Why do some CMs not like the CP?


Earning My Ears
Apr 20, 2011
Hi there,

Just curious, I knew a girl who was a Cast Member. Her and some of her fellow CMs would complain all the time about the College Programers.

I'm interested in the CP, but is there going to be a lot of hostilisty coming from CMs? Is it common, or just this particular group of people I knew? I can't imagine why there would be such dislike when the job requirements seem to be the same.
I didn't notice a lot of hostility, but I did notice some at times. I can see that it may frustrating to always have new people starting every 6 months or so and having to deal with unexperienced cast members. Some CM's have been there forever and act like they own the place, those are the types to look out for. However, there are many CM's who LOVE the CP's and grow close with them during their program. Don't let anything keep you from experiencing the CP!
Quite a few CMs told me they don't want to become friends with CPs because "there is no point since they leave in 5 months." I found that to be really mean, especially when so many CPs are moving away from friends and family for the first time in their lives and don't know anyone.
It's just like any place you work. Some people aren't going to like you. Some will. In general, if you do your job well, people will like you. The CPs I noticed getting a lot of flak were the ones who messed up all the time or generally acted like they were on vacation, not working. Most of my full-timers loved CPs because we "CP stands for Closing People" and it means they don't have to close.
Ditto what everyone else said! The only other reason I've heard from CMs is that some people feel like CPers make it hard for them to get the hours they want, since CPers are guaranteed minimum hours, and on top of that they're paid less, so Disney saves money from them working more hours that would otherwise go to a PT or FT CM.
I didn't notice a lot of hostility, but I did notice some at times. I can see that it may frustrating to always have new people starting every 6 months or so and having to deal with unexperienced cast members. Some CM's have been there forever and act like they own the place, those are the types to look out for. However, there are many CM's who LOVE the CP's and grow close with them during their program. Don't let anything keep you from experiencing the CP!

I guess what was so mind boggling, was the girl was a rather new CM. I think it mainly stemmed from hours and scheduling, like beautybutafunnygirl said.

Quite a few CMs told me they don't want to become friends with CPs because "there is no point since they leave in 5 months." I found that to be really mean, especially when so many CPs are moving away from friends and family for the first time in their lives and don't know anyone.

That's a horrible reason to not become friends. Wouldn't it be more exciting to have friends from all over. That's crazy.
on vacation, not working. .

I am a current CP and these types of people drive me absolutely nuts. Go find a different job if you're not willing to take on the responsibilities of being a Cast Member, not just an employee.
I actually never understood this. I must have been a lucky one getting placed in a WONDERFUL location. Every single FT CM loved us CPs... or at least they acted sincerely like they did. I worked in a DVC resort and we always said "welcome home" and i truely felt like I was going "home" when I went to work. I felt like I had tons of moms/dads/brothers/sisters and best friends every time I went to work. I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

And like others have said... all in all, it's a job. You're going to have people you like/don't like and people that like you/dont like you. HOWEVER... this program is ALL what YOU make it to be :goodvibes If you find people you don't like... forget about it. It's really not worth wasting your energy on negative thoughts when you're only there for a short time. Embrace every moment and if someone has a problem with you, take it as a challange to maybe impress them and change their minds or make it a challange to find 2 people that you get a long with really well (or more!).

and above all else, just have FUN!!!
I did QSFB at the studios and it was a love/hate thing. The younger CMs (high school age part timers) loved us CPs we were like big brother/sister best friends rolled into awesome coworkers

The older part timers loved us too, and had a blast with us.

Most of the full timers liked us but there were about two who seemed to hate us.

And then there was this one lady who acted like she loved us but would shirk her duties and then blame it on us since we were new. Around the holidays i was schedule a day off on Christmas and she got upset and tried very hard to get me fired because apparently she was angry I got Christmas off.

The funny thing is, I had no plans for Christmas until AFTER my fellow CPs got off of work so she could of asked and I would of traded shifts with her.

Basically with fulltime CMs it seems to be the luck of the draw.
At my job I am in a rotational program where every 8 months or so we leave the project we are working on and move to something new. Program members are called ELPs

I have found a few people who dislike the ELPs because they feel they constantly have to be getting someone up to speed. By the time we get to really know a project and start making good progress on it we leave and someone new comes in that doesn't know anything about the project.

There are others that feel that because we have worked a large number of different projects at the company that we are great people to have on their project becasue we can look at everything they are doing and tell them what other groups are doing that may work better for them.

I imagine it would be the same for the CPs. It would be fustrating to have to teach someone new how to do things every 6 months, but others like having the new faces to meet and work with as well.
As a CP-turned-CM, here's my opinion...

Like alot have said, some CMs dont like the CPs because they are new and inexperienced, and since they only stay for a certain amount of time, don't really bother getting to know them. Plus, if you are a seasonal or part-time CM, some think its realllllly unfair that CPs are getting all the hours.

This is true for many CMs, but honestly, it really depends on your area. Where I work, there are lots of younger people (20s-aged), and many themselves are former CPs who happen to stay.

The only thing I complain about the CPs has nothing to do with the CPs themselves, its the schedulers... But there are many CMs who dislike the CPs because of this... they give CPs mandatory 6-day weeks (50+ hours), and then only schedule me 1 day, and a 6 hour shift at that. That doesn't make sense. Yes, the CPs get paid less than me, but their overtime pay is more than me!
After having done the CP myself, and now being FT, I don't have any problems with the CPs (as I know what it's like to go through the program). I do know of FTers who have had issues with CPs, though
At my location we are facing some frustrations with our CPs. While we love them as human beings, one has mentally checked out (because he is here less than a month) and calls in a lot, making us pick up the slack.

Also, we have had several FTers leave our location, and there a many people wanting FT. However, instead of creating new FT spots, all of those hours are going to the CPs. We just brought on two new CPs (mid-program), and we are frustrated because our PTers want those FT spots.

Let it be known, however, that this doesn't mean we hate the CPs or the people. We are frustrated by the situation that the program creates.

One of our CPs would like to go FT at the end of the program, but likely he'll have to go seasonal and then another CP will replace him. This happens in Entertainment quite frequently as well. So he'll get no hours and the new CP will get OT.

When people express frustration with the CPs, it's typically the program itself, not the people.
When people express frustration with the CPs, it's typically the program itself, not the people.

This is SO true! I worked at ODF (now ODV) at Studios with a wide array of different CMs: FT - mostly in their 20s, or older if coordinators or managers, PT - plethora of ages, and Seasonal - either snowbirds or local college kids home for the summer (like me!).

We also had LOTS of CPs.

As a seasonal worker the same age as most CPs we got along with all of the people really well, but most of the seasonal workers absolutely despised the CP PROGRAM because mid summer when all the Fall Advantage workers came in, hours were hard to get. At the end of the summer I was working 2 days a week before getting EHH.
I definitely noticed a lot of call ins like Berlioz said. Some people would be like "I didn't get the PI I applied for so now I'm just gonna call in once a week". If they don't care about their record cards then they don't show. I'm interested in a PI and calling in just isn't my style unless I'm sick (which I was a few times from being right in the faces of sick little girls), so I never really understood this.
Well, it's definitely reassuring to know that the frustration is situational and not personal.
My Daughter Megan has been in the CP since September of last year, and is getting ready to come home in May. Since we talk almost everyday i can tell you a couple of things. She love it the first 7 Months and loved everyone that she worked with, She was also training a lot of the newer CP, but when she made the decision that it was time to come home and did not extened her program that was when a lot of changes had happend. She work there for 7 months with NO repremends at all and in the course of 1 month she got 2, the Manager where she works took her off training and put her somewhere else (Market) I think is what it is called, all of the culinary experts called it a big mistake becuase Megan was a great assist for them. She even stayed the night there and slept on a bench so that she would not be late after they had the CP Graduation. She has made a lot of friends with the CP Program, but the last couple of month she has not enjoyed her time at all.
I haven't noticed any non CP-er's who have a problem with us at my location (Cosmics) but there is a coordinator there that holds great disdain for many of us. I try not to take it personally since they also seem to harbor negative feelings about many of the other people that work there as well, but it's still a drag to have to put up with. I'm not sure why they feel that way, I believe it is a power struggle with authority, and not so much the people themselves.
It is definitely a love - hate relationship. I am a younger CM, 25 yo, and I have been a CP on 2 occasions so I know what they are going through.

To the post about not becoming friends with CPs cause they leave, it is kinda true. Someone responded saying that the CMs need to realize that the CPs are leaving friends and family at home and its hard on them, I agree... BUTTT when we become good friends with CPs, they leave every 6 months. EVERy 6 months. So imagine making best friends that you never see again twice a year. It sucks. Am I unkind to CPs, no, but I think you subconciously try to not become best friends. It is just easier. But I also do act as the older sister to most CPs, its kinda hard not too.

The older full timers just dont like seeing people enjoy their jobs lol. Most of them hate where they work so CPs making half of what the FT make that are having a blast make them remeber what life used to be.
It is definitely a love - hate relationship. I am a younger CM, 25 yo, and I have been a CP on 2 occasions so I know what they are going through.

To the post about not becoming friends with CPs cause they leave, it is kinda true. Someone responded saying that the CMs need to realize that the CPs are leaving friends and family at home and its hard on them, I agree... BUTTT when we become good friends with CPs, they leave every 6 months. EVERy 6 months. So imagine making best friends that you never see again twice a year. It sucks. Am I unkind to CPs, no, but I think you subconciously try to not become best friends. It is just easier. But I also do act as the older sister to most CPs, its kinda hard not too.

The older full timers just dont like seeing people enjoy their jobs lol. Most of them hate where they work so CPs making half of what the FT make that are having a blast make them remeber what life used to be.

Oh my goodness this exactly about the old FT people. Our location had many of them and while 2 were absolutely lovely the others seemed sour on life. One actually told me she was 'keeping an eye' on me because I smiled far too much to be actually working.


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