Why do some CMs not like the CP?

I'll give an insight from a part timer view...

For me I really don't judge the College Program as a whole but by an individual basis. Yes there are some who judge it as a whole and are really mean because of certain things (hours, vacation mode, attitude everything about the program) For example my roommate who works full time (Resort Lifeguard) in his experience has worked with CPs that both had BAD attitudes (stuckup or know it alls) calling out and party lifestyles. Those CPs painted a bad image for him and the other FTers at his resort location. Also experience (not knowing what to do) was in play on that. He admits there are really good CPs once in awhile but the dealbreaker for him on the personal side some of them were rude and deceiving. He said not all of them are just some of them were. Granted that's all workplaces.

Now onto on how I think about the program. I'm sure its a great experience for the CPs. Its not about the hours (CPs need all the money they can get) I will not judge a CPer on unless he/she has a stuck up attitude with me without knowing me or I don't want to be friends with you mentality. I'm a really nice (I mean a soft guy with a heart) guy so just giving me that kind of attitude is the deal breaker with that CP. I do like the CPers because some of them actually are loving their job and getting things done.

The CPs I do like, I offer them rides back to their apt complex because that bus usually back to their apartments are a long wait and drive. Now for anyone that works main street proven you're not in those two categories I list above and I work the same shift or pick up a shift, I'll give you a ride home for any CPer works on main street as a park greeter or doing PAC :) So be a lookout for a lil asian part timer on main street :)

Well that's my view :)
I agree that CMs that arent so excited by CPs don't hate them, that's kind of a string word. I also wouldn't let the prospect intimidate you. It is never as prominent as it sounds. But in my department people were upset with CPs because yes, they will only be here for a few months, they tend to have a party mentality and aren't as serious about the work they are doing as some of the rest of us. This is not always true, but it is the stereotype. Of course you have some CPs that end up staying and make a career with Disney but those tend to be the best of the best. Many others are here to have a good time and many CMs feel that CPs are too concerned with their parties back at housing to care about the work that we do everyday. There is a specific problem in my department with morale, it is said that we have THE highest turnaround in the Company, not WDW, the Company. Now I don't know to what extent that is true but the CMs that care about our department and want to make it better by planning community building activities feel left out when pictures are always posted on the walls of CP avtivities that they get such as the bi annual CP fireworks cruise and formal. They feel like the CPs won't help build morale in the dept because they just leave every six months but that the long standing and loyal CMs who work here to support themselves should get a bit more recognition. I'm not saying its right or wrong, but those are my observations. As a PT CM I try to get to know the CP but sometimes it is hard when you know that they will leave and there will be new ones to warm up to later on, but that never dictates how I treat them.
Nobody ever seemed to have a problem with CPs where I worked. I hung out with a few part-timers outside of work and there were even full-timers there that started a few months before I did who would ask me questions about what to do in certain situations. One CM who had picked up a shift in Toontown even gave me a GSF for handling a situation with a guest when I couldn't get a hold of a manager. It was my first GSF and I didn't even know about it until like 3 days later. I guess it just depends on where you work.
Nobody ever seemed to have a problem with CPs where I worked. I hung out with a few part-timers outside of work and there were even full-timers there that started a few months before I did who would ask me questions about what to do in certain situations. One CM who had picked up a shift in Toontown even gave me a GSF for handling a situation with a guest when I couldn't get a hold of a manager. It was my first GSF and I didn't even know about it until like 3 days later. I guess it just depends on where you work.

Its all about attitude for me I never judge the cper unless he has a bad mentality:) we are all a team :) I wish every CPer would do that :) but noone is perfect! Great job on getting a GSF btw!
Its all about attitude for me I never judge the cper unless he has a bad mentality:) we are all a team :) I wish every CPer would do that :) but noone is perfect! Great job on getting a GSF btw!

Haha thanks! I got plenty while I was there.
Haha thanks! I got plenty while I was there.

Me too :) I feel like that was one of the great little things about working at Disney, other jobs don't give you GSF cards or anything like that, they're great for moral boosts :)
Me too :) I feel like that was one of the great little things about working at Disney, other jobs don't give you GSF cards or anything like that, they're great for moral boosts :)

True... most of the time managers or coordinators would give them out. But I got two GSFs from other area managers during the christmas parties, two from guests, and one from that random cast member and those are the ones that mean the most.
Ohh GSFS. They are really a great thing. Makes you feel all good about your self. What sucks is some departments give them out more than others. It sounds like you both worked in departments that remembered about them. In Entertainment, GSFs just are not that common. Sometimes you get managers/captains that give them but a lot of times you get managers/captains that don't. I got one on my last day as a CP and then 3 more in my 2 summer months of seasonal (2 of which were from a photopass I worked with and the last from my captain on my last night of work). I tried to remember to give them to co-workers that I thought did an awesome job b/c it is so rare to get them in Entertainment, especially performers.
You can give other CMs GSFs just as a coworker??? If this is really truly true it's one more reason I can't wait for my program, I would love to do that sort of thing. :)
You can give other CMs GSFs just as a coworker??? If this is really truly true it's one more reason I can't wait for my program, I would love to do that sort of thing. :)

I think if you recognized great service from a fellow CM you tell your manager about it and the manager will write one up for them and put down who recommended and for what they did and such. At least if I'm remembering correctly that's how it worked at my location.
You can tell I haven't done the program yet (I arrive August 8!!), but, what's a GSF?

It's a little card that says Great Service Fanatic and you get them for going above and beyond in the work place (above and beyond, I have not been able to stop using that phrase since traditions during my last CP, Disney brainwashing is really effective guys)
I think you can use them for something other than just feeling awesome but I really have no idea.
The way I remember it, you just have to get a manager to sign your GSF if it's from a co-worker.
When you turn them in it shows up on your record card.
Also a lot of times they'll be doing drawings or contests with the GSF's. Like they'll give prizes and what not to people in the department with the most or pull a random GSF from the bin.
They go on your record card too.

The way it worked in my location was that anybody could write up a GSF for you, you just had to get it signed by a leader/manager if you wanted it to be put on your record card or be entered into any contests.


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