Why I THINK dogs are better than cats

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milkabum said:

9. Kids aren't afraid of us.

I beg to differ. When I was 6 years old I was bit in the face by my neighbors dog and I refused to go outside for half of my childhood because of it.

Kids are too afraid of dogs!
Yes, but before the incident were you afraid?
The dog was obviously irritated or confused of you doing something for that to happen.
Oh so now I did something to provoke it. Boy, I wish I wouldn't have been so mean to that dog!!! :rolleyes:

Please...I know several kids who are afraid of dogs.
And before you tell someone they are saying things that are untrue, check your list, most of it is opinion, not fact!
Don't get nasty about cats. I have one, and she's pretty cute. She's playful and very friendly.

Dogs on the other hand...NO

He lays sooo many "landmines" in the back yard it's not safe to play there anymore. My 6-year-old sister once stepped on one, and I had to clean it off. At least cats go in one location that we can't accidently step into.

My little brother's dog barks at everything. If a tree blows in the wind at night, he will bark and howl until his teeny little dog brain realizes that its just a tree. His dog also has a nasty habit of biting me when I wrestle with my little brother. The dog has given me...at the latest count...69 cuts and counting. He also has the tendency to do something I can't discuss. But I will put it this way: he was spayed and yet he still thinks he can do it.

Not my little one-year-old kitten. Whereas the dog is down at the front door, barking his mouth off all night, che crawls into the little bed I made for her and actually sleeps. I know because that little bed is in my room, on the ground. And cats smell good, unlike my bro's dog, which smells like the garbage can every day, even after baths. And, no, he doesn't get into garbage...often. There was once where he tore up a while trash bag. And our trash cans have a fence around them.

(By the way, as I write this, my bro's dog is out back and barking at who knows what. I do. It's nothing.)

Anyways, cats also don't dig holes in the back yard. Unlike some unappealing pooch I know...

And my kitten has claws and yet doesn't scratch anything, so you can't get her on that one.

(Out of breath) In conclusion...
Cats: cool and comforting :)
Dogs: ...WHAT is that smell?? Oh, yeah...

Dogs stink!
I never asked if you did. I asked if you agreed or not thank you very much.
"Even the stupidest cat seems to know more than any dog." - Eleanor Clark

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow." - Jeff Valdez

"There is the little matter of disposal of droppings in which the cat is far ahead of its rivals. The dog is somehow thrilled by what he or any of his friends have produced, hates to leave it, adores smelling it, and sometimes eats it...The cat covers it up if he can..." - Paul Gallico

"The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it." - Doug Larson

"A dog is like a liberal, he wants to please everybody. A cat doesn't really need to know that everybody loves him." - William Kunstler

"Dogs eat. Cats dine." - Ann Taylor

"Again I must remind you that a dog's a dog--a cat's a cat." - T. S. Eliot

"Artists like cats; soldiers like dogs." - Desmond Morris

"Dogs believe they are human. Cats believe they are God." - Jeff Valdez

"Dogs have owners, cats have staff." - Unknown

"With dogs and people, it's love in big splashy colors. When you're involved with a cat, you're dealing in pastels." - Louis A. Camuti, D.V.M.

"The cat lets Man support her. But unlike the dog, she is no handlicker. Furthermore, unlike Man's other great good friend the horse, the cat is no sweating serf of Man. The only labor she condescends to perform is to catch mice and rats, and that's fun." - Vance Packard
Hey...you asked for opinions and you got them.
And your dog is super cute. And I like some dogs. But...cats can be cute too and most are.

Nice quotes Shadow :)
Hey, when you know cats are this great, you will eventually own 32 cats who live wonderfully in your house; and a dog that sleeps in the street.
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace." - Milan Kundera

"A really companionable and indispensable dog is an accident of nature. You can't get it by breeding for it, and you can't buy it with money. It just happens along." - E B White, The Care and Training of a Dog

"Even the tiniest Poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart." - Dorothy Hinshaw Patent, Dogs: The Wolf Within

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." - Smiley Blanton

"My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide whether to ruin our carpets or ruin our lives." - Rita Rudner

"To err is human, to forgive, canine." - Unknown

"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's." - Mark Twain, Letter to W D Howells, 4/2/1899

"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner
ShadowKittyKat said:
Hey, when you know cats are this great, you will eventually own 32 cats who live wonderfully in your house; and a dog that sleeps in the street.
Well excuse you.. who said dogs must sleep on the street? Might I add that's animal cruelty? Oh sorry, you wouldn't know- you own a cat that probably spends most of it's time peeing in sandboxes on the neighbours backyards.
Shere_Khan said:
Hey...you asked for opinions and you got them.
And your dog is super cute. And I like some dogs. But...cats can be cute too and most are.

Nice quotes Shadow :)

To be honest, i think the only cats I like would probably be my sister's friend; Paulina's cat and my neighbours two cats. My best friend, Nicole, has an aunt with a cat that is really scary. Another one would be Cocoa, a man that walks this little orange tabby. She wouldn't hurt a fly. But other than that, pass the puppies please.
milkabum said:
Well excuse you.. who said dogs must sleep on the street? Might I add that's animal cruelty? Oh sorry, you wouldn't know- you own a cat that probably spends most of it's time peeing in sandboxes on the neighbours backyards.

Excuse me Milkabum, but not all cats spend their time peeing in sandboxes, in fact, most don't. I think you are being really rude and I am wondering why this post exists to begin with. Maybe if this post was just started so everyone could politely state why they believe one is superior, but it isn't like that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - and should be able to state it without their point being shot down.

Oh and in case you were wondering, I think cats are so much better then dogs. :rolleyes:
Well, Shadow is a domestic cat who stays inside.

Talk to the dog next door who barks all night, every night, and the dog across the street who runs around the neighborhood like mad, barking and scaring young children.
I never was shooting them down. They began going specifically after MY opinions and correcting them, which I never asked for. If you don't have anything nice to say on this thread, don't say it. End of story.
ShadowKittyKat said:
Well, Shadow is a domestic cat who stays inside.

Talk to the dog next door who barks all night, every night, and the dog across the street who runs around the neighborhood like mad, barking and scaring young children.
Well then, if you have such a problem why wouldn't someone tell the humane scoiety to take care of this? Last time I checked it was against the law for dogs to be running around without a leash in most parts of the city. And if so many people were bothered why wouldn't someone go over and tell him to settle down? Why is he even outside during those hours every single night? And what makes you think that these two dogs represent the entire population?
AlienNation said:
Flaming?? Show me 1 thing that I said that was flaming. You gave your opinions... I gave my rebutal in just as nice of a manner. There is not 1 bit of flaming in my post.
Alien!! :hug: Where you been dude? Working again? Woot for kitty cats.. nice work defending the friendly feline.

Milkabum: I'm sorry you felt the need to start a thread like this. Fact of the matter is that probably about half of us are cat people and half of us are dog people, some are just animal people. There are obviously good and bad things about cats and dogs, and especially when you get into breed specifics, temperments.. etc. Most of us who are animal lovers are very passionate about them and so its easy to take offense when someone puts down something you really love. I worked in an animal hospital for many years and I saw my share of and was attacked by both dogs and cats. Some were hurt or frightened, yes, but some were just evil! Maybe next time you could word it a little differently like.. "10 things I love about my pet" that way everyone can participate in a friendly way instead of having a debate over something that comes down to personal preference.
Next reason:

You don't have to go home every four hours to let the cat out!

tigressjewel said:
Maybe next time you could word it a little differently like.. "10 things I love about my pet" that way everyone can participate in a friendly way instead of having a debate over something that comes down to personal preference.

I totally agree with this. And sorry if you felt that I was being mean but you pretty much outright said that a dog bit me because of something I did to it. I was just saying that not ALL kids like dogs because I was a kid once and in fact did not like dogs. To say that ALL kids do is an opinion and not fact. You don't know if I hit the dog, or confused the dog, or maybe it was just a mean dog!
I am trying my best to not be mean or shoot down your opinions but you are doing it to everyone else as well.
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