Wk of Feb 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

Angie - WAY TO GO!!! You have every right to get choked up - what an accomplishment!

Leana - That was a great run! Glad your ankle feels good - keep taking it easy.

Stephanie - Great job finishing 2nd! Hope you get the water bottle. Gotta check out the socks. Get well soon!

Vicki - Glad the kids are well now. DD16 came home sick Friday afternoon - I'm trying to stay away from her. You can do that when they're that old!

Liz - :welcome: Terrific job on the weight loss.

Kim - DD would be so excited to know that you're into curling. She started watching it during the Olympics and decided it was the coolest sport! She and DH watched every hour of coverage!

Kristi - Your 3 miles sounded pretty fast to me. I want some people at my pace when January rolls around!

John - Good luck getting these guys to slow down. I've given up cleaning house and cooking dinner just to read the posts!

Vic - Your 10 scheduled, 8 completed is a lot better than my 5 scheduled, 1 completed! Sorry your Daytona prediction didn't work out.

Matt - Great job on your half! I'll keep my fingers crossed that your next 3 will be warmer.

Dream Believer - :welcome: Outdoors is definitely better, but I'm such a cold weather wimp that even in NC I don't like being outside in the winter. Fortunately, a neighbor gave us a TM. It's not great, but it's better than nothing.

Martha - Did the book thing last night - it was wonderful to do nothing for a couple of hours!

TXAng - I haven't been there for Marathon weekend yet, but I'm pretty sure they've said that Disney provides buses from all the hotels to the start, so I don't think it matters where you stay.

Ashley - Great run!

Christa - The wind was brutal! I had planned to take the dog out for a 5 mile walk/run, but gave up after a mile (yes, I'm a wimp!). And those pee stops kill the time, don't they?

Dave - Close call with the car - glad you were paying attention even if he wasn't!

I'd planned a 5 mile LR today, hoping for outside. The wind convinced me to do the TM instead, then DH came home earlier than I'd planned, and I refuse to run with an audience (TM is in the living room right now!). So I ended up with a 1 mile walk with the dog. Not so good... must do better this week!

Kristi--when did you take the GGD off your siggie? I've sort of stopped looking at names for the people I know pretty well on the boards and I just look at the pictures/siggies since they're all familiar. I almost didn't realize it was you without the picture. :)
Awww, Steve! I thought I was probably annoying the heck out of everyone with my crazy GGDs obsession! :blush: So, I took it off of there. Hmm...maybe I will come up with something new, and smaller, soon. I mean, I wouldn't want to let you down & all! ;)

I was thinking today that I hadn't heard from you or Krista in awhile!
(I was beginning to think I scared her with my threats to come to your neck of the woods & drag her off to a GGDs show!) ;)
Thanks for checking in! And take care of that pesky IT band!

Jackie - thank you for calling me fast! :goodvibes

Matt - awesome job in Pensacola!
When is the New Orleans half? Martha and I will be there March 1-4. It would be super cool to get a race.

It's next weekend the 25th unfortunately. Mar 3rd is the one in GA, and 4th the one in Seaside FL, not sure if you're headed back that way on your way home.

Littlegreydonkey said:
Matt: am now blaming you for my current Taco Bell craving.

LOL when I read this I had NO idea where you were going with it. :)
Hey all... well, after my run on the TM and then Disney on Ice... I woke up sick again. My stomach was killing me. I was fine up until we stopped at Applebee's after DOI. I just wish this bug would go away!!!!

Disney on Ice was great. It was Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey. The girls loved it. It ended with Lilo and Stitch and they payed some great Elvis tunes. The girls were rocking with me in our seats. DH asked me why Lilo and Stitch always makes him cry... I was like WHHAAA.... then I told him I cried too. I miss the World so much now!!!!! And the whole Ohana means Family thing gets me everytime!!

You are all my Running Ohana!!!

Matt - GREAT RUN!! I did a 10K last fall that had winds like that. Ackkk... and it ended with a trick like yours also. I almost ran across the grass field to the finish instead of the long about way!

Angie - WOOOT WOOOT!!! I cried when I crossed the Disney Finish. My family laughs at me for that, but I don't care. I still cry sometimes when I have a great run. When you come that far, it really means a lot. You did great!!!!

Stephanie - I am sick right there with ya!!! I napped for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon. Rest up for your big race!!

Happy Runnings everyone!
Something I have to tell you guys that I forgot earlier. I started the day VERY INTIMIDATED!! This was my first non-disney race, and there seemed to be a lot more "SERIOUS" runners, which I don't consider myself! I was a nervous wreck!! So it felt good to do as well as we did (although we were getting passed left and right - and we felt like we were flying.)

OK - Will try to catch up.

Leana- Good job on the run, it' funny how we try to figure out what works for us. And I am living proof that when you begin your official '15K' training plan, YOU WILL SEE improvements. I PROMISE!!:thumbsup2 The thing that I have found that works for me is consistency. (Everytime I did not 'feel like it' I just remembered the race we had coming up and I went anyway. I always thought a bad run is better than no run at all :idea: )
Mel- Thanks for thinking about us freezing today! That's a great 5 mile split and I agree I run better in cold too. I wondered if that was partly why we did so good today. It was so much nicer (minus the rain and wind) today than the heat at Disney!
Stephanie - AWESOME TIME ON YOUR RACE!! :banana: :banana:
While we were running today I told Bobby that 1:20 was my goal for Minnie - I was feeling like I could do ANYTHING!!(he he) we will see!! I am so glad that you are doing Minnie!! You have to go to Under Armour store - it's great. Lots of pink !! I hope you feel better and hilarious story!!
Liz - :welcome: What an inspiring story!! You have joined an awesome group of supportive people!!
Matt- AWESOME run!!! IN THE COLD, WIND and HILLS!! :worship: You are my HERO!! Good luck next week!!
DreamBeliever- I feel very blessed to live in a place where we can run a 1/2 marathon in February in 45 deg ( I was not happy - it was cold to me:eek: , but at least we could run) I am jealous of the CC skiing !!
Laurie - That's a great run being sick!:headache: Hope you feel 100% soon!! Yes it was our anniversary and it was awesome!!
TXAng - I personally like POP better it's newer and lots of fun. I don't think there is any advantage of one over the other as far as the race.
Christa - Awesome run and pace as usual! Hills and all :sad2: I don't know how you guys do it. The 2 overpasses in the Disney 1/2 about killed me!:scared1:
Jackie - Sorry that you did not get to do the work out you wanted!! I would go crazy if I could not run outside. Sending you some Florida sunshine!
Jim - Sorry I never saw you at the race!!

Sorry if I missed anyone!! I had to include a picture of us after race!!


Also, Tuesday is my ten year old's birthday (will be 11!!) and we went to a restaraunt tonight for dinner where they "whip cream" them for their birthday!! It was hilarious - had to show you!!

Something I have to tell you guys that I forgot earlier. I started the day VERY INTIMIDATED!! This was my first non-disney race, and there seemed to be a lot more "SERIOUS" runners, which I don't consider myself! I was a nervous wreck!! So it felt good to do as well as we did (although we were getting passed left and right - and we felt like we were flying.)

Christa - Awesome run and pace as usual! Hills and all :sad2: I don't know how you guys do it. The 2 overpasses in the Disney 1/2 about killed me!:scared1:

GIRL! Let me be the 1st to tell you ...
With the KICK BUTT TIME to prove it!

Yeah, the hills in NC sometimes kill me...speaking of hills...I am thinking about running the Grandfather Mountain Marathon...(There is only 1 hill...He He! But it lasts the whole marathon!:scared1: )not sure though, This FREE sport seems to get more and more expensive.....:eek:

Melissa - Where are you?:hippie: How was your ultra?
Yeah, the hills in NC sometimes kill me...speaking of hills...I am thinking about running the Grandfather Mountain Marathon...(There is only 1 hill...He He! But it lasts the whole marathon!:scared1: )not sure though, This FREE sport seems to get more and more expensive.....:eek:
Now I am having flashbacks of the trip from heck with the in-laws when Zack was 4 months old! Picture if you will the 2 day drive home in a Suburban with all 8 seats full. This, when my BIL worked for United and could have flown his family of 3 home for FREE. But nooooo, they wanted the 'experience & fun' of a family road trip. :rolleyes: Speaking of Grandfather Mountain - there was no way I was going on the bridge up on top of that! :scared1: Is it Sugar Mtn. that is near there? That's where we stayed, in my in-laws' timeshare.

Christa - DO IT!!!
Hey guys! No real training report for me today. I guess you could count the fact that I cleaned house and walked my dogs as XT! I did run for 5 minutes today - from the train station to the hockey stadium, because I was late for the start of the game (just watching, no playing). Let me tell you, it is hard to run in cowboy boots!:tigger:

Mel - I'll have to check out the UA outlet in San Antonio when I am there in two weeks - see if they have any WISH undies there! And yes, you are pronouncing my name right!
Vicki - Hope the kids are better and you are able to get your run in tomorrow!
Liz - Welcome to the boards!
Kim - How was the curling this weekend?
Matt - Great job on the race!
Laurie and Stephanie - Hope you guys are feeling better soon!
Angie - Wow, awesome job on the race!! 2:00 is amazing! Happy anniversary too!
LittleMissMickey - Thanks for the tip on the book - I'll have to check that out.
Christa - Great job on the 8:37 pace!
Steve - Hope your IT band won't bother you as you continue to train for the Flying Pig!

I've been looking, and thinking, and Thursday I finally went for it - I ordered the Garmin Forerunner 205. I'll get it in a few weeks when I'm down in San Antonio. I can't wait to give it a try! No awesome deal from Target for me. I ordered it from Amazon and the price seemed pretty good, plus I'll get the $50 rebate...

Hope you guys had a great weekend!
So for valentine's day, Phil said he would run alongside me for the Sylamore 50k trail run. I have wanted to do this race for 3 years (the first year it was just a distant idea and last year I couldn't get anyone to go w/ me). This was my year. At first I just wanted to see if I could cover that distance, but then when I saw the race sweatshirts, I firmly decided this was the race for me. I did a 50k around this time last year, but it was a "fun run" which meant no fees... It was all on pretty rough forest roads and had about one mile of total elevation gain. The sylamore was all on single track trail (except the 1st and last mile which were on a paved road) It also says on the race info there is a water crossing at mile 2 and 30. (more on that later)

We woke up a 4:00am to get ready and for the 1hr drive to race start. We got there around 5:20 for race check-in. After checking in, we went back to the car and slept (it was dark, windy and in the 20's, so we didn't socialize) I actually laughed at us internally as I realized that if we can sleep in the car in a gravel parking lot before a trail ultra in freezing temps w/ 2 water crossings, we have very minimal race anxiety (i'm not sure if that is good or bad. It did strike me as funny!) When we woke up, we got our food and gear ready and donned our light adv. race packs and lined up. Everyone was shivering and the wind was really strong!! We started off on the paved road up a big hill. Somewhere around the mile mark, we turned onto a gravel road which was a huge downhill into the creek. It was covered w/ ice and some people actually had some pretty bad falls there. When we got down to the river, i had decided to change into my teva's as I could not bear the thought of running 30 more miles w/ wet shoes. The water was COLD!!!! (duh!) It was also THIGH HIGH!!! I assumed that water crossing would be around mid calf at most. After we crossed the creek (where someone else fell) I put my dry shoes and socks back on and we were off and running. As soon as we climbed out of the creek bed we entered a beautiful hollow (or holler for those reading this w/ my accent in mind) At the mouth of the hollow, there was a big rock wall that was curved like an ampitheater. It had icicles hanging all over it. It was absolutely beautiful. I'm not even sure how to describe it! We stayed just across a large ridgeline from the creek for a significant part of this section, so we were sheilded from the brutal wind. As we came close to the first aid station (at the campgrounds along the trail every 5 miles) we got closer to the creek and it was very cold. We actually skipped the 1st aid station and kept going. In between the 1st and 2nd aid stations we met the guy who had fallen on the ice in the 1st mile and we gave him some meds and ran w/ him for a while. Eventually we came to a spot along the creek that was covered w/ a thick sheet of ice. Another guy fell here. He became so frustrated trying to traverse the ice, that he actually opted to walk in the creek, where he also fell (It was actually pretty funny b/c he was shouting and splashing then when i asked him if he was ok, he said it felt great and was refreshing and he wasn't even being sarcastic!!) We did stop at the next aid station and I had some food and phil had a biscuit and jelly (yum!). In between here and the turn around, I started to totally crash!! My knee used to bother me when i backpacked, but it generally is no big deal anymore. It doesn't bother me on the trail near my house, but this one was much more technical. At one point the pain actually brought me to the ground. Anyway, we inched to the aid station at the turn around. I told phil i was going to park for a while. I think I sat for a few mins while i ate. When we left out, I was feeling a little better and we were able to pick up the pace.

Since it was a single track trail, we had to see and pass runners as the turned around. At one point we saw a man (he was probably 30mins ahead of us) who looked like an elderly gentleman you would ask if he need help out to his car from the grocery store. He was just shuffling along, kicking our tails. He smiled at us and told us we were doing great!!! There was one lady that we had been running behind early on in the race who had come from Lousiana. It was her 3rd try to finish. She had had to drop out the previous 2 yrs. There was another lady (dressed almost exactly the same and w/ the same color hair) at the last aid station (a little over 5miles from the finish) I looked and her and smiled and said (thinking she was the LA woman) "Hey, you are going to finish this year!" She got this furious look on her face and said "i finished last year" I tried to explain the LA lady thing, but there was no social redemption for me. It was kindof funny. Then phil told me that the lady i insulted was actually one that would not move over for him to pass, and actually almost knocked him off the trail. (It ran along some pretty high bluffs too!) That made it even funnier! I'm not naturally mean, but she was so serious and it was an accident anyway. I told phil that I could not wait to report that to you guys!!!!

On the way back my knee got really bad and I had trouble going both up and down hills (which is a problem as that is all the trail is). I told phil i was going to have to find another way to walk to help w/ the pain ( i had alread taken 2 doses of anti-inflams and one of tylenol) He suggested I try to run w/ my heel pointed out and toes pointed in. I did and it helped significantly!!!! We kept moving. When we came back to the icy spot where creek boy had bathed earlier, there was a big group of backpackers. I fell right in front of them!!!! (done w/ perfect extravert style!)

We hobbled along toward the finish. All I could think about was getting back in that creek! It was like a mandatory ice bath! I was really looking forward to the icy cold water taking away some of the aches and pains!!! I told phil I couldn't wait to tell you guys about looking forward to the ice "bath" We waddled in at 8:11 w/ an average pace of around 15:30mpm. that was about where i expected to finish. I'm pretty sure we were quite close to last but not dlf! This was much harder than the 50k I did last year!!!!! I'm not sure if my knee could or should ever do that again, but i'm glad I got to have the experience! The scenery was incredible and aside from being thigh deep in the freezing cold creek, my fingers only got numb one other time. If phil had not come w/ me I'm sure i would have had to drop out. I could not have finished w/ my knee pain and his suggestion definitely saved the day!

Phil and I crossed the finish line holding hands. Then we just kept moving to the car. They actually had to chase us down to give us our finishers awards (hats to match the super sweet shirts!). We ended up eating at the restaurant overlooking the river that was at race start/finish. Someone mentioned to us that they served burgers there. Phil practically dragged me in the last 3/4 mile when he found that out.

My knee is slightly swollen and I am going to rest from running until it is pain free. I guess I'm going to have to start some strengthing exercises for it. I just assumed that massive amounts of running would make it strong! Anyway, I'm so glad that phil and i did it! We took one pic after we were finished and the was a photographer on the course, so i'll post those soon.

Sorry so long!!!
Oh, man!!!! Majorly long double post, sorry!!

No problem. With a run like that you should post it twice. :lmao:


I've thought about doing some more trail runs but around here it is all the same, sand and palmeto bushes. Nothing to look at like hills, rock over hangs and ice. :scared1:
DS16 and I had a great weekend running the Gasparilla.

We started by volunteering and worked at the sign up tables at the Expo. It was worth the cool T-Shirt we got.

I also learned that all the advice about bringing everything you need to a race is important, even safety pins. They ran out of safety pins. By 1 pm on Saturday there were no safety pins to be found and there were none in the goodie bag. Unfortunately they had me sitting out in front at the chip verification table and got the joy of sharing this information to everyone. Pretty poor planning on the event's part. Out of towners were really unhappy.

This was the first time we volunteered to help out at an expo. It was fun, we learned a lot, and we will do it again.

We did attend the Pasta Dinner with several running buddies. Not much to write home about except several of the top runners were there.

As Angie said, it was cold on Sunday morning. Thankfully we stayed within walking distance of the start so we did not have to leave the hotel room early. We were prepared with disposable clothing. We had $5 Walmart sweats shirts and pants. We cut the sweat shirts up the front and taped them together. We cut the pant legs so we could just slide them over our shoes. For hats my son cut the sleeves off old t-shirts. For gloves we used old socks. It was a real fashion statement.

We were nice and warm and glad to have the extra clothing when the wind kicked up. We dropped our pants at mile 4. :eek: The ladies around me enjoyed the slow. At mile 6 the 1/2 and full split. Goodbye son.

It got pretty windy running through the down town area among all the tall buildings. I was using DD Ipod Shuffle and at mile 10 I get the song "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow". How fitting.

The last 1/2 of the race is an out and back. At mile 14 I got to see the lead marathon runners coming in. Impressive. That is something I don't get to see very often from the back of the pack. I saw DS at mile 15. He was looking good and trying to beat my Disney 1/2 time.

I dropped my sweet shirt, gloves (socks), hat (sleeve) at mile 15. The rest of the way was just fighting the wind and going for a PR. The support was pretty weak on the back side, but that tends to be the case when the slower runners come through.

At mile 26 DS was waiting for me. He had just come back from showering and changing his clothes. He joined me and we ran in together! That was great and I'm glad he did it. I hope the picture comes out.

I hit my goal of 4:50! :cool1: That beat my last marathon by 27 minutes. I ran the race I wanted, paced slow in the beginning, negative splits for the second half, no injury. The conditions on Sunday were almost ideal, except the wind.

Since we had a late check out I was able to get an ice bath before hitting the road. We stopped in Orlando and got to watch the start of the 500. It sure would have been nice if Mark Martin would have won it.

The first thing DS did was to check his official 1/2 time. His goal was to beat my Disney 1/2. He did by 7 seconds! :mad: I'm sure there was a timing error somewhere. Now I need to schedule another 1/2 so I can beat him!

To bad we did not meet up with Angie. I'm sure there will be another time.
Today my office is closed so I'm getting a message. :banana:
WOW! Awesome reports Melissa and Jim!
Melissa, that race sounded brutal!:scared1: You and Phil did awesome!

I had a friend run MBM last weekend. he blew away the course! I am going to post his race report! Read it and be amazed!
Some short thoughts on MBM:

1. It turned out to be pretty perfect for marathon running, maybe a little cool at the start. They announced 26 degrees, I'd believe it. I didn't check any gear, so I was especially chilly in a thin long sleeve shirt (which I never shed throughout the race). I was never cold with it on, but I didn't feel I would have been comfortable without it.

2. MBM is not the most exciting nor interesting of courses, but it's pretty flat. Very flat, but not perfectly. I wouldn't call any of the inclines "hills" per se, but there were some small changes in grade. Just enough to make it interesting, though with all the development right on the ocean, it was tough to get a nice view. If I craned my neck just right, I could see the sunrise reflected in the buildings ahead of me.

3. The first three mile markers were WAY off, messing with my reasonably decent pacing skills. Goal was to knock off 3 miles every 20 minutes at first and bring it down about mile 15 or so if I was feeling good. First three miles went 8:00, 6:05, 4:35! By about mile 6 I think they got back on track, as that was a more reasonable 40:16 or so total time.

4. My legs were a little tight through about mile 6, getting used to running a tempo-ish type pace. The same thing happened in Miami a couple of years back, something I just had to keep in mind that, like in triathlongs, this too shall pass. You never really know for sure, but by mile 9 I was feeling comfortable and picking things up just a tad.

5. Passed mile 10 in 1:06:06, right on target. Headwinds that were strong last year on this portion of the course, a long striaghtaway heading north along strip mall hell, were not nearly as strong and much more crossing.

6. The course passes very close to the half finish at mile 13, new territory after this! Passed the half right on pace at 1:26:06.

7. Winds started to pick up a little on the 2nd half of the course; it wound close to the ocean and north of the town a little. Still feeling good, though mile 17 was not correct (picky, picky). Again, had to trust that intrinsic pacing.

8. Made the turn back to the finish about mile 20, through there in 2:11:15. Still feeling pretty good. I match pace pretty well with this older guy (late 40s, I'd say), he's running pretty strong. There's a long straightaway, about 4 miles worth, heading back to the finish and we're running pretty evenly at about 6:35 pace. It starts to hurt a bit past mile 22 (which it should if you're running correctly) and he's doing a fair bit of drafting. I don't mind so much, but he never does the heavy lifting. A couple of miles of this and I'm getting a bit miffed. It's a wordless slog, but I know at some point I need to drop him. Fortunately, at mile 24, I do.

9. The entire race is proceeding rather rapidly, even in my mind. By the time the leg heavyness really starts to take a toll (mile 22 or so) I know I'm almost done. I'm confident in my pacing, though it didn't leave room to pick things up much, but it also meant I didn't slow down either.

10. Finished strong in 2:52:15, kicking one guy down, almost catching another (more on this later). I felt sort of bad, but then again, not really. I think he was irritated, after 26.1 miles to be kicked down in the last 100 yds. So it goes.

11. The guy I couldn't catch ended up finishing 2 seconds ahead of me gun time. Of course, he was in my age group and, of course, I finished 2nd. The kicker: his gun time was 2 sec. faster, but my net time was 3 sec. faster. Since they do AG awards by gun time, I get the short end of the stick. Such is life.

12. Overall, I'm quite pleased: a 4 minute PR, even pacing, meeting my goal time, and still thinking there's room for improvement. Even as I enter my 30s, it's still good to know that's still there.

Other reports, please???


Here are the results from MBM Saturday:

Half 20mile Chip Gun Pace

13 5068 Joshua Saak 29 M 1:26:12 2:11:22 2:52:15 2:52:21 6:35
(Yes, that is correct – Josh was 13th overall out of 1,765 marathon finishers)

Now you can see why I dont really think I am that fast! These are the kinds of people I run with...well start out with, I can never keep up!:sad2:
Jim - Awesome marathon time!! That was great to hit your goal even w/ the wind!! As for the trail runs in the sand, I think that would be brutal. There were a couple of sandy sections when we were along the creek. I expected to find them comforting, but really I felt like I couldn't get any forward movment (not that i had that much anyway.)

Christa - Are you feeling better?? I'm glad your man banned the biking!! You sounded like you needed rest. How did your performance go?

Angie - Way to go on your fast race!!!

Stephanie - Congrats on placing and on finishing a really hard race! You were really moving FAST! I talked about you on the trail run. I was chatting w/ a lady from Fayetteville who puts on the white rock 50k. She mentioned that there was a 15k in Little rock and I said "oh, yeah, a friend i met on the internet is doing that one today." Phil was laughing at me b/c it seemed normal to me ot talk about my wish running friends, but in this case, I was behind a stranger on a little trail out in the woods talking about friends from the internet!! He noticed that she picked up the pace a little and lost us:lmao: :lmao:

Dave - Post!! I'm worried about you! I updated phil on your car incident!! I'm glad you are ok, but that sounded really scary! I'm thinking you won't have that problem in the pool!! (although last summer when the lake was really low, some guy kicked a submurged car while he was swimming!)

Mel - Great pace!
Good Monday friends! I DID make it to the gym this morning and put in 4 miles at 1% at a 10 minute mile pace. I know that isn't a challenge for some;) but I'll take it.

Jen---I hope your tummy recovers quickly. Nothing worse than battling an illness when you have other things to do!

Angie--Wow! Great race! That's what we train for, that incredible finish. Doing it fast is just the icing on the cake. Congrats!

Jackie--I'm sure you'll get the steps in this week! I wouldn't want to TM run with a captive audience either:laughing:

Christa--You're speedy to me!

Melissa--:eek: It would have been a challenge for me to even start much less finish. Way to go!

Happy training!
Good Morning Team:

I tried to catch up, sorry to those I missed.

Ashley, Christa, Craig, Martha, Kristi, Vic and Laurie WTG on the workouts.

Angie, Jim & DS, Matt Congrats on the runs, I am cold just reading them

TxAng We are staying at POP as well.

Stephanie & Jen Hope you are both feeling better soon

Leana Curling was great

Melissa That is amazing, congrats to you and Phil. I hope your knee is feeling better soon.

I had a rest day yesterday, just did laundry, cleaning etc....watched curling, Daytona...my guy didn't win either. I am not a big race fan so I just vote for the cute guy.

Be back to catch up more later.

Morning team. Still feeling cruddy this am--heading to the doctor's in a couple hours. Mom thinks I have strep (she says I've always been predisposed to it--whatever!) Anyway, luckily I'm tapering--so I'm not too worried about skipping a few workouts. It's funny, though, that with all the other things my parents/DH could be concerned about, i.e. who will take care of the kids while I'm underthe weather, they are only concerned about my training and the marathon. Pretty funny. My ddad is already looking at the weather forcast for the marathon (not that it won't change in 2 weeks) but it's supposed to be in the mid-70s. WTH! We've been training in cold and wind, and now race day is oging to be warm and muggy! Oh well!

MelR--Congrats on your finish. That race sounds brutal! At least you got hats and sweatshirts! Too funny about telling the lady about your internet friends! I get the same look from my running buddy! At least he doesn't run off and leave me!

Jim--congrats on your finish as well! Sounds like this weekend was great for personal bests!

Christa--Wow, you train with some speed demons! I can't even imagine going that fast--must feel like you've got wings on your shoes!

well, I better get the kids dressed before my mom gets here to help me out. Have a great monday everyone!
Buy.com offers the Garmin Forerunner 205 Personal GPS for $209.99 before a $50 mail-in rebate, $159.99 after, and if you're a new customer you can use THIS link to take an additional $15 off, making it $144.99, the lowest I've seen so far...
Hi guys!!! It feels like I haven't been on here in FOREVER!!! I feel so out of the loop. Unfortunately, this isn't going to be a power post either as I'm posting because I have a pocket of time right now. I don't know how long this extra time will last!! I missed my lr this weekend, not off to a good start training for the Pig, huh? :lmao: It was "only" 4 miles, so I'm doing that tonight to make up for the last run. We are still covered with snow and ice, in fact we got another 4-5 inches on Saturday, but the temps are warming up (50 on Friday!!!! :banana: :banana: ) so hopefully we'll thaw out some. Although we'll just have issues with flooding, thankfully Stephen and I don't live in a valley. :)

Dave--Oh my gosh!!! Thank God you are okay! How scary!!!! Do you have a Road ID on your shoe? Everyone really needs to get of those, it could be the difference of life and death. Their site is www.roadid.com in case anyone is interested.

Angie--THAT IS FAB-U-LOUS!!!! Awesome job on the half marathon, you were really rocking!!!!!! I'd love to see a 2:00 half, sadly I'll only see that in my dreams. :)

Melissa--Out of control!!! That 50K sounds crazy!! Awesome job on finishing!! The part about the lady leaving you because of your on-line friends! :lmao: :lmao:

Jim--Great race report!!!! Congrats on the PR!!!

Christa and Stephanie--DO THE PIG!!!!!!

Stephanie--I hope you are feeling better and :wizard: for no strep!!

Mel--I like the new Wish team racing uniform!! We could wear them for the marathon and as we are running/walking we can sing "We're bringin sexyback"! :eek:

Vic--Sorry about Junior. Stephen and I don't follow Nascar at all, but we did watch the last 45 minutes of the race. Those were some CRAZY wrecks! Wow! And I think driving to work on I-75 is bad!!

Tinks--Great job on the treadmill!!

Jen--:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Mike--Happy belated birthday!!!

DreamBeliever--WELCOME!!! Although now whenever you post, I'm going to be singing "Dream Weaver" to myself with visions of Wayne and Garth in my head!!

Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys how sweet Stephen is. We agreed to no presents for Valentine's Day, we both just buy what we need when we need it and I think it's silly to buy a present just for the sake of buying a present, kwim? Well on Friday night we were going out to The Melting Pot for V-Day and when I came downstairs to get my coat on, there was a present wrapped on the island in the kitchen. It was a lime green ipod shuffle and an itunes gift card. Isn't he the sweetest??? :love:

Okay, I know I missed people, but if I don't go now, I'll never post this thing!! I'll be back later.


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