Wk of Sep 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey all!

The world caught up with us last week adn we had nothing after Monday.

Our tri went great, though. I posted a report on teh tri thread. Shave off 19 minutes. Most of it from teh new bike, but 1 mpm faster running pace too! :thumbsup2 Feel much better ending the season on a good note!
Hey everyone,
Tracy thanks so much for the updates- i've always liked the look of CSR and bigger beds would def appeal. Just been put off as it's quite a big resort isn't it? BTW take it easy and stop taking your warrior title to heart, we want a healthy happy warrior!
Going to try really hard this week to keep up with the thread. Need extra motivation as have signed up for the princess half, he he he. Off to running club tomorrow so know i'll get 6 ish miles in then.
Happy week everyone
Hi all!

Has anyone ever attempted a run the day after surgery?
Is it dangerous to run the day after anesthesia?

I am getting an unusual form of anesthesia because I am allergic to the usual forms so the Doctor said I had to wait and ask the anesthesia Doctor when I got to the hospital.

Am I insane to even be thinking about running? or just goofy. :confused3

Cecilia - yes, you are insane/goofy! I say take any excuse to have a day off. Esp. for someone like you that is very dedicated to their training. I am no medical professional though. ;)

Ok, just back from 5 miles. Was supposed to be yesterday's 6 miler. I seriously had nothing in the tank. I wanted to quit from the first step, to the last. I guess I really need to learn to sleep more. Going out there after 3 hours sleep, working 8 hours and doing 2 hours of errands is not pretty. :rolleyes:
Hi, everyone!
Terri -- I LOVE your idea of cross-training. :yay: :cheer2: :banana:

Carrie -- Congrats!

Sorry to all I am missing, but I'm swamped at work. Just wanted to report in that I dragged myself out of bed this morning to do the 2 miles I would have done with my running partner if she weren't off on a Disney cruise -without me!!! Anyway, I ended up running the entire 2 miles. Nice to know I could pull that off, at an okay pace, running by myself and without our normal run/walk intervals. :woohoo: Tomorrow is my 5:30 am personal training session, so I am sure Jeff is going to KILL my quads, as usual, so I am NOT optimistic about Wednesday's run. :laughing: Since I'll be in WDW Friday through Sunday and hanging out with our resident WISH party girl, Judy, I am not sure I'll get in my weekend run, so Wednesday will have to be a good one. LOL!

Keep up the great work,everyone! I know we are all just starting or getting ready to start training for January (if not already on track for autumn endurance races).
Hi All!
Another gorgeous day in Massachusetts. Highs near 80 and sunny.

I did 4 miles in about 34 minutes so an 8:20ish pace. Not too bad, but I'm warn out after this and yesterday.
Hey, folks, I'm back. I'm sorry to be gone so very long....

For everyone who was at the DL 1/2, know I sent good thoughts your way. I was there in spirit and wish I could have been there in person.

Susie: :flower3: How was DL?

Vicky: How's your PT coming along? A zoo run sounds like a lot of fun, btw!

Sick Tracy: How was DL? Did you get sick from the flying? It sounds like you're still getting out there, walking and persevering despite your illness. You're a trooper. Take care of that cough. Anyway, I hope you're doing all right in other areas, weather-wise and otherwise, since returning home. (And yep, it was your wet noodle talk that brought me back. :rotfl: )

Allyson: I love the cooler fall weather, too. It sounds like you're doing well with your running. I'd talk to you about the Pats, but apparently people in Pgh are only supposed to talk about the Steelers. (So Nyah!)

Tricia: I think it's great that you're testing out your hydration needs/belt situation--it's bound to help in January. (I still need to figure out a good system for me, so thanks for the reminder.) Congrats on the 10 minutes faster on your 9 milers. That's terrific! :banana: It sounds as if the combination of things--shoes, relaxed legs/feet, fueling--are really working for you.

Ms. Duckie: Yeah for making it through your first week of school. :woohoo: Your beach walks sounds positively nirvana-ish, as do the CSA tomatoes. (Tomatoes in season, a near-perfect food.) You mean your DH isn't 17? Geez, I guess you're not living up to media stereotypes of female teachers and younger men, huh? :rotfl2: So glad to hear you, your dad, and your DH are all in training.

Aloha Jeff: Oh, I hope your IT band isn't going to give you serious problems. You did the right thing with walking, as you of course know. What do you mean, you won't be at WDW in January??? :scared1: Not acceptable Jeff, not acceptable at all. Sell some plasma or something.

Howard: Yay for finishing your Looooooong run. :yay:

Terri: Great day of XT--sounds very, um, entertaining! I bet you were flying high like an--wait for it--EAGLE! :goodvibes

Kira: Ouch on the near-blister situation. Glad you stopped before things get worse, and that you're recovering from your illness. I use lots of petroleum jelly on my feet and between my socks and shoes. The latter was Lilys suggestion, and I find it really helps cut down friction. Bodyglide doesn't work as well for me, although I'll use it in a pinch.

Carrie: Congrats on the tri and shaving off so many minutes. It sounds like you did wonderful, and not just because of the new bike, either.

Kate: Yeah for signing up for the princess 1/2. It's great to have something to look forward to, isn't it?

Cecilia: I've never tried to run after anesthesia, but I'd think any movement might help you purge that stuff out of your system and recover. So if you're able to--and if anyone would be, it would be you--I'd say give it a try. Maybe on a track or short, very familiar route? (Of course, I'm not an expert, I just don't like that drugged-out feeling.)

Kristi: Wow, I'm just impressed you got your 5 miles in under your no-sleep, lots of work situation. No wonder you felt you didn't have any energy. I hope things lighten up for you so that you can enjoy your runs.

Cam: You're doing great keeping up with everything on your plate, and still committing to the quad-killing antics of Jeff. (I know it's in your best interset, long-term, but he gives you such tough routines that I'd complain the entire time.) You're one tough cookie. Have a great time in WDW with Judy--as if I have to send you PD for that one! :rolleyes: Sort of a guarantee when the two of you get together, isn't it?

Jennifer: It looks like you're continuing to do well with your pace and distance. What's your next event?

As for me: New job, new schedule, new people to curse at under my breath. It's been keeping me away from the DIS for various reasons, and making me wonder why I work. Then I get my VISA bill with Disney charges on it, and I remember. "Oh, yeah." JANUARY! :woohoo:

In the meantime, I need to get the WTO under control, so be patient with me.
Debra -- You have been sorely missed. :hug: Glad you found your way back to the place where everyone understands the concept of working to afford those Disney charges on the credit card. ;)
Hello experts!!:)
I am still a beginning runner so I am trying to work on the whole pace thing. I am averaging about a 10 minute mile but the most I could run solid was 2 miles, then a rest and then 2 more. Is that ok for starting out or should I try to slow it down in order to get more miles?
twinmickeys - Ten minute miles is absolutely awesome for a beginner.

What you are doing is called a run/walk and we have lots of people with more experience that can help you with that program. Its a great way to start and a great way to build endurance. Its a perfectly acceptable way to train or race.

That said, I have a couple of suggestions for pushing your run time farther. First, try slowing down just a bit and concentrating on making sure you are running at a completely comfortable pace. Eventually, you will find that pace that makes you feel like you could run forever. It might be a bit slower than you like, but that pace will get a little faster with time.

Most training plans will tell you not to work on speed and distance at the same time. So slow down to work on distance. You should be able to talk while you are running.

My second suggestion takes some explaining. Sometimes, we get mental triggers that make us stop. I train on a trail, and when I started running there, I parked about 2 miles from where I start now. Three years later, I still find myself stopping at that spot. It takes a mental push to keep running at that point. This is why alot of runners can not run loop courses. The urge to stop and rest is over-whelming. This might be what happens to you if you are running a regular route. Try a new route and see if you run farther.

Good Luck!
Good evening everyone!

Debra - good to see you again! Hopefully you get things under control soon and can visit more. We miss you. And I also pretty much only work so I can travel. :goodvibes

Tracy - hope that cough/cold/flu clears up quickly. And just love the vid work you did!

Duckie - :wave2: And we had a great time. :beach: Next time need longer visit. And guess Noah won't be running ahead to take pics in Jan, huh? :rotfl:

Sorry, know I'm missing whole lot of folks but just trying to catch up this eve. Congrats to all those sticking to your plans, get well for everyone sick/injured/recovering, take it easy to those who need it (you know who you are).

Got in 13 miles on the bike yesterday. Actually passed DH (which is not easy) and held 20mph for a short bit. Had to back it off to 18 but felt great. We will have to find another path as this one currently is covered in branch pieces.

Have a great eve!
Cecilia...what type of surgery and anesthesia? I had endoscopy last year with a low level happy gas (Diprivan). I didn't have any trauma from the surgery but was too out of it for any kind of training. If you're having anything involving sutures, I'd wait.

Jen...welcome! And yes, slowing down may help with stamina on the run. For run/walk plans, there are Galloway training programs and John Bingham's Marathoning for Mortals. It's usually some combo of run/walk ( run 4 min, walk 1 min). I've done all my races like that.

Welcome back Debra and Duckie! You teachers are a busy lot!

Speaking of which, after 3 1/2 years of starting the weekly threads, I have hit the wall on free time and find that I need to move on to other things. There are a lot of you cool people around here and I just don't have the time to keep up with everyone anymore. The threads have become pretty self-sustaining since the old days when I used to try to come up with a weekly question just to stimulate conversation (fortunately, since I was new to all this, I had lots of questions ;) ). I would suggest that the threads don't really need a specific person to start anymore, but could easily just turn over every week with the first person who comes in on Sun morning. Soooo...if you sign in this Sun and see that the thread hasn't been posted, jump in and start a new one for the week.

I will still be around, I will certainly finish processing the shirt orders and I'll be thrilled to see all of you at Pop and on the courses in Jan!
Aloha Jeff: What do you mean, you won't be at WDW in January??? :scared1: Not acceptable Jeff, not acceptable at all. Sell some plasma or something.


Airfare $864.00, registration $120.00 = $1,084.00 PLUS hotel ?, meals? beer? ice cream? park ticket? Running with my WISH family, priceless.

I guess if you were to start a "Jeff's Make a WISH race come true" charity, and we got everyone to donate $1, well... that'd be a whole lot of people to ask. :lmao:

I'm not quite out of it yet. Marcia is hemming and hawing if she's going to send in her registration. 90% full as of Saturday. I told her to hurry up and decide, so I don't miss out on getting my registration in on time.

My wife shook her head and rolled her eyes at me when I told her I was still thinking of going. She actually said "NO! because you're going to the Masters Tournament in April!" But then she said it was up to me to come up with the funds. The Princesses don't know that I'm still considering going, yet :rolleyes1

I was OKAY with skipping 2009, but Mushu just had to go and change her mind and think about registering. It's all her fault!!!

Airfare $864.00, registration $120.00 = $1,084.00 PLUS hotel ?, meals? beer? ice cream? park ticket? Running with my WISH family, priceless.

I guess if you were to start a "Jeff's Make a WISH race come true" charity, and we got everyone to donate $1, well... that'd be a whole lot of people to ask. :lmao:

I'm not quite out of it yet. Marcia is hemming and hawing if she's going to send in her registration. 90% full as of Saturday. I told her to hurry up and decide, so I don't miss out on getting my registration in on time.

My wife shook her head and rolled her eyes at me when I told her I was still thinking of going. She actually said "NO! because you're going to the Masters Tournament in April!" But then she said it was up to me to come up with the funds. The Princesses don't know that I'm still considering going, yet :rolleyes1

I was OKAY with skipping 2009, but Mushu just had to go and change her mind and think about registering. It's all her fault!!!

Wait..... I think I hear something....... sounds like it might be Jeff. Not sure? I just hear like a humming, blah, blah sound coming out of his mouth. Not very distinquishable, but might be something about money and disney and Mushu and something. Still can't quite make it out.:confused3

:lmao: :cool1: :rotfl2: Jeff is in a quandry. Hope you can work it out.

DEBRA: Hey girl, sorry to hear the new work and stuff is taking over. I try to leave work out of the picture unless I'm there of course (Took me many years to do it, but finally I did). :) I am doing better, cough is loose and not having to cough up my lungs anymore. I think it was a combo of change in environment, time and the flight home. SUnday at the hotel I woke up with a very dry throat. I never had a fever, just a stuffy and then runny nose and went directly to the chest area and settled in there. (Glas to hear the wet noodle lashing works sometimes!!:rotfl: )

MEL: hey you...sorry to hear the LTO for you. Please hang out even if you can't keep up with everyone. You know you would say the same thing to others!!!!

Take care all, (redid my video because I missed adding a few photos)
Speaking of which, after 3 1/2 years of starting the weekly threads, I have hit the wall on free time and find that I need to move on to other things.
Mel - Just wanted to send huge thank you for keeping us going for so long! Wow, can't believe it's been that long. :faint:

Debra - Welcome back! Hope you get into a rhythm soon!

twinmickeys - Wow, you are doing great!!! Forgive me for not remembering, but what event are you training for?

Liz - You backed down to 18 mph? :worship:

Cam - WTG on the 2 miles! That is awesome! I still have a voice mail saved from when you did 1. :goodvibes

Cold and rainy last night. no work out. :(
Hi everyone! I'm still here! I've been working lots. I've picked up my training somewhat. The running for long periods of time still eludes me though. I've started a blog to keep me honest. My BFF has visited the site so outside of you guys, only my Mom, BFF and a co-worker know about it.

DBF knows that I am up to something, but he hasn't grasped on to the whole idea yet. Last night I begged him to take me back to WDW and he said I needed to have a conference there. I asked him if having a competition there was an acceptable second choice. He seems okay with the idea, but he was probably thinking I meant a tae kwon do competition. At least the seed is planted.
Hey everyone. :goodvibes

Debra, I'm sorry to hear about your new work. Hope it gets easier soon! (So you can join here more! ;) )

Cecilia, I hope it is nothing serious? I think you should take the next day off for sure. Good luck!

Today I ran the farthest since my surgery - 4 miles. Pace was 11:56. I did a R5/W1. Next week I'm supposed to bump it up to R10. I'm a little concerned cause my knee hurt again. I got thru almost the entire run. It started at the end. I have worn the IT band wrap several times now, but it kept sliding down today - guess cause I was so sweaty. Anyway, it did not work!

Then at lunch DH and I went out and I stepped off the curb and twisted my ankle. I'm now sitting here icing it. Oh, boy! Will I be able to run that half in January?!? :sad2:

On a side note, I'm so mad about my surgery. The results have been a mess and seem to keep getting worse. Plus, I feel like my doc is giving me excuses. This was such a waste of time and money. Who knows what the future holds? He will do revisions in January, but I don't think it will really take care of this. Anyway, I'm trying to keep my chin up, but I'll NEVER recommend this to anyone EVER.
Shan -- Congrats on your run and the awesome pace, but I am sorry about your IT band pain and your ankle. :eek: You have plenty of time to train for January, so don't rush yourself. I think you may even be ahead on the number of miles you are doing, so I think you have plenty of time to pull back a bit. I am sorry you are having a hard time recovering from your surgery; I don't remember what kind of surgery it was, but perhaps that is impacting on your running ability now? Take good care of you. The important thing is to show up to the start line in January healthy.


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