Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

Hello Beautiful people!

It has been too long since I have updated you all. Unfortunately, I do not have a lot to say! I have started to pay rent for the wonderful people I live with, and been working my butt off! I am in a pretty interesting routine. I wake up around 12pm-2pm, go straight to work, and usually get home by 2 or 3 in the morning! I watch some Nextflix, sleep, and repeat! I haven't been on as many adventures, as I am either working or catching up on sleep! I am also trying to save up some money to see if I will be able to visit home for my 22nd Birthday in September! I want to visit home in the fall - It's my favorite season in New England!

I am doing great here in Orlando. I still am in love! Sometimes I get lonely on my days off, I still don't have any friends down here. My coworkers are all awesome people, I just haven't met anyone I want to hang out with yet. I know that it is my own fault, since I haven't been going out to places or doing things to meet people, I am just so lazy on my days off - or poor! haha. I'll figure it out soon. Once its not 10000 degrees outside I think I will be going out more.

So many of you have come up to me at MK and said ," KHALEE FROM THE DIS!?" I LOVE it! It is so exciting to meet all of you and its surreal to be in MK talking with you - I can't believe I really made it. I have to say that although I don't feel like the world is going to explode on me anymore, thinking back to the whole car situation still makes me feel sick to my stomach. I'm so happy to be over that horrifying experience. If any of you are looking for me in MK, I usually work somewhere between 3pm-2am, and I try to get the shifts on Main Street. :)

Well, I know that wasn't much of an exciting update. However, I did have one big piece of news for me I wanted to share with you all.... drumroll please..... I GOT HIRED FOR A PERMANENT POSITION AT MAGIC KINGDOM PHOTO PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am no longer just seasonal! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I did all this work to get here and now I officially get to stay! I have a part time position which means I am guaranteed to work 3 days a week, which is so perfect because I may be able to pick up a job back in the hairdressing field as well. So, for now, I am staying in Orlando and with Disney and just seeing where life takes me!!!! Thank all of you for your support!!! I've been here 2 months and I'm already working my way up! WAHOOOOO!!!
Congratulations on the permanent position !!! I have been reading this from the start. and I have to say for a 21 year old you are AWESOME! I'm not even your mom and I'm proud of you! you go girl! will you be working on sep 15th at the Halloween party? If you are I will have to stop by and say hi. and have you take a pic of my 2 Granddaughters we are taking with us =) keep up the good work God bless you!
Just jumping on to say that as a mom of a 21 yr old, I would be nervous for her but I would let her go off for her adventure and pick her up if it didn’t work out our be her biggest cheerleader when it did.. I try to take to heart that we have babies to let them grow up and have adventure and be productive parts of society.. My youngest just graduated HS both still live and go to school close to home but if they want to use their wings I will be right there to lift them up to catch the wind beneath them.. I thing you are very brave to follow your dream.. Like another poster I was married by 22 babies when I was 23 and 26 then divorced at 28 and a single mom till I was 38, I feel like I didn’t get to have any adventures as I was teethered my first SO from age 16 (my fault) so I really encourage my 2 kids to GO, DO, have FUN, be with Friends.. I admire you.. thanks for sharing this with us.. I am very glad you now are part of the Disney Family and your faux family sound like angels! Take care and update when you have time.. hopefully you’ll still be around when I am able to afford my next trip (from Maine) in late 2016 because I will seek you out to take some fantastic pictures!!!
I'm late to the party but am following!
You are only young once so live your dream with no regrets!
Remember, the bare necessities of life will come to you! :flower:
Just read this today, what a great story. So happy everything with you is going good. Can't wait to see the latest update.
Just read your story today and loved it. I'm the mom of a 21 year old and I think I'd plotz if he did what you're doing, but we're all different people and what's right for one person isn't for another. I'm just pleased that you're enjoying yourself and that you are no longer seasonally employed. The people you are staying with sound wonderful. What kind souls! Sure, it took some risks to make this choice and luck isn't always with us, but let's face it, your car could have died in Boston, anyway. So now your car died, but you have a new life. That's a decent trade in my book. We have no immediate plans to visit WDW and I've never done Photopass, but when we return to the World, I'll find you and bring some iced coffee.
I have a 19 year old college Sophomore daughter. I see big adventures in her future based on what she is interested in and her actions so far.
As a Mom, I get scared when I think of her doing something similar to this OP's story. But I will support her in whatever she decides. I am AMAZED by the adventurous spirit this OP has. My daughter sent me a short video of a man who bicycled across S. America and in this video, he spoke of the general American life of school, college, career, mortgage, family..... and that he didn't want to spend his life being safe and doing the same thing everyone else does. After watching this, I want to move to Costa Rica and start a new life! Will I? Probably not. But I applaud people who follow their dreams and hope my daughters both follow their dreams, knowing that I am here to help a little if their path doesn't lead them where they hope to go.
I just found this thread today and I'm so happy for you! I want to be a Photopass photographer when I retire from my "real" job some day. You can train me! :) Good for you for doing something crazy that makes you happy. If more people followed their dreams, the world would probably be a happier place. You go, girl!
Just spent the entire morning reading your entire thread and I loved it! So proud you never gave up and follow your dreams! 20 years ago I did something similar and my car over heated going through the 104 degree desert and 2 am. I pushed on at a time when cell phones were non existent. Its life, we all chose to live it differently and for some of us the journey has been the best part! Continue to follow your dreams! I miss having Disneyland be out my back door and heading anytime I felt the need. I can't wait for our 1st trip to WDW and maybe if I get lucky you can take a photo of us!
Just found this "life report," binge read, and now am disappointed I don't have more lol. Being a New England girl (ct) myself, I dream of packing up and heading to Disney. I look at job openings all the time. It's just not as realistic once you get older, so I applaud you taking the chance now! I'll chime I with many others saying I wish I took more risks at 21, but you live and learn. Hopefully you can go home for your birthday, but I also hope we spot your on our upcoming sept trip!! Good luck girl!
I have been reading this entire thread for the past hour! I am 42, and wish I would have taken more risks at your age! Now is the time in your life to do it - you'll have great stories to tell your kids and grandkids :) You are so strong and so positive, and are an inspiration!!

We will look for you in October!
Son got assigned to Pizza Planet and will start his training there tomorrow. He ended up at Patterson in a 3 bedroom. Looking forward to visiting him and meeting you. Hoping for an update soon!
I'm hoping you'll be there snapping photos in December, especially at MVMCP! I plan to pm you prior to our arrival so we can seek you out! (So not a stalker! Lol)
Stumbled across your TR today and read through it! Happy things turned around for you and that you are getting the chance to live out a dream. Many of us wish we had done the same! Our group of ballerinas will be headed down near Halloween to perform at DTD. I will keep an eye out for you on Main Street! Would be fun to have you do some Magic Shots of our group. We have pre-purchased the CD, so we will be trying to get as many photopass shots done as we can. Again, wishing you well on your big adventure and hoping you get to live out this dream. You are young, responsibilities are few, and this chance may never come along again. Live your life well doing what you love. Keep smiling. Don't ever let the naysayers get you down!!
I usually lurk here, but I wanted to say good for you for taking chances and experiencing life. I wish I had the courage to leave my home, family, friends and job when I was younger. I also applied for a position with Disney when I was young and on vacation, but I was too scared to stay and try something new.

I only found your trip report today, but I found myself nervous and excited for you each step of your adventure. Keep your positive attitude throughout life. There will always be people around you who are negative and people who are positive. We need both to balance our lives, but stay true to you! I am sending my cheesy-Pollyanna vibes and pixie dust in case you still need them.

I wish I found this report a week ago, my daughter was just in Disney and it would have been nice if she could say hi and meet you.
Best of luck to you. You will be able to laugh about all of the not so great moments soon enough.
Congrats on making a choice to follow a dream, and keeping going despite the obstacles you encountered. At the not so old age of 40, I look at "cool" jobs- Disney, cruise ships, etc. and think wow, I should have done that 20 years ago when I was single and didn't have kids. Life is an adventure, no matter what age you decide to attack your dreams and get things going. It is important to stay positive and strive for success. We will be in the MK for MNSSHP in October. Maybe I will see you there and you can take some pics of my little family. Keep sharing your story. It is a great one to read.
Hi Khalee,

I have enjoyed reading you life report!! I wish I had your bravery when I was your age!! Good for you! My husband and I would love to work there seasonally when we retire!! Hopefully we will be able to. Congrats on the full time position! Hopefully you will be there in 2017!! That's the next time we will be in WDW:(!!


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