Wk Of Oct 7 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Greetings all.

Two weeks from now we will have already landed, picked up our rental car and should just about now be arriving at the Expo. :maleficen

No training yet today because I woke up with a wicked headache. :headache: When I go home I have some XT to do.

Mike - What are you saying? :eek: I'm a barnyard animal that causes marital strife??? I am hurt to the very core of my existence! :sad1:

Kristi - Don't panic. Focus on getting better now and if need be, we'll carry you eight miles. :hug:

Melissa - If you do that TM with a plastic sword thing can we put it on YouTube? :lmao:

Kevin - Hey this is great. :yay: Now we don't have to buy DVC. We'll just stay at Kevin's house! :banana: OK I am TOTALLY just kidding! Honest.

Krista - Man, I get blamed for ever-y-thing around here. (Where's the kicking rocks smilie??) Oh I really hope you get your earlier flight! :wizard:

Martha - Oh please. Since when are we oh so correct here? You know they all just look for ANY reason to pick on me. Don't you dare go refraining from anything. :hug:

Craig - Ohh you're getting me in trouble. :headache: Stop all that talk of motorbikes and such. Don't you dare look in Martha's address book so you can MapQuest your way to our house!
Villains - Now you're making me drool! HAven't been to CP in ages!

Kristi & Steph - I'm still at SSR. Need to rely on DIsney to get me to ToT, though,a smy change in flight changed us to Magical Express from rental. If you're bussing it, though, I'd love the company! You're both doing SUnday night MNSSHO too, right? My ILs will eb joing us now, but I still hope for some WISH time.

Melissa - Good to see you!

MArtha and Craig - I hate it when mom adn dad fight, please kiss and make up. :(

Kevin - Read more - Huge congrats on teh new job! I will miss knowign you're in teh area, though, even if we hardly saw each other in MI.
Ick! I'm having trouble getting the boards to work this morning!

No video of doggie/tm/sword event, but it wouldn't be that hard to get!!

Maybe Carrie and I can put together a TM bloopers video :-)
Stephanie - Next time you drive through keep your eyes open for me running...I live right in town and am all over the main streets.

Krista - That is too cool about getting engaged there! You guys must REALLY love it!! I go about 3 times a year and ALWAYS go for Halloweekends. Have you ever been? It's rated the best theme park Halloween event. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach thinking about it!! BTW...my BF is from Cinci!

Carrie - Where are you in MI? I grew up in Saline...and my family has a vacation home in Mio.
Maybe Carrie and I can put together a TM bloopers video :-)

Eva - Grew up in Brighton, headed to AA this weekend for U of M football. I'm out on teh west side now. Small world! Shall we sing? ;)
Vic--Uh oh--don't know if we can still be friends--didn't know about the Massilon ties.;) My FIL used to coach football at Canton McKinley, so under no circumstances could we EVER root for the Tigers of Massilon.

Carrie--Yep, still doing MNSSHP on Sunday night. I just ordered my costume this week--gonna be Elizabeth Swann, gotta love a pirate costume iwth ruffles!;) We're using Magical Express too, but I think we get in before you. We'll be over at SSR sometime early on Friday. We're staying at an airport hotel Thursday night, so as soon as I can get those jokers out of bed on Friday we're heading to WDW!

Krista--Thanks for the arm compliments (that sounds really odd) Anyway, I use dumbells (10-12lbs) for bicep curls and tricep extensions; also use them for a little shoulder work when I feel the urge (not very often;) ). Then I use machines for chest presses and pec. work. Then in circuit classes we use the resistance bands for the same exercises. Tell, Stephen that I'm sorry that his knee is acting up. But glad to hear that he's taking some time to be healthy for January.

Okay, naptime--I woke up at 2:00am and couldn't get back to sleep--and then DH came home from his second shift of the day at work around 2:30, so I decided since I was up I'd chat with him. Little did I know that DS wanted to get up at 5am. Ugh, so I'm dragging a little today. Good thing it's a rest day!
Hey guys! Haven't had time to read but here is a LR report.

I will start with last night:
I decided to use my Ipod this morning.:eek: As most of you know, I never have used my Ipod on anything except treadmill running. I am kinda "Old school" and feel like I should not have to entertain myself while running....but I though....Christa, you are still putting in the steps and the music may help.

I now have mixed feelings now about running with music. On one hand, Pour Some Sugar on me" and Some song from Pirates II got me up Morehead the 1st time and "Sweet Emotion" and and another song I cannot remember got me up the 2nd time. However, for the most part, the music just got in my way. I love to take in outside, hear my foot falls, check how I am breathing, think, pray...ect, and the music seemed to mess with that. It may be I am not used to it though.

Did 11.5 miles tempo run. Time was 1:36. Ave pace was 8:24 MPM. Last weeks 18 mile pace was 8:47, so I guess this was a good tempo run. I am pleased with the pace, but the run was a struggle. Not sure why. The weather was perfect! But I had to force each step....it may be the route or may be the music, or may be just the fact that I ran UP Morehead 2X....not sure. But it is over and I am doing 20 next week....:scared: :scared:
Hi Everyone -

I had forgotten how wonderful a rest day is when I get up in mileage. I think my TIVO is in shock since I actually watched some of the shows it recorded.

Tomorrow is a 10 mile run. The first for most of the people runnig with me. I am excited for them, it should be fun. What do you think M&M's or Skittles as a prize at the finish? I never eat the candy at the finish but most people do. Mu kids love it though.

Cam- Glad to hear you found a PT that you like. That can make all the difference in how the whole recovery goes.

Kevin - Congrats on selling you house! I hope you have an uneventful move. I just tried to think of moving as crosstraining. That made me feel better about missing so many runs.

No video of doggie/tm/sword event, but it wouldn't be that hard to get!!
I was thinking America's funniest home videos. That could pay for a lot of races ya know.

Off to catch up on some more TIVO....
Hi all,

Just checing in. It's been awhile. My laptop died and I have been without computer for a few weeks. Luckily my dh was able to pull all my files/music and now I have a new VERY nice laptop.

Pat, sorry I didn't see you at the arboretum. I read your race report. I am glad that they had such a nice turn out, but hope they are better prepared next year. My ds3 was up all night with croup and I didn't feel right leaving him plus I was exhausted! I liked what you said about 5k being short. I don't think I can say the same yet.

I haven't really walked more than 2 days/week since the CDC. I have been doing yoga 3x/week. I just started classes at a studio and am enjoying the new teachers.

My dd16 and I are looking forward to TOT. Hoping to be able to handle the 13k after lack of training. At least the pace is very generous. Maybe I should of signed up for the 6.5k:confused3 My dd16 keeps torturing me about my promise to ride ToT for the first time. :goodvibes

I haven't had a chance to catch up on posts. Hope all is well and everyone's training is continuing safely.

Can't wait to join fellow teammates at the end of the month!
Kristi - Don't panic. Focus on getting better now and if need be, we'll carry you eight miles. :hug:
As long as you carry me to some cute EMTs! :rotfl2:
I know I can finish the race. I am just going to be disapppointed with my time, me thinks. I am going to attempt the 7 miles on the track this afternoon. I am wimping out of doing it in the rain/drizzle. ;)

Carrie, Stephanie & Krista (I think) - you guys are making me really want to do MNSSHP on Sunday night too. We are with the Friday night crowd already. Two nights would be awesome, but it's so much $$$. I guess I'll have to see where we stand $$$-wise once all my eBay buyers pay me. That's my "play" money!

I would also like to point out my huge sacrafice to go to MNSSHP on Friday night - I am missing the second episode of my Johnny's tv show! ;-)
Stephanie said:
Vic--Uh oh--don't know if we can still be friends--didn't know about the Massilon ties. My FIL used to coach football at Canton McKinley, so under no circumstances could we EVER root for the Tigers of Massilon.

I guess we'll have to throw down in the parking lot in a couple of weeks. Can't let no stinking Bulldog talk trash about my mighty Tigers. :lmao:

They're not so mighty this year. :sad1:
Carrie, Stephanie & Krista (I think) - you guys are making me really want to do MNSSHP on Sunday night too. We are with the Friday night crowd already. Two nights would be awesome, but it's so much $$$. I guess I'll have to see where we stand $$$-wise once all my eBay buyers pay me. That's my "play" money!

Kristi--Keep in mind that there is (or at least was) an advance purchase discount for Sunday night. So if you go, you'll actually be saving money. :thumbsup2 I will be at MNSSHP Sunday night as well (just so you know in advance and to balance the "con" side of the ledger). I'll have to keep an eye out for all these other people I don't know :confused3 (yet).

Just wanted to add: GO SOX
I like your thinking too Bill!

Yikes, I have been away too long if I confused Kristi adn Krista. :sad2: I'm sorry! :flower3:
Mike (Optimator)--I was unaware that we had suddenly gone politically correct and not allow some fun and humor. I shall refrain from any in the future and stick to simple statements of fact and encouragement. I do apologize for the offense.

You are the least bit concerned about politically correct and humor, with me on here.:)

Ok if we are going to be that way I'm not going to sit here in at my laptop with "My little Pony" boxers any more. And you can just forget those shots of me from my days as a Chipindale dancer.:cool1:

Happy Friday folks! I got my Short Long Run in over lunch today - 4.2 mi in 44:10 (10:31/mi). A pretty uneventful run, but it felt good. I was having a stressful morning and that helped to calm things down a bit! It was also another run of improving mile splits:
1 - 11:09
2 - 10:40
3 - 10:15
4 - 10:09
0.2 - 9:37
Tomorrow is a 1 hour run with my SF ladies, then Sunday is my first curling game of the season. Too bad I'm missing three weeks of curling after that thanks to my crazy racing schedule!
What does TMI mean????

Leana: My curling league starts next Friday went out for practice last night.....yikes, don't use those muscles when walking....lol


Means "Too Much Information", Like now I have a visual of Dave, and My Little Pony boxers......I can't get it out of my head. :eek: :upsidedow
Thanks Judy, just when I think I have all these short forms down here comes a new one.

OK, now I have the visual also...:lmao:



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