What medication do you take to relieve flight anxiety?

I also take a Xanax the night before, and a 0.5 an hour before I board. It doesn't knock me out, just makes me feel calm. It's like a miracle for me, because I also experienced a panic attack in the bathroom. It's no joke. Thank goodness there are medications to give us relief. There's no need to suffer when a doctor can help with a prescription.
Thanks for all of the info! Now I can relax and look forward to our cruise without worrying about the flight! :sunny:
Thanks for all of the info! Now I can relax and look forward to our cruise without worrying about the flight! :sunny:
I am a recent Xanax convert too! I was very afraid to take anything because I felt as though I needed to be in control in case I had to help the pilot in the event of an emergency (no I am not kidding! I am also the one who wears my seatbelt low & tight around my waist & counts the rows to the nearest exit & listens attentively to the safety talk despite flying zillions of time). Anyway, finally my anxiety has overcome my fear & I decided to try something to take the edge off.
Yes, I am the person who cannot sleep the night before. In fact I am so anxious that I get diahrrea the night before which makes me even more nervous that I will have to go on the plane! So after many Immodium AD's & 1 Xanax (dr recommended so ask your dr) I am somewhat ok. I still am a bit nervous but I feel I can handle it better. This next trip (only a 2 hr flight thank God) I may ask for more because now I start getting nervous like 3 days in advance & need to start taking it earlier to relax.
It is so funny that as soon as we land I am totally fine! Hubby calls me Sybil because I am a totally different person as soon as we land! All smiles! :D
Definately try it beforehand to see how you will react. I will probably use 2 next flight just to be on the safe side!
HTH! My rational side realizes it is the safest way to travel but when I am 30,000 feet in the air hitting turbulence my rational side flys right out the window!
If you are going to take Xanax, be sure to try it out before the flight. I know from experience with having Lasik on my eyes that Valium doesn't do anything for me (of course, I wasn't anxious but took it since it was included...why turn down free "happy drugs?! ;) ). I developed a severe phobia of the dentist due to a bad experience and took a Xanax, and I thought it probably helped because I got through my appointment just fine. The next time we were due for a bumpy flight, which brings on anxiety attacks for me (they started after a six hour diversion and aborted landing on a previous flight), and it didn't do a thing. I was so disappointed! So try it beforehand to see if it will help and how long it takes to kick in.

I also..."wears my seatbelt low & tight around my waist & counts the rows to the nearest exit & listens attentively to the safety talk despite flying zillions of time"

My DH used to work for an airline and thinks I'm nuts...:crazy: But I don't care.:teeth:
)You are all so funny!:D I thought I was the only one that did those things. Everyone else always looks so calm and I am always the one with the white knuckles grasping the arms with my eyes closed. My husband had a great time one time when we were flying to Germany (moving had no choice :eek:) talking about the sharks and the seat bottom flotation. He flys all of the time and was Airborne in the Army so has no clue what my problem is!

Anyway thanks for sharing your stories. It makes me feel better!
Do I have trouble sleeping the night before? HA!!!! I am 50 some odd days out and I am already dreading the flight!:rolleyes:
the diazepam/valium knocks me on my butt.
zanex does the same to me.
so does alcohol.
i dread flying and can't take anything since i am the one that has to drive the rental car once we leave mco.

i drugg myself up the first night i get there so i won't have nightmares about the flight i just took.

flying just does me in, but it is a whole lot better than driving to florida.
say 22 hours of it.
Where are all you people at when I am flying? Ever person at the airport and on the plane always looks as calm as calm can be. I seem to be the only one in a panic. Yet, I read this thread and realize I am obviously not alone. Thank God for Xanex.

Erin - I'm wondering if you will feel differently with your first trip with children. I found fussing over my dd distracted me enough to remain calm.

To others - taking an anti-anxiety medication when you are not anxious may very well send you for a nap. You are making sure you don't have a bad reaction. I doubt it will make you fall asleep when you are very anxious. It ought to make you feel 'even'.

Has anyone tried a beta blocker? I had good results with them.
If you do take one of the pills, don't drink alcohol too because it will have an additive effect. These don't mix well together, especially to someone who is not used to taking this type of medication.
OMG!!! This is amazing! I could relate to every single one of you. I've flown several times over the years, and dread every single trip. I like totally white-knuckle it the whole flight, and everytime the plane dips or if it gets bumpy, I look around to see if the flight attendants are running to the emergency exits. I also used to always try to check out the pilots when I boarded to make sure that they had just a tinge of gray, to indicate that they have the right amount of experience, and yet are not senile. Oh, I could go on and on, but I'd be repeating what a lot of you have already said.

So, onto the meds --- seems like a fantastic idea! What's the difference between diazepan and lorazepan?

Also, something else I was wondering -- do you think either of these would help me with some of the thrill rides? I usually don't do them because I'm scared, and I sometimes feel I'm really missing out. I don't mind standing in line with my kids and doing the chicken exit, but I know they would love it if I went on the rides too.
since i can't take many of the meds or drink like a fish while i am on the plane, i spend time before and during praying while on the plane. it helps my mental state.

i get a rental car once at mco and i don't think they would let someone that was high as a kite rent a car. i take my meds once i am there before i go to bed.
i get haunted thoughts about what if something did happen.........then the meds kick in and i fall asleep.
i usually start to worry and panic the day before i am to return. i would be lying if i said i don't think about the return flight at any other time. it's hard to sleep at night for me knowing i have to return home on a plane again.

do i need a translator to explain what i just said?? do you all understand what i am saying.??? shake your head yes then. it makes sense to me.

Originally posted by macraven
since i can't take many of the meds or drink like a fish while i am on the plane, i spend time before and during praying while on the plane. it helps my mental state.

i get a rental car once at mco and i don't think they would let someone that was high as a kite rent a car. i take my meds once i am there before i go to bed.
i get haunted thoughts about what if something did happen.........then the meds kick in and i fall asleep.
i usually start to worry and panic the day before i am to return. i would be lying if i said i don't think about the return flight at any other time. it's hard to sleep at night for me knowing i have to return home on a plane again.

do i need a translator to explain what i just said?? do you all understand what i am saying.??? shake your head yes then. it makes sense to me.


What do you take that makes you "high as a kite" or makes you fall asleep that soundly? Are you just sensitive to medication? I take Xanex an hour before we leave for the airport. I can drive a car, do jumping jacks, walk a striaght line, you name it! It doesn't make me tired or even buzzed like I would feel while drinking. It just makes me relax a little but not in a falling asleep and not waking up type way. I could never take a medication that would make me feel like I didn't have control. That would freak me out. That is why I like the Xanex. I feel more at ease but that is it.

my doc has prescribed so many things for me for the panic and anxieties and they react different in me than others.
i either get giddy/ loppie/ or zonk out...............
Originally posted by macraven
my doc has prescribed so many things for me for the panic and anxieties and they react different in me than others.
i either get giddy/ loppie/ or zonk out...............

Bummer! I am like that with any brand sinus medication. The non-drowsy ones make me sleep forever and I feel totally out of it. I have tried every brand and finally gave up. I just suffer with the sinus headache. Thankfully, the Xanex doesn't bother me at all.

Just remember, the people who look the calmest may be the ones who are the most scared of all!
That would be me...outside I look okay, but inside I want to start running up and down the aisles with a case of the screaming meemies! The only thing that keeps me from doing it is knowing that it would do no good...it's not like they're going to be able to immediately land the plane just because I'm going nuts. I figure they'd just zap me with a taser and cable tie me into my seat ;)
On one flight, with a six hour delay, diversion, and aborted landing, the lady in the seat across from us was literally hiding under a blanket. Looked like a good idea to me!
On another flight, I was reliving my anxiety at a really bumpy landing by talking to the flight attendants (across from us in the jump seats) and a couple of fellow passengers. The plane was really rolling from side to side badly (we had almost been diverted but we were running out of fuel so they decided to land us). One of the passengers brought up "Final Destination" (if you're a paranoid flyer and you haven't see it, DON'T). All of a sudden the flight attendant asked one of the other guys, "Are you okay?" He looked like he was going to toss his cookies...he had seen the movie and was having a flashback! That was a SCARY flight, and I was so happy when we finally touched down. I was maintaining the calm demeanor, but I felt like that poor cookie-tossing guy.
I too am a terrified flyer, have been for the last 12 years or so. I used to take Xanax but instead of being "OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" I was like "dude, we're gonna die"... I was still scared, just mellow about it LOL. Then a doctor prescribed Ativan for me, and that works great. I have to take it well before the flight though because my adrenaline is usually so pumped that it takes a while to kick in. It does make me loopy at times, I wouldn't want to drive after taking it. I'm debating on whether to take it for our trip to Disney in August, I don't want to spend our first day there out of it... but then, I don't know if I can get on the plane without it.
Originally posted by oceanmarina
Hi all. As you know, i'm flying tomorrow. My ear still hurts & i'm anxious about flying with that, but I get very panicy when I fly even in general. Just thinking about being so high up there frightens me.

Last year when we flew home from our Paradise Miami cruise to NY, I took 1 pill called "aloprazam" (my doctor prescribed it for me when I told him I need something when I fly. I know the name sounds wierd, it was the generic version on something.) Well, 1 pill did nothing, I was tight as a drum with nervousness my whole flight. The directions said to take 1 to 3, but I only took one since I had never taken a tranquilizer before.

This year, I got 2 different prescriptions for my flying anxiety and I was wondering if anyone takes them and how much. I don't want the same thing to happen last year when 1 pill did nothing to calm my nerves.

The 1st one is "Diazepam 5mg" (it says substituted for valium), it says take 1 tablet every day as needed.

The other is "Lorazepam" 1 mg. It says take 1 tablet every 6 hours needed for anxiety panic attack / no more than 5 tabs daily.

If anyone has tried either of these, let me know what you think. I feel so silly to be posting this, my rational mind knows that flying is much, much safer than driving. It's just that for no reason, when I was in my 20's I got terrified of flying. I love to travel, so it's something I need to get past.

Thanks for any advice,

Hi Marina,

You poor thing-- I feel for you. I am fortunate enough not to be bothered by flying, but my MIL still suffers with this and my DH used to (oddly, he stopped feeling anxious about it AFTER 9/11, which makes no sense to me whatsoever).

Our doctor first gave DH Ativan (generic name lorazepam) and when that really didn't do much for him (even taking a couple of 1mg tabs), the doc gave him Xanax (generic name alprazolam) and told him to take up to 2 mg of it. He started out taking one .5 mg tab, but ended up finding that taking 2 (for a total of 1 mg) about an hour before takeoff REALLY helped. He did this any time we went on air trips up until he got over the anxiety.

Now my MIL has a script for the Xanax as well, but they gave her .25 mg tablets, and she usually takes 3. She is raising my BIL's kids, so she flies with them from time to time and says she doesn't feel like she is "impaired" in terms of being able to care for their needs. Seems like the medicine just takes the edge off but leaves her otherwise normal.

Hope you figure out what works best for you so you don't have to stress out.


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