Wk Of Oct 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

YEAH Christa for NASCAR. That is so cool that you can hear the cars from your house!!! I would be in heaven.

And Mike - is that story about getting your shots for a NASCAR race the most rediculous thing? I have been going to the Homestead-Miami Speedway for the last 5 years for NASCAR and I have never gotten sick. The should have focused on the indoor sports arenas before open air ones!!!
I found WWDave's dancing performance! :lmao:


(it's a skit from SNL in case anyone was thinking I've really lost my mind!)

OMG, not that kind of Chippendale, this kind:


I know you just naturally assumed I was:


Worry not I can understand your mistake.:rolleyes1

Good morning WISH Team, I'm off to the race.

Not to dwell on the heat last weekend but someone sent me an article from the Atlantic City Press that said only 525 people out of 625 finished the LBI 18-mile race. Apparently people were "dropping like flies" which explained all of the ambulances with sirens I saw all day. My only gripe with the race comes from the spokewoman for the church that organized the race:


According to Julie Rosengarth, spokeswoman for St. Francis Church, there was no discussion among those on the race committee to cancel the race, which is a pre-qualifier for several high-profile marathons.
"There was really no way of knowing how hot the day would get, the runners get there at 7:30 and they really can gauge themselves, and many of them dropped out at nine miles. This is an elite group of people. These aren't just your average athletes deciding to run 18 miles," Rosengarth said.

  • How could they not know what the weather would be like? Have they ever heard of weather.com? I knew the night before it was going to be hot and had concerns.
  • This is an elite group of people. WRONG. There were a few "elite" runners at the start of the race but the rest were at best experienced. I saw many people out on the course after I left that looked like they had no business running in a 5K let alone an 18-mile race.

:lmao: :rotfl: :eek: :rotfl: :lmao:
That is fuuny, yet a little disturbing....Well, I am OK b/c I had to have ALL those Hep shots (A & B) to work as a therapist.;)

YEAH Christa for NASCAR. That is so cool that you can hear the cars from your house!!! I would be in heaven.
TNTsParty - Yeah, I will really hear them tonight. We live basicly on the same road as LMS. We see the banners and the traffic, and the air writings, and the traffic, and the GY Blimp, and the traffic.....:rotfl: But it is exciting. The speedway is less than 4 miles away....just a short run!;)
Tonights race winner. :thumbsup2

Is that B/C I am so sweet?:lmao:
That's because of the time you were in the gym showing off to all the young guys while this song was playing!
I remember everything....just ask Chad!

Hold the presses!
I just found the perfect WWDave song!
"Unwell" by Matchbox Twenty!!!! :lmao:
Hi ladies.

I was asked to come here and introduce myself. I'm Melissa and separated from my husband for the 2nd time in April so I'm a single mom to Zoe who is 4.
I finally found a new job after 2 months and I start training on monday. I have class in the evening working towards a Medical Assistant certificate. I'm hoping to find some work in a Urgent Care or Hospital for evening shifts so that I can return to college for my bachelors. I am hoping some of my credits already will transfer enough to take off a year. :thumbsup2 Then it is my goal to apply to medical school.

I'm a good 100 lbs overweight and I want to slowly build up to running again. I enjoyed it when I was doing it after high school almost 10 years ago. I did the walk/jog stuff at the high school track and built up. To running 10 minutes straight I was shocked I was capable of that. But I have commited to walking a 5K with a friend in a walk for Autism(her 8 year old son is Autistic) next month so I feel like I need to get used to walking long and long to be ready. So I will use that couch to 5k plan as a walking guide and build up. But definitely would like to continue to use it to get running. Some year I would love to run in one of the Disney marathons since I love WDW so much. :) And of course I hope to lose the weight along the way but I know it will take some time.
Tonights race winner. :thumbsup2


Big Vic - My DH thinks you are :thumbsup2 on Dale Jr. winning the race (except I am really hoping Kurt Busch will be the winner tonight - I am a fan of the blue #2 since the Rusty days) But how can you not like Dale Jr. - my truck only has the #8 on it (for now) and my DH has a whole shelf in the living room for his #8 stuff. There is other #8 stuff around the house as well!! Only problem is we dont care for the night races (can stay awake that long - well DH can't :lmao: )

Just wanted to give everyone an update on my 5k race. I did pretty good considering I wanted to make sure I didn't push myself because I do NOT want to get hurt before TOT. I think I pushed myself too hard on the 1st mile (because I did it in 10.33 and my other 2 miles in like 12 something ) I think the clock time said 34.24 and I had my stopwatch on my phone going but I forgot to hit stop when I went over the finish line. It was Accuchip timed but I didn't look for my times - since the race was right down the road from my house my dh was ansy to get home - :confused3 - so I didn't see the official times. It should be posted (hopefully soon on the timing company's website) My DH took pictures but I am really tired right now so I think I might go take a nap. After that I will work on getting the pics uploaded so I can post them. :woohoo: to everyone who had races today and :wizard: to those who have races tomorrow!!!
Tricia said:
Big Vic - My DH thinks you are on Dale Jr. winning the race (except I am really hoping Kurt Busch will be the winner tonight - I am a fan of the blue #2 since the Rusty days) But how can you not like Dale Jr. - my truck only has the #8 on it (for now) and my DH has a whole shelf in the living room for his #8 stuff. There is other #8 stuff around the house as well!! Only problem is we dont care for the night races (can stay awake that long - well DH can't )

Here's a couple of pictures of my collection (so far). I've been collecting since 1990. I call it an innocent hobby gone terribly wrong. :confused3 :lmao:


Melissa, welcome, you are welcome to join us on the walking thread also.

Vic, and they said I was strange.:upsidedow

Here is a story from PatsFan Bill's past, I'm sure he wanted me to share it:

Young Bill took his new girlfriend to her first football game. They had
great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked
her how she liked the experience.

"Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and
all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were
killing each other over 25 cents."

Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of
game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarterback! Get the
quarterback!' I'm like...Helloooooo? It's only 25 cents!!!!

I did the 10K Classic this morning, the conditions were perfect and the race was very pleasent. The best part was as I was approaching the finish the announcer called out, "Here is Dave Kirgan our first speed walker". There were no walk awards for this race but it was still kinda nice hearing that I was first walker. There were 4,200 total in the race not sure how many walkers. My average pace was 11:54 per mile with total time of 1:13:51.

Have a great weekend y'all.

Hey Team - Sounds like you were all having a great time while I was throwing myself a pity party for one!!! So no LR today, maybe tomorrow. It's a cut back week so I won't get too upset about it. I am just not feeling well today. A lot of it is intense stress, and I think my kids brought home a bucket of germs from school!!!!!

Vic - OMG - That is ONE HUGE HOBBY! And you said you had more on your Christmas list? What happens when you run out of room??? You could have one awesome ebay sale!!!

Kristi - I was thinking the same thing on the intervention! Congrats on your 7 miles! Rock On!!! Oh and enjoy the Chips when you are in Vegas. My parents went to the Thunder Down Under a few years back.... it's one of those things I wish I never knew about my parents!!! :eek:

Christa (and other race fans) - Hey, I used to work at the Milwaukee Mile. Well, actually at State Fair Park, but the Mile was right outside my window. I seriously could not hear a thing on race and practice weekends. But it was cool to have an all access pass and watch the practice runs on my lunch time!!! Those were the days!!!

Melissa - WELCOME!!!!

OK, I am home with a naughty daughter... aren't I the lucky parent today!!! I need to make the troops dinner and then clean. How come it always seems like I am the one with the punishment!!
WOW Vic! That is a collection!

Just got back from a trail run with Bree....We ran around an hour, but have no idea how far. Trail running is SOOOOO different from road running and I am not good at figuring out my pace on the trail. It was fun though.


We were getting ready to go out so DDs could run around the block with me and JRT. DD9 tripped over the dogs leash and hit her back. She has a huge scrape and her back on one side is black and blue...I iced it but it looks aweful......bless her heart.:sad1:


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