We're here!! Live(ish) trip report

Even with the old GAC you would have used the FP entrance and it sounds like it was backed up for some reason.

Most rides with FP don't have another entrance so FP plus DAS will both use the same line.
With the old GAC you would've been put in FP line straight away not given a return time and then made to go through FP line. Only point I was trying to make was that it isn't going to be fair to everyone. Disney should've just adopted Universal's policy which is fair to everyone IMO. The old GAC needed changing I get that but, from my experience which is all I can go off, the new system will prove problematic for people with Autistic traits (I can't comment on other disabilities).
I think what happened yesterday was the exception rather than the rule. I understand that it is a problem for people with challenges such as yourself, however FP lines generally have little to no wait and are usually quick and continuously moving lines, rather than waiting lines. Every now and then something happens and a FP line may become backed up and they are pretty good at addressing it as quickly as possible but unfortunately on the odd occasion things can go wrong and everyone in the FP line is affected.

I'm in no way glossing over the challenges and the reasons this is a problem for you, but hopefully this will go some way to reassure you that an extended wait or anything more than a few minutes in a FP line is the exception rather than the rule. :thumbsup2
Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I think I was more surprised by how the system hadn't really worked for us on that particular occasion. That said, it was Columbus Day weekend and the park was pretty crowded. We're off to Epcot today so we'll how we fair there. Can't believe how fast this holiday has gone. We're nearly at the end already! :sad :'(
I think what happened yesterday was the exception rather than the rule. I understand that it is a problem for people with challenges such as yourself, however FP lines generally have little to no wait and are usually quick and continuously moving lines, rather than waiting lines. Every now and then something happens and a FP line may become backed up and they are pretty good at addressing it as quickly as possible but unfortunately on the odd occasion things can go wrong and everyone in the FP line is affected.

I'm in no way glossing over the challenges and the reasons this is a problem for you, but hopefully this will go some way to reassure you that an extended wait or anything more than a few minutes in a FP line is the exception rather than the rule. :thumbsup2

See I'm pretty worried about this new system,
There has been quite a few reports about the FP lines getting blocked up and having longer waits due to the system roll out.
I understand the other system may not have been equal but at least it worked for the people who truly needed it :(

I know 2 family's who this just is not working for " they have tried it and ended up spending most of the trip back at the resort and even brought a Universal ticket for the last 3 days that they was not intending on getting..

There going to have to tweak it to get it right and of course disney will do that, it's just gutting that some people's trips are in the middle of the MB and new DAS card roll out.
See I'm pretty worried about this new system, There has been quite a few reports about the FP lines getting blocked up and having longer waits due to the system roll out. I understand the other system may not have been equal but at least it worked for the people who truly needed it :( I know 2 family's who this just is not working for " they have tried it and ended up spending most of the trip back at the resort and even brought a Universal ticket for the last 3 days that they was not intending on getting.. There going to have to tweak it to get it right and of course disney will do that, it's just gutting that some people's trips are in the middle of the MB and new DAS card roll out.

I am not dismissing this but the FP lines do get backed up from time to time and I can't see how it can be any worse because of the new DAS.

Both the GAC and DAS use the FP line the main difference now is that it is not an immediate entry to the FP line and there is a wait before.
it's just gutting that some people's trips are in the middle of the MB and new DAS card roll out.

I think any testing periods are going to work better for some than others and agree that this is most likely a timing issue. The MyMagic+ has had it's share of negative reviews, a fair proportion of those being from 'unlucky guests' where although others went through without a hitch, they faced one issue after another. I suspect that a the queues for FP are going to be a bit longer for a while until they remove the regular FP because at this stage, almost all the resorts are participating in the new system, whereas up until now, it was only select guests and select resorts in smaller sections at a time. Now we have those using FP+ in a far greater volume but they are still able to double dip and use regular FP too. The effects of this appear up until now to have been minimal. It may be that they still are and a backed up line was just one of those things in the OP's case and the exception rather than the rule. I don't think it has as much to do with the new DAS as it has to do with multiple systems currently operating at the same time on a single framework.
Well we went to Epcot this morn for rope drop and went over to Test Track. Dylan had been banging on about wanting to go on it since I told him last night that we'd be having a day at Epcot today. Got to about 5 feet in front of the entrance and he burst into floods of tears. I'm like "Baby, what's wrong?? I thought you wanted Test Track" and he was all "I don't like this place. I'm scared of Test Track!" Poor baby! Lol! Calmed him down while feeling all eyes on me as if I'd done something wrong (why do we always feel like that when our kids cry in public??) We then went and did Finding Nemo, Captain EO and Journey Into The Imagination with Figment rides before I suddenly got the worst toothache I've had in YEARS! :'( Trying desperately to distract myself from my tooth and knowing we still had an hr and half til we had to be at Coral Reef restaurant for our early lunch reservation, we started to walk through some of World Showcase taking in Canada and UK. Got some FAB pics and had a seat near some gardens with a replica of the Eiffel Tower in the background. Have to say, I hadn't understood until I got there what all the fuss was about but we REALLY fell in love with Epcot. We sat there and chilled out for fifteen, twenty mins(ish) before heading back towards the Finding Nemo ride. Would've ridden it again but by time we got back to it, there was a 25 min wait! Eeek!! So we went to the Underwater Viewing Area instead... got to see some divers going down into the tank. WOW!! DEFINITELY need someone to come with me next time I bring Dyl so I can do that! I love diving and other stuff to do with the Sea (whale watching, interacting with sea creatures, snorkelling etc).

Went to Coral Reef restaurant as a belated 30th birthday celebration (the whole week I've been doing various things to celebrate as it's a BIG birthday and, in our family, milestone birthdays are celebrated over a one-two week period). I asked if we could be sat tank-side when we checked-in and explained we were celebrating. The young woman on the check-in desk curtly replied she could request it but couldn't guarantee it so I just said, "I'm sorry but could you please find out and let me know either way because, if you can't, I'd like to eat elsewhere." She simply took one look at the monitor in front of her and said, "Yes, we can accommodate that ma'am". Why couldn't she just have said that in the first place?? We went and sat in the waiting area to be called and were seated 5 mins later. We had a FAB table with a FANTASTIC view and saw plenty of fish, a couple of sharks, turtles and rays :) Kept both me and my son fascinated the whole time we were there :) Our server was LOVELY and wished me a happy birthday. Nothing seemed too much trouble. I had the steak medium-rare and they swapped the cheesy mash to fries for me no problem. Would've had the fish or tried seafood but, with my toothache, I just wanted comfort food. As there was only me and Dylan and we were celebrating, she used my camera to take a few shots of us and made us both feel special having a joke with us and keep calling me the birthday girl etc. Dylan had a fancy cupcake for dessert and I got the most delicious choc cake with raspberry coulis and a scoop of raspberry sorbet with a chocolate that said Happy Birthday on it. They'd put a candle in and Dylan sang Happy Birthday to me while I got embarrassed coz I don't usually like much fuss and loads of people were looking. It was FANTASTIC though and we had a whale of a time! :) I'll DEFINITELY go back there! :)

Came back to the hotel after doing Character Spot again as Dylan wanted to get yet another pic with Mickey Mouse. Minnie was tickling him and giving him big kisses... you should've seen him blush! He was the same with Daisy Duck at MNSSHP! Lol! ;) Got a complimentary in-room movie package so used it to watch Turbo which we were going to see at cinema back in UK when it comes out in couple if weeks. No need to now! :) We got free popcorn, pretzels and chocs for snacks and had drinks in our room fridge so afternoon has been great! :)
Sorry, I'm one day behind here, and got distracted with the DAS topic, but did you enjoy the safari? Did you get to see many animals on there?
Sounds like another lovely day. EPCOT is our favourite park, WS is probably the place where we eat our dinner most often. I guess that's why we love staying at the YC so much.

WOW! too many abbreviations :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Yeah, we LOVED the safari at Animal Kingdom. Even though it was afternoon and pretty hot, we saw tons of animals which was cool. We saw a hippo having his dinner completely oblivious to us.. it was SO nice to be able to get so close to nature but know you weren't getting too close. Animal Kingdom and Epcot are by far our fave parks out of the Disney parks. They seem a lot more chilled out than Magic Kingdom although Animal Kingdom did seem really busy (I guess on account of it being Columbus Day weekend). Hollywood Studios didn't really hold much appeal for us. That said, we will return to see Fantasmic as it wasn't showing the day we went and to ride the couple of rides we did enjoy. Just been working out what money we have left from this trip and it's just over $3000.. don't think we'll use all that in the next 3 days! Tomorrow is all paid for so won't need any then. After that we have one day at Universal and a free day when I think we'll hit MK one last time as we have a character breakfast at 1900 Park Fare that morn so seems a shame not to. Worked out that when we change that back into GBP, it works out as £1500-£1900 dependent on rate and how many dollars we actually take home with us. Going to put that to our next Disney trip I reckon! :)
Why are you going to change your $ into £? Do you need them when you get home? You lose money every time you change currency so I'd leave them as they are unless you have to change them.

You'll be able to get a photo with Alice and the Mad Hatter (probably not together but still one of each) at 1900 PF.
Was going to change $ into £ so I can pay a huge chunk off next hol. I'm a freelance scriptwriter by trade so never sure if I'll have a good year or not financially and makes more sense to me, economically speaking, to get as much paid off next year's hol out of what I bring back than save the $ til we come back. Thanks for the heads up about Alice and Mad Hatter. I heard Mary Poppins will be there too. Wish Burt did M&Gs! He was ALWAYS my fave character in Mary Poppins movie! :)
Glad to see what a fab time you are both having . Sounds like Dylan has really enjoyed meeting all the characters . We fly in on Friday so can not wait ! What have been your highs and lows so far ?
Yeah, we've absolutely had a blast! :) Dylan LOVES all the characters. We fly home tomorrow so did a MAJOR M&G mission today! We met Mary Poppins, Alice, Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, Pooh, Tigger, Cinderella, Aurora, Donaldo, Goofini, Daisy, Minnie, Ariel and Merida and saw Peter Pan & Wendy in passing. Peter Pan said "hey guys!" to us and we said hi back quite literally as we walked past each other - they were on their way somewhere and seemed in a rush!

Highs: DEFINITELY Discovery Cove; meeting the different characters and my son enjoying the rides which he never would have done before (Disney has rides that have so much to see while you're on them, he was too busy looking all around to think about the fact he was on a ride); EPCOT!! I wish they sold houses there! Lol! Visiting Grand Floridian Hotel (we did the 1900 Park Fare Character Breakfast and our pics were free with our PhotoPass+!).. this is the most BEAUTIFUL hotel I've ever visited and I DEFINITELY want to stay sometime! Being able to have my pic taken holding a baby alligator! :) Medieval Times dinner show!! One word - AMAZING!! :)

Lows: we were supposed to be getting a stretch limo to pick us up and the company sent a people carrier!! Emailed them a complaint - funnily enough they haven't responded yet! :( LEGOLAND!! Our Florida Adventure Day - the brochure said "snorkel, swim or interact with playful manatees" (direct quote) . In truth, they took you out on a boat and you had to snorkel and if a manatee comes up to you then you can swim next to it but you can't touch it and they can't guarantee you'll even see one! They took us to Homassa State Park which was AWESOME but they didn't give us enough time at then they took us for the WORST airboat ride known to man! The guy who was driving had us all clinging on for dear life!! :(

Can't wait for our next visit!! :) :) :)


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