Wk Of Sept 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Sunny! W'sup!?

Glad to see you back. :)

Yo, Vic

You'll be heartsick to hear-- I had to sell my Loudin Chase tix:mad: Oh well, there's always next year!!!!!!

It was pretty cool though. I held onto them until the last minute. My bro posted them to Craig's list on Friday night and I had the cash in my hands in less than an hour from the posting! Gotta love the internet:thumbsup2

I just read both of your posts. I know I'm just a name on a forum board and you don't know me from Adam, but I just wanted to wish you each Recovery, Resolution, Balance, and Contentment.

My thoughts are with you.
Yo, Vic

You'll be heartsick to hear-- I had to sell my Loudin Chase tix:mad: Oh well, there's always next year!!!!!!

It was pretty cool though. I held onto them until the last minute. My bro posted them to Craig's list on Friday night and I had the cash in my hands in less than an hour from the posting! Gotta love the internet:thumbsup2

Sorry you didn't get to go, but you're right, there's always next year. Glad you were able to sell your tickets.
Sunny: thank you for catching up with us! I have been thinking about you lately and I know you will come through this. :hug: :hug:

Angie: :wizard: :wizard: I do so hope the surgery does the job. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

We will keep you both in our thoughts and prayers. You both mean a lot to us so keep us posted!

Thanks for checking in and letting us know of your situation. I cannot imagine what you have gone through, and all I can think of to say is a heartfelt "you have my best wishes in a quick recovery."


You too? I understand your reluctance to volunteer for an operation on a disk, but you are married to someone who experienced significant improvement after surgery. I hope the same or better for you.

Yes all, I am around, but stretched far too thin until about Christmas Day. I'm at the 1/4 pole for the Babson and MIT semesters, and the usual "beginning of the semester, total waste of my precious time" meetings are over, so I seem to have hit a pattern which allows me to get all my work done, train, and enjoy my lovely wife and family. I was feeling a bit stale after 10 years in the same place and my new gig is exciting and invigorating, but it is pretty grinding.

I am doing well training, and am much more fit than last year at this time. I'm running the BAA Half Marathon on October 7, so I'll get a good test of my fitness. My plan is to run it comfortably and treat it like a training run, and hopefully I'll keep my head and run like that on race day.

But, you never can tell when it's me. I hope I have a few qualities, but responsible behavior in races hasn't been one of them.


Monica - Congratulations on being close to your goal! That's an amazing job.

Judy - Love those lyrics!

Leana - I don't know about a race, but the one LR I did when I forgot my Garmin was actually one of the most enjoyable I had all season. Not that I left it behind after that one, mind you, but it was nice that one time!

Jen - I think I agree with you on the orthotics being more about prevention. The stretching seems to help more than anything else, along with icing after runs when it really starts to hurt. But since I always run with them, I don't know if it would be a lot worse without them, so maybe they're worth the money?

Angie - Many more prayers coming your way. I hope that you can stay reasonably pain-free until the surgery, and that the surgery fixes everything. In the meantime, don't be a stranger here!

Sunny - You are the most amazing person I've never met! I am so in awe of all you've been through, and that you're able to be upbeat about it. I'm so happy that you're able to function again and be okay with where you are in regards to running.

I've been so down the last few days. I don't feel like my leg's getting any better, and I'm so afraid the doctor's going to tell me next week that I'm not ready to stop using the crutches yet, which means I'm not any closer to running again. Then the weather has gotten cooler and it makes me want to get out there even more. And then I come on here tonight and read Sunny's post, and then Angie's, and suddenly everything looks a little less grim. This is such a great group, and everyone is so supportive, and so many people are dealing with injuries right now and I just need to stop feeling sorry for myself and know that even if Raleigh doesn't happen in November, I should be there in January. That's the ultimate goal after all! :donald:

Monte That is wonderful about being so close to your goal. I have run two races for The AT Children's Project and it felt so good to help those precious children and do something that I love to do - run - at the same time. I will be so sad not to run for them this year.

SilverSteve You are very sweet thank you!! Support from everyone "even a name on a board" means a lot.

Martha & Craig Thanks for the encouragement.

What's really wierd about my situation is it's not a constant, some days are better than others. Today was a good day so we went for a little run. It felt so good, pain or not. Like I said before I will stay as active as I can for as long as I can before I have surgery.

Have a good night

Just stopping by as I spent longer than I intended on a PM to Jackie about attending the Indy 500. I tend to go a little overboard on that topic.

Anway, I was so glad to see that Sunny checked in. Glad your implant is helping and I hope you feel even more improvement.

Angie: I'm sending good vibes your way!

Jackie: Good vibes to you too. Hang in there and you have the right attitude about focusing on January!

Did 3 miles tonight. Still slow, but I'm getting those steps in. After reading through everyone's posts, I was reminded to be grateful for getting in 3 pain free miles at any speed. Just curious, has there ever been a time when the WISH team was totally injury-free? I can't even imagine what that would be like. :)
Sorry team, didn't get a chance to check in yesterday but I did quickly skim the posts.

Sunny: OMG!!!! What a experience you have had lately, I wish you all the PD and good wishes for a speedy and pain free recovery. :hug: :wizard:

Angie: Glad to hear you will be able to have surgury to correct your back issues. Will you be able to have the surgury soon???

Didn't get any training in yesterday but I have 8K for tonight, will be workingout solo however, DH, DS and DD are all working late tonight so just me and my MP3...lol

Have a awesome day everyone

You know my sister that wins everything on the radio?
She just won me Lifehouse tickets for their show next week!! :woohoo:

Now to find a fast Lifehouse song to add to my mp3 player for today's 5 miler...
Happy Friday, WISHers!

First off:

Sunny - Glad to "see" you back! Sounds like you've got a wonderful perspective on things. I hope you continue to gain mobility and confidence! Too funny that you tried to leave in the middle of the operation - I tried to do the same thing in giving birth to my DD! And you will always be a team member, even if you never do another race!

Angie - Sorry to hear surgery is in your future, but send PD for it to be effective and allow you to be pain free!

Jackie - I hope you are feeling better and you'll be getting off your crutches soon. Just keep your eyes on January!

Monte - When I first read your post I read that you had only $70. (Not the til ...)! I was feeling really bad for you but I'm happy to say congrats instead!

Today is a rest day for me and I'll be fueling up for my 12 miler tomorrow. Unfortunately the heat is supposed to come back this weekend so I'll have to get an extra early start - hopefully 6:30. I'm trying to talk myself into registering for the Raleigh half marathon today. I should probably do that before I go out and try to do 12 miles!

Happy training, all!
Sunny--great to "see" you here again. All I can say is "wow" on your experience. You have come through with such a great attitude! :hug: Such an inspiration to the rest of us!

Angie--Lots of hugs coming your way!:grouphug: So sorry to hear that you will need surgery. Here's hoping you have more good days than bad before having the surgery. Since it looks like race training is on hold for a while, will you still make the trek to hang out with us in January? Scott was really looking forward to spending some more time with Bobby, and I, with you!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm suffering with a little taper madness right now. I feel like I NEED to be doing something, but I know it doesn't need to be more training. Luckily, I'm working this weekend--will keep me occupied!
Sunny--- I hope that the surgery continues to provide you relief from your chronic pain issues.

Angie---Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

Jackie---Sorry to hear that you are still having problems. Hope it turns around soon.

Sending extra pixie dust to each of you. pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

I'm still on my training program and will end week 4 with my LW on Sat.

Angie - Tons of PD and hugs for you. Good luck with back surgery, and I hope it helps make your like more pain free. I really enjoyed meeting you in May and am sad you won't be there in January, but the most important thing is getting better.

Wow....are back problems going around or what.... I got an e-mail from my Dad who has been working hard to train for ToT. His hip had been bothering him, so before it got too bad he went to see an orthopedic surgeon. Turns out he's developing a herniated disc in his back and has been told that he cannot participate in ToT at all, not even to walk. He is allowed to cheer us on at the finish though, and he can do some XT. He's starting PT for his back, but I'm so sad for him. My mom has been having some knee issues, but she's still clear to participate, but the Dr. told her not to push the pace too much.

My dad will still pick up his race packet and have his bib, but he won't participate in the race. I'm assuming that is enough to gain him entry into the post race party..??
Quick drive-by here.
Sunny -- I am so glad to hear from you. As you have always been to me, you are an inspiration. I can't begin to imagine all you have been through and your remarkable strength and positive spirit are truly miraculous and awe-inspiring. Sending you a huge :hug: and pixiedust: for continued recovery. I am looking forward to the day when your WISH teammates can give you a hug in person.

Angie-- I am so sad you are in pain, but I'm glad there is a plan and a very good prognosis for resolving it. I'm also glad that you have seen that this type of surgery can be life changing for the good.

Jackie -- So sorry you are still dealing with pain. Sending you huge loads of pixiedust:

To all our WISH teammates in pain -- sending you hugs and pixiedust and saying prayers on your behalf.

To everyone with races this weekend -- sending you :goodvibes and WISHes for wonderful races! :cool1

I did a 25 minute core class last night, then 20 minutes on the elliptical and then crunches and pushups.

Hoping to get in 10 miles this weekend, even if in segments and still really, really trying to get to the muscle pump class that is at 7:45 am tomorrow before coming to work for the day.
Greetings Race Team -

I did no training this morning, unless you count getting Charlie out of the house two hours early for a meeting in NYC that was then postponed two hours. :mad: Grrrr.

Four miles on tap for tomorrow morning.

Sunny - Oh Sunny! I really hope this works out for you. :wizard: My goodness, what you've been thru. And yes, PLEASE. Even if you don't run or race, stay with us. Please please please! :hug: You are such a strong and amazing person. What fortitude you have.

Monte - WOW, that is fabulous and very impressive! :woohoo: Good for you, Monte. That's very sweet of you!

Angie - Oh Angie. :wizard: I guess do it and get it over with is the best thing. :hug: And I am proud of you for not being a couch potato now, when you certainly could. Stick with us. We'll keep you entertained during your recovery and be there for you when you hit the pavement again.

Kristi - We should never complain, right? I've never heard of Lifehouse. But congratulations to your sister! She's got great karma or something. :thumbsup2

Craig - Oh I'm so glad to see you here! pirate: I was asking "Martha Marth" about you just the other day. Glad all is going well and that you are able to train.

Jackie - I'm going to tell you the same thing everyone told me when I was post-surgical...Patience, my dear, patience. It's worth it. :hug:

Leana - Oh no! How disappointing to your dad. :hug:
Good morning WISH team:

**Sunny and Angie**--Best wishes for success in dealing with your respective ongoing injuries.

**Dana**--Although you have impressed me with, among other things, your training, photographs of snakes (note to self: where is that thread so I can re-post that wonderful pic?) and embracing of the WISH team party-girl status, my view of you (which probably doesn't mean a whole heck of a lot in the grand scheme of things) has taken a serious blow. Are you really letting your WDW annual passes expire and replacing them with two-year Unversal passes?!?! I am both shocked and dismayed.;)

As I posted on the Walking thread, my test results confirmed my suspiscions that the latest back spasming episodes realligned the lumbar discs again. Herniated disc sitting on nerves and another one protruding again. Not the first time, but I am out of PT visits for the year. Back doctor doesn't think walking will cause further problems if I use good form. I'll see what the hip doctor has to say when I see him again in a couple of weeks.

So, my current plan is to increase core exercises on my own to try and pull the discs back into place, grin and bear the pain while getting in walking training and continue with strength training. I'll also work on low/non-impact aerobic exercises as well. Training has taken a hit the past two weeks, but I still plan to participate in and complete the ToT (6.5K) and the half. I will work on figuring out a training plan that will have me (sort of) ready for the half and semi-healthy. For ToT, I have already adjusted my goal from a decent time for me of approximately 18 minute miles to finishing. (I realistically think I should be able to do 4 miles in 2.5 hours, although I might have less coaster time after than I originally thought.)

Good luck to everyone on their LSDs this weekend and to those participating in events.
Well I've stayed out of trouble long enough. Time to wander back over to the Far Side of sanity.



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