Wk of Dec 11--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator

Here we are in our new home! We'll be continuing on after the Full/Half as the WISH Walking/Running Club, so you'll continue to find us here on the new board :flower:

I discovered yesterday that my bad ankle is not fond of the 10 mile distance. Actually had to drag out my old ankle brace just to walk in the afternoon. I'm planning on lots of icing or maybe that cold water soak for next week's 12 miles :cold: Good news is, based on my 10 mile time yesterday, I should be well ahead of the sweepers by then. And the pacing calculator lists my finish time as 3:09! :banana:

With only 4 weeks left, are there anymore planning thingies we need to do? Does anyone want to exchange cell phone numbers so we can find each other before, during and after the races? Is there anything else we need to think about?
Sunny great pics. What fun you had there!

Lynne, Oh my what a driving experience. Glad it was worth it and that you made it safely.

We are going to dinner party in a couple hours then to see Broadway play "Love Janis." I did my LR today 8 miles in 116 min which is a 14.5 pace. Pacing calculator says the marathon at that speed will get me to the finish in 7 hr 18 min.... :earseek: oh so close. Still hopeful though.

Must go soak and get ready to go.
Great job Lily & Mel!

I did my 6 miles today. 14:06 pace!!!!
That bus can't have me!! Well, until after the race, then it can take me wherever it wants.
MelR, awe, glad to hear I was thought of in my absence. Yes, sometimes on my long runs I would really need a distraction so IMing would be cool.

We just got home from DH's marathon. It was really perfect running weather. I think it was around 40 at start and around 50-55 when he finished. We went with friends and had a great time. DH didn't sleep much the night before, tossing and turning, but he pulled it out in the end and qualified for Boston with a time of 3:28:31!! :banana: :banana: He is 44 years old (he needed under 3:20 time to run in 2006), but his time is good for 18 months and so when he turns 45 years old in 2007 he can use this marathon result (45-49 yo's need to qualify under 3:30:00).

Lots of washing to do!

I've grounded myself from the DIS--so I won't be posting. I've been "dry" for 3 days--and had to bust on in since I have Marathon duties to you gals.

I know with my most recent postings on the knee saga--I didn't want anyone to be worried about me....

I did 10.75 miles yesterday---run/walk the first 8--and for some reason decided to walk the last portion. My knee was getting aching--the skin was very hot to the touch since I wear compression. So I decided to walk while I had some distance left just to see how "fast" I could go.

My run was 12:46 (not a record--but first time on the road for quite a while!).

My walk was a wonderful (if I do say so myself) 16:10 pace. And that includes a little longer than normal stop for water (it was even in site when I started walking--I should have waited to start the garmin!) and stopping for a teammate who was cramping or something from stomach virus (yet--still insisted on trying for his 20---he was 11.5 in...we picked him up 2.5 miles later)--his knee swelling...and later locking....hmmm, I know what that is. But he's one of those type of men that won't see the inside of a doctors office unless it involves a collapse and an ambulance. Very sad!

Any who---so for the first time in my LIFE---I had a marathon regulation walking pace! Very exciting stuff for me. I guess in my guess that moderate meniscus tear really inhibited my abilities. I had no idea--I just thought I was stuck in granny mode on the walks.

Okay--back to resume my grounding.

I PM'd Mel (Chimera)--I will update the Trails Ends list the week before the marathon and print it out and bring it along. At some point--I may get in and PM reminders to all our reservation specialists and DDE card holders. At this moment, I anticipate on being at Trails End myself at 4pm. And somewhere along the line, I recall someone volunteering to bring labels and Pen's so we can ID who's who with Real Name and DIS Name.

I'm in charge of labels and pens, don't you worry.

Have been extremely label and pen like today cutting out little pictures of Segways to stick on the boyfriend's birthday card - he's got the Epcot tour as his present. It's a big birthday week for his - one of his best friends is 40 today, his birthday is Friday (not sure how well that's going to work with a 22 mile the morning after) and in 7 hours and 38 minutes, I'm 37 - not sure I'm taking it well, have been applying moisturiser in hourly intervals.

This weekends 14 miler went well - although I am confusing all running friends by training in miles. One of my friends said 'I'll run with you this weekend, what you doing' and I said 14 - it was only 90 minutes in when we didn't seem to be stopping that she twigged I meant 14 miles (ie 23km) not 14km. Anyway better go get ready for tonights 6 miler - Helen
Hi everyone-

DH and I ran the Florida Beaches HlafMarathon yesterday. It was no Disney but we got the miles in. I have to say I really struggled the last two miles which made me nervous about the upcoming full. Its weird though, we did 16 miles last weekend and felt fine. I guess every run is different.

Also, my headphones went kaput during mile 1--not good. Can anyone recommend headphones that actually stay in your ears and last??? I have the ipod and their earbuds don't stay in my ears. I've tried a few other headphones without much success. Suggestions??

I've got today off--yeah!! Can't believe only one month to go!
kaf - I know what you mean. This weeks 8 seemed just as hard as many of my L-LRs.

mel - Tarzan rocks? rotflmbo!

We did our 8. We are currently checkingo out warmer places to do our 20-miler, as I need to finish it to have my head in order for the marathon. It's looking like Indy, unless I can find a bargain flight w/hotel.

Have a great weeke everyone!
Just a quick pop in to say "hi" at the beginning of a very busy week.

Tiff -- Hope you had a great time at the circus!
Sunny -- You look awesome! :teeth:

I have to 'fess up (now that I know everything is okay ;) ). I hurt my foot pretty badly about 4 a.m. Saturday morning when I stubbed by last three toes on a very heavy box during the night in the dark (they actually pulled away from my big toe and there is still a big separation between my second toe & third :confused3 ). By 9 am, I was in a lot of pain and it was so swollen and discolored-- I took some aleve and went to the gym (so glad my shoes are so roomy). After 6 miles on the TM (14:17 pace), I could barely walk and ended up in the urgent care center for xrays Saturday night. Fortunately, I only bruised the bones and didn't break them. The doctor was a bit perturbed that I had waited all day and had TM'ed, but, with a huge smile on his face said he understood an athlete's commitment to training (I told him I only finally showed up there out of fear I'd damage the foot if I continued to walk on it and I only had 4 weeks to the 1/2). I really liked his attitude. He prescribed tylenol for arthritis for the pain alternating with ibuprofen and said to elevate and ice it. He also said to take it easy for a few days. So, I was good yesterday and will be off it at my desk most of today, then will do 60 minutes on TM tonight and see how that goes. I was really concerned because I'd broken this foot 5x over about 26 months when I was a teenager, multiple fractures every time, in that same spot (base of the toes). Soooo glad this is only very painful and not broken. :banana:

Have a great day everyone!

kaf -- I had the same problems with the earbuds. No one in my family can use them. We use the SONY ones that hook over your ears. They are about $10 and the sound is great.
Colleeen-- congrats to hubby! :cheer2: I have a pipe dream of running Boston 2007, too. I'm still banking on the theory that once I get the excess fat off I'll be fast enough! I think Lynn is contemplating 2007, too.

Kaf-- I have tried every type of ear bud including the hooks over the ears one and NONE work for me. I use the over-the-ear headphones with the behind the neck band. It makes me mad that so many people can use the buds with ear hooks and I can't :confused3

Cam-- So sorry to hear about your foot mishap. Sending :wizard: for a speed recovery.

Lisa-- Why are your grounded?

Carrie-- I wish I could fly to a warm place to do my last really long LR. Good luck!

Time to get working :(

Sunny - More than likely, we'll be driving to Indy. It's nice to dream, though.

Cam - I'd give yourself AT LEAST one more day off! It will only help you! The last thing you want to do is keep it from healing. More important to have a good LR this weekend than to have a Monday workout. :wizard:

Forgot to tell you: I think I will have 2 of my cousins at the marathon! This is amazing, because they are more than 8 years loder than mye and we were never that close growing up. On lives in the W. Palm Beach area and one lives in MI, but can fly and stay free. It's still and efort for both of them and it's pretty cool. :goodvibes The problem is, I won't have my info packet until Saturday and that's what ahs the instructions to watcher. :rolleyes:
We are getting so close!!!! I'm really looking forward to training this week, I really think not running from Saturday-Thursday last week helped me out, if I wasn't in the mood this week, I would be in BIG trouble. :) I did 6 miles on the treadmill Saturday morning, it was a nice run, I really like the constant speed on treadmill, because then I can't slow down. There were a couple times I wanted to slow my running pace down, but by the time I finished that run cycle and walked for 2 minutes, I talked myself out of the slower pace. I don't know my exact time, when I was at 3.88 miles, I hit a button and it stopped the treadmill and reset the time and mileage. ARGH!!!! I started the treadmill back up and did 2.20 miles, but I don't know my exact time. It was kind of heartbreaking because I had been watching the minutes and the mileage go up and all of the sudden I was back at 0:00 again. Oh, well, I get another crack at the treadmill tonight, since I have 50 minutes (my first 4r/1w!! :Pinkbounc ) and the high today is 29 degrees. :cold:

Cam--Ouch!!!! Sorry about your foot!! I hope you are feeling better. Don't push yourself if starts hurting tonight. Can you tape it up or anything?

Sunny--Great pictures!! And look at all that snow!!! Wow!! You probably laughed at me when I was talking about getting 6 inches of snow and how it basically shut Cincinnati down.

Carrie--I hope you can find someplace warm for this weekend. Check the weather before you book Indy though, they were saying on the news last night that Cincinnati might get another snow storm later in the week and we're pretty close to Indy. Of course snow to you and snow to me are 2 totally different things! Good luck!!

Colleen--Yay for your hubby!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: Tell him we're all proud of him. Is he running Disney?

Terri--You have 20 nieces and nephews??? How many siblings do you have??? I have 4 sisters (my poor Dad had to live with 6 women :teeth: ), 7 of the 8 nieces and nephews are "mine" and the 8th is Stephen's sister's little boy.

Mel--I bet you're happy today with the Bucs (although I know how sad Susan must be), Stephen and I are crossing our fingers for a wildcard spot, but do you know when wildcard weekend is??? Grrr. Good luck with 12 this weekend. :wizard:

I better get to work, I'm excited because this is my last full week of work until January 16. Good luck training today!!!!

Krista princess:
I hope everyone had succesful long runs this weekend. It was a short training weekend for me with 8 miles on Saturday and 12 on Sunday.

My treadmill was injured in the line of duty, so I have the serviceman coming out on Wednesday. I admit to being in a state of panic without it :rotfl2:

This weekend will be my last 20 mile run on Sunday, with 10 miles on Saturday. I'm just hoping I don't succumb to the cold that is trying to invade my body before that time.

It is unbelievable how close the race is now. With the holidays nearly upon us, it'll be here before you know it.

Best of luck to you all on the remaining training before the taper.
Krista - I only have 2 sisters. My oldest sis has 3 kids (and her oldest has 2).
My other sis has 12 kids (she always wanted a dozen) and her oldest has 3.

Makes for a fun (although expensive) Christmas.

Cam - I'd give that foot another day of rest. Better safe than sorry. Sending :wizard: your way.

Colleen - congrats to hubby for a great marathon. :cool1:

Well, I'm off to therapy for the darn quad. Think I aggravated it last week on the TM. Hoping the ultrasound and electric stim work today.

I did 10 miles on Thursday...walking one and running one (my lifetime high). But I've been having fairly significant knee pain ever since and I'm mildly panicking about not being ready for the half if I need to cut back on training in the coming weeks. I need advice!

I have a distant history of knee problems in my early 20's that was so bad I even walked with a cane for a while until I got PT and chiropractic help back then. I assumed then that I would/could never be a runner. When I started training for the half marathon this year (at the age of 35), it was the first time I had run in 15 years...I researched and bought motion-control shoes (Brooks' Ariel)...I slowly built up (very slowly, I was only at 1-3 miles for months until recently, my longest distances have been 6, 8 and 10 miles, mostly walking--and those distances have occurred only once each in the past 3 weeks). I thought I had conquered my knee problems--until last Thursday when I pushed my distance higher.

I've been resting ever since and haven't exercised since Thursday. From reading a little, I think :confused: it is a combination of illiotibial band and patello-femoral type problems...I know that I'm supposed to stretch by putting one leg over the other to the side, but I can barely feel any stretch from that (I do it anyway). I'm not savvy on the ice vs heat issue...is ice helpful at all at later stages or just right after a run? Should I use ace bandages...or open-patella compression devices...should I walk-only for a while...should I keep jogging/walking...should I rest-only until the pain subsides completely? I'm feeling time pressure because I was planning on doing my "real" distance training this week and next but I don't want to make my knees worse before the half!! Any suggestions?? :scared:
OK, so last week I was hating everything. I was one big whine. I hated the weather, I hated my route (too many hills), I hated "having" to go out and run, I hated the cross training, I hated my runny nose, I hated my clothes, I hated my shoes, I hated my blisters, I hated pretty much eveything to do with this race. On Sat. I had to drag myself out to the road to do my eight miles.

BUT... somewhere along that road, my attitude improved. I had a good run and must've gotten enough endorphins to quit hating everything. I guess it had to happen sooner or later... I'm a little surprised it took this long to get to the point where I just balked and started hating life. But today I'm back on track and actually looking forward to this weekend's LR's of 10 and 20. After all it is basically the last step on a very long, strange journey that we've all been on this past year.

So I'm excited but also a little sad. I'm happy to have made it this far and be completing the training and I'm so excited about the races, but I'm also a little sad that it's almost all over. I'm an emotional whack job.

BTW does anyone else feel like the long distnaces might be giving them more vivid dreams? Lately I've been having really vivid and stange dreams (not necessarily marathon related, just generally weird) and the only thing that's changed is that the mileage has ramped up. It's like being on some strange drug trip. I wake up going "What the... was THAT all about?" It's probably just me.

Happy training all.
Good afternoon everyone!!

Colleen- Wow!! WTG to your husband. Congrats! :banana: :banana: He must be very excited indeed.

Carrie- LOL... you weren't kidding about going somewhere warmer!! I don't know how much warmer it'll be in Indy, but it HAS to be warmer than here.

The Alabama trip was amazing. So glad I had to opportunity to go (even if it was definately a working trip)-- and I even got snow free runs in!!! It was fairly cold, but not nearly as cold as it was here. Our entire group just groaned on the plane yesterday when we came through the clouds and saw the snow. Sigh.

I'm keeping to my plan of just doing the best I can in the time I have available to me. I'm going to do indoor track runs Mon-Wed, then hit the dreaded treadmill Thurs-Mon when I'm in Toronto. My 20 miler will be Tuesday 12/20. Trying to stay confident about being able to finish, even though I should be doing more than I am to prepare.

Back to work--
Happy training all!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
mazzypig said:
I did 10 miles on Thursday...walking one and running one (my lifetime high). But I've been having fairly significant knee pain ever since and I'm mildly panicking about not being ready for the half if I need to cut back on training in the coming weeks. I need advice!

I've been resting ever since and haven't exercised since Thursday. From reading a little, I think :confused: it is a combination of illiotibial band and patello-femoral type problems...I know that I'm supposed to stretch by putting one leg over the other to the side, but I can barely feel any stretch from that (I do it anyway). I'm not savvy on the ice vs heat issue...is ice helpful at all at later stages or just right after a run? Should I use ace bandages...or open-patella compression devices...should I walk-only for a while...should I keep jogging/walking...should I rest-only until the pain subsides completely? I'm feeling time pressure because I was planning on doing my "real" distance training this week and next but I don't want to make my knees worse before the half!! Any suggestions?? :scared:

How old are your shoes? When my shoes get the least little bit worn I have both foot and knee pain. As for treatment, rest and ice plus an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen do the trick for me. If your pain persists I would see a doctor. That way you will get a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. You could do more harm than good if you try to self-diagnose. I was lucky and very basic changes got rid of my knee pain. Good luck!

I did 8.3 on the TM today. The first 7 at 6.3mph/0.5 incline and the last mile at 7.2 mph (8:20) with .3 cool down. It was nearly effortless. I'm loving it :love:

Disneefun-- I have so been there! TG you had a good run to clear the "hate" away :cheer2:
Good job on the long runs this weekend everyone. Take care of those aches and pains(including Sara's injured in the line of duty dreadmill ;) )
Congrats to your husband Colleen. Sunny's right, I don't think I'll make my Boston time at Disney so I'll probably try for 2007 with a fall marathon. I have to run a 3:40.59 or faster. The age group-related time won't change for me until 2009.

Helen wrote, "This weekends 14 miler went well - although I am confusing all running friends by training in miles. One of my friends said 'I'll run with you this weekend, what you doing' and I said 14 - it was only 90 minutes in when we didn't seem to be stopping that she twigged I meant 14 miles (ie 23km) not 14km."- rotfl over this.
I've raced up in Canada enough that I'm used to translating the distances back and forth. If you think 42 k for a marathon sounds long, the 180 k for an ironman bike sounds even worse. In metric, an ironman is 4 k swim, 180 k bike, and 42 k run and you'all thought 2.4 miles, 112 miles, 26.2 miles sounded bad. On the bright side, km splits make it seem like you're flying compared to mile splits.

Cam, glad to hear you didn't break your toes/foot. I have another song for your inspirational collection. It's titled Welcome to Wherever You Are and it's off Bon Jovi's newest album, Have a Nice Day.

Maybe we’re all different but we’re all still the same
We all got the blood of Eden running through our veins
I know sometimes it’s hard for you to see
You’re caught between just who you are and who you want to be
If you feel alone and lost and need a friend
Remember every new beginning is some beginning’s end
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life; you made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
That right here, right now
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be
Welcome to wherever you are

When everybody’s in and you’re left out
And you feel you’re drowning in the shadow of doubt
Everyone’s a miracle in their own way
Just listen to yourself, not what other people say
When it seems you’re lost, alone, and feelin’ down
Remember, everybody’s different; just take a look around
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life; you made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
Right here, right now
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be

Be who you want to be
Be who you are
Everyone’s a hero
Everyone’s a star
When you want to give up and your heart’s about to break
Remember that you’re perfect; God makes no mistakes
Welcome to wherever you are
This is your life; you made it this far
Welcome, you got to believe
Right here, right now
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be
I say welcome…
I say welcome…

Probably ought to study some more for tomorrow's exam, so long for now.


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