Wk Of Sept 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick post since I am actually caught up with this training thread. Just for this week, I haven't been able to read much for the last month. My apologies to all that have needed support and congratulations to all that have been having a good time of it.

My training is going OK. That's the one thing I am being adamant about sticking to. Well that and feeding the kids. The whole clean clothes to wear is taking a hit. Can someone come do laundry at my house?


Cindy you know you have to make your hubby do the laundry, tell him the rest of us guys do it. :laundy: Doing housework is the new Macho.

Today is talk like a pirate day. YARRRRRRR, now as a pirate I'd say, to Erica "wash your own darn clothes wench. YARRRRR".pirate:

Anyway, in the spirit of staying out of trouble today: I did a brisk 2.25 mile walk, 28:50 total time, then played in the pool and soaked in the hot whirlpool. Since I had a 8 mile monday and a 10 mile yesterday, a cutback day was in order.

Five weeks from now we will be heading south for WDW, shades on, top down, stereo loud, Erica's feet on the dash, yep life is good.


Have a great day y'all, don't forget to talk like a pirate today.

Quick drive by- had to tell the only people in the world who might care--

I did my 5 miles on the TM. It was tedious, but I survived. What's the problem? I can't find my green pen! :scared1: The horror, the horror... I may have to run to Staples.:rotfl:

Jen in GA
Yo-ho and avast me hardy's!!

nepatsfan Bill: so the Jimmy Johnson hair comment had me laughing out loud! It always did look like it was shellaced to his head no matter what the weather! Your discussion on the Patriots was impressive; I would have said "Good game." :lmao: I really did enjoy watching them wax the field with San Diego.

WWDave: see, that seat up/down has me confused. Depending on which you prefer, YOU may be cleaning the bathrooms.

SilverE: make sure that calf is healed before you start out again!

meghan74: congrats on getting the TM!! Yup, no excuses now.

Cindylou: way to go on the 14 miler! I'm due for that length in, oh, 4 weeks. I've never run that far in my life!!! What am I doing? Why did I sign up for this torture...er....event?

TnTsParty: sorry to hear you are back at square one with training! Don't get discouraged! We're here for you...

Renee: :thumbsup2 on the run!

I ran 55 minutes last night and have an easy 3 miles for this afternoon. Unfortunately, my hip bursitis seems to be rearing its ugly head again. I'm sure it's due to the increased mileage. It may just be something I have to live with the rest of my life. So be it.

Anchors away! Oh wait, that's the Navy; aren't they considered the bad guys to pirates?
Hi folks, I got out for a run last night. I finished 5.07 miles in 52:25 for a 10:20/mi pace. I'm starting to see some pace improvements on my training runs which is nice. I think I started out too fast though (I was going downhill, so it was easy) because I didn't run the uphill on the way home as strong as I would have liked. It wound up being way colder than I figured and I didn't quite dress properly so I use the excuse that I tried to run faster to stay warmer. No snow as of yet, but the forecasters are still thinking that we might get a small smattering this afternoon. Tonight I have yoga...

I might be doing another 10K this weekend. The race is actually sold out, but I might be purchasing someone's bib. We'll see if that works out or not.
Good morning!

Hoping everyone is having a wonderful "Hump Day."

This work thing is really cutting into my fun time. Hopefully in the next few weeks things will start to slow down a bit. I do have to drive to Orlando tomorrow for a meeting and then drive home on Friday. See, not even enough time to go see the mouse. What's up with that!?

Got out for 3.1 miles last night. Actually ran it at a relative decent pace of 11:46. My goal is a 5-hour marathon. So, further improvement with the pace is needed, and the ability to sustain it for 26.2. :eek: :) No foot issues to report.

To our new members - :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

To those nursing injuries - I hope you heal up soon.

To those busy training - Keep up the great work.

To all others - W'sup!?

Sunny - Did you go to the race on Sunday?

Martha I am staying out of trouble his week. I can do this, yes I can.:angel:

Jen in Ga, heck yes we care.:grouphug:

Judy, kick Charlie with the other foot for a while and that foot will heal quicker.:upsidedow

Were is that picture I had of PatsFan Bill as a pirate:


Of course we can't leave Big Vic out;


DAve:hippie: , staying out of trouble week

At least I'm the cute one. :)
Aaarrrrrggggghhhhh...why is the rum always gone?

(I think both those pirates are cute!) Now let's see some pirate wenches!

Good luck to everyone with their training and a quick recovery to all those with injuries.
Quick drive.....

Ran 2 miles both on Monday and Tuesday to keep my legs loose for Sunday and will cross train on the recumbant tonight after work (if I am home at a decent hour). Will cath up with you all on Saturday (or later on today if it stays calm here, yeah right....we're gonna get slammed soon I can feel it)

Happy Training!

I just got a lime green running skirt at Target for $7.48. I know they're nothing like the really nice ones, but for less than $10 I'm not going to complain! :thumbsup2
Are those the Champion ones? If so, I posted about those a couple weeks ago. They are OK, however the shorts things underneath are loose and ride up when I run. They are fine for short distances, but I think I would get chub rub on longer ones. I wore mine for a 5K right after I bought it. They are kind of cute tho, so I may be inclined to buy a good quality skirt now!!!
AAArrrrrr, me hearties! I've just been walking the rotating plank...4 miles at 52:44. I did 3 miles on the plank on Mon in 39:45 so the pace is inching up. Plank walking always makes me feel slower than running about the island pirate:
Just back from the Y - did 3 miles:

Not too shabby.
Now off to weight watchers to see how much I gained this week. Ugh. :sad2:
What are they putting in the water over there (yaha, landlubbers be the answer) and why is pirate talk so catching?

Okay so I am typing instead of running at the moment as it's raining - this country has a major drought, we have water restrictions - why is there wet stuff falling from the sky when I need to do my three miles. Figure it'll either stop by lunchtime or I will be forced into the gym in our apartment basement and the treadmill (which for some reason faces the wall, rather than out the window), ah well better rain today than Sunday when I have 13 miles to do!

Not much else to report but determined to post regularly and stay updated with the thread so here I am. Helen
Ahoy, mateys! pirate:

Cindy – Glad to hear that you’re being able to stick to your training. Why can’t that darn laundry learn to wash itself?

Judy – Sorry your foot’s hurting! Yuck!

Tricia – Sorry you’re having a WTO. Great job on getting those training runs in!

Renee – Awesome job on the 4-miler. Those are some impressive splits!

Jen in GA – Did your pen turn up?

Martha – Hope your hip feels better.

Leana – Great job on the 5-miler! I still can’t believe y’all are freezing up there while it’s still in the 90s down here.

Vic – Going to Orlando with no chance to visit Mickey? :sad2:

Mel – Nice job on both of your "plank" walks. pirate:

Me mate and I be taking a rest day today. Aaarrr! pirate:

(I love Talk Like a Pirate Day! I greeted my coworker this morning in pirate talk, but she just thought I was crazy).
AAArrrrrr, me hearties! I've just been walking the rotating plank:

Rotating plank! :rotfl2: I will now and forever be unable to work out on a treadmill and not have the phrase "rotating plank" pop into my head! :lmao:
Thanks for the welcome backs and congrats on my treadmill purchase! Today is a rest day, so I have no training to report. I was happy to wake up without any pain after my 3 miles yesterday.

As great as my treadmill is, I know that I need to continue to do some running outside so that I am prepared for Donald. Have any of you trained primarily on a treadmill? If so, how much running did you try to do outside? Any tips for me? Cam, I know that you have to do most or all of your training inside. What do you do to make the transition to running outside on race day? Please feel free to tell me that I am overthinking this and I shouldn’t worry about it!

TXAng: I think my coworkers were convinced that they could do the mini marathon after hearing about my great experience walking the CDC in August (my injury prevented me from doing the w3/r2 intervals I had planned on). I would like to think that my sheer joy in meeting my goals to 1) finish in an upright position with 2) a smile on my face and 3) the desire to tackle another ½ was a good example for the office.

Cam: It is so tough to find the time to work out a training schedule. I don’t usually take a lunch hour at work, but I finally forced myself to shut my office door and ignore the phone while I worked on my schedule during lunch last week. I would be happy to share, but I am only training for a ½ this time. I think I mentioned that I am sort of combining the Hal Higdon novice plan with the MfM intervals. I’m starting with the walk/run intervals and hope to move to the run/walk intervals before January. I would love to do r4/w1 at WDW, but will be very happy if I can do r4/w2 or r3/w1. I’m just going to wait and see how it goes. I was surprised that I could manage w3/r1 last night after so much time off.

Christa: My mission for this week is to figure out how to strap the portable DVD player to the treadmill so that I can entertain myself when I start doing longer training sessions. Due to space limitations, the treadmill faces a wall and that is not interesting!

Renee: I missed your initial posts about your hip pain. It sure seems like a lot of us are dealing with hip problems. What kind of pain are you battling and do you know what is causing it? I ask because I am paranoid about hurting mine again and I hope to learn from others’ experiences.

Leana: Purchasing someone’s bib? That must mean you are a pretty serious runner!

Mel: the rotating plank had me lol. My DH thinks I’m crazy. I’m also slower on the plank. I can’t really figure out why because I know it is actually easier than running outside.
Arrggg... Mel, me walked the rotating plank also!! Me thinks it slows me down more, tho me plank may be rotten in the controls! Seriously tho, I think my TM is off because compared to the Y TM, I am slower. But as long as I get the steps in. This is where the time versus miles of MFM doesn't bother me as much. Right now I am not allowed to run outside (at home) because of the "issues" that never seem to go away. But this weekend I will get my LR in outside at the campground.

OK, time for bed. I am on-call this week and my pager is not working. I was getting panicky so I called in and there were 3 pages I never got. RUH ROH, someones gonna get hollored at tomorrow when these crabby people call in (and it's not me!! yee haw!).

Happy training team!
:wave2: HELLO TEAM

I have missed you guys but have not really felt like "part of the team" due to my lack of training. I don't know if you guys saw but when i went to the doctor a couple of weeks a go he sent me for an MRI because I have no reflexes left in my right ankle. Also suggested I lay off the running till I get results, which I have.

Saturday we went to the zoo and I cried as I had to sit most of the time and let my husband take the kids around to see all the animals because it hurt so bad. I work a lot and had looked forward all week to that day with them.

Anyway I go tomorrow morning to get my results and I am just praying that it is something we can fix pretty easily. I am relatively new at my job and can't afford to take much time off but I want my life back. :sad2:

I have never been athletic in my life, when I was in high school I wanted to try out for Lacrosse but I could not run the 1.5 miles that they required.!! So to finish 2 -- 1/2 marathons in 6 weeks this past year was amazing. I feel like I finally found something, that makes me feel good :banana: and I SOOOOO MISS having an upcoming race and a goal to train for. Not to mention the chronic pain that is so exaughsting.

I am very sorry for the downer post but this is the one place I can go that I know running/walking means as much to you guys as it does to me. :grouphug:

Thanks for listening if you are still reading and if you think about it say a little prayer for me in the morning that I can see a light at the end of this very dark tunnel. :flower3:



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