Wk of Sep 14 - WISH Walking/Running Club


I'd rather be at Disneyland!
Mar 31, 2007
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

For more info about the WISH team:

Welcome to the Wish Team

Aloha everyone, I started the new week for Mel. Someone either remind me next week, or start it on your own if I forget.
Hi all!

Once again, Auburn Football had my heartrate in zone 5. I know I should be asleep but I am still trying to get the taste out of my mouth. 3 -2! It was shameful. I doubt I have ever been so embarassed at a win.

Marsha - I am training for Goofy and I am about 3 weeks in to the program I mapped out. I have 2 half marathons this fall so I worked my plan by morphing Hal Higdon's intermediate II with an old TNT program and then wrapping them around the races I already had scheduled.

I don't do back to back long runs but I have three runs in a row without rest every week. I only run 4 days a week so it takes some modification to make most training plans work for me.

YEAH JEFF, You started the new week. It just makes sense being that your in HI, you're that last one to post for the evening. :rotfl:

Thanks for doing that!!

Mooshu: I hope you getting some good tips for training for the Goofy!!

Anyone else that might be on facebook and want to be friends, let me know. Jeff, Michelle (MiaBanda) and I are now hooked up. (We blame Jeff!!! it's all his fault!!)

Off to do some miles 4/5/6 not sure, will let you know when I get back.

Last week you gave me some advice on my running. Due to kid craziness I am just responding. THANKS! I did slow down and that helped but I think the biggest thing for me was the mental trigger that you discussed.
I am running with the Nike+iPod program and I always just put it on a distance program. I became so focused on reaching that distance that I just stopped whenever I got there.
So yesterday I just used a basic program (no distance) and ran 3 miles without stopping and without getting winded. So thanks again for the great advice.
Good morning everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and bring myself into your team. I found the DIS boards through the DCL boards, but recently followed someone over to the WISH board to join the Biggest Loser challenge. And now I've discovered that there are running threads and all sorts of great stuff over here! I can't wait to get involved!

My name is Tracy, I live in Vermont, and I'm currently training through TNT to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco 5 weeks from today. Anyone else out there running Nike?
I did my first of two 20-milers yesterday, so today is my recovery day, taking it easy, playing on the computer. :cool1:

I'm excited to have found you guys. I'm going to request to join one of the mileage tracking teams, too...

Have a great day everyone! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better!
Good morning everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and bring myself into your team. I found the DIS boards through the DCL boards, but recently followed someone over to the WISH board to join the Biggest Loser challenge. And now I've discovered that there are running threads and all sorts of great stuff over here! I can't wait to get involved!

My name is Tracy, I live in Vermont, and I'm currently training through TNT to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco 5 weeks from today. Anyone else out there running Nike?
I did my first of two 20-milers yesterday, so today is my recovery day, taking it easy, playing on the computer. :cool1:

I'm excited to have found you guys. I'm going to request to join one of the mileage tracking teams, too...

Have a great day everyone! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Just let me know when you are ready to join a team, I have plenty of openings. Just send me a PM and I'll find you a home team.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I'll be running the Nike Womens half marathon...the first half of the marathon is the hardest...all hills, hills and more hills. ugggg!! I love it when you get to the top of one of the hills and they have an oxygen bar there! :rotfl:
Good morning everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and bring myself into your team. I found the DIS boards through the DCL boards, but recently followed someone over to the WISH board to join the Biggest Loser challenge. And now I've discovered that there are running threads and all sorts of great stuff over here! I can't wait to get involved!

My name is Tracy, I live in Vermont, and I'm currently training through TNT to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco 5 weeks from today. Anyone else out there running Nike?
I did my first of two 20-milers yesterday, so today is my recovery day, taking it easy, playing on the computer. :cool1:

I'm excited to have found you guys. I'm going to request to join one of the mileage tracking teams, too...

Have a great day everyone! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Hi and :welcome: to the WISH racing team. We're a fun bunch of people that include, walkers/racewalkers/woggers/runners/swimmers/bicyclist/tri-athletes/duathletes and all who enjoy doing some sort of races.
So jump on in and don't worry about replying to everyone, just let us know how your doing.
I'm a racewalker and I joined around February and it is fun. Get to meet alot of fun and interesting people.
I'm a Tracy also (yeah you spell it the same!)

Take care,

Welcome Tracyz!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing great.

Got in a great 10K today even though our humidity is through the roof but at least the sun wasn't shining so we made out OK!!!!

Mooshu: WOW hills and right at the beginning:scared1:

To all those in the Texas area, hope you are all safe!!!!!!

Hope everyone has a awesome Sunday
OK, so I'm back to report.

I got in 6 miles this morning. I was thinking 5 when I hit the start button on my Garmi, but just kept going and ended up with 6. Felt pretty good and did thos 6 walking miles with an average 13:47 pace. Nice breeze right in my face on the way back to the house.

I have decided that I like my shadow alot when the sun is behind me and low in the sky. I look nice and tall and thin!!! and my shadow is beating me on my way and I'm beating it on the way back. (Just one of those weird things you think about when out walking -just ask LynnG and Michelle of my weird thoughts while walking. Miles around 7/8/9 are weird miles for me during Half Marathon races. At those points it is a mental thing for me.)

BTW: So far after 7 weeks, the weight loss total is 13lbs as of this morning. I know I said I would get a new bike after losing 10, but that was too soon for the money situation. Maybe it might be around the 15-20lbs range for the bike. Whatever works I guess.

I have started to buy the supplies I need for the Jan 09 WiSH Pop meet. I got the name tag holders that can be used in many ways like a pin/clip/ or clip on a lanyard or something like that. Hopefully people will hold on to them and use them for future meets.

It was raining in New Hampshire this AM , so their drying the track. Nascar is almost ready to start.

Debra - congrats on the 10 miler! :thumbsup2

Tracyz - Welcome! I did the Nike 1/2 2 years ago. I enjoyed it, even though as Mooshu said, it was hills, hills and hills! But seeing the guys in the tuxes at the end with the bling was worth it!

Although I'm not an expert by any means - here's my running tip of the day:
Don't go out to start your run when it's 94 degrees and humid! :eek: I did that today and felt like a wet dish rag. I didn't get up to run before I went to church, so had to do it after. The plan was for 5 miles, but I stopped at 2.
Finished the 2 miles in 28:08. I was soaked. The sun was hot, it was humid - YUCK. If it was a race day, I would have just kept walking to the finish, but by the end of the 2 miles, I was out of water, so I decided to call it a day. I hope it's not this hot next week for the Philly Distance Run.

I also have to say that I'm already regretting my decision not to go to WDW for marathon weekend this year. Reading about everyone's training and meets scheduled and water station volunteers, I'm missing you guys already. :sad1: But I'll be in Phoenix the week after WDW for the RnR 1/2 there, plus a little vacation afterwards. But after this year I've already decided that from now on, WDW marathon weekend will be top choice.

I'll be running the Nike Womens half marathon...the first half of the marathon is the hardest...all hills, hills and more hills. ugggg!! I love it when you get to the top of one of the hills and they have an oxygen bar there! :rotfl:

I'm glad to hear that the toughest part of the marathon is the first half, rather than the second! That's good news. I am expecting hills. Living in Vermont, there are lots of hills everywhere for me to train on. The group I've been doing my long runs with has been finding flat, flat, flat places to do their long runs, and it started to concern me so this weekend for my 20 I decided to do it from my house instead (hills, hills, and more hills). Sounds like I'll be glad I did!!

I did a 6 miler today with a friend. It was muggy and she was having trouble with her athsma, so we walked a lot of it, which made it a perfect recovery run after my long run yesterday.
We're being invaded by Tracy's!!! :lmao: Tigger Jeff, where are you?

Hey, whatever Mooshu says about her training, don't listen to her. She's CRAZY!!! But then again, so am I. Marcia usually says, it's only a half marathon, no need to train. So does our other friend Karen.

As for me. I went out for an easy 18 miler this morning. Average pace 10:05 per mile.

No tradewinds at all, some VOG. HOT is an understatement.

Just finished lunch and a Jamba Juice. Now I'm off to ice bath. Have to go work the afternoon shift for my daughters school Huli-Huli chicken sale (rotisserie chicken).

Tracy, are you reclining today, watching those cars spin in circles?
We're being invaded by Tracy's!!! :lmao: Tigger Jeff, where are you?

Tracy, are you reclining today, watching those cars spin in circles?

OH YEAH BABY..... you better believe it. Circle and circles. Right now is a red flag stop because of a BIG CRASH!!!!!!!

Nascar Lovin' Tracy
From Debra~Howard: So, did you set out to push yourself on this run, or did it just kind of happen. I mean, I know you've been pushing yourself (within reason, paying attention to your hip flexor). So I guess I'm asking how the stars aligned to give you your best run of your life?

~ Hi, I just pushed myself each mile and felt good enough to do it. I didn't set out to have such a good run. It just happened!

Yesterday I ran:

Miles: 13
Time: 2:12:49
Pace: 10:13


I ran with Judy's DH (Charlie) up in Ridgeville, CT (their half marathon course). It was great and I had a great leisurely run with a good friend. It wasn't easy, just leisurely. :thumbsup2 I didn't push too hard... didn't want to or need to.

Have a great week everyone!


Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while, senior year of college is crazy but the running is helping me to stay sane. I'm now less than one month away from my big 10k. For some reason I feel like doing a 10k rather than just 5ks psychologically allows me to call myself a runner. If things go well and I keep increasing my distance I should be able to do a half this spring.

I also did my first job application. It's for Teach for America and that would be my first choice. I've studied education policy and really feel I could make a difference. So please send the prayers and pixie dust this way. I find out if I get an interview on Sep. 25.

Cecilia: You run right at my pace...I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you during Goofy! And I'm looking forward to the game next weekend....Geaux Tigers!

Tracy: Ooo ooo I'm on facebook too pirate: Elisabeth Claire Burch @ LSU. Friends make me :)

TracyZ::welcome: How long have you been running?

Terri: Then when am I supposed to run?? :confused3 Sorry that it's like that up north though!

Jennifer: Running is keeping me sane through college (well now grad school) also. I'm with you on the 10K vs 5K. I just prefer the distance. What's your major?

We have our plane tickets for Marathon weekend!!! This year will be shorter than other trips, so we are prioritizing. woo. My running has been going. and going. and going. Today I went for a swim. After a set I decided I was tired of getting my face wet, so I decided to doggy paddle. Who knew it could be so exhausting! Whew. off for another fun week....

happy running!
Cecilia: You run right at my pace...I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you during Goofy! And I'm looking forward to the game next weekend....Geaux Tigers!

Thats funny, I don't think I am looking forward to that game quite as much as I usually do. As a matter of fact, it makes me a little queasy just thinking about facing LSU.

As for running the same pace, thats great! The more friends the better! Meeting all my WISH friends is what made last year so awesome for me and I am looking forward to meeting even more this year!

Although I'm not an expert by any means - here's my running tip of the day:
Don't go out to start your run when it's 94 degrees and humid! :eek: I did that today and felt like a wet dish rag. I didn't get up to run before I went to church, so had to do it after. The plan was for 5 miles, but I stopped at 2.
Finished the 2 miles in 28:08. I was soaked. The sun was hot, it was humid - YUCK. If it was a race day, I would have just kept walking to the finish, but by the end of the 2 miles, I was out of water, so I decided to call it a day. I hope it's not this hot next week for the Philly Distance Run.


You did better than me! I also didn't get up early, and had a lot of other commitments today, and I just couldn't make myself get out there in the heat & humidity. I am going to give it another try tomorrow - it is supposed to be a little better then. The forecast for next week looks OK - 77 and sunny, hopefully with much lower humidity!

My youngest daughter turned 8 years old today, and we celebrated yesterday with a "circus party" at the School of Circus Arts here in Philly. The kids did juggling, "globe" and some aerials work on trapeze and rope; they also put them through their paces with some warmups and an obstacle course. It was a lot of fun, and much less preparation than what I usually have to do for a party in the house.

TracyZ - Welcome to our corner of the Dis! This is a great group.

I don't have a facebook account yet, but I have some other friends bugging me to join as well, so I may just jump in soon.

Have a great week everyone! I only seem to be able to jump in once or twice a week these days.


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