Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Morning all! Trying to figure out where to run today...looks like rain but it may not. :confused3

To Judy and everyone that cringes about buying expensive running shoes - Remember the running shoes are less expensive than knee replacement surgery! After 3 months, (300 miles) I always replace my shoes...I can start to feel the wear on them and my shins, knees, legs, back, ect if I don't. DH never understood this until he started running. I also write the date on them so I can remember when I got them.

Matt - Sorry you missed out on the bling bling! In my book, you and DW are the WINNERS of the race! :sunny:

Speaking of :sunny: , Sunny, where are you????!!!!

Kristi - I do WW online and LOVE it!

Have you guys/gals ever heard of sparkpeople.com???? It is a great site to track your exercise and nutrition. And it is FREE!

Rhonda - WTG girl!!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :love: :woohoo: :dance3: This is a very big deal!
Good Morning Everyone-

After I posted yesterday, i went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I was still feeling bad so I kept the pace at 11 minute miles the ENTIRE time! Believe it or not, It was a harder workout for me than the ones where I push the pace up each 1/2 mile. The good news is that it did help my depression.

I think my depression was made worse by watching too much coverage of Steve Irwins death. I would not consider myself a huge fan so it surprises me that his death would have such an affect on me.

Rhonda - Absolutely Awesome!!! Way to go!!! :dance3:

Matt- Great Job! Sorry you missed out on the medal but there is always next year! You did infinitly (sp?) better than I did considering I didn't even TRY to run that thing. I know of about 4 people who did not finish it too. Way to GO.
Good morning everyone! Don't ya just love the short weeks? :sunny: I went to the Community Center last night to xt--did the bike for 30 minutes, much better experience this time, I rode 6.20 miles, keeping my rpm's around 85 and no soreness in the booty today. :banana: :banana: I also lifted weights, at the time it was hard, but my legs aren't sore today, so I don't think I worked them hard enough. I really like my new shoes, these are the 3rd New Balance shoes I've owned for running, I had the 856's before and the 857's now. There is still some soreness in my calf when I run, but it's not nearly as bad and I think I honestly did something to my leg, so I do have to give it time to heal. I tried running outside on Monday, but my calf did not agree with me and was sore, I'm going to attempt the treadmill tonight for my 40 minutes. I don't think I'll have any problems on the treadmill, I just have to ease back into running outside. I tell you one thing, I better get back to running again soon, I have been a you know what lately. :furious: :furious: I blame the lack of endorphins. :rotfl2:

Oh, and I second that walking long distances is MUCH harder than running them. I ran the WDW half in January, but I hurt my knee when training for the Flying Pig half in May. I kept trying to run, take 3 days off, run, take 3 days off, run, etc. It got to the point where I just started walking and I decided to walk the Flying Pig. I ave. around a 13:00 mile and finished the half in 3:00 and it was so much harder than the WDW half. I can't even explain in, but walking that fast for the long is an incredible feat and I take my hat off to the walkers--you guys are amazing athletes.

Mel--I wish I knew what was going on with Ben. What else can go wrong?? At least Hines Ward was upgraded to probable instead of questionable, so that's good. I hope Batch can pull it together and win one for us tomorrow.

Judy--Running shoes are worth the expense!!!!!!

Terri--I hope your shins get better before next weekend. :wizard: :wizard: Keep icing them, take ibuprofen, and stick with the elliptical or the bike. By the way, (and probably a stupid question) have you seen "Invincible" yet? Great movie!

Christa--How funny that you rode to pick up your car. I always tease Stephen when he wears his "package pants"--they are just SO tight! :blush:

Rhonda-- :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: That is awesome!!!!! WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunny--How are you hanging in there?

Kristi--I'm going to check out that website. I'm not on WW, but you can never have too many healthy recipes on hand.

To all the DLer's-- :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I better get off here, I have work piling up around me. Do you think it would be weird if I was a SAHM to Hines?? :dogdance: :dogdance:
Matt -

Your time in the Classic should get you a timing chip for the Peachtree next July!! I think the cut off is 56 minutes. However, your time was so good that if you run one of the faster 10Ks this year you will definately get a chip for the Peachtree!
Good Morning Team: I had a great run this morning! On Wednesdays I go to our local high school track and got there at 6:00am. I did 4.48 miles in 48:24 min but that includes all my walking warm ups and cool downs. I walked a lap, ran 3 miles

Mile 1: 9:41 min
Mile 2: 9:14 min
Mile 3: 9:01 min,

then I walked another lap to cool down, and then did 4x100m strides around a 7:00 mpm pace.

I felt really good. No pain in my shins at all.

I'll be back to post more later. Gotta get working.
Walked 3.79 miles in one hour yesterday and hope to walk 6 miles today. My Boulder Backroads is about 2.5 weeks away, so I'm hoping to increase my speed,, so that I don't get swept! ;)

I was fumming yesterday :furious: because my hairsylist increased her rates by $30. w/out notice. My cut and color, which normally runs $80. is now $110. I almost fell over.......guess I have to find a new stylist.
Good morning all. :sunny:

Even though it is technically a rest day, since I was a bonified citizen of Slugville this weekend, I trained this morning anyway. 45 min @ 3.8, then I ran for 5 min @ 5.0. It wasn't all that, but I was glad to have done it. :thumbsup2

I have learned something very important about training and going on vacation. You need a bigger suitcase!! :rotfl: I am amazed at how much more stuff I am bringing with me! I know, I just KNOW, Charlie is going to say something about the size of my suitcase. I had to upgrade to the biggest one we have!

Thank you all for your concern about my mare. :goodvibes The vet came last night. Apparently nothing is broken but she has a very bad blunt trauma on the inside of her hock (Which is kinda like our knees). So she's on meds and cold hosing twice a day. Poor thing. She has such bad arthritis in her hocks anyway. :sad2:

Melissa - I took 2 1/2" off my hair last night! It feels so much lighter! When I put it in a pony tail this morning I was like "That's it??" But cutting it short really released the waves. Of course it will never look as good as it did when the hairdresser was done with it last night, but it does look better then the WitchyPoo hair I had before. :crazy:

- Honestly. I get tired just reading about all you do. And if those knuckleheads were staring it was because they were in AWE of the GIRL POWER! :banana:
To Judy and everyone that cringes about buying expensive running shoes - Remember the running shoes are less expensive than knee replacement surgery! After 3 months, (300 miles) I always replace my shoes...I can start to feel the wear on them and my shins, knees, legs, back, ect if I don't. DH never understood this until he started running. I also write the date on them so I can remember when I got them.
Yes, I concur! It's pain either way - either in the knees or the wallet! And since I have already been thru knee surgery once, I do not need to go there again! I've been writing the date in my training log so I can see how many miles are on them.

Matt - I bestow upon you an Honorary Virtual Medal for 1005 place! :worship:

Howard - Wow, I'm so impressed! :thumbsup2

Terri - Ouch! :wizard: for the splints.

Rhonda - YAY! :banana: Oh that is WONDERFUL! :thumbsup2 You deserve to br proud! Now, you make me want to try and see if I can do it. You go girl! Excellent! :cheer2:

Anne - Is that a new tag? How could we ever forget. And Monday being five years and all.... :(

Tiff - Yes they are the Kayanos. Kinda overkill for me, but man, they sure feeeeel gooooood. I'll bite the bullet and get them as soon as we get back. :goodvibes

Cruella - I don't think anyone expected Steve Irwin's death to effect them as much as it did. I keep hearing that from a lot of people. :worried:

Krista - I see no problem with your being a SAHM to Hines. I keep trying to do it for my girls! :teeth:

Dave - It's AMAZING to me how FAST you are! You're no beginner anymore! :thumbsup2

Monte - OUCH! I paid $58.00 last night. It took her about ten minutes. :rolleyes:

Ok off to work. I have so much to do I don't even know where to start. :surfweb:
Okay, ladies, I just have to post real quick that I am getting my hair all chopped off tomorrow night. I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I am hoping it will have a good effect on the scale and my pace! :rotfl:
aladdinsgirl said:
Oh, and I second that walking long distances is MUCH harder than running them. I ran the WDW half in January, but I hurt my knee when training for the Flying Pig half in May. I kept trying to run, take 3 days off, run, take 3 days off, run, etc. It got to the point where I just started walking and I decided to walk the Flying Pig. I ave. around a 13:00 mile and finished the half in 3:00 and it was so much harder than the WDW half. I can't even explain in, but walking that fast for the long is an incredible feat and I take my hat off to the walkers--you guys are amazing athletes.

I third that statement. (or was I the first?). I'm planning to walk 75% of Goofy and it is much harder than running. Walkers, don't ever think you are doing an "easier" version of running-- it ain't so!!!!

I'm just checking in quick. Works better today (3rd day). I'm up to about 10% productivity! But I am getting here and sitting in my chair and finding decent pain breaks. I just had an ergo eval from the safety office and the woman said she has had 3 of the epidural shots and she's been good as gold since. I can only hope.

I printed out a 9 week DWR training plan that slowly transitions you back to land in week 9. BUT the Y pool is closed until Sept 10th for maintenance :furious: I can't wait to get back inthere and look like a bobber on the end of a fishing line :rotfl2: I've gotten past the feeling silly phase. I just want to bob!

Matt- That really stinks about just missing out on a medal. Incentive for next year, right?

Colleen- Sounds like you are right on track for the Chicago marathon. You can do it!!!!!

Howard- Great job on your LR. You have so much going on right now - good for you for getting out there.

Mel/Chimera- So is DD13 running with you for any races? Sounds like you both are at the same pace. Good lob on your run.

CJ- What a nice way to run and chat with your son. Good for you - great way to keep in touch.

Terri- ice, ice baby!!! Uuugh, I hate those demon dreaded shin splints. I hope you get better soon!!!

Tiff- boy, I'm getting my haircut today too. Must be the season.

Cecilia- I'm glad your workout helped your depression somewhat. Hang in there. It will pass...

Krista- Tomorrow night's the night!!! I'm still riding on the high of last year's Super Bowl win. They'll pull it together. I think Batch will be OK, and I just think they will rely on Willie Parker even more. He's the man!

Monte- Good walk!
Honeibee said:
Dave - It's AMAZING to me how FAST you are! You're no beginner anymore! :thumbsup2
Shucks, Judy :blush: You're very kind, but I am definitely still a beginner. In the races I've been running around here I'm dead last in my age group every time. Good job on getting up and hitting the treadmill this morning. Any good movies lately?
keenercam said:
Okay, ladies, I just have to post real quick that I am getting my hair all chopped off tomorrow night. I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I am hoping it will have a good effect on the scale and my pace! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Cam, when I went for my goal WI I was tempted to cut off my hair! I also thought about spitting a lot before getting on the scale, too :rotfl: Don't forget to clip your nails and shave your legs, too :lmao:

Oh the games we play...
Oh my, btwn intermittent (nmore off than on) internet since Friday, camping over teh weekend adn catching up so I can leave fo my cruise Saturday ( :banana: ), I am so behind here!

I truely skimmed, so please forgive me if I skipped you.

Mel - Camping was fun. Is it really camping when you have 2 support 5th wheels, though? ;) We did sleep in the tent, but that's about all that I'd call camping.

Jen - OK, let me bring back those painful memories. ;) I did under armour or another wicking material long johns, top and bottom. Or runing tights. Then I had wind breaker bottoms. If it was really cold, I used lined windbreaker bottoms. On top I had a windbreaker. If it was really cold, I'd add a wicking sweatshirt. Hat on top. I just got a Nike hat that is vented on top. I hope that is better, as the top of my head got really yucky last year. My hair is such that I can't do a head band or I would have stuck with that as dh did.

Solo - WTG! That sounds like the inspiration you needed to keep going.

Sunny - I have to pray for myself to keep up with dh alot, so you don't get as much of my runs as CHrista gives you ;) , but I do think about you adn pray for you! SOrry about your awful day!!

I know I hadmore, but I forgot and have to get back to work.

Good luck to teh DL crew!!!!!

Oh, I did reallly well on my 6-miler Saturday. Very hilly and pretty darn good pace for me (10:36). Now, to get back to eating good, as I was with the dessert-making queen this weekend! :sad2:
Real quick post while I am waiting for a Social Worker to call me back...about a client I am seeing..not for a personal reason.

I called sis and we ran on the dreadmill...even though it is beautiful in Charlotte...she is trying to get back into running and the dreadmill is easier on her knees.
Anywho............................................... :artist:
We went to the YMCA. I did 30 min, but set my dreadmill on the "crosscountry" course. :scared1: OUT OF CONTROL! It totally kicked my butt! I ran at a 6 (10mpm) the whole time but it took me on an incline from 0 to 5 to 3.5 to 5 to 4 to.....well you get the picture! There was one point that I had to hold on so I could stay on the dreadmill! I think it was at a 1000000000 incline at that point...well maybe a 7. :rotfl:
Then we did core and strength training......I told her that she better not get me sore, i have to do 16 miles Friday.
Whew, I have tons of paperwork on my desk this week. I'm procrastinating right now.

Yay Sunny posted. Always good to hear from you Sunny. I'm glad work is getting a little better for you, and I'm glad the SWOGGING is working out for you. It took me a while to get over the sily feeling phase, but then I really liked it. My running's been going well, but I have been considering swogging on one of my x-training days. They changed the pool hours on me though with the start of the school year. So now I have to SWOG right before work if I want to go. Keep on bobbing away Sunny.

Hello Carrie- Where were you camping? Up on or near Mackinac Island? We used to go camping in Cheboygan (sp?) State Park, and we could see Mackinac from the park. I remember that park had a beautiful bay with a sandy beach. The water was only up to your ankles, but it was sooooo warm because it was warmed by the sun. We would sit in it waist deep, and it was like being in a hot tub. I couldn't believe that no one was ever there. Have fun on your cruise. I'm thinking I have to plan that for my 40th birthday (in 3 years).

Christa- You had me laughing with your treadmill story. I usually stay away from all those settings, but I was picturing you hanging on with your feet dangling off the back of the belt. :lmao:

OK, back to work.
Hey everyone. Today is my rest day and I feel guilty for not doing anything. I guess I better eat well since I am not running.

Rhonda - THAT IS FABULOUS!! I remember the first time I ran a mile without walking. I did it on the track at the Y in February of this year. 12 laps and I felt like dying when I was done. I hate counting laps. My DD5 was holding the stopwatch for me and pressed stop at 5 minutes something. So I have no clue what my time was. But I am sure I am way faster now. What a great milestone, you only get better from here!!

Dave - Listen to Judy, you are fast. We started posting here close to the same time and I am no where near where you are. I can only dream of 9 minute miles!!!

Sunny - It's good to hear you are back at work. I hope you get some pain relief soon. Oh and it's good to hear that you are still planning on making the marathon. You can do it!!

Krista - Is Hines your baby??? If so, then why would it be weird to be a SAHM?? Our dog knows DH and I as Mom and Dad. If I tell her to go find dad, she runs to him. It is so funny. Are you planning an early retirement from work???

Carrie - Thanks for letting me know what you wear. I am dreading the winter running. Unless the weather turns abnormal, the coldest of the winter usually isn't until January/February. Let's hope I am lucky!!! Oh and I love Mackinaw. It's just a hop, skip and a jump over the UP for me. DH and I used to spend a weekend in May there prior to kids. I can't wait until they are old enough to ride their own bikes. Then we will plan another trip there. Tho it's not very romantic taking kids with.

OK, I better get my work finished up. I leave in 30 minutes... YAH!!!! Tonight's job is to clean out the camper. We are suprising the kids with the final camping trip of season this weekend. They will be so excited and I get to run through the campground Saturday morning as everyone is waking up. There are so many funny things to see that time of the morning.
Ok, my walking buddy and I walked 7.07 miles in 1:57, which was good timing for us. She and I are doing a half on Sept. 24th and we're really looking forward to it....girls only weekend :thumbsup2 DH will have a nice weekend watching t.v. :happytv:

Sounds like everyone is having a good week with their training...keep up the great work team. :cheer2:
Christa and Krista - I you get the tri shorts, the booty pad is not big. In fact it is really not that noticable. I do a lot of riding in those. Makes ya tough!! GRRRRRR.

I rested today. My laptop died and I had to drive to fayetteville to drop it off for eval/repair. We kayaked for about 1 hour last night. I am road biking tomorrow. I cannot bear the thought of getting back in the woods right now. I am covered w/ poision ivy and tick bites!!!!! I went and got some hard core bug spray today!
Thanks for all the kind words all, this is a much greater support system than I ever expected...

Today was somewhat a recovery day from the 10k, but not really since DL is so close and training must carry on...

Covered 5 miles at about 9:20 pace in a light rain, which was better than expected since I felt like I was taking it easy due to the prevalent soreness... But I'm still indecisive about whether to do a 10mi LR this weekend like the plan says for the Sunday a week before the race, or whether that's too much/too tiring and whether I should cut it back either a little or a lot for somewhat of a taper before a pair of 2mi runs the Tue/Thur the week of the race.

Decisions decisions...
We made it to San Diego yesterday but this time change killing us. We are up at 3 to 4 in the morning and are ready to go. Then at night we want to go to sleep at 7. This may make it easier to get up early for DL.

I thought it was supposed to be cooler here but it seems just as hot as in Florida. :confused3 We went to the zoo and probably walked around the whole thing a couple of times. I probably won't get a run in today but the hill work here was enough of a workout. Especially carrying a 40 pound weight who is soooooo tired that he can not go any farther.

All the talk about the costs of hair cuts makes me now appreciate my $8. To think I was upset when it went up a dollar a couple of months ago.

Good job on all the training. I am going to try to catch up on people tonight if possible.



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