Welcome to the YaYa's: YYotC at Castaway Cay Part 2

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Ohh...I have a feeling some interesting surprises are coming via Tara's trip report :rotfl:

Pam, I can't find any mice either ;) Dave screened some of the vents, hopefully that will help....but it Cleo wants one, there are still plenty outside.

Kimmie.....love your house stories ::yes:: Glad the dishwasher is working!!
I am dreading the day for furniture moving :eek:
Carpet goes in May 2, 3, I leave for CA May4....think we're cutting it close.
May 2 night we need to move all the LR furniture back, take out all the DR furniture and Dave has some work to do on the stairs before that carpeting goes down....then on to the FR....no idea where the heck that furniture is going. :rolleyes: Couches won't fit through the hallways...they came in through the sliding doors. Guess we hope for good weather....yeah, right.

Anybody get any good Easter goodies?
Suzanne, what See's did you end up trying?

:wave: Kimmar.

Must go attack the dust bunnies again, Lily....before they multiple.
Holy crud! I can't believe how many times I came to sit down and post before I got side tracked and had to come back to this!

Kimmar, I think the weekend was lovely... at least what I remember of it... just so busy here!

Lily, you hit it with me. I cannot breathe through the mouth while I sleep. It drives me nuts. Luis didn't notice though so apparently I didn't really keep him up. I went downstairs a couple of times to read so I wouldn't disturb him.

LOL, Nancy! No need for ducking (or dunking ;)) I don't know why but both Luis and I liked it. I also loved Kingdom of Heaven with him... I think I like quirky :p

Woo hoo we have a really cool first part of a trip report from Tara!!!!! And yep, started with allergies. Remind me next spring that leaving my windows open for three days in a row while forgetting allergy meds is a bad idea :rolleyes1

Pam, good luck with the deadline in addition to everything. Oh and thanks for hte thought with the mouse... really the thought counts more than the mouse itself, so if you find it, don't worry about sending it our way ;)

Okay Kimmie, pinky swear not to give up yet! And you wouldn't believe the twitty brat Cleo became today. She has been whining all day and yelling the moment she walks into a room. She and I were playing nicely even, and she had the nerve to hiss at my hair! I mean really??? What attitude :snooty:

I am glad you have a working dishwasher now though, Kim :)

I'm off to work more in the house. One nostril is totally plugged... the other I can breathe through, so I am going to get as much real work done before I grump and can't breathe at all again ;)
Poohnatic said:
Alan, we're gonna post 100 pages while you're gone and it'll take weeks to ketchup! (have fun, though)

Hmm...methinks the Y'all-Y'alls missed the mark. :)

Actually, now that I have read through..it appears you are all more chatty today!

helenabear said:
I am running a fever... not as high as I've ever had it before, but it is to 99.0 (up from my normal 97.1). This is not what I needed right before Easter weekend :rolleyes:

Told ya she was cold blooded!

Pam! I'm sorry to read about Mr. Pammykins and the accident. I'm thankful he is okay but very sorry for what he is going through and of course for the elderly driver.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and yay for a trip report!

It's good to be back. ::yes::
Glad the trip report is an acceptable use for the Disneyland Resort!

Kimmie...glad you enjoyed my responses on that thread. That woman was irking my nerves and I was felling a bit, as they say, snarky!!

Welcome back Alan!

Kimmar...sorry I was too loud for you! I'll try and be a little quieter next time!!

Nancy...eek furniture moving! Yuck! I hate moving furniture just to vacuum!!

Elaine...I have much experience with 13 year olds...i hope you have good drugs to get through these teenage years!!

Chapter 2 is coming right up!! (i'm trying to boost my post count :teeth: )

The Departure:

Finally all the bags are packed, the kid is in the car seat, the dvd player and monitor are hung with care, and I can finally plop my fat **** into the car. As we pull out and head to Jarrod’s dad’s house mom and a I begin reviewing our packing. We agreed on a few things…shirts, pants, unmentionables, nighties, bathing suits….uh, did she mention a bathing suit? To which she replies, “well, duh! You told me it had a swimming pool”. Oh crap forgot the swim suit. Double crap forgot to buy swim diapers for the kid. Crap on a cracker, Jar doesn’t have a suit either. Okay, so we will go back after we get Jarrod and pick up the swimsuits. An indoor heated pool does sound quite nice!

We then returned to our review of what we brought…shampoo...check, toothpaste…check, toothbrush…oops. Mom did you get my toothbrush. Uh, dork you’re 35 years old I thought you could handle that yourself! Crapola…got get me and the kids’ toothbrushes. Overall I think we’ve done a great job packing!! (famous last words!! :teeth: )

We arrived at Jay’s house and Jarrod was very excited to show us this small pad of paper that Jay had given him. To which my mom answers, “Look what surprise your mommy has for you!” He climbs into the back seat and sees a small cooler. He gets excited…drinks for him? Then he looks up and sees the DVD player staring at him! Viola!! He forgets all about the measly pad of paper given to him by his father and goes straight for the DVD player (and the cooler which contains 6 more DVDs!!!) I was rewarded with hugs, kisses, and thank you’s!! (I know now every kid in America is going to want one because I gave one to MY kid!! Lol! )

Jay proceeds to tell me everything he has packed for Jarrod (much like I’ve done but not nearly as exciting :teeth: ). He has included his bathing suit and sun screen (what did he think I was too stupid to bring sunscreen?? :confused3 …whew!!) He then wants to tell me in detail how one of the rest stops wasn’t working the other day because of a toilet issue…did he really need to go THERE? Finally we escaped him and made our way BACK to our house to pick up what we forgot…or so we thought.

Of course the neighbors were not the least bit surprised to see us come back home not 15 minutes after we had left, as this is a common occurrence! Heck even if I go to the grocery store I have to go back and get something at home…usually money. Oh, did I mention that we did not stop by the money spitter to get any cash? No? then pay attention that might be a recurring theme in this here tale!

At 3:30 eastern daylight savings time we entered the highway for a trek to the mountains. Nothing could go wrong!! :lmao: :lmao:
:rotfl: Tara......a reason why I always make lists ::yes:: I love my lists.

You move furniture to vacuum :eek: We're supposed to do that?? :rotfl:

Welcome back, Alan. How was the trip.

Sorry you are clogged, Elaine. Sorry that just strikes me as funny.
We use Vicks in the nostril here :teeth:

haven't seen Kingdom of Heaven yet, Elaine. But Dave saw it on the loooong plane trip and loved it. He wants to buy the DVD.
The DIS is :snail: :mad:

But I wanted to introduce Franklin :)
Meriweather said:
:rotfl: Tara......a reason why I always make lists ::yes:: I love my lists.

You move furniture to vacuum :eek: We're supposed to do that?? :rotfl:

heheeh I have lists of lists but I never look at them because they seem so silly!! :teeth: hehehe

Well, I hear you are supposed to move them and I if asked I'll always say ::yes:: otherwise I pretend! hehehe


Glad everyone had a nice Easter. Ours was nice too. Food was yummy, visiting family was nice. :) After leaving Junior's aunt's house my mom stopped by to visit, and both BIL's & SIL's and nephews. We hung out, grabbed some Taco Bell (everyone had the munchies! :teeth: ), and watched a movie.

Pam, I am so sorry to hear about DH's accident. So glad the he & his friend weren't injured. Prayers & good thoughts headed your way. :hug:

Tara, :rotfl: at your trip report. Can't wait to hear the rest. :teeth: And, yes, the boys resumed play when the electricity came back. :teeth: And thanks for the nice comment on Jordan. :)

Elaine, sorry your stuffed. Glad your voice held out, though.

Nancy, Franklin is adorable. :)

Kimmie, glad to hear the dishwasher is working.

Boys have no school today so they've been playing video games all day. Junior is also off work today, so we ran a few errands this morning and have just been vegging the rest of the day. :)
Hey, it's Franklin. :teeth:

Does he count by twos and tie his shoes?

He does look cute btw. ::yes:: Our girls had new outfits for their BaB's in their Easter baskets. Their animals were sitting in the baskets as if they were the gifts, but it was because they were wearing new outfits :)

Don't worry, they had lots of other stuff.

Tara, I'm loving your trip reports...forgive me for looking forward to seeing the oncoming train wreck. ;)

(Only because I'm assuming you did have a great time)
alabamaalan said:
Told ya she was cold blooded!
Missed ya too, Alan :rolleyes:

Check on the drugs there Tara... Ithink that's the only way I can deal with her. She's just so rude and bossy now... I miss those days when she was so cute and cuddly as a baby :teeth:

Oh Kimmie, I forgot to say earlier, no big on the IM thing. I figured you were busy and honestly that I was offline when you'd be available to talk. Just glad you saw the message. Still working on your package though :rolleyes1

Tara, you are so funny with your trip report!!! Oh and the toothbrush was always my most forgotten item when I would travel! You wouldn't believe how many times I had to buy a new one... or hope that the hotel had the travel ones out for you just to be nice :p
(you don't have a fat **** though ;))

Glad the clogging nose amused you! Actually it does me too at times. I wish both would work. Oh and I used a nasal thing that was supposed to work for 12 hours... worked for about 2 :rolleyes: Kingdom of Heaven was kind of another slower paced movie, but a lot in that one spoke to me. I meant to watch it on Friday but we never got to it. We had to rehook our entertainment system stuff after I moved furniture on Weds (yes we were too busy to hook it up before then).
Love the new addition ::yes::

Dryer buzzed... soo... quickly

great pic Sherry! Sounds like a nice Easter and today off for everyone as well!
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Franklin! and his little outfit too!

The trip report...oh yeah! So goo to read about. I wish I could say I can't relate to the needed return trips home b4 finall exit. That seems to be our way for sure. (Dumpster tours too-love those special moments)

Pinkie swear! Now that is a true Ya Ya! You rock!

Yay for working dishwasher!

Alan, good to have ya back too!

Pam, deadline, eek! Lucky you that you thrive on those...nope not me.

Sherry, fantastic family pic. You really have a lovely family.

Elaine, ok yech for working when you can't breath well.

It has been officially announced, sort of, :rolleyes: here that my young coworker is leaving. She will be a SAHM and I love her for her wanting to do this. I am sad to see her leave. We've been struggling here ove it b/c we have learned that she will not be replaced. If things don't get better next year more lay offs. I am in the counting phase to retirement, just not quite ready to make that happen. Now, I'm in a bag b/c I get to do the work of my coworker, if we were to train I would get to do both jobs whilst training too. Mighty tall work load for certain. Somehow this is not how I envisioned my last couple of years here. Also, most likely 0 pay increase next year, just a "thank you" for sticking around. It's very gloomy these days. Trying to survive, I will I know.

Off I go looking for :sunny: ...
You will have to wait on the next chapter of the train wreck...uh I mean story til tomorrow.

I have to go get the dog from the kennel and then I have bowling tonight and then it is bed to catch up on my shut eye!

So please no pouting if i'm not around for bumping! ;)I will be back tomorrow!!

Very nice picture, Sherry ::yes::

I don't know if Franklin can tie his shoes or not?? :confused: He's only worn rain boots ;)
Which outfits did the girls get, Alan?
Franklin does neet to go into BaB for some surgery :( He arrived with his back open :eek:
Lily....turtles :teeth: Couldn't resist. All Dania's fault. She got one from ebay so I went looking too. :rolleyes: I need to stay away from that place!
Sorry about the work situation :(

We need some lost and found,.....preferably found.... pixie dust pixiedust:
Dave has misplaced :rolleyes: his day timer....which has his passport and business credit card in it. I have looked all around here. He has looked at work. I will double check his car tonight.

kimmar....well, it is almost short season (supposedly), so I guess it would be hard to hide a leg tattoo ::yes::

have fun bowling, Tara. Can't wait for the next installment of the TR.

Headache creeping in. I think I need lunch :)
Lily, sorry about the work situation. I still think you ought to look into "retirement" some more. It's not all that bad ;)

Okay, since Tara will make us wait on her trip report... HEY ALAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! We want one of yours too :p

Nancy, good luck to Dave with finding his dayplanner. I do hope that one shows up soon!

Kind of in a grouchy mood... at least Luis should be home soon :)
Meriweather said:
I don't know if Franklin can tie his shoes or not?? :confused: He's only worn rain boots ;)

Sorry, I immediately thought of


and since my girls are much younger, I'm a bit more familiar with his opening theme where they say that Franklin can count by twos and tie his shoes.

And Lainey, one trip report coming up. I had actually posted some on the Angels but didn't want to interrupt Tiara's :teeth:

(Especially since hers sounds more adventerous. We left the kiddies at home ;) )
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