Who's letting Disney do the placing?


Earning My Ears
Mar 18, 2009
So I see everyone searching frantically for roommates!
It was making me crazy at first until I realized, we don't have to pick roommates?:confused3
Has anyone trusted Disney when it came to housing?
If so would you recommend or definitely not recommend it? :upsidedow
I was fortunate enough to get "stuck" with some pretty cool girls the first time around. Unfortunately, quite a few of them left the first month, because they got termed or for personal reasons. So I got "stuck" with a few more. Out of the 5 I ended up living with, I am still good friends with 3. Not for any real reason other than the other two and I did not share the same interests, which is bound to happen. I loved them all, though.

I'd say: If you're super picky about the type of people you feel comfortable around, let Disney do the picking. If you're not, just go down with all intentions of meeting and becoming friends with as many of your roomies as you can. Either way, you'll meet some awesome people. You just have to go with your mind open to the experience in all aspects.
Im just rolling the dice. Im requesting the size apartment i want, and whoever shows up, shows up. I like it that way.
From DD's experience, she went down knowing no one and ended up rooming with 5 other girls. Four of the other girls had come together as pairs and pretty much insulated themselves from everyone else.
She and the other girl who were "forced" to make friends seemed to really enjoy the program more and I think they got more out of it.

When she extended she moved into a 1 bedroom with another girl she knew from work. This girl's original roomie was arranged before they came and they ended up hating each other. :sad2:

So I think like others have said, the more open minded you are, the better your whole program will go, including roomie assignments.
My vote is to find someone before you go. The whole process can be a little scary as they throw so much at you those first few days, a friend (even if it's someone you met online and are just meeting for the first time in person) can make it a little less stressful.

Just my 2 cents from my own experience.
I prefer letting fate decide. I always think about what if you find out living with the person you chose isn't really the best thing? That's a situation you put yourself into and I wouldn't like that feeling. Not to mention, two of my roommates came down together only semi knowing each other from school, and they couldn't stand each other very early on in the program. Go to Disney and have fun. You're there to make a lot of friends and I think it's easier if you have to throw yourself into making friends rather relying on the one friend you decided to room with.
I got matched with someone by Disney and it worked out perfectly! I wasn't expecting to get along with her at all because we are very different but we had opposite work hours and were both respectful of each other. The other two pairs in our apt. didn't turn out as well. One moved back home and got replaced, and none of the four of them got along.
I'm probably going to let Disney pick for me. I love meeting new people and making new friends, and I have a guy friend that's going who I can stick with if the roommate sitch doesn't work out super great. I'm sure it will be a blast no matter what though. :woohoo:
Well I've kinda felt like trying to find a roommate before hand has been more stressful haha so I'm thinking of just winging it at this point. I did notice when accepting my position that you could choose to find out at least one of your roommates before going, has anyone does this? I'm thinking thats a good idea to at least know 1 person when arriving. My boyfriend is doing the program as well but I really do want to be good friends with those I live with as well.
I let Disney chose one of my roommates. He seems like a nice guy, we're pretty different but I'm sure it'll work out. It's nice to know who one of the people that I'm living with is though, it takes a bit of the anticipation out lol.
I just let Disney pick my roommate, this way i know who she is and we can let eachother know what where bringing so we don't bring 2 of the same thing.

Basically it's like the same thing as if you went and they picked for you when you were down there. Just this way you get to know them ahead of time.
I am letting disney pick for me
Just because I would like to know what to bring
Come on, you know its awesome to have 6 TVs and 4 of each video game console. :thumbsup2

We had 2 TVs in our living room, one for games, one for tv. :happytv:
I did the random placing/roomie for my first 4 CPs. This time I am going down with my roomie already decided (hey Jordan!:goodvibes). I think it will be nice knowing who my roomie is before arriving.
Thanks sooo much for the input :goodvibes
I think I'm gonna chance it and see how it turns out ;)
So now I have to pick which complex!
I'm leaning towards Chatham...can anyone holler and let me know :cutie:
Wasn't there a spot on there that said you may not be able to choose where you live if the person you're rooming with (whoever they place you with) already filled out the form/survey or whatever? I'm confused.
I let the dice/fate or whatever choose for me on both of my programs. I guess I consider myself open-minded. I did not have any major problems with any of the 12 or so roommates I have encountered on my CP's. I also didn't take anything with me that may be duplicated (TV's, DVD players, etc.) and I was lucky enough both times that my roommates had everything. Besides the wireless router...we all split the cost of it and bought it after we arrived. I actually thought the TV in the living area on my first program was Disney's for the first 4 months, until I found out it was my roommates :rotfl:

PS....I love all the Rob Pattinson avatar's, I LOVE the man :goodvibes
Thanks sooo much for the input :goodvibes
I think I'm gonna chance it and see how it turns out ;)
So now I have to pick which complex!
I'm leaning towards Chatham...can anyone holler and let me know :cutie:

I like Chatham. It's really nice, and I hope to stay there again this time.
BTW...I was watching someones vlog and they said Patterson was like a retirement home. Why would they say that?
Thanks sooo much for the input :goodvibes
I think I'm gonna chance it and see how it turns out ;)
So now I have to pick which complex!
I'm leaning towards Chatham...can anyone holler and let me know :cutie:

Again, in my opinion, Chatham (and Patterson, now) is the best choice if you want a more quite, calm experience. Vista's much more of a "party" place. So it all depends on what you prefer.


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