What is your least favourite type of Tattoo?

I thought it was going to be related to where on the body, to which my answer would have been facial tattoos. I prefer to see original tattoos, not just run of the mill, overused stuff. When my sister got hers, she did a rough sketch of what she wanted, and then worked with the tattoo artist to refine the artwork, so hers is original. A friend with several tattoos does the same thing, and is currently working with her tattoo artist designing a sleeve.
I thought it was going to be related to where on the body, to which my answer would have been facial tattoos. I prefer to see original tattoos, not just run of the mill, overused stuff. When my sister got hers, she did a rough sketch of what she wanted, and then worked with the tattoo artist to refine the artwork, so hers is original. A friend with several tattoos does the same thing, and is currently working with her tattoo artist designing a sleeve.

This is the norm when you have something specific/creative in mind.
It seems like when its trendy or spur of the moment is when its very generic walk right up and get a tiny tattoo and be on your merry way.
This is the group I'm in, also. Don't like tattoos, of any type, on any body.

Curious to know what your round about ages are.
My parents are in their 70's and neither have tattoos and while not exactly thrilled that their 3 kids and 2 of their grand kids have tattoos but also not exactly anti tattoo.
In fact they like some of our tattoos.
We also get them in places that we can easily cover and you wouldn't even know we have them if we passed you on the street.
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This is the group I'm in, also. Don't like tattoos, of any type, on any body.

They don’t appeal to me either, but to each their own.

As for the worst, I agree about facial tattoos. I see someone like Mike Tyson or Post Malone and wonder WHY they would disfigure their face like that. :confused: I suspect they’ll end up regretting it at some point.
Would I get a tattoo on my face? No. But on the other hand I've met some really nice people that have facial tattoos. Not in a dark alley or anything, though, so maybe it's situational 😜

I was 40 when I got my first tattoo. I just got another one in Vegas. I'm at an age where I'd love to have more but it's hard to justify the expense. I for sure have a few more in me, though, one is a milestone tattoo, and a matching one with each kid when and if they want to.
Curious to know what your round about ages are.
My parents are in their 70's and neither have tattoos and while not exactly thrilled that their 3 kids and 2 of their grand kids have tattoos but also not exactly anti tattoo.
In fact they like some of our tattoos.
We also get them in places that we can easily cover and you wouldn't even know we have them if we passed you on the street.
63. My daughter wanted one when she was high school. We told her when she turned 18 she could do whatever she wanted but we were not going to sign a permission slip when she was under 18. She changed her mind when two close friends got tattoos, one got an infection and the other an allergic reaction to the ink. She's 29 now and still doesn't have a tattoo.
Curious to know what your round about ages are.
My parents are in their 70's and neither have tattoos and while not exactly thrilled that their 3 kids and 2 of their grand kids have tattoos but also not exactly anti tattoo.
In fact they like some of our tattoos.
We also get them in places that we can easily cover and you wouldn't even know we have them if we passed you on the street.
I'll just say I'm older than tvguy. I never liked tattoos. I was always aware that someday all that "pretty" colorful decoration was going to wrinkle, sag and look bad.
No tattoos here, but to each their own. Crazy enough, I love the show Ink Master. Although tattoos aren’t for me, I appreciate good artists.

My least favorite area is face, I end up looking at the tattoo over paying attention to the person. It’s distracting.

I laughed at the Tom Hank’s movie Larry Crowne when he told his friend her Japanese tattoo really spelled soy sauce instead of courageous spirit. 🤣 So I guess my least favorite type of tattoo is writing in a language you don’t know. Because you know someone may actually have soy sauce inked on their booty unknowingly. Just sayin’


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