Which sunscreen is your favorite?


DIS Veteran
Jun 30, 2000
I'm looking for a sunscreen that is long lasting and lightweight. I hate the feeling of sunscreen in 90 degree weather so much that I tend to put it on so sparingly that I burn. I'm hoping someone can suggest to me a sunscreen that is non greasy that I don't have to reapply ever hour. I do use a good sunscreen on the kids and apply enough so they will not burn. They look so hot and greasy after I apply it though. My suncreens all have no expiration dates so I will be throwing them out and purchasing new for our next visit. Which sunscreen is your favorite and why?
I like Neutrogena the best. Its a little pricey, but I think worth it. I have very sensitive skin and I have never broken out from it. It also always has an expiration date on it, so you know when to toss it.

We just went to WDW in Feb, and before we went I bought some and it was a new version...it was some sort of non-greasy....its called Ultra-Sheer Dry Touch....Dh and I both used it and it didnt leave us feeling like fly-paper.....you know that feeling...when all the dirt/sand sticks to your sunscreen.

I would highly recommend it. It comes in both 30 spf and 45 spf....I just looked at Drugstore.com to see the name and they have it if you want to look to see what the container looks like. I picked it up at a local CVS though.
Bullfrog QuickGel. SPF 36, spray on gel. Dries super quick. I am about as fair skinned as they come (some would even call me pasty ;)). Since we found Bullfrog, I have not burned once. DS uses it at daycamp in the summer.

Make sure to get the spray on. The rub on gel, can sometimes flake off a little and feels yuckky, but the spray is AWESOME.

Edited to add: It's pretty waterproof too!!!
My families favorite sunscreen is NoAd. We buy it at Walmart or Target. It is called NoAd because they don't advertise. It is less expensive than the rest and works great. My skin, especially on my face, is very sensitive to sunscreens. Many that I put on end up burning my face all day. I've never had this problem with NoAd.
I use the Coppertone sport spray on my body. DO NOT apply sparingly and hope not to burn. That won't happen with any of them. On any sunscreen you should use approximately 1 oz (a shotglass) of suncreen per applicaption for full protection.

I use Clinque SPF 30 on my face and trust me it works. (I have no desire to have my face look like leather so I don't let it see much sun!)
I agree with staylor. We use NoAd on the whole family and it works well - we were in FL for 10 days and nobody got sunburned and we were out every day in the hot sun. We got great tans though:D

It doesn't feel yucky or greasy to me anyway and my kids never complained about it and believe me they can complain ;)
Clinique makes a great line of sunscreens that do not leave a greasy feeling and do not clog pores. Also, they have an after sun lotion that is great if you do get burned.... I made a mistake in Hawaii and missed with the sunscreen on my shoulders and neck area and was very sunburned. I used this lotion and it was soothing and never peeled!
Has anyone tried any of the Lancome sunscreens? I am a big fan of Lancome but hate to drop a bundle of money on a sunscreen product that I wouldn't like or didn't work well.
I am a very big fan of Panama Jack, simply because it is the only one that won't make mine or DD's eyes burn when it is applied to our face (we have some sort of sensitivity that the rest of the family doesn't). I was wondering though, it is hard to find and when I do find it it can be rather pricey. Does anyone else have an eye burning problem with sunscreens and had any luck with anything else?
I like Neutrogena as well ... I think it has a since scent and I don't find it too greasy. My boyfriend disagrees though :rolleyes: He doesn't like any of the sunscreen creams... He prefers the Copertone Sport which comes in a spray. You've got to put that one on quickly once you've sprayed it on your hands because it evaporates.
I also like Neutrogena. It isn't greasy at all. With NoAd I burnt like my Thanksgiving turkey.
I like the Coppertone Sport Spray or Banana Boat Sport spray. They seem to do the trick, but as has been said previously, it is important to spray generously. I prefer the sprays because there is no rubbing, no icky hands, etc. Also, because I go to the parks solo so often, it is a lot easier to reach more of my back with the spray. Alternatively, it is much less intrusive to ask a nearby stranger to spray your back with sunscreen than it is to ask them to apply the non-spray variety.
Hi all,

I would recommend a sunscreen made by a lady called "Liz Earle".
Back in the UK she is a famous beauty expert and her suncreen range is superb. It is an all natural product with no chemical sunscreens.

I am very fair skinned and I usually burn within 10 minutes of being in the sun. I used her range when I went to Vegas and California last year and I did not burn one tiny bit!!

It is not waterproof though, but that is good for me because my skin can breathe and I do not then suffer from prickly heat.

I am getting married in WDW in May 2003 and I will be taking it with me for sure.

Give it a go!


or try www.qvcuk.com

Good luck

... once it is on. It is a very fine spray that goes on white, so you can see where it is and make sure you don't miss any spots, but once it dries (about 45 seconds), you can't feel it at all.

We use the Neutrogena wax on our faces, as it does not run or sting.
Another vote for Neutrogena. I get the spray on pump bottle. Goes on light, dries quickly, no "sunscreen" odor.
I love Melaleuca Brand!!! And I am a red headed pale skinned lily!!! It goes on really easily!! Long lasting!!!!:Pinkbounc

I too get severe prickly heat during my vacations. I just always thought it was from sun exposure. After a week in the sun, I'm a spotted, itchy mess. Do you find the type of sunscreen you use really helps with the prickly heat? Anyone else have this problem and what do you do about it?
I have been on a quest for the perfect sunscreen and this is what I have learned. most of our sunscreens only protect us from uvb rays ( sunburn rays) However it is the uva rays that cause skincancer and wrinkles. A truly effective sunscreen must have either ZINK OXIDE, TITANIUM DIOXIDE OR AVOBENZONE as one of its indredients. ( this was news to me!) MOST of the sunscreens do NOT contain any of these things! Please check the contents of your sunscreen to be sure you are properly protected. Most will keep you from getting burned but still leave you unprotected from harmful rays. Clinique is a good choice and does have a light oil free version.


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