headed over to Liberty Square!! If you guessed Tiana and Naveen, you guessed right!! The line wasn’t that bad when we got over there, and if I’m thinking correct, we were either first or second in line, yay! The photopass guy for the meet and greet was out early and was chatting us up, talking about the trip and was just awesome, he also took some super cute magic shots while we waited!


He also talked throughout the whole waiting time, and was just super friendly to get along with for that bit of time that we had to kill. The character attendant was also quick to recognize me and was all “oh yeah! You hang out around here a lot, I like it when you’re here!” I know I had seen her with the Tremaines in July, but wasn’t sure if there was any other time, good memory on her behalf!

During the trip, I had definitely taken the time to update Paige on this friend of Naveen’s and the previous adventures of meet and greets I’d had with him, and of course, the story of the cocoa puffs. Now, in case you haven’t heard, there’s a video on youtube where Naveen talks about how he can fit 6 cocoa puffs up his nose, three on each side, it’s hilarious. I had been wanting to ask Naveen about it, and see if it was true or not, but had kept forgetting, with Paige here to remind me, let’s see how that goes?




Tiana and Naveen were quick to say hello and give out hugs to both Paige and I!!!








Naveen was also quick to say hello and ask where my Mom had gone, I explained that she had left, and now I had a week with my friend until we left in a few days, and Naveen took that as an opportunity to tell me that I can go on vacation with more than one person at a time! Haha! Oh silly Naveen, I know that! When I introduced him and Paige, he took the opportunity to “turn the Paige”


Which I had actually completely missed when the Naveen had done it earlier in the week, so it was new to me, but to Paige, it was getting kinda old, guess it happens a lot? Ha!



Paige made sure to remind me about the cocoa puffs, and I quickly brought it up to Naveen, saying that I had heard a rumour that he could fit 6 cocoa puffs up his nose. His response “HOW DO YOU ALL KNOW EACH OTHER?!?!?!” Uhm….well…the internet helps with things like that friend. I said I had seen it in a video online, and heard the story through there. After a bunch of laughing, he admitted that what he said in the video was in fact true...bahaa!

(For the explanation video check this out: )

It was a pretty great moment….




Naveen asked when my next trip would be, and I said I wasn’t sure, at this point it looked like I might be back over the Christmas season, but I wasn’t sure when the next big trip would be! And of course to finish it all off, we took a bunch of pictures together!



Yet again, another amazing meet and greet with the New Orleans couple! And now, we were on our way, with more adventures to go on and more people to see!

YAY, you conquered Space Mountain!! :woohoo: Congratulations! And then you did it again, haha! Now it's time for RNRC!

Um, in the picture right after the magic shot... Is that Mr. Bean behind you two over Paige's shoulder? :lmao:

Ah, it's always fun to see your meets with your Naveen. :goodvibes
Aww the love the pics with Ariel and Eric, so sad he's gone now too :sad1:

I love the princesses but it would be nice if the princes were around more!
So glad you rode Space Mt! It's fun isn't it?

I miss Eric so much. Ariel is nice and all, but Eric has always been special to Miss Maddie (and her mom)

Oh Naveen. Without Flynn around he really brings the smolder doesn't he? Love that picture of him looking at the camera while hugging Paige. So cute. Love him!
YAY, you conquered Space Mountain!! :woohoo: Congratulations! And then you did it again, haha! Now it's time for RNRC!

Um, in the picture right after the magic shot... Is that Mr. Bean behind you two over Paige's shoulder? :lmao:

Ah, it's always fun to see your meets with your Naveen. :goodvibes

Aahahah, yeah no. Paige was even saying that last time we hung out, and i just think it's going to stay a "I'll do it later" kinda thing.

Lawl!! It totally looks like it. Awe man, the meets just get better every time!!

Aww the love the pics with Ariel and Eric, so sad he's gone now too :sad1:

I love the princesses but it would be nice if the princes were around more!

I know right?! It's weird for me to think that he was still around, and now, when I'm posting this, he's gone, like, what?! COME BACK! I miss the princes, and it's half the reason I go the the parties, they provide so much more interaction!

So glad you rode Space Mt! It's fun isn't it?

I miss Eric so much. Ariel is nice and all, but Eric has always been special to Miss Maddie (and her mom)

Oh Naveen. Without Flynn around he really brings the smolder doesn't he? Love that picture of him looking at the camera while hugging Paige. So cute. Love him!

Hhaha, it is a lot of fun! Although I was seated in the very back of the car last week when I went with Mom and it gave me some wicked bad whip lash! :(

Ariel's great, and I understand why Eric can't be out with her now, it'd just be awkward and weird set up wise, but really, I miss him! Glad that Maddie likes him too, so many little princesses are scared of the princes!

Ahahaha, yes! I noticed that, like, he's completely working the camera in the hug pic, adorable. He's great.

Great pics! :)


Hi guys!!

Ordered the photopass, it shipped today, I'm guessing it will be here in around two weeks, hopefully sooner, so let's wrap this baby up and get the next one going shall we?!

Paige and I had decided that we did not want to walk back to the front of the park again, it was just too much at this point, so we figured to take a little break off our feet, that a train ride was in order! (And yes, I think that there might be some details missing here, maybe we took a ride on Splash or BTMRR, I don’t know) Lawl! One thing I noticed on the train was that there was a window that looked down into the last room of Splash Mountain! (the zip a dee do da room!) I had forever been wondering what that big window was when I had been on Splash, and now I knew! Yay!

Soon enough we were back at the front of the park, and it was time to go see some new friends, and of course, hopefully redeem the not so great Rapunzel interaction we had had on the first day of Paige being here!


We were excited….






Cindy was great! Came right up to us when it was our turn to come say hello and chatted with us for a bit before taking some pictures and sending us on our way over to Belle!







By the looks of things, we chatted for quite a while, possibly about flowers, and probably if Pascal put that in for me, or something, again, I’m the worst detailer ever at this point, I didn’t even have the fact that we went to the princesses in my notes...derp!



Rapunzel was the last one of the princesses for us to meet, which was exciting for us! Especially since after four you wouldn’t know if you would get her or Sleeping Beauty!





She was super adorable and had the biggest green eyes, which totally fit, it was great! Paige and I also noticed that she looked kinda like a girl who had been in FOTLK the day before, who knows?!

When we exited Town Square Theatre, we still had time to kill before the fireworks, and the wait time for the Princesses was still super low, so I asked Paige if she wanted to go back in again?!

Since there was the opportunity to meet Aurora still, we figured we’d jump back in the practically non-existent line to take our chances!

Paige and I had just jumped into the line for the Princesses, yet again, and when we got to the front, talked to the CM briefly, explaining that we had just met Rapunzel, and were wondering if there was any chance to meet Aurora right now. His response “you go where you go” not “it’s completely random who’s in there, I don’t even know” or something along those lines that I would have deemed as acceptable, but no. Oh well, I told Paige that if we went in and it happened to be Rapunzel, we’d just duck out instead of meeting the same princesses over again.

Moment of truth….






Yay! Our “timing” was right and we managed to get Aurora this time around! Exciting! It definitely made for an intense moment with Paige and I, and a lot of laughter, but was worth it in the end!






We didn’t spend too much time with Cindy or Belle as we had just chatted with them, but they were great and very wonderful and soon enough we were on our way, mission completed of meeting both Aurora and Rapunzel! Yay!

Now, here’s another moment where my notes are seriously SLACKING. We apparently went to the Haunted Mansion after this, and then it was Wishes time. Don’t know what else happened in there. I know we did NOT see the MSEP that night as Paige didn’t see it til Feb, so god only knows what we did until the fireworks!

….Looks like I forgot to upload some pictures from my Iphone since they were in a different folder…here’s some proof that I went on Space Mountain!!


And then it looks like we grabbed some food at Caseys, and then grabbed a spot on Main Street to wait for Wishes to begin! And yes, I had a hot dog AND corn dog nuggets all to myself….and we had cotton candy…

Yum! I also proceeded to be a huge creeper and take this adorable photo! So, if this is your kid, hey, at least her face isn’t in it! Lol. I just thought it was too cute, and the perfect Disney picture.


Now it was time for us to settle in and dream and wish until our wishes all came true!






UUUUUGGGGHHH. We definitely weren’t taking that many photos, because by the end of the show we were at least holding hands crying if not hugging and just DYING of ALL EMOTION. At that point, we certainly were “TRAPPED IN A GLASS CAGE OF EMOTION” which was clearly a theme of the trip.

Wishes will always hold a special place in my heart, I mean, it’s all about wishing, and dreaming, and that those are GOOD things to do, and that you’re meant to do them, and if you put your heart and head and hard work into them, they’ll come true. I also really liked watching it from a bit down Main Street, it gave it a whole different perspective of the show.

Tears in our eyes, Paige and I turned around to slowly exit the park with the rest of the crowd, and saw the CUTEST thing in the world. There, in the middle of Main Street was what looked like a newlywed couple, arms around each other, slow dancing with eyes only for each other. I nudged Paige to look at how in love they were and there went another whole mess of waterworks from us. Needless to say, it was an emotional night for everyone! Lawl.

I’m sure it wasn’t that long of a wait until we were on a bus, and into bed at Art of Animation with the thought of one park day left…SAD!

Rapunzel looks really familiar to me, but I don't know why. She definitely has the right eyes for sure.

Ahh that's so awesome that you met the princesses, and then went right back again. I must admit I was totally thrown by the dress Aurora was wearing. :laughing: I'm so used to the new (and MUCH better) one she has now.

So this was from your first ever Space Mountain ride? And you pulled off a pose... Amazing!!! I KNOW where the photo is and yet I still often look like a goober.

Aww. Whoever doesn't get emotional during Wishes I don't want to know, LOL.
Tears in our eyes, Paige and I turned around to slowly exit the park with the rest of the crowd, and saw the CUTEST thing in the world. There, in the middle of Main Street was what looked like a newlywed couple, arms around each other, slow dancing with eyes only for each other. I nudged Paige to look at how in love they were and there went another whole mess of waterworks from us. Needless to say, it was an emotional night for everyone! Lawl.

Well that almost made me cry. Disney is for lovers. :hug:

Yay Ariel! She will forever be my favorite. I miss meeting her and Eric together!

Ah congrats for making it on Space Mountain! :cheer2:

Tiana's dress is so fantastic && your M&G looks like so much fun!

Yay for princesses! Isn't it crazy to see how much things change in just a year? Ariel and Eric don't meet anymore, Belle doesn't meet with the princesses && now, Princess Fairytale Hall is open. So crazy!

Yay for getting Aurora! That was a really good looking room of princess friends, I have to say!

Wishes totally gets me emotional every time! I think that's why like, Hallowishes had cool, different firework displays and the music is awesome too but Wishes will always be my favorite. I don't know what I would do if they ever changed it!
Rapunzel looks really familiar to me, but I don't know why. She definitely has the right eyes for sure.

Ahh that's so awesome that you met the princesses, and then went right back again. I must admit I was totally thrown by the dress Aurora was wearing. :laughing: I'm so used to the new (and MUCH better) one she has now.

So this was from your first ever Space Mountain ride? And you pulled off a pose... Amazing!!! I KNOW where the photo is and yet I still often look like a goober.

Aww. Whoever doesn't get emotional during Wishes I don't want to know, LOL.

Lol, I know right?! I just makes me that much more happier when they either; have green eyes, or have the contacts in. I saw a Jasmine with blue eyes the other day and it just wasn't right, like, that doesn't work!

I KNOW RIGHT?! Eck, I'm so glad that dress is gone!!

No, this is from my second I believe, the fisrt time I didn't grab a ride pic


Well that almost made me cry. Disney is for lovers. :hug:


Awwwe, yeah, it was quite a magical moment for us to witness

Can't wait to read more!


Yay Ariel! She will forever be my favorite. I miss meeting her and Eric together!

Ah congrats for making it on Space Mountain! :cheer2:

Tiana's dress is so fantastic && your M&G looks like so much fun!

Yay for princesses! Isn't it crazy to see how much things change in just a year? Ariel and Eric don't meet anymore, Belle doesn't meet with the princesses && now, Princess Fairytale Hall is open. So crazy!

Yay for getting Aurora! That was a really good looking room of princess friends, I have to say!

Wishes totally gets me emotional every time! I think that's why like, Hallowishes had cool, different firework displays and the music is awesome too but Wishes will always be my favorite. I don't know what I would do if they ever changed it!

Awe man, I miss Eric so much, like, it's not cool that he's gone lol. Then again, if I had to pick between seeing them together, and having to deal with Ariel's new dress, or just getting Ariel but her in the fin, I'd chose the fin, bahah.

I do really like Tiana's dress, to the point that I've considered being her for halloween lol. We'll see I have so many other costumes I could wear lol.

I know right? It's insane!! The changes that've been made there is crazy!

Wishes will always hold a special place in my heart, truthfully, I'm pretty sure Hallowishes is my favorite fireworks, but Wishes is the most emotional!

Caught up on this one now too!

So cool you got to see that rainy day parade!

Yeah for finally conquering SM.

You have all the best character interactions! The one with Tiana & Naveen sounded like so much fun.

I was slightly confused when I saw you meeting Belle at the Theater then I remembered that this trip took place before ETWB opened. :rotfl:

Awe, Wishes! I will be seeing that beautiful sight in 12 days!! :cool1:
Hi Katt! I recognized that driver for the rainy day calvalcade - Barb! Even before I saw her photo I knew who you were talking about. Isn't she awesome. She has one of those blue name tags that put her in the top 1-2% of all CMs. (She was our driver for the parade.) Love her!

You really know the scoop on the Princess' schedules - way to score both Rapunzel and Aurora. The cameras love you guys! How adorable are you with that flower in your hair band. :) So many great photos with the characters.

Of course your Naveen interaction was perfect!

AND you survived Space Mountain. I see more rides into space in your future.
Caught up on this one now too!

So cool you got to see that rainy day parade!

Yeah for finally conquering SM.

You have all the best character interactions! The one with Tiana & Naveen sounded like so much fun.

I was slightly confused when I saw you meeting Belle at the Theater then I remembered that this trip took place before ETWB opened. :rotfl:

Awe, Wishes! I will be seeing that beautiful sight in 12 days!! :cool1:

I liked it! I was glad we got to see it as well as the regular one! Lol, yeah, I finally did it!

Tiana and Naveen are always a blast!

I know right?! It so weird to think how much has changed in a year!

Hi Katt! I recognized that driver for the rainy day calvalcade - Barb! Even before I saw her photo I knew who you were talking about. Isn't she awesome. She has one of those blue name tags that put her in the top 1-2% of all CMs. (She was our driver for the parade.) Love her!

You really know the scoop on the Princess' schedules - way to score both Rapunzel and Aurora. The cameras love you guys! How adorable are you with that flower in your hair band. :) So many great photos with the characters.

Of course your Naveen interaction was perfect!

AND you survived Space Mountain. I see more rides into space in your future.

She's so perfect!! I don't think I've ever actually interacted with her, but she's awesome nonetheless

Lol! I try!!

Bahaha, thank you!!

I know! I did it! Lol


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