Wk of Dec 17--WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

OK here's my training post. I ran 3.56 miles in 37:43 min/10:36 mpm pace. Ran 3 loops around the crushed gravel trail on the perimeter of our local park. I felt great. I kind of did an "unintentional" tempo run. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 11:21 (included 5 min walk)
Mile 2: 8:53 :cool1:
Mile 3: 8:59 :cool1:
last 0.56: 8:29 (included 5 min walk)

I was bad and didn't stretch after my run because I wanted to get to Target to do some Santa work before heading home.

OK everyone, I'm bummed too that we won't have the boards this weekend. Everyone have the Merriest of Christmases. Enjoy celebrating the season with your family in whatever way you do. I'll be thinking of you all over the weekend that's for sure. Maybe I'll send some Christmas greetings out over my WISH ornament. [BTW: I saw W.I.S.H. letter stocking holders at Target last night too.]

One final thing - I've been having marathon dreams too. One dream I got lost on the course, and Lily helped me find my way. My most recent dream, my DW didn't show up to watch the race, and instead two of the senior researchers in my department showed up dour faced surprised that I was running.
chimera said:
Ahhh...the dark winds of taper madness blow strong this year :yoda:

We are getting so loopy. I LOVE IT!!! :rotfl:

:bday: Jodi, AmyBeth & Dave! :bday:

- I too would be more than willing help you out with that Godiva problem you are having...

Sunny & Terri - so glad you are both feeling better!

Cam - I just may have to IM you this weekend. I am going to be lost without the boards!

Hi Kim! :wave2:

I have an 8 miler scheduled for today. I am getting out there come heck or high water!

:santa: Merry Christmas! :santa:
chimera said:
I'm sure the board upgrade will all go smoothly, but if, for any reason, there's a problem, my email is chimera@medscape.com. If we don't have access to the boards, drop me an email and I'll put together a mailing list to use in the interim.

LOL I mentioned to DH last night when reading about the board being down and how one of the guys had mentioned how unstable we all were with being in the taper period and he asked why there wasn't a back up. Possibly he is worried that without access to the board (even though I don't post often) his weekend is about to become more difficult than he imagined ;) Mwaa-ha-ha-ha

Mel thanks for the offer, I'll be keeping it in mind. I was going with Epcot because I figured with sleeping in a bit that morning and traffic it might be at the end that we see the racers more. My other thought would be to go to MGM. In 2004 we caught the last of the racers thru AKL so I know we'll be too late for anything other than between MGM and the Epcot area. I was just looking at the full course again. It's going to be sooo exciting and I hope I get to see lots of the Full Wishers.

Merry Christmas in case I don't get back on before the boards go down.
2 WEEKS FROM TODAY I WILL BE ON THE PLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I got that out of my system, I feel better much better. :teeth: I didn't train last night, traffic was bad, it was pouring rain and I didn't feel like stopping at the Community Center, so I didn't. :teeth: I cross trained by eating cookies. It was a GREAT workout. :sunny:

Dave, Amy and Jodi--Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :cake: :bday: :cake:

Amy--How are you doing? Are you feeling better?

Judy--We're heading to MGM after the half too. We're eating dinner at Mama Melrose's and heading back to the resort early. I'll be on the look out for you and your bling.

Lily--I agree chocolate and pasta? Yuck!!! I'll just take the chocolate, hold the pasta.

Cam--Awesome 4 miles!!! That is fabulous that your foot is feeling better.

I'm sure I'll be on here later today, as I'm at work until 5:00, but just in case something comes up, everyone have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with your family.
Happy Birthday, Jodi & Amy & Dave! :bday:

Kristi -- I'd love to hear from you!

Wow, it is going to be a busy couple of days, and then I'll be into the week where I can "see" ahead to the Friday we are leaving -- right now, I can't see 1/5 because next week is in the way. I know, I'm weird.

So much exciting stuff around here. I did all the lasagna last night for my office (and the meatballs) and wrapped Howard's anniversary presents (tell me again how this is a "free sport" -- 1 pair of running tights, 1 pair of running pants, and a running shirt later!)
Tonight we'll go to an old country inn (built in 1780) for a romantic anniversary (22 years!) dinner.
Tomorrow morning, we take delivery on the Pilot -- we're taking the kids to the dealership with us and they are putting a big red bow on it. Then, friends are coming for the day.
Sunday should be relaxing until we head to north Jersey to celebrate with our very dear friends and their children. Home for carols & hymns before midnight Mass.
Christmas morning is all ours and should be very relaxed, then my brother and his family are coming for dinner at 4.
I am really looking forward to all the hustle and bustle, and then it is totally mental and physical drop-back to recover from the holidays and prepare for the marathon. I am already dreading coming back to work on Tuesday since 2 of my partners will be away, but 2 short weeks and then off to see a Mouse about a medal! :teeth:
Love you guys, Mean it!
Merry Christmas and Happy last day of Hannukah and Blessed, healthy days for all of us! :grouphug:
Morning WISH Team!

Happy Birthday Jodi & Amy & Dave!

Happy Anniversary Cam and Howard!

Gee Cam, sounds like it is a good/bad mix you've got going on. Good you will be so busy you can't stress about the upcoming event and the taper we are in. Bad for being so busy. Hope it is in control for you next week.

Krista, thanks for that. I read your shout and immediately got butterflies. It is happening! I am such a mess over the up/down ride just now. I know I am capable, but I don't know if I will hold up.

Whew! Dave, thanks for letting me be the good person in your dream!

I'm glad to hear the pains are lessening and the illnesses are getting better. I'm off to take my vitamins before I forget.

If anyone wants to exchange phone/cell #s send me a PM either for the event week or for the DIS downtime. I'm here.
48 hours :guilty:

Happy birthday Dave, Jodi and Amy!

Merry Christmas.

I'll miss you guys over the next few days but I'm excited about seeing everyone soon!
Happy Birthday to all of our Xmas birthday wishers :bday:

Jodi & Amy & Dave party:

Happy Anniversary Cam and Howard :love2:

WISHing all of you the very best over the Holdiay Season :grouphug:
Happy Anniversary Cam & Howard!!!!

Happy birthdays DAve, AmyBeth and Jodi!!!

mel - :rotfl2:

Diane - I see taper madness is getting to you too. :rotfl: My personal preference would be to have WISHers get closer to the International gate or right at the entrance to future world. (Spreding WISHers out, not removing them from teh BC area, that was another very key spot.) If WS is open, there would be great. I died there. Ther ewere no fans, as WS was not open yet and the CMs were not cheetring,a s they were busy getting ready to open.

If worst case with the boards happens, my e-mail is wtpclc@sbcglobal.net

I won't be around Sunday to Tuesday, though. I'll be doing the relative shuffle. Does that count as XT? 6 houses in 2.5 days, 4 cities. I know I'll get upper body on SUnday, as I'll be dpoing dishes fro at a least an hour. :rolleyes: Heaven frobid my ILs get one of those evil dishwashers when they have me.

Only thing I did at the gym last night is tan, but hey, wouldn't want to burn during the marathon. :blush: I'm going to do upper body again tonight at Curves adn 10 miles tomorrow, though. BTW, why did no one tell me XT was down to 30 minutes again???? I was dying that last 10 minutes on Wednesday.
Diane - MGM would be great too! Besides the volunteer with the WIngs jersey on, there was not much excitement there for me.
Hi everyone. :wave2:

Dave and Kevin, thank you for the notes.

Judy - Congratulations on MIST!!! I am really happy for you both!

Thank you for the Anniversary wishes...22 years. It seems like days. I am very lucky to have her. :lovestruc :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :lovestruc

I didn't run yesterday. I donated blood for my 6th time this year (I am O-) so I was out of commission to do physical exercises for 24 hours (or so they thought). I donated at 11:30 AM.

I went to the YMCA this morning (8 AM) and for the first time in about 5 months, ran on a treadmill. I really don't like to use them. The tops of my ankles were aching almost immediately. This is something I don't experience outside on pavement where I usually train.

Due to the initial pain; I ran the first mile in 10 minutes, walked the second mile, ran the third mile in 10 minutes, walked an additional half-mile and ran the last mile and a half. My total distance was 5.05 in just over an hour. Not what I had hoped, but it hasn't even been 24 hours since my blood donation. I am still not back to 100% energy and blood wise.

Once the first mile was over and I walked, the pain on the tops of my feet/ankles subsided.

I will continue to get as many miles in as possible over the next week or so. I need to get a LR in soon. With rain in the forecast over the next two days, it might be Monday or Tuesday when that happens.

I am looking forward to experiencing the Disney Weekend with everyone. The Goofy is looming on the horizon. It is time for me to run towards that horizon and sieze the day(s).

Enjoy the weekend, Happy Holidays to one and all!


gatorphipps said:
I remember telling Matt that I was further back in the corrals b/c I was a slow swimmer.

If that was true, I'd be even further back! I do nothing but sink! :rotfl2:
Good morning team! :sunny:

This morning I did 15 min @ 4.0 @ 2.5% and 15 min on the bike.

I was wondering where everyone else plans on being to cheer on the Full. Charlie and I will be by the Yacht & Beach Clubs. I intend to be fully obvious for all you guys doing the Full. Trust me when I tell you - You'll see me! And you'll hear me yelling your name! :banana:

Cam - It was such a treat to talk to you yesterday! Thank you so much for calling. :goodvibes Whoo hoo! WTG on the TM!! :woohoo: "See a Mouse about a medal" Ohh! I LOVE that! :teeth: Cam, you're like one of the busiest people I know! I can't even keep track! I don't know how you do it all. :faint:

Cam & Howard - :love: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! :cloud9:

Steve - What?? :eek: The boards will be down? Crikey!

Judy be strong! Resist the dark side! (yeah, like milk chocolate is better) but if that box starts saying in a deep voice "Judy, I am your father" I'd run like heck!
Diane - OMG! :lmao: I really LOL at that! :rotfl2:

Mel - That Chocosphere website is cruel and usual punishment. :teeth: And thanks for sharing it! :lmao: Thanks for your email. Excellent idea, just in case. Should anyone need me for anything I'm Honeibee@yahoo.com.

Oh oh! Amy! Dave! Jodi! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!! :bday:

Dave - Excellent run! :woohoo: But, well, very strange dream. Man, what did you eat before dinner??? :rotfl:

Kristi - Thanks, but, well, umm...I no longer HAVE a Godiva problem. :blush: :confused3

Krista - Yay! We'll look for you too in MGM. :smooth:

Ok everyone, I'm in my office but probably not for very long today. Then we have a busy busy weekend! So.........

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Successful Long Runs, and Restful Tapering To You All!
Hi all!!

Seeing as the boards will be down, I just wanted to wish everyone a very HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Everyone stay safe and healthy!!!

Kevin :earsboy:

Well, I crossed trained last night for aobut 35 minutes. It was better than all the fork lifting I have done earlier in the week. I have plans to try to get in a treadmill run on Saturday and Sunday. The Y is closed for the Holidays, so I am stuck at home on the treadmill. We have a snow storm coming tonight, so I really don't think I will be outside.

Mark - I know a guy whose wife ran the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon. She said it was a great race. In fact he told me that she signed up again for this year and he is doing the 1/2 while she does the full.

My plans for after the 1/2 are to take my girls to Magic Kingdom. Then we have dinner ressies at Ohanas (my favorite place to devour food).

Oh and I haven't had any strange dreams. I feel like I am missing out on it. Usually I have whopper of dreams, when I was PG they were very interesting.

Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone. I will miss you all when the boards are down!!!
:flower1: Happiest of anniversaries, Cam and Howard!!:flower1:

:bday: A very Happy Birthday, Dave, AmyBeth and Jodi!! :bday:

Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Kwanza
to all!! and to all, a good taper.​

Thank goodness everyone seems to be recovering!! So glad to hear from Terri and Sunny!! :cheer2: Let things continue to be on the upswing for EVERYONE!

So long, See you real soon! :donald: :mickeyjum :goofy:
Thanks Jen,

I'm really thinking about doing it even if my boss backs out. According to the website though, http://www.rnrmarathon.com/race_info.html there is no half marathon this year. I originally thought about trying just a half to start.

I put in another 5 miles this morning, very slowly, but I pushed thru. It was odd, I felt great when I got up but as soon as I started running it felt like I was still going from the 6.25 I did last night.

Have a great Christmas everyone!!!


Ran last LR today...was going to do 19 but then thought..why do that? :confused3
Ran 14.3 in the COLD POURING DOWN RAIN. Was so cold the whole time so I cut off the 5 extra miles. Took me about 2:09...ave 9MPM. Tried to take it slow and easy. No knee pain :cheer2: .

Happy Anniversary Cam & Howard!!!!
Happy birthdays Dave, AmyBeth and Jodi!!!

My address is goofy4running@aol.comJIC anyone wants to chat! :love:
Ok, I am bad. I am totally blowing off my 8 miler today.

I have way too much 'stuff' to do. We are doing my family's Christmas tomorrow at noon. I have nothing wrapped & still have not put together those darn hot chocolate ice cream cone thingies for everyone's stockings. I have packages to ship. Ugh!

Then, we have to leave there & go to my in-law's huge extended family party. Every year it's Christmas in a different country. Which means, the food will be gross & everyone will hit a McD's on the way home! :rotfl: This year it's Christmas in America in the 1800s or something. I guess they are running out of countries! Should be interesting anyway...

BUT, I only tell you all this to justify slacking off today. :blush: I am exhausted as usual, so I am going to nap now. I have been dragging so much lately, my doctor is even checking my thyroid again to see if it's off again.

Jen - I also am missing out on the crazy dreams. Maybe I should sleep more! :teeth: You'll be at the kids races Friday, right? 3 year old girls? I'll be the redhead with the 3 year old, redheaded crazy-boy. :wave2:


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