Who is on the Oct 5th "Wonder" Cruise?

Only 2 more weeks - WOW - its hard to believe.

I seem to be the only one excited in my household. I tried to get my daughter to watch the DCL video last night and she just wanted to watch "The Very Hungry Caterpiller".

I got a few different color Mickeys to hang on my door - room 6582, so please stop by. We're one floor up from the children's club - so I hope that will be convenient!!

At least Isabel will be out of the way. Now if I can just keep everyone healthy.

So what time do you think we should get to the port? I was thinking around 11:00 am.
Well, Only 9 days to the wedding, I really have to get packing. I will be looking for Mickey's so we can say HI.

How are you going to attack them to the lanyards? I REALLY need to know.

PamCo: did you evr figure out your packing dilemma? About those Lanyards: most of them have an alligator clip or something like that hanging at the bottom. If you can not find one of the plastic see-through holders, maybe you can laminate the mickey to protect it and then clip it to the lanyard. Or you can attach on of the mickeys to your mickey ear (you are wearing them to board right?)

Still haven't decided what we are doing two days prior to the cruise. Looked into an airboat ride. My boys want to see some alligators in the wild. In Northwest FL you don't see alligators lying all over the place like in Alligator Alley!

Boy, do I need to stay off this computer and pack!!

Tina :crazy: (if I could just get freckles on this smiley...)
PamCo.: I followed Peggy's advice and found my lanyard at Walmart in the jewelry dept. where the wallets/billfolds are at. They have a zip pouch and also an outside pocket (all clear plastic) and I slid my mickey in there. It fits perfect! They're 97 cents. Hope all is well with the planning.
Lulu: How are you making out with the hurricane? My family called today to check in with me and they said it was getting pretty windy. We were just on the very outer fringe and got gusty wind and occasional rain. We were lucky. Looks like 2 hrs. east of us got hammered.
Hopefully no more hurricanes or tropical storms for a while, so we can all enjoy a sunny vacation!
Hopefully our friends in the Caroliners did not lose their electricity and will stop by soon and say HI. Thanks for the lanyard tips, I was trying to figure out how to pin it to one of the pin lanyards. I am going to try to lamenate my mickeys to make them last longer. I'll let you know how it works out.
Laura: Thanks for your concern; we made it through the hurricane without any problems. Some people in our area lost power for a little while, but that was about it. We live outside of Warminster a bit; if I see you onboard, we'll have to see how close your family lives to us!:)

Went to WalMart and finally found that 97 cent pouch! Now I have a place for my green Mickey! Also found my sleeveless green shirt and have tucked it away so that it's ready to pack!
Just have to wear it the day we board!

It won't be long now. . .
got to give us a bump!

Went to Wal-mart Sat trying to stay ahead of my last minute packing rush and could not find the plastic holders for my lanyard. (of course, had 2 boys and grumpy DH so did not look as well as I could) Can anyone help on exactly where they were.

PamCo: Good Luck to you this week!! My DH--I don't always like him, but I always love him!! Wishing you a life of love and laughter!!

Starting to make the decorations for my door. Not sure exactly what I am doing yet

Tina, I had a hard time finding the lanyard, too. I went to WalMart a couple of times looking! Go to the purse/wallet section, and then over to the jewelry/keychain area. Look at all the little shelves and stands with hanging items and you're bound to come across it.

I also loaded my cart up with all those little over-priced travel size shampoos and toothpastes, etc. They're so cute; I love 'em!

Good luck on your lanyard search!

We will be on The Wonder in 2 weeks from today. :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I believe everyone in our house is getting excited now.

Now the rush begins:
Keep the clothes clean, clean the house, clean out the car, Board the dog, change the oil in the car, buy those last few items need for the cruise and don't forget to pack.
A lot to do but the time will go by faster!
That's so funny, Peggy. I started to do alot of those things you listed last week. I called to confirm the kennel. Then I started to pull things out of the kids closets. Had to iron a bunch of stuff (probably won't due any good...probably will be wrinkled in 2 weeks anyway). It just made me feel better with all this pent up excited energy. I made a "general" list for my DH. ex) how many nice shirts, how many bathing suits, etc. Now, he's ordering clothes on-line! I told him that I hope they have fast delivery or he's out of luck. Always, waiting til the last minute.
Regarding the lanyards, I just followed Peggy's directions. I found them with the men's wallets/billfolds in the jewelry dept at Walmart. I hope that helps. I still can't believe that we'll be there in less than 2 weeks!
I made my packing list last night and am going to Wal Mart tomorrow to get a few things.

DD7 has had pink eye since Thursday. Tonight it seems to have spread to the other eye. DD3 will have it by the end of the week, I'm sure. They share everything. Pray for us that it runs its course by Oct. 5! I've talked up the kids' clubs and pools so much, they'll be so sad if they aren't allowed in.

watshakinranch--please save me a paint chip! I'll look for you at the port. Not sure yet what I'll be wearing. Probably my navy blue Mickey dress. I've got long brown hair. DH has been told he looks like John Candy (but don't tell him I said that. He doesn't regard it as a compliment. lol)

Peggy--we go to Pigeon Forge once or twice a year. We'll be there over New Years this year.

Two weeks from now I'll be picking up my kids from their first night in the club at about this time (I hope!!!!!)
Partridge: I also have an extra Mickey head if you need it. I'll keep an eye out for you. Also, regarding pink-eye, talk to your doctor. I believe there are antibiotic eye drops/ointment available for it. It may lessen the time you're dealing with it and lessen the stress. Good luck:)
Partridge4ever - as a survivor of pink eye and a 6-year old and a DH who have gotten pink eye several times - I also suggest you see your doctor. There are eye drops that you can get - plus you are no longer infectious after putting the drops in for 24 hours. They clear the eyes up much faster too.

We're leaving NEXT WEEK - can you believe it???

I am soooo swamped at work. Got to get back to it. I need a vacation!!
We've actually seen the doctor twice and had 2 different kinds of drops. I know she's not supposed to be contagious tomorrow, but she still looks awful. I can't decide whether to send her to school or not.

I was looking at the menus on Barbara's site. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food. What's quinoa and tilapia? When we took a Carnival cruise two years ago, I ordered a tomato salad w/buffalo mozerella. Who knew that it was actually made from buffalo? It was awful.
If she's on drops, she might look better tomorrow. If her eye is still oozing, you might want to keep her home - just so you can keep her eye clean. Is she self-conscious about it?

I love tomatos and mozerella cheese. And yes, I try not to think of it coming from a water buffalo. Someone at work the other day was eating a salad that had duck tongue (she's Chinese). People here were talking about eating ethnic favorites such as chicken feet soup, brains, etc. They were laughing at me for making faces. I know its all cultural - but still - duck tongue Yeach!

I have no idea what quinoa and tilapia are either. I'm sure the waiters can explain it!

I just keep hoping we don't get sick. Anyone with a cold - stay away from me!!!
Hello everyone
Is it me or is September lasting forever!! I can't wait for my first Disney cruise!! I bought our cruise (DH, DD7, DD7) in August and I'm already crazy with waiting. How do people who have bought this a year out stand the wait! I look forward to meeting everyone - I went to Home Depot and got my lime green Mickey. Still haven't told the kids about the cruise - its hard to keep my excitement to myself. I can't wait to see their faces when they realize we are getting on the boat. 13 DAYS!!

Why Eat It

Nutritionally, quinoa might be considered a supergrain--although it is not really a grain, but the seed of a leafy plant that's distantly related to spinach. Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and unlike other grains, is not missing the amino aicd lysine, so the protein is more complete (a trait it shares with other "non-true" grains such as buckwheat and amaranth). The World Health Organization has rated the quality of protein in quinoa at least equivalent to that in milk. Quinoa offers more iron than other grains and contains high levels of potassium and riboflavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6, niacin, and thiamin. It is also a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese, and has some folate (folic acid).

An ancient grainlike product that has recently been "rediscovered" in this country, quinoa has a light, delicate taste, and can be substituted for almost any other grain.

Though quinoa is a recent addition to the North American larder, this crop, native to the Andes, sustained the ancient Incas, and has been cultivated continuously for more than 5,000 years. Quinoa thrives in poor soil, arid climates, and mountainous altitudes. Today, most quinoa is imported from South America, although it is being cultivated on the high slopes of the Colorado Rockies.

Quinoa grains are about the same size as millet, but flattened, with a pointed, oval shape. The color ranges from pale yellow through red and brown to black. Quinoa cooks quickly to a light, fluffy texture. As it cooks, the external germ, which forms a band around each grain, spirals out, forming a tiny crescent-shaped "tail," similar to a bean sprout. Although the grain itself is soft and creamy, the tail is crunchy, providing a unique texture to complement quinoa's delicate flavor.


Since this grain is still a relatively new one, at least to the American market, you're most likely to find it in health-food and specialty stores. Large supermarkets often stock quinoa, too.


Quinoa is more expensive than most grains. However, during cooking, it increases about three to four times in volume, so you get reasonable value for your money.


Store quinoa like other grains, in a tightly closed container in a cool, dry place.


Quinoa's survival through the millennia may be attributed to the resinous, bitter coating that protects its seeds from birds and insects--and also shields them from the intense high-altitude sunlight. This coating, called saponin, is soapy and must be removed in a strong alkaline solution to make the grain palatable. Most quinoa sold in this country has already been cleansed of its saponin. But quinoa should be rinsed thoroughly before cooking to remove any powdery residue of saponin. Place the grain in a fine strainer and hold it under cold running water until the water runs clear; drain well.

Toast the grain in a dry skillet for five minutes before cooking to give it a delicious roasted flavor. To cook, use two parts liquid to one part quinoa. Combine the liquid and toasted quinoa in a medium saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook until the grains are translucent and the germ has spiraled out from each grain, about 15 minutes.

To make a quinoa pilaf, begin by sauteing chopped onion and garlic in a little oil. Add toasted quinoa and liquid (two parts water to one part quinoa) and simmer as described above. After the pilaf is cooked, you can stir in other ingredients such as toasted nuts, dried fruit, shredded greens or fresh herbs, or cheese.

As far as Tilapia, it is a fish and here is a site with more info.


I hope this helps.

I don't think I will care to try either.

I am not much on fish but my DS may.

I have found over the years as a parent and a nurse that if the drops don't do the trick the ointment will. But it is thick and not many people like it. My brother just had a bad case of the pink eye and the drops didn't touch. He came to my house and I gave him some ointment and his eye was better in a matter of hours and his ither eye never got bad. He fuss and said he didn't want to do the ointment but was thanking me the next morning. By the way he is only 46 years old. LOL!

I have been asking the kids if they feel okay because at the first sign of illness we will be off to the Doc. I am not missing the BOAT. LOL! On our last cruise they asked if anyone had been sick in the last week.

I have been pulling the clothes out of the closet and washing laundry. I am about to pack and let my DS deal with a couple of sets of clothes for the next 8 school days. He changes more than anyone in the house. LOL! I can just see him expalining it to his friends now why he wears the same clothes every other day.
We will be leaving on Oct 3th headed for FL. I am beginning to get that feeling of... WIll I get it done in time.

I am going to try to scan my Mickey Lime Green Chip tommorrow if it works I would be happy to email anyone a copy.. That way you could have as many as you want just print. I will let everyone know how it works.
Wow Peggy! I must say that's more info on quinoa than I ever hoped to get. lol I think I'll try it. The fish is out. yuck.

I'm calling the pediatrician yet again tomorrow. I'll ask about ointment. I'm also getting vitamin C and zinc tablets.
Hi All. I started packing, have together all the day clothes for the trip. Still have to pull together the nighttime stuff. I was happy to find clothes weigh less than I thought. Packing isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Just tons of stuff to do. I'll try to check in before the end of the week, but with only 4 days left, I have a LOT of things to do.

Hope to see everyone on the Ship.


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