Wk of Nov 13--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Honeibee said:
Lisa - I am doing fabulous! I had my ACL replacement surgery on August 28, by a real hunka hunka burning love DROP DEAD gorgeous orthopedic surgeon. :teeth: Holy cow! I just wanted to lay there on the operating table and say "TAKE ME DOCTOR!" :lovestruc But...I digress. :teeth:

I don't know how they sweep...but next knee issue I have requiring surgery...I want your Doctor McDreamy!!! :love:

My anestesiologist (sp?) was kinda cute---but within 5 minutes I was out....so maybe it was wishful dreaming. :blush:
chersheyb said:
Help me please!! I am in a funk... Just loaded a new "running mix" onto my nano.. had a run that SUCKED!! and lost all hope!!

Will I be able to complete this marathon without being swept!!

On an average run 8 miles I manage to be in the 12:00 min. pace range. However Due to circumstances I wont be able to get my long run in this weekend SO I am getting nervous.

I don't want to be swept.. any motivators out there. Please PM or reply because I need the motivation!!

Thanks to all


If it is any consolation--our coaches tell us (as well as Marathon for Mortals) that if you miss one long run---it won't kill you....and sometimes a break is just what your body needs if it is stuck at a training plateau.

2nd consolation prize...i had surgery THREE weeks ago. Now--while I am not hitting the road yet (I was to start doing some slow run intervals this week--and then kneeled on the incorrect knee on accident and it caused a flair up)---I am at a sub:13:00 mile on the elliptical trainer (it mimics running motion).

Considering the day after surgery I couldn't walk across my living room and up to 2 weeks ago, my 5yo (who usually is a slow poke) was actually difficult to maintain pace with..and she wasn't even speeding!.

My last run--was almost 4 weeks ago--my 12 mile run to be exact. Now while I had to step down to the half (time crunch to get my paperwork in required me to make a very conservative decision)...my therapist says I am wayyy ahead of the game. Now...I neglected to ask him where I was supposed to be, but why spoil positive reinforcement (which he said about a 100 times since I am sooo darn negative! :teeth: ).

When you miss your long run this weekend....you will find that next weeks training will probably go very well b/c your body wants to run..and you just might see a pace improvement.

If you miss a LR 2 or 3 weeks in a row..that might be cause for concern. But 1--no big deal!
Hi, everyone, just got back from my run. Wow! Was it cold!! With the sun it was 34 degrees, don't know what it was once the sun went down. Once I was running, I really wasn't cold, in fact after about 20 minutes, I was quite warm. But once I stopped, I was freezing!! I had the heat on as high as it would go in the car for the 25 minute drive home and I still couldn't get warm. Now that I'm home, I have on 2 pairs of pants, a long sleeved shirt and sweat shirt with the thermostat set at 74, and I'm just now started to feel comfortable. All in all, it was a decent run, I did 42 minutes r4/w2 and I did 3.72 miles. I don't know my split times, I wasn't really paying attention to my Garmin. I do have a funny running story though, I run at work after everyone leaves at 5:00, everyone asks me why in the world do I run by myself, especially after dark. The lot at work backs up to a train yard and there is dense woods that separates Gold Medal from it--I hate that everyone acts worried, because I'm not crazy about running by myself and it doesn't give me much confidence to hear them question it as well. Anyway, I was running today on the part of the path that runs alongside of the parking lot. I hear someone calling my name and I see that it's one of the engineers at work. I stop and he says, "please tell me that you have mace", I said no, he said "a knife", and I said no. So he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pocket knife gives it to me and says, "carry this with you, I'd feel much safer if you have it". So now I have a pocket knife. :teeth: Which is probably more dangerous because I have no clue how to use one. I guess I'm going to pick some mace or pepper spray this weekend. :rolleyes:

Cam--I am so sorry about your loss. Know that we're thinking about you and praying for you. :grouphug:

Sorry to cut it short, Stephen just came home and he brought Chiptole--yum, yum!!! :love:

Good luck training tomorrow and lr's on Saturday.

Krista princess:
Oops! I wrote that last post under Stephen's DIS name. Oh well, it's either one Steelers logo or the other. :)

Krista princess:
Oops! I wrote that last post under Stephen's DIS name. Oh well, it's either one Steelers logo or the other.

Krista - that is so funny :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I was wondering as I was reading why guys at stephen's work were giving him pocket knives!!!!! I did figure it out by the time I got to you signature.
skfulkers said:
So now I have a pocket knife. :teeth: Which is probably more dangerous because I have no clue how to use one. I guess I'm going to pick some mace or pepper spray this weekend. :rolleyes:

LOL. MelR I thought the same... I wondered, wow, Stephen is being pretty open with us tonight! Then had to scroll down to see Krista's name! :rotfl:
Cam & MickeySP- so sorry for your loss. We are all thinking about you :grouphug:

Krista-do be careful running at night! Maybe you should get some mace. But good for you for being so dedicated :cool1:

chersheyb-all you have to maintain is a 16 min mile. You should have no problem just missing 1 LR if you are at a 12 min mile.

disnut-have fun with your new toy. I love my Garmin!

Today was my off day, but I had a girls night out & was proud of myself for only drinking unsweat tea & staying within my points for food. Usually I use that as an excuse to eat whatever. But the thought of having to be in the best physical shape of my life in 7 weeks kind of keeps that motivation up. The less I have to carry across that finish line the quicker & easier I'll get there!
MickeySP and Cam - so sorry to hear about your loss :grouphug:

No packet here yet. :(

Did 45 on the elliptical today.

Lisa - sub 13 on the elliptical is good! I always feel as though I can't compare the ellip with my wogs, even though I want to. My pace never is as good on the ellip as when I'm out on the track. If I do an hour wog on the track, I usually do 4 1/2 miles. But an hour on the elliptical is less than 3. Sometimes I get frustrated with that, but as long as I can do the time on the track, I'll be happy.

In just over 3 hours I will be running in my very first race ever! My pre-marathon test run is a 5K turkey trot. I am wondering how embarrassed I am going to feel coming in last, but since my competition is a bunch of marines, I guess I shouldn't feel too badly. Besides, what's a 5K to someone who ran 14 miles earlier this week. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Did I mention I am a little nervous? :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
lacool said:
Besides, what's a 5K to someone who ran 14 miles earlier this week. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Oh yeah! You go for it!! :cheer2:

My 5K Turkey Trot is tomorrow! I am a little nervous and wired for it because I am doing a mini taper (yesterday and today) getting ready for our 5K. I want to run, I want to run....

chersheyb - 8 miles at 12 min pace? You're golden! LLP is right, as she had to tell me a couple weeks ago. Missing on LR will not kill you. In fact, my legs feel much better these days. You are right on track and will be fine. It may be even better to take a break if you're in a funk now! :wizard:

Coleen adn lacool - Good luck!

Krista - Thanks for makin gme think this am! I too was wondering why Steve was getting a knife from his coworkers. ;) Figured it out by the end, though.

Very grateful that dh runs close enough tha tI don't need that stuff. Well last night was not fun, but we did our 45 adn got a huge workout. Frozen snow and slush is rather difficult to run in. I would really like ot know what my pace would be doing if I were in normal conditions. I hope to see on Saturday. If not, it will be a really long 16-miler followed by a really long day of shopping with teh female ILs. Yikes!

Good luck to everyone on your LRs this weekend. 50 days or less! :o
Still taking it easy on the hip, but I am going to try 4 miles tomorrow. I will probably try walk 3/run 1 to avoid too much running. I am ready to get out there again!

Good luck to everyone in their Turkey Trots and LRs this weekend. Thanks for brightening my day with your story about the knife Krista. I too was thinking how strange it was that Stephen's co-workers were worried about him. Gosh, he must work in a really tough neighborhood. :rotfl: Please be careful!

In a side note, I cannot find my new Asics anywhere in my house! I used them on my long run two weeks ago, and now I don't know where they are. DH was glad to find out that I had worn them since the garage sale. He thought maybe he sold them by accident! The last time I saw them my 2 year old had them. I have checked every drawer, every bag, every closet. I am starting to question whether they ever really existed, but I do still have the empty box they came in. So tonight, the great shoe hunt of 2005 will continue . . . .
OMG--so...we have a main water break and have to have a plumber. He coudln't come on Wednesday--and so was to be here today.

I missed an earlier call as he could have stopped by earlier. Now I hate how the planets aligned for this poor guy.

I just called him b/c I got his message and wanted to be sure that I wasn't to follow up for our regular time since I wasn't here. The poor guy had just slipped on a tile roof and was waiting for an ambulance. He cannot move and his legs are numb :( :( :(. I called the office and willfully changed my time to Monday and told them I would be checking up on Monday to see how he was doing.

Poor guy. Just wish I was home earlier. You just never know :(.
Heather - Glad the hip's getting better. Mine's till a little iffy, but if it survived last night, I know it's on the mend! Hope your's better soon too!

Lisa - OMG! Poor man! You never know, he may have had something worse happen if you were home. You can't think that he'd be ok if you were home. Not your fault.
I AM FREEZING!!!! I know you guys (notice I didn't say y'all) in colder climates are going to think I'm a big weenie, but I have been so cold since my LR yesterday. I have had mocha's and hot baths (forget that ice bath business, I can't even entertain that mentally) and I'm still cold. We are going climbing tomorrow and I even went to wal-mart and bought a portable heater to carry up to the bottom of the cliff, so I can stay warm. I justified by telling Phil that the boy couldn't stay out in the cold all day!!!!

I'm a little sore today after my 18 miler yesterday! I may run 3 miles this pm just to work some of the soreness out. I'm thinking about doing it on the old and busted treadmill in the basement. It might make it for 3 miles! If I do the run this afternoon, I will have only skipped tuesday's speedwork and that will be all. I checked my training prgm and I was only supposed to do 3 speedwork, 3 tempo run and then the 18LR.

Is anyone else who is doing goofy sore after their LR's when they don't do the back to back LR's I ran stronger yesterday, but I feel just as sore as when I did the 8/17 back to back. I can do this can't I? :confused3
Mel - Yes, you can do it. I spent a lot of time backpacking in real cold conditions. I can tell you that you better have a hat on your head to keep yourself warm (even inside), but you probably know this. Also, make sure you're hydrated. Mochas may not be the best thing. Try something decaffeinated or better yet, just keep a mug of hot water in your hands & continually sip on it. Sounds, bland, I know, but it does the trick. It's an awful feeling when you can't keep/get warm, huh? Also, keep your bladder as empty as you can (aka running back & forth to the bathroom).

MelR-I was thinking what a big weenie I was this a.m. when I was freezing during my SR and it was 39* It is hard to warm up those legs when it is that cold. I anticipated doing all my training in shorts. Then I thought, at least this is better than what Sunny,Cam, Carrie & many others have to endure!

Walk went great. Did 3 miles 14:40 pace, and that included 1/2 miles warm up. Dont usually warm up that long but had to today. Todays walk felt great. I guess that oatmeal is a good pre run food.

Lisa-your poor plumber. I hope everything is o.k. with him ( and good luck on the pipes too)
chimera Welcome back said:
I would love to but I have to get up at 4:00 that morning to catch my flight and I am afraid I will be quite the crankypants by dinnertime! I'm taking my cheering section for a very early dinner at Spoodles and then to bed (for me anyway!). I will be thinking of you all for sure!



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