Within 24 hours I left my job, my boyfriend, and life behind to go work for Walt Disney World!

Just found your post today and read thru it all. When I got to the car breakdown, I thought, "this would make a good TV movie." And then the part about the uhaul! People would be roaring with laughter. This is the best time in your life to live adventure. Have fun!
Bravo! My first move away from my family was packing up to NYC with $450 in my pocket and a place to stay for 10 days (I am also from MA, so it wasn't as far a move as to Orlando). One of my uncles asked my mom if she thought I would end up homeless. At the time (mid-90s), a round trip from Boston to Manhattan on Greyhound was only $35, so my mother assured him that I would come home before living on the streets. I was fortunate and found a job within a week and apartment-sitting opportunities while friends traveled, but it wasn't all roses. I was trying to cash a $500 money order that my mother sent me so I could put a deposit on my first apartment, but the banks wouldn't cash it without me having an account and they wouldn't let me open an account without a utility bill in my name - which I couldn't get until I could move in to an apartment. I stood in the middle of Citibank on 86th and Broadway, unable to stop the tears from pouring down my face. A bank manager took pity on me and agreed to cash my money order. I was able to move in to my apartment and went back to the same bank as soon as I had a utility bill to open an account. The same manager helped me open it, so I was able to thank her without crying. I was eventually able to get a job working in a theater - my dream at the time.

I am so glad you chose to follow your dream and keep at it! I will keep an eye out for you on our next trip!
I'm WAY late to this party, and just reading through the TR now.

But this...this I have to comment on.

What you're saying...it's true for every story about every dream anyone ever had, ever.

Dreams come true with hard work, a little luck (pixie dust if you will), and through the support of the amazing people you surround yourself with. Whatever form that support takes. Nobody does it alone, even if they think they do.

In my 41 years on this planet....more than some, less than others....I have given and received help and support that has drastically changed the outcome of my life, and the lives of those around me. To me...that's a life well lived. And it's dreams well dreamed.

THIS. Yes. Thank you for this! And that you for reading!!! <3

We do Memory Maker (aka whatever they were calling them prior) a LOT. We'll be down there in Oct, again, and will be doing it for that trip, too.

I find it works out GREAT to let the Photpass photogs know that when you walk up to them (do they see it, now, with the band scans?). We found that, doing that, we got a TON of extra photos and magic shots...because they knew they were actually going to be used/purchased. I don't think that's because of any incentive other than they realize that it's going to be a productive use of their time to do all the extra stuff. :)

I definitely recommend letting your photographer know that you have memory maker! We are all trained to take at LEAST a certain amount of photos, including a magic shot, however if we know our work is actually going to use we are more than happy to take some extra shots. Sometimes if I don't have a line behind me and the family is really into the photoshoot, I'll ask if they are in a rush to get somewhere, and if they aren't we will adventure to a place with some flowers or a nice back drop and take some extra nice photos!

I'm jumping on a bit late. I usually skim through some trip reports, don't post, often get bored by day 2 or so :D But yours is more of a life story than a trip report. You have taken a risk, one that many of us wishes they did. Maybe not the disney/orlando part, but there are many people in the world who wish they had followed that one dream, start fresh etc. Thank you for sharing all your emotions and trials with us. I'm definitely following along. Hopefully I'll be able to spot you when we go in the winter!

Well thank you for taking the time to read through and to comment! I hope to see you soon!

Loving your story -- just spent my morning reading it. I drove across the country for a nanny job when I was 22 and the transmission in my car died and I was stranded in the middle of nowhere for four days while some guy who I had to trust to be honest and as nice as he seemed towed it out to Kansas City to be fixed. This was in the days before cell phones and stuff (I'm 45 now) and it was a near disaster, but it all worked out fine. Girl, let me tell you, I STILL can't laugh about it. Although... typing this, I kind of just did. So that's progress. Anyway. Good on you for taking life by the horns when you're young and able to do what you want to do. That rocks.

Thank you for sharing your story hahaha. It made me feel good to hear a similar situation ... I don't think I'll be laughing at my disaster until I'm 45 either!!!! hahaha.

This is awesome! How were you and your boyfriend?? I have a boyfriend right now, and I plan on keeping him til' the DCP program I want to do next fall. Will it be really really for our relationship in terms of me always goin to be busy and only really seeing him once a month?

I didn't have a boyfriend during my CP, and this time around I broke up with him on my way down here, haha. As far as staying in a relationship on the CP, A LOT of people do it, and it is possible! Especially now a days where we have smart phones and can practically skype anywhere, 24/7! I know a girl who skypes her bf on almost all of her breaks! I think the hardest part will be to make sure you have an even balance of keeping your relationship alive, as well as fulling living out the DCP experience!!!

So happy for you! Everything is falling in place for you :) I think you are right where you are meant to be. I know it is only going to get better and better for you because you make things happen!!
I am sure I speak for everyone here...

WE WANT TO READ MORE OF YOUR WRITING!!! I can't get enough ;) there are not many stories to follow like yours that are full of adventure, courage and determination!! It is so inspiring I can't get enough.

I have a few questions...

1. did you travel a lot in your life?? I bet you did but I am curious.
2. what is your dream job at Disney??

Thanks and keep living your dream girl!!

THANK YOU!!!!! I know, I know, I need to update more! Thank you for giving me motivation!! Soon!!
To answer your questions...
1. I really haven't travel a huge amount, but I think the little that I did has lead up to me feeling independent enough to go off on my own at 21. When I was 14, a was a student ambassador with People To People and traveled to Australia for a month. That was with one suitcase, no parents, family, or friends, just fellow students that I didn't know and a few teacher chaperons. I also went to summer camp in New York when I was 17, where I went on feild trips from the camp to visit D.C. and N.Y.C. Other than that I haven't traveled much besides going to WDW nearly twice a year since I was 8, and Disney Cruises. (Podcast cruise 2.0 and 3.0!)

2. As of now, my dream job at Disney is to be a trainer for Photopass. I absolutely adore Photopass and don't plan on leaving it anytime soon. With photopass, I can pick up a shift at any park, and every 2-3 hours I get to pick up a new position. I love how every day is different, and I love being able to sometimes be with characters, and sometimes get to interact with the guests! The one thing I miss most about my old job teaching hairdressing, is the teaching aspect. I think I would be an amazing trainer because I adore Disney, and I love photopass. I would be honored to instill my passion for this job in others and teach them how fun it can be, and how lucky we are to work at the most magical place on earth!

Just found your post today and read thru it all. When I got to the car breakdown, I thought, "this would make a good TV movie." And then the part about the uhaul! People would be roaring with laughter. This is the best time in your life to live adventure. Have fun!

Seriously! I've always wanted to write a screen play for fun - maybe that should be part of it! hahaha.
Don't know how I even stumbled on this thread but I can't wait to read more. I'm from the Boston area and love New England in the fall as well. I have to say my heart was racing when I read your story about your car. When its a little further in your past you'll realize how much stronger it has made you.

I'll be down in Disney from September 11-18 so I'll have to be on the look out for you.
Love your story! Thanks for sharing with us! I'm so glad things are looking up for you! We aren't there till February! I hope you're still at MK by then!
I spent most of my morning reading about your adventure. I am 34 years old married with two kids, risky to me is going to Disney without dining reservations :) I loved reading about your journey so far. Don't listen to the fun suckers. I have taken virtually no risks in my life and I still needed help from time to time when we were first starting out. YOU are exactly the kind of person that should be working at disney. You only live once, and life is far too short to not enjoy it. We will be in Disney World next week, I so hope we get to meet you. :daisy:
Hello Everyone :earsgirl: and welcome to my new, crazy, and exciting life! (And first ever trip report...eh.. life report? :thumbsup2)
You read correctly! I did it! I did what I've always dreamed of doing!!! Okay well.. I'm only 21 years old.... but I've still thought of it every day since I stepped my foot in the magical land of WDW!
Well then... Lets start with my past so we can move on to the present!

Hi!!!! My name is Khalee and I am 21 years old. If you can't tell, I'm silly and I love vibrant hair! The perfect way to describe me is "Metalhead meets Disney Princess." haha. I am from a suburb right outside Boston, Massachusetts. I have been going to WDW since I was 8 years old. My mother and I were on a big family vacation, and we decided to go off on our own since we were with younger children who didn't want to do everything. I remember it like yesterday. My mother and I ran off into tomorrow land, and walked right on to Space Mountain not knowing what it was. We walked off that attraction as different people. We were crying so hard we were laughing! We had such an exhilarating time exploring magic kingdom and not knowing what was next! It was truly a land full of adventure and magic! We got the Disney bug, and within a week of being home my mom had booked our first of many many mother daughter trips. From then on, as you all can relate... if we weren't in Disney, we were planning our next trip, on the dis, or listening to the dis unplugged to get our Disney fix. Here is my mom and I back in the day! (2008ish)

Fast forward to 2013, where I lasted one week in college before applying for the Disney College Program. I has an amazing time working in Disney's Animal Kingdom as a photopass photographer for Feb-Aug 2013. As much as I wanted to stay with Disney, I was signed up to start another passion of mine that I did not want to let go of - cosmetology school.

I went through hairdressing school and loved the company I was with so much I was hired to work for them and eventually teach for them! Which FINALLY brings us to the present! Don't get me wrong - I LOVE teaching hairdressing. It fits my personally so well. I LOVED being able to watch others grow as artists and become inspired by the world around them... but there was something in my life missing. As happy as I was with my current life, I still missed the magic. Here is a photo of me as a student in hairdressing school! This photo was on the day of the fundraiser I organized for Give Kids The World!

Ever since my college program, I often found myself logging on to disneycareers.com just to dream and see what was available. It was the end of April this year, and I was laying in bed at around 2am on my Iphone and decided to see what jobs where available.....and there it was... "Disney Photopass - Seasonal" My heart dropped. OH MY GOD. Without even thinking I applied. I instantly got an email to take the online quiz, and after that I was booking an appointment to go in for an interview. I couldn't speak. All I could think is "WHAT DID I JUST DO AND IS THIS REAL LIFE!?!"

Luckily I had a mother daughter trip planned to go to WDW in the first week of May. This would be the first mother daughter trip we were able to afford to go on after a 2 year hiatus! What are the chances I found this opportunity with a trip just around the corner?!

My interview was booked for May 6, 2015. I was so nervous. I knew that having done photopass before, I had a good chance of getting this role... but what did "seasonal" mean? I thought that meant working 150/hrs a year in WDW. Would this even be a possibility with my (good paying) full time teaching job? I didn't think so. Would it be worth leaving my amazing job at home to work for Disney seasonally? Would it be worth working an okay job at home to be able to make magic at WDW a few weeks a year? I went into this interview, excited but also an emotional wreck. If I got the job I would be depressed about having to leave my fulfilling job of teaching hairdressing.

On the other hand, if I didn't get the job with Disney my hopes and dreams would be crushed, and it's back to day dreaming for me! I wasn't sure what to expect or what to set myself up for emotionally. I went into this interview just to see what my options where. Little did I know that the "seasonal" job was for the summer.... (You'd think that idea would of crossed my mind?! rotfl)

It was May 6th. I was at Disney casting. "Khalee?", I heard my name being called by a smiling face of a cast member named Matt! I walked into his office shaking, trying to maintain my cool. Twenty minutes later, I was shaking his hand accepting a role to work as a photopass photographer in the Magic Kingdom for the summer.... oh and I start in one week.
I didn't give it a second thought. MAGIC KINGDOM IS MY HOME FOR REAL! I walked out of casting and decided to quit my life in Boston, take a suitcase, my old 2000 Toyota Corolla and the $300 I had saved up, and move to Orlando for the summer at least but hopefully for good! :earseek:


Hopefully that wasn't TOO wordy?! I apologize! Wish me luck - and I hope you all enjoy following this new adventure I've embarked on! :dancer:
I can live vicariously through you! Just caught this so am now following!
Hello Everyone!

There are a few questions, comments, and concerns here I'd like to address.
The first thing I will address are those of you wondering why I would do this without getting my car checked out and why my family would let me even think to do this. The day I got the job offer from Disney I called home to have someone drop my car at the shop for me to get it all checked out and the AC fixed for a safe trip to Florida. By the time I got home to pack up and leave, my car was checked out and I got the okay for a cross country trip. I understand your concerns of me driving my beat up car, but this is the risk I was willing to take, and I did get it okay'ed before I left.

As far as my family allowing me to do this, first of all, I am 21 years old. I don't mean to say this in an "I'M TECHNICALLY AN ADULT AND I KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR ME!" type of way. However I have been financially independent and own my own for a few years now. Do I have a savings? No. But I did make enough to live. My father was and still is not happy with my choice to do all of this, and as "immature" or "dumb" of a decision you may think this is, I would appreciate negative comments kept to a minimum. I do have my own personal reasons I have chosen this path, but the reasons behind are personal and a whole other story. If I ever meet any of you lovely people I'd be happy to tell you more about my life, but that's not for the internet.

Those of you asking about the money I spent vs. what I said I had not adding up, well I did get a bit more from a family member to be able to rent the Uhaul.

I did not mention anything about my car staying at the shop in GA and the details of that because I see this as me telling my story. In my opinion, what is going on with my old car seems like a boring detail that does not add to the story. I am assuming that most of you are asking because you care from a "parent" type of perspective, and I both respect and am grateful for that. So you all know, everything is all set and taken care of with my old vehicle. Thank you for your concerns.

Yes, I was in the MK on the 27th for one of my training days. You must be friends with me on facebook to see that? My report is a mix of live/a few days behind.

Lastly, I am fully aware of the Disney look. My fairy godmother helps me change my look when I need to. ;)

I have gone to a few days of training and am still doing so! I am so happy to be down here. My car situation is still up in the air. The family I am staying with is AMAZING. They have been so beyond helpful. They have let me exchange doing their hair and babysitting for letting me stay here. This would not be possible if it was not for them. I am forever thankful.

Last night was a lot of fun! My roommate from my college program just arrived here. She will be doing a professional internship. I got to see her for the first time in years. It was awesome seeing a friendly face.

For now I am getting by. I can't wait to be done with training so I can work more hours. I am constantly battling between being overly excited and happy to be in Orlando, and being down and depressed about the car situation. I know everything will be okay. I am grateful for the few friends I have down here to be taking me out and having fun.

Sorry I do not have too much of an exciting update. I promise I will soon, and I'll post of pictures of my adventures too!

I feel like a lot of the recent comments are negative. I hope that they are just people concerned about me and not trying to put me down. I very much realize the risk in what I did, but though it all I still regret nothing!

Thank you again for every positive thought and comment. I wish I could just group hug you all!! :goodvibes
Once again, late to the party! But I a firm believer of you "finding your own path", and being the captain of your journey... Yes, terrible things can happen to 21 year olds traveling alone, however terrible things can happen anywhere. I am 65 years young and I say Good For You! So happy that not only do you have this opportunity, but that you're sharing it with us! No regrets!
And SPARKLE ON!pixiedust:, NonnaT
Can I ask you to please start a post on the Community Board where you can discuss by people should not take risks. We already heard your point of view and people already responded and I'm really enjoying this report and I for one do not want to see it go off subject. I think the only negative that should appear here is what comes from this incredibly brave girl... and from the sounds of it she doesn't get negative, the bumps only push her further. I bet if we ask her of any time she quit something in her life I bet there would not be much. People that are adventurous like her don't give up. Which is why we love this report. It would be kindly appreciated if we let her tell her story. Thank you so much!!!


If you agree with me, let's all ignore the posts that are downers. If we dont comment on them then they can't grow and sour this post.
Dontcha just wish sometimes there would be an "unlike" button? Lol!
Late to the party, but so glad I finally arrived! What a great story! Glad I started reading at a point when you were recovered from your journey down- seriously give you so much credit!!! I'm really looking forward to hearing more.
You go girl! Hats off to you. Wish I had done that 30+ years ago. The best part, you won't have any regrets when you look back. Best of luck to you.
I'm too old and tired to read through all this, BUT...I thought my head would explode when I read you were leaving with a 15 year old car and $300! :scared: Did I get that wrong?
Really late to the party. Just read this entire TR in one sitting. Must say that I am in awe of you and think what you did is amazing.

Many many moons ago, when I was in my early twenties, I had planned on moving to the Disney area with a close friend. Had a job lined up at the parks, the whole nine yards. My friend ended up backing out, and I was too scared to move from Chicago to Florida on my own. So I pushed that dream aside. Various things happened moving forward that solidified the fact that not moving there at that time was the best choice for me.

Fast forward all these years later, and I have been revisiting the idea of relocating a lot lately. Reading your trip report tonight has ignited that fire even more. And I am so glad things are turning around and working out for you!!

I am going to be at Disney for vacation (and a little house hunting) next week, and will for sure stop and say hi if I come across you while I am there.
Hi DreamLikeWalt!

I'm going to be there in October and I'd love to say hi. You're at the MK, right?
Catching up and following along. I will be making the journey from Toronto to Orlando in November to do CRP and the one thing I stress about is money. Luckily I have a full time job and will be able to save money before I leave. My worst fear is my car breaking down on the side of the road somewhere down I-95. I have decided to take the auto train from VA instead to save ~900 miles on my car - I have a 2000 Jetta that has caused me more trouble this summer than anything else. I totally get the disney money struggle as well!! I love your positive attitude though and think that you're doing a great job :) Lucky you to have a great support system around you. Maybe I'll see you around the parks in the fall!
AND I AM OFF! I said goodbye to my friends, family, students, coworkers and hit the road! It was a stressful week, my boss wasn't to pleased at my last minute notice phone call of "Heyyyyy..... you know how I'm on vacation in Disney right now? Well.... I'm not coming back." Hahaha. My family was a mix what I felt was 10% supportive and 90% "What the heck do you think you're doing leaving your well paying job you're happy at to move to Florida by yourself?!", Which I can totally understand. I am moving across the country with very little money, a beat up car, and dream! But atlas - adventure awaits! The excuse I keep telling myself is "Hey you're 21, why not?!"

I finished packing up with my mom and my boyfriend's help. I looked around and took in the warm Boston summer breeze. It was 2:30am. I said my goodbyes, got in my car, and drove off. It felt surreal. I wasn't sure when I would be back... 3 months? A year? Maybe 2 weeks if something goes wrong?! But I felt a weird comfort in the unknown. I didn't care. I just wanted to get to Orlando and my new home. All I had to get through was 20 hours and 1,300 miles. I promised my family that I would stop in a hotel room and make the trip into a 2 day experience. However, I really had a different agenda. I planned on driving straight through, unless I really felt like I couldn't do it. I didn't want to spend the money on a hotel room.

I blasted music and hit the road! Before I knew it I was in PA where I made my first pit stop. I was so happy. I was tired but I was on an adrenaline rush. I fell in love with the road. Driving along with my windows down and music up is all ever want in life anyways, nevermind when you're end destination is a new life and Disney World!

I made it all the way to South Carolina! I stopped for dinner.. chipotle of course! I had about 7 hours left. It was 7pm and I was thinking about how I could make it to Orlando by 2-3am. I really didn't want to stop to sleep, I was so close. I looked at my gps to see where I was at. I realized that I was only an hour away from myrtle beach. Having grown up with my mom and I doing mother daughter trips to WDW, I never got the chance to vacation at other places. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining!!! But I remember hearing how cheap it can be to stay at myrtle beach, and how so many love it there. The idea of sleeping in a bed slowly started to sound better and better. I thought it'd be exciting to see a new place and SC seemed so beautiful already. I booked a cheap hotel online and headed there! The drive to Myrtle beach was stunning. I don't think I would like to live in SC but I adored being a tourist!

I arrived at the hotel. I hold everything to Disney standards, especially hotel rooms, so I was nervous. The reviews on TripAdvisor summed up to something like, "It's great!..... for the price."

I parked my car and went to check in. Nothing fancy, but nothing bad either. Besides an unexpected $35 room insurance fee everything ran smoothly. I got my room key and went to check it out. The outside of the hotel was pretty run down looking so as I slid my room key in the door I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. I was surprised! The room was cute. It was an average hotel room- very beachy. I was just happy to lay in a clean bed and take a shower! I decided that I would go right to sleep and wake up early enough to watch the sun rise (VERY RARE FOR ME:rotfl2:) since you could walk right out to the beach from my hotel.

GOOOOOOD MORNING FROM MYRTLE BEACH! I woke up at 5am, and I FELT AWESOME. Today, I would rule the world! Today, I would make it home to my new life! I put on some cozy clothes and strolled out to the beach. My god, what a sight.


I pretty much had the entire beach sunrise to myself. I decided to role up my pants to stand in the water. I wanted to feel the cool waves crash against me. It felt refreshing. It felt like a new start. "What a perfect way to start the first day of the rest of my life" I thought to myself. I was never a beach person but god did I feel inspired. I was thinking of all the things I wanted to do, and all the ways I wanted to change myself for the better. I was so ready to prove all the people wrong who said I was making the wrong decision. I want to inspire others to follow their dreams, and believe in themselves. I don't know what it was about this morning but my soul was full of imagination, pride, and pixie dust.


I went back to my hotel room to shower again, change, and pack up. I hit the road by 8am, and I had 7 more hours until I was home sweet home!
I'm a following! Can't wait to read more


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