Why I Hate the DDP

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We have never gotten the DDP simply because it doesn't make sense for us. But if it did, I certainly would get it, I think it's great. My only beef is the ADR/table thing. We made a couple (character meals) last trip and that was it. My hubby seemed to think we didn't need anymore (I have since beat it into him that we do....and we've made them already for our upcoming trip). Our last trip (November) we walked up to the San Angel Inn on a Wednesday morning. It was about 11:30ish, for lunch. Half, and I do mean half (maybe more) of the restaurant was empty. Empty. They turned us away saying they were full/booked. :eek: Now, they could have had our money, we could've eaten our lunch and been on our merry way, I'm sure before ALL those ADR tables needed to be filled, but instead we went back to our resort, got in our rental car and went OP for lunch. I just think that there has to be a little bit of a better way to accept more walk-in people. Turning away people saying you're booked/full when half your restaurant is sitting empty is just bad business IMO.

But other than that, I think the DDP is a wonderful option for families/people who can make the best out of it!!

ETA: The reason I was a bit surprised at the turn away, is because they tell you that with an ADR it is NOT a reservation. Rather, that your party would get the next available table. However, we were turned away from empty-tabled (is that a word???) restaurants throughout our stay. So I guess I'm not knocking the DDP, but the way Disney works the whole ADR system they've got going on.
People make their ADR's under different phone numbers to get around that one.

Oh my goodness! People actually do that??? Forget pool-hopping and line place holding, this to me takes the rudeness cake!

To hold up a table from another family because you can't decide where you want to eat in advance, that's just. . .just. . .:confused: :sad1: how could anyone be that selfish???

Pick a restaurant! There are lots to choose from! LOL but then stick with it!

I couldn't stand the thought that another family would lose out on eating somewhere they really wanted cause I had to have two ressies just in case I felt like eating one place over another on a different day.

The times they are a changin. We decided to 'join em' on the DDP thing this time and booked our ADRS accordingly. Yes, it's more structured than past trips. But if i was really that hung up on being totally footloose, I'd just forget table dining and eat counter.

Choices have to be made, that's just how it goes these days. Pity the people who don't read the boards and plan ahead when they show up with hungry kids and no dining options this September. I know there are going to be many of them :(
I do believe that Disney needs to do something about the rigidness of the Disney vacation.

It doesn't feel much like a vacation if I can't flexible at all.

However, Disney can easily fix the DDP. They should deduct points at the time of the food order or have seperate lines.

No one should pay for cold food. Disney food isn't that great to begin with.
....just a little input on my view. The dining venues at WDW were not created for local traffic. They are meant for the vacationers who come to the parks and/or stay in the resorts. Not trying to ruffle feathers, but WDW would not be able to stay open based on local traffic. The only way they can guarantee a profit is to make the incoming travelers fill the restaurants to capacity......hence, the birth of DDP.

I agree with you 100% because in the end Walt Disney World would not survive without the tourists who come from all over the world to take their vacations. I know they have special Florida resident discounts and tickets, however Walt Disney World was not designed for the locals.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For all of you DDP haters, would you also be furious if Disney just announced it would give a 50% discount on room rates because (using your reasoning) of course there would be more people at WDW and then the resorts and restaurants would be filled up and then Disney would have to cut costs to make up for reduced profit, and then the resorts and restaurants would go to pot, etc. Would you complain about that too?

And let's not forget, even before the DDP, you had to make ADRs in advance or you took a great risk that you would not get the restaurant times you want.
You people crack me up. You do know that without repeat posts most forums would die, don't you ?

There is nothing wrong with repeat conversations...


Being a Human and Being Treated Like a Human are two entirely different things in today's world
For newbies, all the topics are new *lol*

Just because many of us have been hanging around the DIS for a while, does not mean we should stop open dialogue on a subject we have previously covered. Sometimes a "newbie" can have a wonderful insight or point of view that allows us to see things from a different perspective.

I'm not getting into this again...you can see our multi page post about this whole local thing. I've just decided that we aren't eating at Disney anymore. Apparenlty if I want to eat on property at a decent TS, I need to move.


...foresight and planning are all that is required for a wonderful dining experience on WDW property (local or visitor). If any venue is going to guarantee seating for anyone, it should be for those who have made ADR's (anyone, DDP or not). As for those on the DDP, they have already paid for the meal, but if they do not make ADR's, they are out of luck. That is just the way it is, like it or not.

Just because many of us have been hanging around the DIS for a while, does not mean we should stop open dialogue on a subject we have previously covered. Sometimes a "newbie" can have a wonderful insight or point of view that allows us to see things from a different perspective.


Exactly! Thank you for saying that, cause I meant that but I didn't say enough. Need more bean-juice to make the brain work LOL!
:sad: :sad: :sad: get over it already. Some people are so he&%&%*ll bent on not having a good time on a disney vacation that they don't really have a good time. Gee when I take my disney vacation I don't go looking for the mishaps, rude people, or how full the restaurants are. I don't think the disney dining plan is ruining anything. If you want a ressie at any place with or without the dining plan you have to call ahead of time, plain and simple.
I was the original poster of this thread. Sorry I didn't know I was beating a dead horse.
southjerseymom.......the dead horse smiley was not intended to directed at you. I posted it as a joke, because someone earlier said "we need the beating a dead horse smiley".

Everyone has every right to his or her opinion of the DDP.
In my honest opinion, the DDP IS the reason why restauraunts are completely booked and you cant simply walk up to a TS anymore. I know this first hand from experience. DH and I went to Disney in Sept 2003 and Im not sure if the DDP was really going on then or not, but we were able to get into a TS place every night for dinner with no problems and hardly any wait. Been times when we walked up, they asked if we had an ADR we said no, they said ok, follow this person and we got seated right away. And this was at big places such as Chefs de France, Sci-Fi and few others. We had 1 ADR for the entire trip at CRT and thats because I knew from my previous trips you have to have a ADR for there. In my honest opinion if Disney wants to continue the DDP, fine. But they should do away with the 180 days advance ADRs and simply only take ADRs for that day. This way people can just walkin into the park, walk over to the restauraunt and get a reservation time. If nothing is available have them keep checking each day just by calling disney dining from their hotel room phones or going back to the restaraunt. It is VERY frustrating that I have to sit here and plan our days out for a 10 night / 11 day trip. What happens if we decide to go to a different park? What happens I make an ADR for 5pm but not hungry yet and know I wouldnt be for another hr or 2? I really wish Disney would know that people actually hate having to plan their days and meals out so far in advance. Another opition for walkups is do the same thing that Rainforest Cafe in DTD does. They take ADRs and walkups. If you are a walkup, they take your name and give you a buzzer or have you hang around until they call your name or find out how long the wait is, if its more then an hr, have them put your name down and you can come back when it gets closer to the time they give you.
southjerseymom.......the dead horse smiley was not intended to directed at you. I posted it as a joke, because someone earlier said "we need the beating a dead horse smiley".

Everyone has every right to his or her opinion of the DDP.

My joke about the broken records was just meant to be funny......I hope most thought so too.

It is VERY frustrating that I have to sit here and plan our days out for a 10 night / 11 day trip. What happens if we decide to go to a different park? What happens I make an ADR for 5pm but not hungry yet and know I wouldnt be for another hr or 2? I really wish Disney would know that people actually hate having to plan their days and meals out so far in advance. Another opition for walkups is do the same thing that Rainforest Cafe in DTD does. They take ADRs and walkups. If you are a walkup, they take your name and give you a buzzer or have you hang around until they call your name or find out how long the wait is, if its more then an hr, have them put your name down and you can come back when it gets closer to the time they give you.
Okay, I have a question......just a question, nothing more.....

I always plan way ahead. I plan my days and I plan my restaurants, and I get my ADRs.

So, my question is this.......if you simply walk up to a restaurant in WDW without an ADR, are you saying that they just tell you "NO."?? Or do they try to fit you in like the example of RFC that Disney8704 just gave (minus the beeper/pager thing)?
In my honest opinion, the DDP IS the reason why restauraunts are completely booked and you cant simply walk up to a TS anymore. I know this first hand from experience. DH and I went to Disney in Sept 2003 and Im not sure if the DDP was really going on then or not, but we were able to get into a TS place every night for dinner with no problems and hardly any wait. Been times when we walked up, they asked if we had an ADR we said no, they said ok, follow this person and we got seated right away. And this was at big places such as Chefs de France, Sci-Fi and few others. We had 1 ADR for the entire trip at CRT and thats because I knew from my previous trips you have to have a ADR for there. In my honest opinion if Disney wants to continue the DDP, fine. But they should do away with the 180 days advance ADRs and simply only take ADRs for that day. This way people can just walkin into the park, walk over to the restauraunt and get a reservation time. If nothing is available have them keep checking each day just by calling disney dining from their hotel room phones or going back to the restaraunt. It is VERY frustrating that I have to sit here and plan our days out for a 10 night / 11 day trip. What happens if we decide to go to a different park? What happens I make an ADR for 5pm but not hungry yet and know I wouldnt be for another hr or 2? I really wish Disney would know that people actually hate having to plan their days and meals out so far in advance. Another opition for walkups is do the same thing that Rainforest Cafe in DTD does. They take ADRs and walkups. If you are a walkup, they take your name and give you a buzzer or have you hang around until they call your name or find out how long the wait is, if its more then an hr, have them put your name down and you can come back when it gets closer to the time they give you.

DW and I have been able to walk up to restaurants before and after the DDP and have been seated often. On the flip side we have been turned away many times also. To blame the DDP is overly simplistic. It is part of the problem, but it is far from being the sole reason for dining problems at WDW.

The section in bold type from your quote above is very much opinion and flies in the face of fact. If so many people hated the planning process as you claim, the numerous boards like DIS and publications available at every bookstore in the world on WDW vaction planning would not exsist. Planning a trip to WDW is a multi-billion dollar a year business. Many (or dare I say most) people love the planning process for their Disney trip. Why??? It allows us to get a little bit of that magic without actually being there. I love the anticipation of my next trip.......it gives me chills sometimes.

As for Rain Forest Cafe, the location at DTD does not accept ADR's but the one in AK does. You can walk-up to either location and add your name to the list though.

Just my two cents!

Pozey.....I loved the dead horse thingy!! It made me giggle! Thanks for including it in this thread. And yes - we were told no more names were being taken at some TS. Even if we were willing to wait. No biggie. We moved on and ate at counter service.
Pozey.....I loved the dead horse thingy!! It made me giggle! Thanks for including it in this thread.

And yes - we were told no more names were being taken at some TS. Even if we were willing to wait. No biggie. We moved on and ate at counter service.
I was not aware of that. We always make ADRs in advance. But then, I can be very anal when it comes to planning.

Plus, we usually eat dinner pretty early - some might even call it more of a late lunch - usually around 4:30 - 5:00 pm. We have NEVER not gotten an ADR for the restaurant that we wanted.
Considering the way that ALL dining packages are sold (other than DVC renters, maybe) the DDP does cost. Even during the free promo. No discounts on resort... everyone needs at least a 1 dat ticket... We pay, one way or the other. I am glad I have the chance to use it this/ next month. I would never have splurges for 8 TS dinners otherwise:goodvibes
If it does cost how will you be dining at 8 ts you would have never "splurged" on? You just proved my point about DDP making quality, service and availabilty ridiculous.
The fact is CS people now use TS where they never would have in the past. This has caused all the above mentioned issues.
Pozey, dead horse was great!

I guess it also comes down to whether you are a planner or more spontaneous. We are planners. I am not saying that is "better", just that the DDP definitely caters to planners. We spend months checking out restaurants, pouring over menus, deciding what to order and we have a great time doing it. It is one of our hobbies.

For us, spontaneity on vacation(particularly a Disney vacation) would be a nightmare. We have pages of planning for our Disney vacation. Again, not saying that is "better", but just making the observation that maybe some of the people who like DDP like the planning aspect and some of the people who don't like it prefer to be more free in their decisions of which park to go to on which day.

One final thing - DDP also benefits us as we know how much we are going to spend on food, so we don't blow our budget.
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