You Guys Part of the Family? You've Got the Magic In Your Eyes!!->Updated 10/19x3!!!!

Oh! And yay for awesome fairies! I'm so glad that you got a good meet with them
It was our Magic Kingdom day today, and since we had already been into MK twice on the trip, and had had quite the late night the evening before with MNSSHP, Paige asked if we could sleep in a bit, maybe take the next morning a little bit slower to kinda relax. I said that was probably a good idea, and that we could just catch the rope drop show the next morning before our park hopping adventure began!

We got up not much later than usual, showered and got ready and headed down to Landscape of Flavours for some breakfast. From the looks of things, I got the chocolate chip pancakes with a side of fruit, and a banana, and from my notes, it wasn’t too good.


Now, I know the pancakes were probably delicious, but the “side fruit” and also the fruit in the parfaits that was at the food court was clearly out of a can, or frozen but had been defrosted, either way, NOT fresh, and not delicious in any way, haha!

Paige and I were on a bus pretty quickly and off to Magic Kingdom! We got there right around 10am, not too shabby for our sleeping in day if I say so myself! Our first mission of the day was to meet Merida!



Paige thought the tapestry with the whole family on it was cute, and she then said she’d never actually seen Brave, but still did want to meet Merida! That’s the spirit! While we waited all the kids around were off doing the awesome archery thing that does its best to keep them occupied, and there were these two little ones who were just too cute, and one of them even had derpy Perry ears on!!


Adorbs! We of course took some time for a little photo shoot of ourselves while we waited too!



We got up to the front and were the next family in line when the cast member started chatting to us, I also turned to Paige and said he reminded me of a guy we work with, Dave, and then saw that the CM’s name was actually Dave! Weird!! He asked us if we were part of the family, I said no, hopefully one day, and he told us he thought we were, we really do have the magic in our eyes! Lol. It was seriously an ongoing thing for the two of us to be mistaken for cast members, which I mean I get it, we’re right in the age bracket to be part of the college program, and if I was ever on it, I’d be out in the parks every day! Love!!




She was quick to sign our books, but not quick to send us on our way! Merida noticed our birthday buttons, and told us a long story about one time on her brothers birthday they tied a whole bunch of balloons together and they had gotten so many that they started to float away, and then they had to have the greatest archer in the land shoot them down from the sky!





She was wonderful! We had both been a tad worried about the accent, that, and from a distance it hadn’t sounded so great, but in the end, all was wonderful, and Dave was great to take lots of pictures on our cameras as well!!

On our way out of the little garden, we circled into Fantasyland, and I noticed that at a little popcorn stand, the CM was wearing a uniform from the expansion area, and was all “OH MY GOD IS IT OPEN?!!?” So we practically ran all the way over to where the gateway would be, if it was open, but no such luck. Sad face. Oh well! We were in the neighborhood, so we grabbed some Peter Pan’s Flight fast passes and then walked back over to venture through a story book!




When a sign on his door says “Please knock” you should probably knock! Heehee, just a hint for next time you’re there! The new meet and greet area is all set up and open beside the ride, and we saw Pooh and the gang coming in to hang out with some friends!





Needless to say, we were pretty excited!!



I don’t think we waited too long, definitely not long enough to stop to play in the interactive queue area, haha!




When we were disembarking from our hunny pot adventures, we decided that it was time to head back to the hub! We hadn’t had a chance to watch Dream Along with Mickey yet, and according to our times guide, it was nearly time for the next performance!!

First... what are you doing updating from Disney!!!!???? :laughing:

What a great Merida meet. She's the last of my (current) princess list, so I may have to "brave" the line. :thumbsup2

Even though the Random character meets seems to be gone, I still love when the characters have to walk through the park to get to their greeting area. So cute.



Such a pretty sight!! ACK! SO MUCH LOVE, SO MANY FEELINGS, I’M SO EXCITED TO GO BACK!! (Which as of today, when I’m writing this, is in two days, but by the time I post it, it will be LONG GONE)






I’m pretty sure that Paige had already watched the show over on youtube, I’m actually pretty sure that she did this with quite a few things, which I’m totally fine with, until the person’s all “I watched it online and didn’t like it” and thus doesn’t want to watch it in person, even though it’s AWESOME. Lucky for me, Paige never did this. Lawl.




This dancer soon became one of my very favorites!! She was just super energetic, super cute, and was a great dancer!




I also recognized a few new faces up on the stage today, not because they were actually new to the show, but new for today, they’ve got “alternates” that are always trained (I guess lol) that just take over when someone else can’t cover it, or when someone’s hurt or something.









Well….are you in a princessey mood? Because it’s about time that some of them came out to say hello!!




Such pretty princesses!!






This part of the show is just so regal… I mean, it obviously is supposed to be, but it’s awesome!





Even when she’s sleeping she’s such a beauty!



Gosh Minnie, you’re the original Princess of Disney, didn’t ya know?!








Did someone say adventure?! It’s time to CROW and adventure along with Peter!!




Well garsh!! It’s so much fun to be a pirate!!



Can we talk about how adorable Wendy is?! It’d be so much fun to hang out with her all day!





Also, really like their pirate outfits, they’re totally awesome!!





Thankfully for us and all our dreams, Donald is brave enough to stand up against Maleficent and tell her that if we just believe, we can do anything.




Yay! With the power of friends and family, and just believing, anything is possible!!




Let your fantasies and dreams set sail!!!





I can never seem to get that jump right in the pictures! I’ll keep trying, that’s for sure!








With a dream in our hearts, and a fast pass in our hands, we were quickly off to Fantasyland after Dream Along with Mickey ended, and soon enough, soaring through the skies of London and over Neverland!


First of all, hope you are having/had a wonderful time at Disney! I can't remember for sure if you are still there and I'm too lazy to go back and look on your PTR. :lmao:

I somehow missed the update on Friday so I'm commenting on both here.

I don't blame you guys for sleeping in a little bit that morning as long as you had been there!

Cute pictures with Merida! Awesome that she told you a whole story about her brothers.

Pixie Dust that you got on WTP so quickly. I hope I can find a short line in October since I missed it in March. I'm not sure what Jim will think of the ride but I really don't care. :laughing:

Awesom pictures of DAWM as usual, I think the jump picture is excellent. Now the half human looking, creepy Smee, that's another story! :scared1: You would think they could do a better job with the costume than that!
First of all, hope you are having/had a wonderful time at Disney! I can't remember for sure if you are still there and I'm too lazy to go back and look on your PTR. :lmao:

I somehow missed the update on Friday so I'm commenting on both here.

I don't blame you guys for sleeping in a little bit that morning as long as you had been there!

Cute pictures with Merida! Awesome that she told you a whole story about her brothers.

Pixie Dust that you got on WTP so quickly. I hope I can find a short line in October since I missed it in March. I'm not sure what Jim will think of the ride but I really don't care. :laughing:

Awesom pictures of DAWM as usual, I think the jump picture is excellent. Now the half human looking, creepy Smee, that's another story! :scared1: You would think they could do a better job with the costume than that!

It's been a wonderful trip! I mean, how can one have a trip to disney that's not good? there's always something saving it if it's not the greatest one! Lol. I am currently killing time til the DME comes to pick me up!!

Hahah, Friday's update got posted but never linked or in the title, I got lazy when I was getting ready for MNSSHP!

Thank you!!

And heck yes! Wait times in Sept are just amazing, waking through the paark last night the wait times were all like, walk ons! Sadly we didn't go on anything but COP lol!

Lol, thank you!! And yeah, I do wish they would either just mask him completely or do something that wouldn't be so weird and obviously prosthetics, it's just odd....
You have the life!

I just hope you get through one of these definitely deserve it!
You have the life!

I just hope you get through one of these definitely deserve it!

Haha! Thank you!!

And thank you!! I'm hoping for lucky number 6, and if not that, sometime in the near future!!
Paige and I disembarked our flying pirate ship, and pretty much made a complete U Turn back towards the hub, we had another fun show to catch, it was time for the Move It Shake It Celebrate it dance party/parade!





We grabbed a spot over in the Hub and waited for the parade to come down Main Street so we could dance it up with some of our favorites!





If Im not mistaken, we had seen at least part of the Move It Shake It earlier in the trip, and absolutely loved it, and if not, Paige was definitely falling in love with it while we danced along on the sidelines!










Paige really loved how when Sebastian came up out of the box he was doing the back stroke, it was totally cute and awesome! We did originally want to stick around for the whole dance party, but we had a bigger plan of seeing Peter Pan today, and next was his last set, as he doesnt come out anymore after the parade, so we decided to head over to his meeting spot next. As we were slowly walking away, kinda still half watching the stuff, one of the guys up on stilts called out to us where ya goin ladies?! All sad cause we were leaving right as the dance party was starting, we said that we were going to see Peter, but wed be sure to come back later. Paige then turned to me and was all is that our cowboy?!?

Well&we have yet to find out if it was the cowboy from Boo To You the night before, but we sure do have another awesome story about a stilts guy in our next trip report! [ETA: clearly that TR is finished and done with now, BUT, judging by the photos of where we were in the hub, and the fact that our stilts friend is in a few of those pictures,so chances are it was the same guy as Feb, and just wait, the stories get better with this year's trip! ]So be sure to stay tuned for that link!!

After waving good bye to our new friend, and promising we would be back for more dancing later, we made our way over to the Adventureland bridge to wait for Peter to show up!


Oh wait….that’s not him is it? Lawl. Just kidding, that’s a duck or course! Haha! We waited for Peter…and waited….and waited….We were the first of a line of about ten people, and I’m pretty sure that the girl beside us was friends with Tink, particularly the Tink we had seen the night before at MNSSHP! She had the same face shape, nose ring hole healing over, and the right height, plus she was alone, which always just makes me think “Cast member” when you’re in the right age range, Lawl.

With Peter as a no show, we figured the weather (it was still thundering and raining every so often) we made the call to ditch the line and try again tomorrow when we were back in Magic Kingdom. Since we were on that side of the park, we made the dash to Big Thunder to grab some fast passes for later, and then ducked into Cosmic Rays to grab some lunch!


Paige got some kind of burger with fries and a carrot cake, and I got my ever lovely Turkey sandwich with fries and carrot cake!


It must not have been prime eating time as we even managed to get a little table in the corner in the main room with the singing alien!


He’s great! Haha, a good way to keep entertained while we ate! Paige and I also apparently had the most perfect timing as right as we sat down, it just starting POURING outside, thank goodness we had been hungry when we were! Lawl.

Thanks to the rain we took our time eating to let the rain pass, as we knew it would, and then headed out of the restaurant. Now, I’m going to have to apologize for this bit of the update, as neither of us took any photos, even though we did a LOT.

First it was over to Adventureland to check out some Pirates of the Cairbbean, and when we had finished braving the high seas, there was a storm a brewing up on deck….that meaning that it was raining again, ugh. We popped over to Fantasyland for some Phillharmagic to keep us occupied inside and out of the rain, which is always a good time! Since we had the fast passes from BTMRR from earlier, but had assumed the ride would be down due to thunder, we decided to check if they would take our late fast passes because that was the time they were valid, and they did! Yaaay!

Now, from Frontierland we adventured all the way across the park once again over to Tomorrowland so that we could grab some fast passes for Space Mountain! EEEEK! Those of you who have been reading along for quite a while know that Space Mtn is something that I haven’t done up to this point, and was always scared of doing, Paige hadn’t done it, at least not in WDW, so I was pretty nervous to see if I was going to use that fast pass or not!

Fast passes in hand, we decided it was time to find a spot for the parade! Since it had been raining, we knew that the parade would probably be altered at least some amount, it can’t be safe to dance on all that wet cement, I know I wouldn’t want to! We grabbed a spot over in Frontierland by Sleepy Hollow and I’m pretty sure our ponchos were still in our bags so we used those to sit on as to not get wet!

Sure enough, thanks to the rain they announced that in place of the Celebrate a Dream Come True parade, they would be doing the “Rainy Day Cavalcade” and that was okay with us!









We definitely noticed that it sometimes must be a pretty quick call on what parade they’re doing depending on weather, as these costumes on the parade performers are just thrown over the actual parade costumes!





The cars they were coming around in were still super cute, and it definitely allowed for some change from the regular parade, where certain characters were walking, they lucked out and were in the cars this time around.




Princesses! Yay! More to come!

You guys were getting a lot done! Wow!

I've never even heard of that rainy day parade replacement. It's cute!
Move It Shake It, Je t'adore!! :love:

Awww, that sucks that Peter didn't show up.

Ahaha, love Sonny Eclipse.

And I, for one, really enjoy the Rainy Day Cavalcade. I can see it being a disappointment for someone's first trip, but it's a nice change from the regular parade if you've seen it. Also a bit more interaction too, but then that may be due to lower crowds from the rain. :scratchin
Hi Katt! I just got caught up with all the updates since your Dream Along with Mickey photo marathon - which I really enjoyed. I love the zoomed in photos that showed all the facial expressions of the dancers and Aurora's pantaloons!! Those dancers really do a great job and put on a wonderful show.

What a compliment when you are asked if you are part of the "family." Hoping to be is a great answer. :)

If Peter only knew that you were waiting for him I'm sure he would have shown up!

Never done Space Mtn?? Still or has that now been remedied? ;)

I've heard of the rainy day parade but not seen it for myself.
When I first saw that you were watching the Move It Shake It parade I immediately thought about Stilts Guy. Then I remembered that this trip was pre-Stilts Guy. But then you think you saw him any way. :confused3 :rotfl2:

Cosmic Rays looks yummy! Good thing you timed your lunch right with the rain.

You guys got a lot done that afternoon despite the rain. I really need to do a September trip sometime!

What a cool thing to get to see a totally different parade because of the rain! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures from it.
Katt, I love your Dream Along With Mickey pictures! And I love how many you posted, lol, there can never be enough!

I've never even heard of the Rainy Day Character Cavalcade! That's really cool that they do that. I kinda like the simplicity of it. I also got excited because that's my favorite Snow White and my favorite Belle in the princess car. Belle is also friends with Aurora and totally TRANSFORMS into whoever she is hanging out with at the time, it's pretty cool. I love spotting princesses I recognize!
First of all, I can NOT believe you updated while in Disney. You are so much better of a Diser than me!

Being mistaken for a CM is foreshadowing of your future! I'm so sad that I didn't do the College Program. Although I suppose I really couldn't connect it to nursing in any way but still, it just seems like the best experience!

Fantastic Dream Along with Mickey pictures! I love watching that show and I love when we come in the MK during the day and there's one already going on because it just makes me happy!

I still don't think we fully experienced the Move It Shake It parade because there didn't seem to be a dance party going on when we saw it! :confused3 But yay for your stilts guy!

I didn't know they did a Rainy Day Character Cavalcade (I didn't actually know a Cavalcade is a thing :confused3:rotfl2:)! But it looks adorable and fun!


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