Wk of Dec 11--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

TiffJ said:
That 5 miles the week before the race is going to be tough. I know I'm going to feel like doing more. Wait-who said that? Was that me talking? Must be those *#! aliens again :rotfl:

That is so funny! :rotfl2: Can you believe I am actually looking forward to doing 10 on Friday? :earseek: Where the heck did that come from? :confused3
Have I ever mentioned how much I love roller coasters? Fast ones, tall ones, ones with loops, ones with a really neat theme- oh wait, that's the new Expedition Everest that the DVC preview weekend is Jan 26-29. I actually looked up the cost of airfare on Southwest after I read the dates in the Vacation Magic email.

X-trained by watching the pilot for Surface that I downloaded in iTunes. Up until Sunday night I had been really good and only spent the money that I had put into it in iTunes cards but I really wanted the Bon Jovi cd so I finally put credit card info in. Bad Lynne :badpc: I didn't really want to watch anything I owned tonight while riding nor was I all that motivated to ride so I bargained with myself that I would download the episode and watch it while riding.

Motivational music- the new Bon Jovi isn't my favorite it just seemed kind of appropriate for this group. Another one is Melissa Etheridge, I Run for Life that was written for the Komen Race for the Cure series.

It's been years since they told her about it
The darkness her body possessed
And the scars are still there in the mirror
Everyday that she gets herself dressed
Though the pain is miles and miles behind her
And the fear is now a docile beast
If you ask her why she is still running
She'll tell you it makes her complete


I run for hope
I run to feel
I run for the truth
For all that is real
I run for your mother your sister your wife
I run for you and me my friend I run for life

It's a blur since they told me about it
How the darkness had taken its toll
And they cut into my skin and they cut into my body
But they will never get a piece of my soul
And now I'm still learning the lesson
To waken when I hear the call
And if you ask me why I am still running
I'll tell you I run for us all


And someday if they tell you about it
If the darkness knocks on your door
Remember her remember me
We will be running as we have before
Running for answers
Running for more

However, my absolute all time favorite motivational music is Van Halen's Right Now. Check it out in iTunes. USA Swimming, back when it was still USS, made a video to this at the 1986(I think) Olympic Trials, and the summer I worked at Stanford Swim Camps we showed it to the kids to really hype them up. Our secret though was that it did the same thing for the coach/counselors(we were both). It's one of the few videos that could choke me up.

Thanks for the PD for the exams. Today's went well- the ones from that department can be variable in quality and this seemed okay. We have 7 hours of lecture tomorrow, 5 of it on AIDS, 1 on lymphomas(for the 3rd time) and an hour on the immunocomprised patient. Then we have Thurs off to study(pack for break and WDW, let's prioritize now) and the Hematology system exam is Friday at 10. It seems that this semester has flown by since we came back August 3rd. Training for the marathon and trips to WDW and DC on October probably helped. Next semester will be: cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, reproductive, endocrine, and then 3 days of emergency medicine, 2 of ACLS, and capstone. Pharmacology is a longitudinal course embedded in each system plus Experiences in Doctoring and Osteopathic Principles and Practice II run all year. Then it will be Boards. :scared1: That will require mega PD because I'm headed for a competitive specialty. Believe it or not, I actually do something other than surf the net and train. Mom doesn't think so at times but I got invited into the Geek club so I must be doing something right. Oh well, time to cook some din din, study a little more, and watch the finale of Amazing Race.
xterratri said:
...I got invited into the Geek club so I must be doing something right...
You are one amazing young woman, Doc! This just tickled me for some reason.

I took tonight off.

Seems like the Group Hug is catching on here. Don't forget our cheer!

Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We're the WISH group delegation.
When we move with determination,
We create a GREAT! sensation.

Hi, guys! Well, as we come into the home stretch, I can't seem to get by an evening without checking in on all of you.

Lynne - You are one amazing young woman. Take it easy and be well.

Lily -- Glad you took the night off.

Did an hour on the bike, to rest my foot after a day in heels and running around my office like a maniac with too many deadlines.

Have a great night, everyone! :grouphug:
I couldn't decide if i needed to try the back to back lr's in reverse order after i hastily did my last 20 mile lr or not! I ended up putting on my running clothes this evening and set out for an 8 miler (around the block about 20 times) I ran two miles - having no trouble maintaining an 11:00 min/mile and then i thought about how long it was going to take me and how much i had to do and how phil told the boy we would go look at Christmas lights tonight, so I came inside and ditched the run! I'm just going to start my taper and call it done! I hope that was enough, but I'm sure not doing any more lr's to see! I did the two lr's a few weeks ago and it was fine!

I'm thinking that my body will do better with the rest than the tearing down!

Colleen - i can see how taper time would mess w/ your mind! I don't think i'd be too worried if i was like christa and bree and did a 12/24 but i think i'm going to obsess as to whether the 10/20 was enough! OH WELL. I guess i'll find out. I need to go back and read my underachievers philosophy from earlier to remember that i just want to finish :sunny:
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Awesome songs, awesome statements. MelR - It must be the scrapbooking. ;) You're 100% right. I am in awe of everyone here who has changed their life and is on their way to accomplishing what they once thought was impossible.

Lately, I have been telling more people abbout the marathon Yes, it seems to be ruling my life. My boss, who is in his late 30s and use dto run asked me how long I though the marathon would take. I told him 5 to 5.5 hours. His jaw just dropped. "That's a long time." Duh....

Another story, my dh and I were talking as we started our 18-miler that was not to be. He told me that his friend at work thinks I'm amazing. OK, why? They were talking and she asked how far he was running now. He told her we had just done 16 miles. "16 Miles! CArrie too? That's amazing. Tell her she's amazing." Now, I've never met this woman, but she thinks I'm amazing. OK.

The best part was Monday after that 18 that wasn't. He came home and said,"Trang wanted me to tell you that she still thinks you're amazing." How nice was that?

OK, on to more important things. Last night was the worst night on earth for dh and I to add an extra chore. DH gladly took on teh post office trip, though. He is a saint. My end was just finidng the nearest post office to wher he was gettign his hair cut. That was even hard to fit in yesterday! Well, his stylist was behind, which never happens. She had had a very eventful day, so she talked long and he was a little late getting out. He stillw ent out of his way to get there, but did not make it until 5:05. It closed at 5.

I have a post office that I can see out my window today, though. I know it's open much past 5 too. So, they will all be mailed today. It's been a rough week, so I should mention that the shirts look AWESOME! My nightmare that Sunny, teh shirt place and me all missed a typo did not come true. Dh said he was impressed by the job teh printer did. He does not impress easily. They do look great!

The othe rthing I wanted to mention was that I intened to hav enoce little personal notes in there to everyone. Well, it was get them in the envelopes to get them mailed or delay until tomorrow to mail with little notes. I took the quicker route.

So, here's my message to you all:

Thank you for getting me though this year of ups and downs. Thank you for picking my up after a stonker and sharing in my joy fo rthe big runs. We've all come so far adn I am so proud to be a part of this team. Each and every one of you is a big dog to me!!!!! (Blame MelR for starting this stuf. ;) )
MelRhoads said:
I need to go back and read my underachievers philosophy from earlier to remember that i just want to finish :sunny:
That is currently my goal! Please, somehow.

Carrie, THANK YOU! (DH too) for taking on the massive project. I am sorry that it got a bit overwhelming this week. :hug:
…asked me how long I thought the marathon would take. I told him 5 to 5.5 hours. His jaw just dropped. "That's a long time."
OMG! I can’t believe it! I am planning on the entire 7 hours! :earseek:

Right now I am feeling overwhelmed. I am terrified of doing my LR this weekend (first 20-miler). I cannot wait to have the weekend behind me. I am afraid because I began to slow with my last LR (18-miler) and I fear my pace will even be slower and I will have the realization that I won’t be able to make the time. I will have a full load of determination, just wish it were over and that I will KNOW and FEEL I can do it.

Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We're the WISH group delegation.
When we move with determination,
We create a GREAT! sensation.

At least you completed your 18 Lily. I am planning on going very slow to start the 20. Getting the steps in is teh major key mentally and physically.

You will get there! You must believe it to achieve it!

Side note: Not harping on teh bad 18-miler. I think I needed that to get my non LR training in gear again. Mentally, I think it helped me turn a corner.

I'm sure the adernaline rush and run-deprivation will pick me up (pace wise) at WDW. Dh adn I are trying to fgure out a max pace for the marathon. I'm thinking we stick to that pace until after we hit 20. If we feel great tehn (lol), we'll pick it up.

Wasn't trying for synmpathy when posting about the shirts. I just feel bad that they did not get mailed yesterday as promised. Dh helped. It really has not been that big of a deal.
Carrie - thanks so much for tackling the shirts project - much appreciated!! Especially with the time of year and the intense training right now.

Lily - Loads of :wizard: for your LR this weekend. It truly is mind over matter. I get scared too sometimes by the number. Let the mind lead and the body will follow. Fear is the only thing that limits us. Dare to dream!!

You guys are killing me getting all sappy :grouphug: Even though I am a latecomer to this wonderful group, I want to thank you all so much for your inspiration. That's why I get emotional about the marathon - It's just a bunch of ordinary people deciding to do an extraordinary thing together.

My treadmill was fixed this morning so I am looking forward to getting on it this evening.

Terri - Have you ever ran the Philadelphia Marathon? I am looking to expand my marathon horizons for 2006 and this is one I am most interested in. Any info or experience you have would be greatly appreciated.
Carrie - thanks for your (and DH's) work with the shirts. I can't wait to see them!

Sara- I've never run the Philly marathon. WDW will be my 1st. However, I've worked the marathon for the past 6 years. It takes you through all parts of Philly, along the Kelly and MLK Drives (which is my 8.4 mile training loop), and through parts of Fairmount Park. There were about 11,000 this year.

They also have a relay category, if anyone is interested. The legs are 10 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles and 6.2 miles. There were 150 relay teams this year.
If I can find one of the brochures, I'll send it to you.

Thanks Terri - I'd really appreciate that :sunny: I am 99.9% positive at this time that I'll be running it. It's between that and the Marine Corp Marathon in October.

I've lived in the Northeast all of my life and have never been to Philly. I think it's high time I went. :banana:
Hey all!

Lots of PD flying around here. I'm amazed @ your dedication, what with your demanding jobs & school work, you still get time to train. I've been sneaking out of work early quite a bit lately, to get my runs in b4 DS gets home from school.

A word of caution - a 44 y/o jogger went missing here in CT on Mon. evening. Her husband said she left around 4:30, as usual, & when she wasn't home in 3 hours he went out on her usual route to look for her. I'm sure you know where this is headed...well, they found here body in an old shed or barn on a remote part of some guys property in a tiny town here in CT. :guilty:

Maybe w/ the onset of darkness so early, we should all carry some pepper spray or somthing. I did carry this, back when I was running early a.m.s, but since the weather & time change I run in the afternoon. I never thought I had to worry about that time of day, until now. Stay alert out there.

It's getting down to the wire,huh? I'm so nervous about my 10 LR this Sat., I hope it "feels" good. Every time I run well on a LR I always thin it's a fluke & the "real" Jodi's body will kick in soon & I'll be doggin' it. But so far, that hasn't happened.

I hate to admit because you all are so upbeat, but I'm getting tired of staying on this training schedule. It's getting harder to get excited about the 2 runs during the week, the CT I don't mind. Am I the only party pooper here? I keep thinking about the Polynesian & just getting there (1st time). It won't be long now. I need to run this 1/2 marathon soon b4 I start thinking I can't do it.

Yay, more snow & freezing rain tomorrow!!!

I'm starting to think of composing my race playlist now, too. Definitely need to strategically place the major motivators! I'm loving all the lyrics that have been posted lately.

MelR-- I'm sure your early taper will be fine. You've been training hard for so long I bet your body needs the extra rest.

Carrie-- Thanks for the shirt update and all th work!

Lilly-- I am terrified of my LR this week, too. Not because of the distance but because it will be on the TM. I am thinking about it constantly. Will I be able to force myself to stay on it? Doing an out and back run is so much easier to force because you only have to force the first half, the second half is mandatory!!!!! But the TM can be stepped off of at any point :rolleyes:

Well I am making the most of my final push week. I have racked up 25.5 miles in the past three days plus two solid hours of intense "jello-izing" weight sessions! I did 8.3 miles on Monday, 8.2 miles yesterday and just back now from a 9 miler. All on the TM :crazy: I have to say, though, I am now conditioned to think on hour on the TM is no big deal. I did the first two runs at 6.2mph/0.5 incline with small burst at 7.0mph, today I did at 6.5mph/0.5 incline with one mile at 7.2 mph. I'm icing the knee as I speak :rolleyes:

I'm doing the mLRs just incase I wimp out of my 22 miler!

jodi - Until my stonker of an 18-miler, I hated my weekday runs. yes the schedule is tough to maintain, but we're getting sooooo close! Hang in there!!!

ANyone from teh Atlanta area??? I may e gettign away there this weekend. Need to find a 20-miler course.
I have to join in the motivational song thing. Here's my current fav. It's called "All or Nothing" by Athena Cage and it's from the "Save the Last Dance" movie soundtrack.

All or Nothing

Heres the chance of life
Get ready, set, fly
Above the fear of your mind
Go for it its hit or miss
Too late for you to quit
You gotta show them how bad you really want this

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

You are what you believe
You've got to bring the heat
Set the pace
Competition: take the lead
This is it all eyes on you
So stay on point and prove
That you deserve what's long overdue

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

My heart is still recovering
From Heartbreak of another kind
I'm still drying my tears
Getting over my own fears
In my life
I wanna make sure this time
That I'm strong enough
To give it my all

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
You got to work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself

It's all or nothing
Give your everything
Live your dreams

Live your dreams
It's not as hard as it may seem
(no, no)
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
(I say it's all or nothing)
Give your everything

Live your dreams
(You gotta live your dreams)
It's not as hard as it may seem
You gotta work to get the c.r.e.a.m
On your hopes you must lean
From your fears
You have to win yourself
It's all or nothing
Give your everything

You know you've got to live your dreams
So don't you be afraid
take the lead
It's your time to shine
Please believe

'Course I'm also in love with "Playing with the Boys" by Kenny Loggins from the Top Gun movie soundtrack. Partly because of the inspiring lyrics, partly because it makes me remember a certain time in my life when I was really happy, and partly because it makes me remember the scene from the movie when all the guys were out playing beach volleyball and getting all sweaty. Whew! It doesn't make a bad way to pass a long run, thinking about that!
Jodi - think of it as only having one long run left, then the taper. I can't wait to get out there this weekend as as soon as I finish that 22 miles, that's it. I'm done, I can train no more....I'm even going to have a little taper party with myself (not quite sure what a taper party involves but....). Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
Jodi - think of it as only having one long run left, then the taper. I can't wait to get out there this weekend as as soon as I finish that 22 miles, that's it. I'm done, I can train no more....I'm even going to have a little taper party with myself (not quite sure what a taper party involves but....). Helen

Me, too! I have to admit my "Taper Party of One" involves snacks :blush:

Jodi-- I heard about the jogger this morning on the news. How horrible. The scary thing is knowing if a sicko is out there, it won't take him long to learn a jogger's paths and habbits. After the race I am taking up Jujitsu. My son is at a phenomenal studio. Its pricey, but I'd like to think I knew what to do if I was jumped. Aside from that depressing news, 'Be of good cheer" the hard push is almost over. You've accomplished 90% of the process by this point. The rest is the fun stuff :cheer2:

MelRhoads said:
I couldn't decide if i needed to try the back to back lr's in reverse order after i hastily did my last 20 mile lr or not! I ended up putting on my running clothes this evening and set out for an 8 miler (around the block about 20 times) I ran two miles - having no trouble maintaining an 11:00 min/mile and then i thought about how long it was going to take me and how much i had to do and how phil told the boy we would go look at Christmas lights tonight, so I came inside and ditched the run! I'm just going to start my taper and call it done! I hope that was enough, but I'm sure not doing any more lr's to see! I did the two lr's a few weeks ago and it was fine!

I'm thinking that my body will do better with the rest than the tearing down!

Colleen - i can see how taper time would mess w/ your mind! I don't think i'd be too worried if i was like christa and bree and did a 12/24 but i think i'm going to obsess as to whether the 10/20 was enough! OH WELL. I guess i'll find out. I need to go back and read my underachievers philosophy from earlier to remember that i just want to finish :sunny:

Melissa - You have done enough. It is best to taper at this point. I know you will do great...WTG for putting family first...hard to do sometimes.

Xterratri - You are so cool! I want you to be my doctor! :teeth:

Right now I am feeling overwhelmed. I am terrified of doing my LR this weekend (first 20-miler). I cannot wait to have the weekend behind me. I am afraid because I began to slow with my last LR (18-miler) and I fear my pace will even be slower and I will have the realization that I won’t be able to make the time. I will have a full load of determination, just wish it were over and that I will KNOW and FEEL I can do it.
Just start slow then taper your speed. The LR is not supposed to be fast. Take race pace then add a minute to the MPM. that should be your pace. Also, everyone has to have at least 1 hard run. Mine is normally 22, but I skipped that one this year and did the marathon.

OK...SLR is going to be Friday and LLr is Saturday. We are going to get rain/ice/snow....something so trying to wiat on the LRs. It is :cold: here. Well for us in the south.

Sunny - :wizard: to running on the TM! :scared:

OMG!!! You will nmot believe what I just did. Booked to flights to Atlanta Friday night so we can have a snow and ice free 20 miler. We are not spontaneuos poeple. It's either marathon fever or teh aliens!


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