Wk of Feb 18--WISH Walking/Running Club

thndrmatt: woo-hoo!! Great job! :thumbsup2 And lots of :goodvibes that the other 3 HMs go as well.

Big Vic: don't get down on "just" doing 8.

Space Ranger: awesome job on the endurance training! I also prefer to take the stairs rather than the elevator. It astounds me to see the number of very able people who take the elevator!

My workout today was just the basics. I wanted to keep my hip loose and the weight work felt good. Now I'm gonna sit myself down and watch a movie, maybe read a book!
Matt - Congrats

Vicki and Martha - I guess it was just one of those, "Not in the mood to run" days. :confused3 :)
Today's Daytona 500 winner. :thumbsup2 ;)

Big Vic--- I HOPE SO!!! GO DALE JR.!!!

to all those watching the Daytona 500 today--Enjoy the race!!
Just a quick training update: Still not feeling so well but I made myself go to the gym this morning. I did 4 miles on the TM in 48:05, with an average pace of 11:18.
I ended up walking the first mile, then I jogged the second mile, walked part of the third mile, and jogged the entire 4th mile. My times have been a bit faster than this lately, but today I just couldn't get into a groove, and I really just wanted to finish the distance. I still have this awful cough and head cold that just won't go away!!!

To all those that had races this weekend: I can't wait to read your race reports! I am sure you all did great!!!

I will try to catch up more later on after the Daytona 500!!
Mel – That looks horribly painful. Ick.

Stephanie – WTG!! Congrats on the great race! :thumbsup2

Liz – Welcome!

Vic – Sorry you didn’t get all the miles in you wanted.

Matt – Congrats!

Laurie – Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Question about hotels for the marathon: we'll definitely be staying in a value resort, and I've pretty much narrowed it down between All Star Music and Pop. Looking at the map, I'm thinking we'll probably need to drive to the starting line regardless of which of those two we choose. Is there any advantage to staying at one of those over the other on race day?
Hello Everyone
I AM ON CLOUD 9!!!!:cloud9:
Here goes my race report:
1. Mel - I walk out my front door in Bradenton at 4 am to FREEZING cold rain. (Sorry all my northern friends!! you gotta give me this one) I was MAD!!!! :mad:
2. Got to Tampa, rain let off but still COLD:sad2: - Only good thing - start next to convention center, so stayed in there till 5:50 - 6 am start.
3. WE START - DH TAKES OFF!! You have to understand I am the one who normally runs faster - I think he was still mad at me for making him run so fast Wedensday night :lmao: It's ok I keep up, he can't lose me. :yay:
4. The race ran by the water of Tampa Bay - beautiful - except COLD!!! WIND blowing hard!!!
:banana: FINISHED IN 2:00 :banana: - (still get a little choked up hours later)
Sorry, for the emotional outburst :rotfl: , but I could barely run 4 miles in an hour a year a go! It's amazing. We took 16 minutes off our time from Disney a month and half a go. I am continually amazed at what we can accomplish when we put our mind to it. The funny thing is I told DH I could not wait to get home and post, because I have a group of people who would appreciate what a huge accomplishment this is. Thank you so much EVERYONE for all of your encouragement and support.

BTW- Love the WISH wear at Under Armour store. I go there all of the time, when they first opened they knew me by name. Will most definately be making a trip to get the undergarments.!!!:rotfl2:

Monte: Woo-hoo!! I just talked to my sister and she is PSYCHED to walk the Leadville Heavy Half Marathon with me!!! :banana: I am so happy about this!! It might take us twice as long to walk it as it did for me to run the WDW 1/2 marathon but hey! it'll be a lot of fun!! I couldn't wait to tell you!

Now, we just have to convince Craig that he should walk it with us.....
I'm back! These reports are sounding so great! How motivating you all are...

I'm sorry to have been away for a couple weeks. We had conferences at school and we are moving into the end of the season tournament for basketball. It all seems to come together at once, doesn't it?

I did a 9 mile training run yesterday. It is so funny to think of where I was last year at this point -- just thinking about starting training again. This year I started about a month and a half earlier, and I'm already cranking out 9 miles! I finished 9.24 miles in 1:40 -- 10.49mpm avg. (Incl. warm up and cool down). I played a little game called, "let's see how many people I can chase off the treadmill." I've gotta have some entertainment on my hamster wheel!

Vic -- 8 miles is an achievement! It is important to listen to your body so as not to end up injured.

Matt -- Be careful out there! That is certainly ambitious and your times looked great!

I really wish I had an Under Armour store here! Their clothes are so comfy, maybe their scantily-made under garments aren't bad?

Keep kickin off the great week, everybody!

I can't wait until I can run outside...

I just wanted to add...

Mike (DBF) commented yesterday that running seems to inflict pain on its partcipants. He is a cyclist, both road and mountain, and he says he loves every minute of it. In some sick way I think I love the challenge of running. It's funny now because we will be driving somewhere and see runners on the sidewalks and he will chime in, "Well, there's another runner grimacing in pain," or something to that extent. I have made it my goal to look like the happy runner and make people curious.

Also, if you are looking for an entertaining training companion, I am reading Russell Taylor's The Looniness of the Long Distance Runner: An Unfit Londoner's Attempt to Run the New York City Marathon from Scratch for the second time, and I would definitely recommend it for a laugh or two! There are a lot of familiar parts!
Me Again!

Just read Angie's post -- CONGRATULATIONS! I am hoping to finish my half in May in under 2:00, and you are giving me hope that I can do it!

Sorry about your crummy weather, but great job keeping up with DH!
Angie - Yeah!!! That is awesome. :thumbsup2

Dreambeliever - welcome, I am a walker in the same neck of the woods as you. I swear people should be required to shovel their entire sidewalk.:) Until I became a walker, I didn't realize how many people don't. Although, with the temps being so low, I wouldn't attempt it anyway. Too cold for me! I am one who needs the temps in the high 20's at least before I will head out. Oh and sunny too!:)

Matt, that sounds like quite a run too.

Mel, thanks for the pics.:lmao:

Have a great week,
Angie - WTG! I have been waiting to see how you did!:cool1: :cool1: I will even shead a tear for you!;)

Little Miss Mickey - I always try to look happy when I run...and this is very true when there is a camra in front of me!:laughing: The world is a stage!

Matt! WTG!:banana: :banana: You rock on your times...

hockeygirl Hope you feel better soon! THat looks like a great run!

I am feeling better...well a little, still have a cough, but it is not in my chest or anything....SO...I went out and ran. The wind was kick'n chicken (that means it was blowing real hard...note the southern accent:laughing: ) but the sun was out and it wasn't too cold, around 40 something. I ended up doing a hilly 4.5 with an 8:37 pace!:banana: My running partner (JRT) kept stopping to "pee" so I may have been going a little faster!
I really want a REAL FAST marathon time! So I am trying to train fast....not sure what marathon I am training for at this point though.:confused3
Hey all. I'm in bed right now sick as a dog. I knew I felt a little off last night at church but I took it as "good pain" from the race. Anyway, now I'm resting with a 102 temp. Ugh! Good thing the marathon is 2 weeks away!

Angie--WOOHOO!!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: I can remember when I got that sub-2:00 1/2 distance--I was dancing!! Looks like ya'll had the same weather we had yesterday--how cool that you got such a great time in that wind!

Christa--Now what do you mean "What marathon you're training for"??? I thought I was going to chase you down at Disney!:rotfl: Great pace today!

LittleMissmickey--Your DH would've loved to see the pics from my race yesterday--Everyone looked like they were in severe pain

Oh, I gotta tell ya'll this story about yesterday that I forgot about. We got to the start a little late, so I headed straight to the bathrooms. I jogged over there to warm up a bit--okay so I decided yesterday was the day to try out my new knee tights. By the time I got to the bathroom, I definitely had some plumber's crack showing!:lmao: I'm jogging trying to pull up my tights at the same time. After the potty break, with only a couple minutes until the start, I'm yelling at DH to pull my windpants out of hte car--I'm pulling them on as we're jogging to the start--My running buddy was wondering WTH I was doing--I explained to him that I don't think the people behind me want to see my behind! Maybe I should invest in some of the lime green undies!:rotfl:
Matt - Oops, I could have warned you that Pensacola is pretty hilly for Florida. Congrats on a great race! Good news : New Orleans is flat as a pancake unless they send you over I-10.

Angie - Awesome race! Wow, you have the right to celebrate all month!

Vic - We all have days like that. At least you got there and ran the 8.

Kim - Again, some days are harder than others and then some days are 10x harder than the hard days. You did it, you put in the steps, and sometimes that is a huge achievement all by itself. Now rest and get well.

Dh ran his 10 miles but his IT band flared up at the end of run so the marathon is still up in the air.

Happy trails everyone!
Angie-WTG!!!! That is awesome!! You and your DH did awesome!! Am I correct that today is your anniversary? If so, what a great way to spend you day!!
Matt and Angie - It is such an amazing feeling to cross the finish in a time which makes you think to yourself, "I didn't think I had that in me." Congratulations on nice results given the weather. Cool = great running, cold and wet doesn't.

I sympathize with the finish layout at Pensacola. I cannot imagine what it's like to run New York, to cross from Queens into Manhattan, knowing the finish is in Central Park, just over there, and they MAKE you turn right and go up into the Bronx and loop back to the finish. That must be a mental killer.

When is the New Orleans half? Martha and I will be there March 1-4. It would be super cool to get a race.

I did feel well enough to get to the fitness center today. I started slow on the treadmill, and by the last couple of miles was running typical "me" pace with decent inclines. What a wonderful feeling after being laid up for the past few days.

Vic - no shame in 8, especially this time of year.

Best to all.

Hey guys! Long time no talk to! Work's been crazy busy. I love the new position, but it's a lot more work and a different kind of stress than I'm used to. Just takes some time to get accustomed to.

I'm going to try to not be such a stranger around here this week. I've missed you guys, and every time I get on the boards, there are like 5 new people that I don't even recognize.

I won't even try to lie and say that I've read all of last week's thread, because I didn't get a chance, but I DID get through all of this week's thread (since it's only one day and 35 posts old :) ).

Leana--nice job on the runs! Good to hear the ankle's holding up.

Mel--WTG on the 5 mile split! And glad to hear you like the 205. When Krista got me my 305, I noticed a huge improvement in signal strength from the 201. And it just seems to feel better on the wrist. By the way, can you sign me up for a large in the "new WISH team equipment?" Would that violate the commando rule?? :thumbsup2

Matt and Stephanie--you guys are FAST! Nuff said.


Kristi--when did you take the GGD off your siggie? I've sort of stopped looking at names for the people I know pretty well on the boards and I just look at the pictures/siggies since they're all familiar. I almost didn't realize it was you without the picture. :)

Dave--just an fyi: we have cars in Cincy, too, so keep that in mind while training for the Pig. ;) Ok, seriously, glad you're ok. That sounded like a close call.

Vic--is JR going to pull it out today? He better step it up with 15 laps to go!

Angie--WOW, great job on the PR! Taking 16 minutes off your best is amazing!

Christa--congratulate your "running partner" on a great pace! Oh, and good job to you, too. :)

Craig--good to hear from you and glad that your run went well. By the way, I never did get to thank you for that "magic" fastpass you gave Krista and I at MGM. Saved us a ton of time in line. I just happened to remember that.

Training's been going pretty well. I can't remember if I told you guys the stupid thing I did two weekends ago on my LR. I met with a group training for the Flying Pig and I hooked up with a guy who planned to do his LR around a 9:00 pace. I decided to run with him and we ended up cranking out 10 miles at an 8:30 pace. Well, this is faster than my typical LR pace, and since I'd been working on speed in my shorter sessions, I KNEW I should have let him go and slowed down a bit, but it was nice to run with someone and I just kept the pace up. I ended up with some pain in my IT band, which hadn't acted up since last March. I could have kicked myself, because it was my own fault and I knew halfway through the run that I should be slowing down. So......I took a whole week off from running and just started back last weekend. I did manage to get 20 miles in this week, with a 9 mile LR today, but at a much more manageable pace (9:50 overall pace). I probably set myself back a few weeks in training, but that's ok. One of those "live and learn" things.
But other than that, training is going fairly good. I'm trying to keep up with the bike trainer and weightlifting so that I won't be totally out of biking shape when it gets warmer outside.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and I PROMISE I'll try to drop in more this week. To everyone I missed--:wave: and have a good week!

Talk to you guys later!

Hey guys -missed the end of last week's post. Will go back now but hope Mel and Dave have recovered from the various nasties.

Angie - wow, that's a fantastic time. Well done you.

Matt: am now blaming you for my current Taco Bell craving. Because we don't have that here, we eat our own body weight in it whenever we come to the US - but also, ummm let's say 'liberate' about 20 Fire sauce at each visit to bring home. Now as I'm sure you're aware Taco Bell sauces have little slogans on them now - one of which says 'pick me, pick me' - hence my craving after reading your post The only problem is I get so upset by the idea that the 'pick me' pack it doesn't know it's going to be eaten that I can't, I have to put that one back.

LittleMissMickey: I think I've read that book, is it the one with the guy dressed as a big budgie on the front or something?

And I felt like a runner again this weekend - no I'm not miraculously healed from my injury, but my little toenail fell off. So, walkers next time anyone scoffs at you for walking you can tell them, that your 'running' friend, has done more damage to her toes, ankle, heel and arch by walking than she ever did running. Remind me not to walk the Goofy!!!! Helen


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