Wk of Feb 11--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey! I can spell. I just can't type. ;) My mom had a friend who's ds was knocked out of the running for valedictorian, because he got a C in typing. SO, db and I were not allowed to take it. :rolleyes: Yes, we were geeks, but it really did not matter if we had typing or not.
Well, I do have to type up the words on the screen, ya know! ;)
Does this mean you were valedictorian???!!!

I just got back from my 4 miles. Again tonight, I had zero energy. I finished in 51:xx, so still not too shabby. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I think I am going to do the xt I skipped yesterday. :rolleyes1

We picked up a "racer's resource" booklet thingie on our way out of the gym tonight.
There's a race in there that Chad has to do - it's the 2nd Annual CHaD Half Marathon!!!
It's in August....
Oh Sunny....!
Garmin Help!

Anyone that found that cheap Garmin 205 would you mind telling me where??? I've checked every Target within my area and nada. I'd really love to get one and that is such an awesome deal :thumbsup2
Just wanted to let y'all know that I got an answer back from my boss...check out my new signature clippie!


:dance3: :woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo:

And of course, he had no problem with it whatsoever. I'm so glad I got up the nerve and asked (why do I put these things off?). Now I can spend the weekend beginning to plan the trip! :yay:

Can you tell I'm a little excited? :)
Hi WISH Team!

Craig and Martha, I am sorry you are going through the struggles with Lesley. It is tough being a parent some days. PD to all that this gets resolved quickly. My eldest DS had to sit me down one day some years ago and gave me the talk. "Mom, I'll make it. No matter what, I will be ok." He so grew up on me. You know I believe that same for Lesley. When we chatted I realized that she is a spectacular person just like her parents.

Mike, Oh those toys are nice. Happy belated birthday.

Kathy, I hope you didn't do damage to that shoulder. PD to you that it's ok.

I did manage to get an order in for a skirt. Not a zebra one. I figured I'd be just a poser if I got one. I'm not worthy! It was tempting, but I chose the pink one to try first.

Snow here is a bother for sure. I made it to work yesterday, but I really should not have ventured out. DS and DH snow blowed, shoveled, dug my tires, pushed and did all to get me to the road. Once I got on the road I realized I had no business being out, but I was afraid that if I tried to get back in the drive my menfolk would klobber me so I continued onward to work.

I did not do anything the last 2 days, but today DH and I made it to the gym. I put time on the elliptical and then some upper body weight machine work.
Gotta get to bed, morning is way too soon for me.
WOo hoo TXAng!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana: glad you listened to us! :rotfl: :rotfl:

TX ANG - THAT IS AWESOME WE WILL SEE YOU THERE!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU :cool1: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :banana: :banana:
Carrie - I'm glad to hear that you passed the civil PE. I passed the FE/EIT in October and was super-excited. Next stop - PE in 4 years!!
Meghan - I can honestly say that I would NEVER dig out of that much snow to go work out!!:confused3 That's motivation:banana: I have much respect for you!!
Lynnda - I will be praying for you and your family. I had 2 c-sections and the recoveries can be a little rough. So I will pray for speedy recovery so you can get back on your feet - quickly.pixiedust:
Christa - - Thanks for the encouragement. I can't wait till that is a regular pace, like yours. I hope we can finish the full next year in a time close to yours.:thumbsup2
Cruella de Mom - I have a 7 & 11 year old and I have NEVER heard of those things - but we do have a trampoline :rotfl2:
Jen - That's horrible, hope you are feeling better!:wizard:
Going to get some rest 5:30 comes early :eek:

Well I got a lot done yesterday so I have whittled it down to only 1 million things to do today before we leave. And what I'm most proud of is I still made it to the gym to use the stupid dreadmill!!!!! And right after I drop kids off a school I'm going straight to Curves. I'm in the zone.....the training zone.

Cruella-yep, everyone here has them. My kids havent gotten one yet, I'm thinking I may get them one for Easter. DS9 loves Club Penquin, have yours tried that site?

TxAng-WOOHOO! What a fun weekend of planning you have ahead of you :yay:

Sunny-I see those flipping shows where people by tiny gross shacks for 500,000 fix it up & sell it for tons more. Here $750,000 would get you a 6000 sq ft top of the line house in a great neighborhood! Our taxes are very cheap too.

Kristi-good job on the dodgeball track!

Gotta go get those things done!
Garmin Help!

Anyone that found that cheap Garmin 205 would you mind telling me where??? I've checked every Target within my area and nada. I'd really love to get one and that is such an awesome deal :thumbsup2

If I get to Target today, I'll check for you.
Morning team! Got to the gym last night and did xtraining and some weights. Today is a rest day--and good thing b/c I woke up with a pounding headache--gotta love those days!

txang--WooHoo!!!!:cool1: :cool1:

lilly--no way would I ever have pushed that hard to get out of the driveway! Good for you!

tiff--have fun this weekend!
Totally :offtopic:, but I had to share with people who are Disney freaks like myself.

I just won 4 tickets to Disney On Ice from a radio station! :dance3:
TXAng: Have a GREAT time in WDW!!!

Kristi: What fun!! Enjoy the show!

Lily: how does it feel after 2 days off? For me, I go downhill faster with just one day off than I thought possible! No sore muscles I hope!

DH is down with this bad cold that's going around. Ice is still thick on the streets in our neighborhood but I did make it to work without mis-hap. I think I'll do a little XT today in prep for a LR tomorrow. That has to be done on a TM as the roads are too icy to attempt an outdoor run. :sad2: I don't like the TM but will use it if I have to.

Have a great day everyone!!
Cruella-yep, everyone here has them. My kids havent gotten one yet, I'm thinking I may get them one for Easter. DS9 loves Club Penquin, have yours tried that site?

I noticed they just added a cute little rabbit to the collection - That and the duck are perfect for Easter.
And yes, my kids have discovered Club Penguin. Their problem is that their mother hogs the computer all day! About the only time they get to use the internet is when I am on a run or cooking dinner. I am not Cruella for nothing!

DH is actually thinking of running Chicago THIS year!!! Although, he thinks the Marine Corp is at a better time for him because of work. However its too close to Goofy for me, so I am pushing for Chicago. He is running his first 10 miler this weekend and that will be the test for the rest of the year. Cross your fingers!

If he runs, it nullifies my promise not to run any full marathons in 2007!

Woohoo! I am so stoked about the 15K I'm doing tomorrow. First of all, DH is doing it with me!:cool1: I just checked the race website and we get tons of goodies!!!!! A long sleeved tshirt (which will be a collectors item b/c they misspelled something;) ), a Columbia headwrap thingy, and lots of goodies in the race packet. And it's a small race--only expecting couple of hundred runners-and the awards go 5 deep in each age division b/c it's a state championship race. I'm going all out on this race to check how my body is doing pre-marathon. So we'll see, keep your fingers crossed that I can weasel in and get a prize--the awards are supposed to be something that any runner can use at one time or another (no other details being leaked!)

MelR--good luck with your 50K this weekend.:thumbsup2

Jim and Angie--good luck with the Gasparilla this weekend!:thumbsup2

Good luck to any others with races this weekend (didn't check the race calendar thread first:rolleyes1 ) and happy training to those not racing!:cheer2: :cheer2:
Good morning,

I did get 30 min walk on the track last night. I even got dh to walk with me before dinner/datenight!

Today is rest day for me, 3 miles on the TM tomorrow for my LW.

Stacey – Thank you sooooo much!!!!!

Kristi –
That is awesome!! Since we can’t go to WDW in March because of my new job my mom bought us tickets for a weekend out of town to see Disney on Ice (Princess Wishes) in March instead. Can’t wait I’ve never been to one before.

Cecillia –
Crossing fingers and tons of :wizard: sent!
We are going to Disney on Ice tomorrow. It's the Mickey and Minnie one. The girls are soooo excited.

Kristi - Enjoy! Which show is it for???

I am starting to feel better, but not up to running today. I hope to run on Sunday since tomorrow we are doing Disney on Ice. It's in Green Bay which is a 1 1/2 hours away. My legs were so weak yesterday, it was kind of scarey. I still have a headache and my tummy gets nauseaus when I think of food, but otherwise I am good to go. My pants feel looser!!!

I hope all the WISH sickies get better soon!!

Stephanie - GOOD LUCK on your race. Enjoy the goodies. You can't beat good freebies!!
We're having a blizzard here today, but it's beautiful fluffy powder...great for the skiiers. Too bad I have to work today because it would have been perfect for a snow shoe walk.:upsidedow


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