Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hello all. I need some help in understanding what is going on with me here. I have been lame in both posting and reading the boards for a few weeks now and do not understand why. I have continued to train for my possible (now there is something new because I am not sure if I will be running it) fall marathon. In fact, yestrday I did an 18 mile run in 2:40 with a good effort up until the calf cramps started at mile 17. We went to WDW for two weeks and had an absolute fantastic (I judge how vacations go by if you wish you could have stayed for another week and we all wanted another month) time and are so very happy that we are DVC members and able to stay in such wonderful resorts. However, there is something missing. Is it a slump in my training? I have been consistant but the training efforts have been just that -efforts. That is until last week when I seemed to have a breakthrough and had 4 consecutive GOOD runs. Is it the complete frustration with my job? Most likely a major contributer and it just continues to spiral downward. I have to get back to my philosophy of it is a paycheck that offers me the opportunity to become a DVC owner and vacation at the happiest place in the world. I have allowed myself to get depressed over this and it got in the way of my personality because of the shere frustration, but that will now stop. I will not promise to post everyday because I am soooo very busy at work - most days I do not get up from my desk from 6:30 AM until 3:30 PM unless it is for a BR break or to go tho a meeting - and I am too tired at night to even look at the computer. However, I will check in when I can and post more often to cheer on everyones efforts and give updates. Anyway, thank you all for letting me vent and acting as my psych couch. Have a great Labor Day and keep on training.
I don't post regularly on this thread (I hang out on the "Disneyland bound" thread), but I know some of you are interested in race reports to "scope out" various race opportunities. I posted my Rock n Roll Half Marathon Virginia Beach report here if you're interested. It includes a few photos.
getnthinr said:
I don't post regularly on this thread (I hang out on the "Disneyland bound" thread), but I know some of you are interested in race reports to "scope out" various race opportunities. I posted my Rock n Roll Half Marathon Virginia Beach report here if you're interested. It includes a few photos.
Wendy! I read your report and it was AWESOME! Just to let you know...I "run" with Liz too! Ron (one of my running buds in Charlotte) does her web site! How cool is that! Liz "comes" on my LRs with me every Friday! Such a small world!
I'll be back later to catch up but wanted to cross-post from my journal:
keenercam said:
I did my last LW today before the 1/2 marathon. THis was the 10 miles I should have done last weekend but couldn't get in.

Today's splits:
mile 1: 14:35
mile 2: 14:33
mile 3: 14:16
mile 4: 15:12
mile 5: 14:58
up to 5.7 (.7 miles): 11:05=15:55 pace (stopped at 5.7 for ladies room break)
up to 6.7 (1 mile): 15:06
mile 6.7-7.7: 15:11
round up to mile 8 (.3 miles) -- 4:39 (15:37 pace)
mile 9: 16:05
mile 10: 16:11
cool down -- .3 miles at 17:47pace

Total time 2:37:12 for 10.3 miles -- overall pace ~15:44 (UGH!) The first 5 weren't bad, but I lost momentum.

Have to go drag DDnow18 out of bed -- I think she is meeting some friends for lunch and then I'll take her grocery shopping and we'll take her back to campus.

Looking forward to reading and catching up later. :grouphug:

That was the last long one before the 1/2 which is 13 days away. We are hoping to do a 10K next Sunday as part of our taper.
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been online in a few days but I can definitely tell you that I've been keeping up with my running.

I took Saturday and Sunday off from training to rest up for the 20k New Alliance Road Race in New Haven (today) - official results haven't been posted yet but as far as I could remember I finished in 2 hours 20 minutes - My DH thinks less.

Link to pictures

Well have to check up on everyone!
A quick post during a short break. We are attempting to get ready to leave for the West Coast tomorrow at the early time of 4:00 AM and of course we are finding too much stuff left to do.

I had my last long run before DL Saturday. I went 10.13 miles with an overall pace of 11:40. The first 5 miles were with a pace of 11:48 so I guess things got better the second half. Although afterwards my knee was hurting a little bit. I will probably get a brace for the half and take it easy before then. Although right after the long run we went to WDW for the day. :rolleyes: It is amazing how many hills are there when you knee hurts. It was feeling better by the end of the day so I will just take it easy.

Today was supposed to be a run but it wound up being cross training by doing yard work all morning. I should be ready for a nice long nap on the plane, if DS will accomidate me. :rolleyes1

Hi Gang,

I tried to catch up with last week but I don't think I did that hot of a job but here is the little bit that I have

jodi - Last I read, electronics were still allowed in carry ons. This year, we had Garmin adn charger, 2 cameras and chargers, mp3 and charger and cell pohne and charger. NO porb getting though security. We also wore our running shoes just to make sure they made it.
Thank Carrie! Excellent – I will be bringing the Garmin in my carryon then. :goodvibes

Jodi - Thanks, I am going to take the two 5Ks relatively easy. I think I have an email from you - that's my next stop after I leave here. I'm glad to see I am not the only one thinking of her packing list for January already.
Nope you aren’t the only thinking about a packing list – I already have some stuff together that I will be shipping ahead too! ;) :goodvibes

Oh Judy – You will be meeting a new Jodi….This past Saturday, I chopped off my long hair and I now have short hair – It worked great running the 20k today, I started to get really aggravated in the past with the longer hair, getting in my eyes, etc.

Oh Sunny – I’m sorry to hear the new outcome from the doctors. :grouphug:
Just checking in. Nothing to report as today was a rest day for me.

Goofyguy - I think that is a stage we all go through or will go through a few times in our running lives. There are so many other things in life that happen that have an effect on our running. The stress level can be enormous at times. Work and family issues seem to be the biggest issues.

I know I've gone through it with work issues before and to an extent am going through it now, too. I used to enjoy going to work, now it has become a chore. I'm developing the mindset that it is only a J-O-B and the paycheck pays the bills and funds my vacations. I don't like feeling that way and sometimes get really stressed about it, but until the current work climate changes, that's the way it is.

So hang in there. Figure out how to get through the day and then try to enjoy your time away from the office. It's all about balance. You work hard, so balance it by playing hard and relaxing hard (by taking it easy when you feel like it). Hope I explained that the way I wanted to.

Way to go for all the long runs I just read about! Way to go!

Sunny - still thinking of you lots!

Jodi - I just cut off a bunch of hair, too. It feels great - I love my cute little ponytail now.

I swam in a lake again today. It was chilly this morning and the lake was all steamy...hard to see, but it may be that way on Saturday, so it was good practice. In the swim in my practice tri on Sat my asthma flared up and it was kind of scary. I was a little nervous about getting back in today, but it turned out to be a great swim. I remembered to breathe OUT and had a "pace song" running in my head. ;) ;) I feel much better about the swim Saturday after today. I also did an easy hour bike after that on a trail...so nice, no big hills. :yay:

So, it is my easy kind of taper week before my first real race. I am nervous and excited already. I want to try to run tomorrow as my old shoes were giving me super blisters and the first new pair made my feet hurt. So, I have a different new pair that I am hoping will work. I got the Asics GT2110 this time. We'll see!

Happy training! :wave2:
Mel – Congrats to DD! How exciting! Sending her a huge :hug:

Krista – So glad you love your new shoes. I am a HUGE NB fan! I’m bummed my model has been discontinued and now even my on-line source is out of them. I am getting a new kind on Oct. 1 on approval and hope my experience with them is as good as yours has been with your NBs.

Kevin – Great run, Friday! You keep outdoing yourself! :thumbsup2

Dave – Congrats on your 5K! And I am glad you had someone to run with.

Great job, CJ! Your pace is what I am working toward!

Tiff – LOVED your post about your LR!

Great job, Terri! Another great LR!

Christa – You have come a long way, baby! I hope you are so proud of yourself. Oh, and speaking of babies – 115 was my birthweight! No, really, you’ve heard about fat Italian babies, right? Yeah, there’s a picture of me at less than 6 months with a meatball in one hand and a sausage in the other and me covered in spaghetti sauce. You really do look great, sweetie!

Kristi – Sounds like you’ve got a real keeper there—Chad was so sweet to let you catch up on your sleep. :lovestruc

Oh, and I went back and re-calculated my overall pace without the cool down for my 10 miles today and it was 15:13, which made me feel so much better.

Jenn was home yesterday and today to celebrate her 18th birthday and tomorrow is DS's book day and his classes start Wednesday. Howard is busy studying -- I think tonight he is working on accounting. So, it has been a busy but fulfilling weekend.

I am so glad to hear everyone is keeping up their training. I know I should have tapered earlier but am glad I can do that now. I am off to sign us up for the 10K next Sunday in Philadelphia. I WISH there were going to be other WISHers there. Oh, and I wore my WISH wristband and shirt today and felt they really kept me focused. Thanks again, gang!
Jodi - way to go on the 20k!!!

cam - you are so funny!!

I went orienteering for a couple of hours today. Should have a road ride or run tomorrow!
Hi guys :wave:

Sorry I've been MIA again...but with good reason this time ;)....I was at WDW for 9 days!

Did my 2 weeks of MfM training :). Last week during my vacation I managed to do 30 minute elliptical at the hotel on Friday night, ran 5 miles on the treadmill saturday, did 40 minutes running b'walk and mgm trail on monday, did 12 miles on the lifecycle tuesday, ran 4 miles in 38:16 around b'walk/mgm on wednesday, ran 40 minutes around Epcot Resorts Blvd on thursday, did 11 miles on lifecycle on friday and ran a brutal, horror of a 6 mile LR around WL and FW on saturday. My very inaccurate time of 57:41 does not reflect the fact that I actually stopped my Garmin to hit 2 restrooms in FW to splash myself with cold water and stopped to guzzle a bunch of water. It was HOT HOT HOT that morning...and the park touring had totally caught up with me.
Rested on Sunday by hitting MGM, AK and flying home.

Today :)...did 4 miles in 36:23...then finished the 40 minutes off to reach 4.38 miles. I needed a good run after that lousy 6 miler. This one felt great!

I've got a long week ahead of me staying on plan with MfM and back to KBX for XT then running a memorial 9/11 5K on Sunday. I'll then take Monday off and start back with XT on Tuesday. That'll give me 2 solid run-free days since I'm skipping my Sunday off day :).

BTW Everyone seems to be doing great! Nice nice job on the training!!! :cheer2:

Congrats to Jodi!!! That is a great time...and what a distance! Nice work!!!

Dave...excellent job on your running...your pace is fantastic. I'm really happy to hear that your legs are doing so much better. Your Niagara Falls trip sounds wonderful too :).

Cam...what a nice weekend :). How does your DD like U of D? Has she adjusted yet? Tell her happy b'day!!!!

Kevin...WOW!! Killer pacer there! I'm really impressed :thumbsup2

To those I missed!!! :wave: :cheer2: :goodvibes You are all doing fantastic. I'm really excited for those of you doing the DL half. I'll be there in spirit...wishing I was running for sure :teeth: .
Cam - What race are you doing in Philly next Sunday and where is it being held? Depending on my schedule, maybe I can get out and give you a little cheering section! :)

Thanks TEK224 - You did a great job describing everything I am feeling right now and I really hate it. I know half of the problem is self pitty and I need to snap out of it but it is ever present and I need to wade through the crap. Anyway, wanted to thank you for your support and let you know that I will continue moving on.
Goofyguy1958 - hang in there! :grouphug: I am in quite the funk lately too. My job is just that, a job to pay the mortgage. I dread getting up at 3am to trudge in here. And with Chad most-likely losing his job, I am stuck. not a good feeling, I know. But all this comes & goes - and you will get out of your funk soon.

Jodi - awesome job on your 20k!

Cam - fabulous 10 miler!

I managed to do an 8 miler yesterday (rather than the scheduled 9 miles). Chad had to leave for work, so I had to cut off the last mile. Honestly, I probably should have stopped earlier - can you say major thigh chafing?! :eek: :( I have never had this problem before. Not even during the Minnie when I was sweating like a crazy person in the first mile! I know my thighs are not the smallest, to say the least. But this is the lowest weight I've been since starting this whole running/walking thing. So, the last 2-3 miles ended up being entirely walking. When I would run, the inside of my thighs would burn like crazy. :sad2: (sorry if TMI) Overall, my times are a little slow for how I've been doing lately. Probably just tired since I did my LR/W on a workday. And only got 4 hours sleep the night before.
15:15 (no running & talking to my sister on cell :blush: )
14:27 (no running & still talking to my sister on cell :blush: )

So, I guess I am off to buy body glide or bike shorts or something today.
Weee, race report time!

As I mentioned before DW and I made the trek up to Atlanta for the US 10k Classic, the self proclaimed "premier 10k in the US." As another poster mentioned, its other slogan is "hills? yeah we've got hills. LIFE's got hills."

It basically starts off on a steep downhill for like 200 yards, and then you run pretty much into a wall as you climb the tallest and steepest hill on the course. Some downhill and then a looooong hill that climbs just as much elevation as the first, but is stretched out over the whole second mile. Worse yet it's uphill, flat, uphill, flat, steep uphill, so you never really get a break. Then came a lot of rollers for a couple miles, before a couple more steep ones near the end of miles 4 and 5. I saw grown men who looked like they could run marathons daily walking up the hills later in the race. The lone fun part of the race was the end, the last .2 was a very steep downhill, so you're pretty much airborne through the finish line. Another look at the elevation graph for those who missed it earlier: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=407155

Did I mention this was going to be DW's first 10k ever, and she'd never run over 4.5 miles before? :confused3

Well, she did AWESOME! After being worried about walking a ton, she didn't walk at ALL other than the water stops! Planning on a 12 or 13 mpm pace, she ran just over 11 and finish in (estimate til the results come out) 1:10:00!! :cheer2:

The funny thing is even I felt like walking after most of those hills, so I was afraid she'd never want to run again... After blasting down that first downhill and starting off way too fast, here are my splits. As usual was trying to maintain a 9:10mpm pace, or just under 57 minutes, which will get me under 2 hours at DL.

Mile 1: 7:57 :rotfl:
Mile 2: 9:06
Mile 3: 8:57
Mile 4: 9:12
Mile 5: 9:58 :sad2:
Last 1.2: 10:31

Total: 55:43, Pace: 9:00! :banana:

Not only was I on pace, but on a horrible course, and DL will be mostly flat! Of course I'll have to run twice as far... Now I'm indecisive about what to do for a long run this coming weekend, since it'll only be a week out from the race, and this 10k was a great tuneup for leg turnover.
Thank you everyone-

This morning I was depressed & feeling like I am crazy to think I can ever run a marathon. Then I came here and read everyone's reports. Wendy - I cried - what a beautiful tribute to your friend Liz! I hope she can see what an incredible influence she is having on you. Goofyguy- I know the feeling. its hard when you count on a good run to help lift you up and it doesn't work. It makes it much harder to get out and run the next time.

And to everyone that talked about having to walk or choosing to walk at the end of your runs - Thank You! Sometimes I get this stupid feeling that walking would be a failure. This attitude is going to get me injured if I don't find a way to get over it.

I hope you all have a great day!
Good morning all.

We had a horrible, horrible three-day weekend. :sad2: So bad, in fact, that I am actually GLAD to be at work today! I won't bore you all with the details but here are the highlights...My stepsons are juvenile delinquents, Ernesto knocked down two huge trees in our yard, one in my paddock which scared my horse who ran and fell and hurt her leg so I am calling the vet probably for x-rays, I got NO TRAINING in all three days and I had missed Friday so that was FOUR days without a run, during which I learned I get VERY VERY cranky. :furious:

So, today I am glad to be back at work.

Plus I am so so so sad about Steve Irwin.... :sad1:

This morning things started off better because I got up on time and went down to the TM and walked for 45 min. I needed that.

I spend a lot of time this weekend trying on running shoes. Yes, it's true...I STILL haven't gotten new ones. But now I think I know what I want. I tried on many different brands and styles and naturally, the one I liked the best was the ASICS most expensive. I can't really justify $130 for running shoes, but on the other hand my bunion-surgeried hammer-toed surgeried flat gnarly hyper-wide feet were really not happy in the cheaper shoes. These just fit me so well. On the plus side, I opened my "can" this weekend (My coffee can that I had been throwing loose change in for the last eight months for spending money at WDW) and I had saved $150.00! So, if I don't spend much there, I'm going to get the ASCIS when I get back. Yay! :banana:

I am very far behind on the posts since I missed most of last weeks. I'll read thru it later but of course since I am counting down the hours till we leave for WDW I am incredibly busy at work. :coffee:

Denny - I didn't yet read your Taper Madness post but I will, but I too have a problem even thinking about tapering. But....I'm going to do it. I'll be great fun this holiday season, I just know it. Yup, tapering right around the holidays. Deck the halls with a cranky Judith Anne, for sure! :rolleyes:

Kevin - You are SO out of Slugville! Wow!! :thumbsup2 See what those WISH socks do to you!

Dave - You did great in your 5K! Congratulations! :cheer2:

Tiff - I LOVE your LR ramblings! Don't worry about what people think. Embrace your insanity and be proud of it! I know I did! :crazy:

Oh Sunny....:hug:

Jodi - I was just looking at your pics. Your hair looks so cute! :teeth: I'm getting mine cut tonight. I want to take off 2 1/2 inches. It's the beginning of the end for my long hair. I want it short again but DH has kittens every time I mention it. So if I do it in stages he has a chance to get used to it.

Cam - Wow, your doing great! :banana: You are so ready for DL! I wish I was going...maybe next year!

Matt - Holy cow! You are incredibly fast! :faint:
Hi Everyone. I am back at work and not liking it after a 3 day weekend. DH and I spent Saturday night in the RV park at the casino with NO kids. It went by too fast. We are planning our final camping trip for this coming weekend. We are taking the girls for one last fling to Jellystone Park (you know, Yogi Bear). I hope to be able to run around the campground for a bit on Saturday.

This past Saturday I did 4 miles and then yesterday did 2 miles with 1/2 mile warm up and cool down. Saturday's run STUNK, but yesterday I was a couple minutes faster than previously. Since I don't have a Garmin, I just go by my stopwatch total time. DH was waiting for me in the garage when I returned yesterday. That was nice to see a smiling face.

Judy - I get cranky when I don't run either. After taking all that time off when I was on vacation, it was so hard getting back into it... and it has been making me cranky!! Good luck with the delinquents. Oh and I am very saddened by Steve Irwin's death, and so is my daughter.

Congrats to the all the runners this past weekend. I have to go back and read some race reports as inspiration! Without this group I would have given up months ago. Infact, during my 4 mile run on Saturday I was talking to myself about how wonderful this group is and how I wouldn't be running at this moment if it weren't for people telling to keep on going. Note to self... I need an MP3 Player!!!


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