Welcome to the YaYa's: YYotC at Castaway Cay Part 2

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Good morning everyone!!! I did something that I've needed to for a while... I totally slept in this morning! I haven't been able to get more than a few hours of sleep a night lately, so when I woke up coughing so bad that I couldn't get it to stop w/o sitting up, I went downstairs to read... and I fell asleep propped up. Came up here before Luis was to wake up, and after he left, I fell asleep propped up again. Back hurts, but at least I slept :p

Hmmm... Tara... wouldn't know why good drinks would affect bad bowling ;) I'd blame it on a bad ball first :p

LOL, Nancy, that was supposed to be my subtle way of telling Kimmie it was her turn to reply to the PM. I will be getting to yours today. So no secrets, just me being a twit :teeth:

Suzanne :laughing: I am sure Alan is proud to know he is such a great influence on all of us!

Sherry, I hope you get to enjoy the break this week! Have fun at the ceremony today!

Lily, I'll try not to be grumpy today. I do plan to enjoy the sunshine! I have some errands to do later today and I figure I will just walk to them :)

Kimmar :rotfl:
Cute pic ;)

Morning Alan, but don't we always have to pitch thing slow for you to get them? :)
Feel better soon Lainey...no one likes a grumpy bunny :)

Pictures of YaYa figures? :hyper:

Will this be more of the dance line?
Yeah yeah, I know... I suck at PM'ing lately. :blush: My life has been too boring. The thought of PMing about tile and broken dishwashers was just too much of a snoozer. As soon as I'm done ketchuping I'll write and tell you all about dry brushing the brick hearth and you can tell me why you were grumpy. :p

Okay why is Nancy buying big figures for Dave and what sort of big figure? Lotsa zeros $$$ big? Or Victoria's Secret doesn't carry that size big or Shaquille O'Neil big? Hmmm.

Pinkie swears for good behavior? Nuh uh...no way would I pinkie swear on good behavior. :smooth: I will however pinkie swear that we won't give up on the YaYa thread just yet. :)

Happy belated b-day to ya Neil!!

Morning Kimmar! :wave: How are ya today?

Wooo! Honor Roll for Jared! Go Jared! Good job dude!!

Hope you're having a good day in your work space today Lily!

Good coworkers is a very good thing. Glad to hear it went well Suzanne. ...and feel better soon. Bronchitis is the pits.

Looking forward to part three Tara!

Today I think I'll run a load of dishes in the dishwasher!! Woooo!!! Ah, my life is a thrill a minute! :banana:
Back from icky doctor appointment....glad that is over ::yes::

Big figure :rotfl: That would be me!! :rotfl:
Picture soon, Kimmie. Guess I will need a reference so you will know how big it is ;)

My life is more boring than yours :p
No dishwasher going in, no tiles, nothing right now at all.
think I will go make cookies....that is an exciting day for me :teeth:
Dave's in ID.....I'm sure that is exciting too :rotfl:
ack! work is killing me today. I haven't even had a chance to write chapter 3. I'm going to try and do it next bell when my resource kids are here. I promise I won't leave you hanging....you got hear about snakes, bats, and wax.

I will also explain the mystery surrounding my clothes!! :rotfl:

Elaine...you are right...its the ball's fault. I am a wonderful bowler and would get 300's every time if the ball would pay attention! Sorry you were a grumpy bunny. Teenagers will do that to you.

Nancy...i actually know what you are talking about in the big fig dept. I have one of sorceror mickey my uncle got for me at a truck stop.

Happy b-day neil!

Kimmie...tiling and dishwashers sound like a life to me. At least it isn't work!

Kimmar...I didn't know you had a real live sis here on teh boards. I guess this means I better stop spaming people and talking bad about you! :teeth:

Alan...I'm sorry lainey is being mean to you! She better be nice to you or you may decide that being her cabana boy isn't as much fun!! :teeth:

oaky, gotta do some real work. I'll be back in a bit with chapter 3. I got it write it first!! hehehe


Nancy, I'm sure I'll find lots to do with my free time. :teeth:
Can't wait to see a pic of the big figure!

Elaine, glad you got some sleep.

Ceremony was nice. :)
Okay before I go into my ketchup part of the post...

Tara!!!! How could you???? Side with the help around here??? Shame on you! Geez, Alan is not much fun to have as cabana boy... a bit lazy ya know, and you side with him. Boy I'm hurt :snooty: :sad1:


Moving on now :teeth:

Alan, no piccies for you!!!! ;)

Kimmie :rotfl: I didn't even picture something like that for Dave until you mentioned it like that :teeth:
Oh I didn't mean to pinky swear on being good... that will never happen (me being good ya know) I meant to be good as in not giving up. Geez, me trying to behaving is about as possible as... well Alan being nice to me :)
Woo hoo on runing the dishwasher. hey I was all exciting and ran mine TWICE today!

Nancy, glad your yucky doctor's appt is over with. I hate those. I still need to make an appt for one of mine. I will do that as soon as I finish I think.
What cookies are you making today? I have a desire to make a yellow cake. The same one that started off as chocolate, that I made lime, then lemon I want to change and make yellow. It's really moist!
Hope Dave has fun in ID... better than a place like Delaware. not that anything is wrong with Delaware, just not much to it (so my family who lives there says)

Tara, I think we should blame everything on the ball! Bad day, blame the ball! Dinner burnt to a crisp, blame the ball! Cats misbehaving, blame the ball! Alan being a twit... well... actually it might be really true that it's all the balls fault then!
And for now I will sit and wait patiently for your trip report... I'm honestly really wondering what the clothes thing was all about.

Sherry, glad the ceremony went well! Did he get anything special there?

Oh and thanks to another poster, I did look at the time Suzanne posted! Wow that is early!!!
Nancy, your camera card is full? Awwww.

I like blame it on the ball. Works for me. Bad ball!

Kimmie, at least you have a dishwasher that wroks. You thrill seeker you.

Kimmar, I like the grumpy bunny. Made me smile.

Afternoon nap time. I think I'm going to take up that one. Sunshine is fantastic here. I may get to be out itn it after work.

They are evil!

And no YaYa pics...Lainey's afraid to show her tattoo?

Tara, she may let me out on occassion but she keeps Orli and Tony-boy, locked tight in the TOJ.
helenabear said:
Alan being a twit... well... actually it might be really true that it's all the balls fault then!
:lmao: where's the spewing diet coke smiley!!! I really gotta get my mind out of the gutter!!! ....the bowling gutter that is! :teeth:

Who sent me this headache? I haven't even had a chance to write the thing yet!

Let me do that now. I'll be back in a few!!

...i actually know what you are talking about in the big fig dept. I have
Tara has big figs. I am so freaking jealous!!!

Jeez Elaine... don't you ever answer your PMs?? :teeth:

Alan being a twit... well... actually it might be really true that it's all the balls fault then!
Snork! What?!? :rotfl2: So does this mean I need to revise the Alan's fault smilie now?

Orli and Boo Boo are in the TOJ too? We may have to think about expanding the TOJ a bit. It's getting crowded. Orli keeps hogging air holes.

Enjoy your nap Lily! Sounds lovely! I may have to find one later too.

Icky appts. over and done with is a very good thing!!

hey I was all exciting and ran mine TWICE today!
You party animal you!! Pace yourself girl... don't want to over do it!

Uh oh. Cheetos on Tara's Jack. :mad:
:rotfl: You guys are cracking me up today.

Since Dave is working in ID, I don't think he will have much time to do anything else....and besides, what is there to do in ID?? :confused: That is where a lot of my family is from.
In fact, my aunt is in town visiting....exciting, I have a lunch date with her Thursday :)

Yep...camera card is full :( I only have the one that came with it...pretty small).
I do go to the big mall tomorrow (more excitement :teeth: ) to get the hair colored :)
Might have to get a bigger one then because Sat. is TULIP day!! :teeth:

Tara....tell the kids to take a nap, so you can write. (Sorry about the headache....want a cookie? Sugar helps mine ::yes:: )
As Elaine, says just boring chocolate chip :rotfl: But I added cranberries. They are now going into the freezer because I have eaten too many today and nothing else except a marshmallow egg ....great diet, huh?

took a picture with the old camera.....post as soon as I upload it :)
Here it is Chapter 3...I had to stay after school to do it!! hehe I told mom I had work to do, so no telling mom that I was playing!!

Thanks for the cheetoes...now my head and face are orange!! How do I explain that to my co-workers.

Oh, and I've been eating Jellybeans and chocolate eggs all day :blush: don't think I need any more sugar!! hehe

Back later,

Now here's Chapter 3:

Chapter 3:

The Drive:

The drive was totally uneventful. Other than the one hour traffic delay, the mean woman at the rest stop, and the mild panic attack while driving 70+ mph on the side of hill, it was really a good drive! :rotfl:

For most of the trip I felt like I only had one kid. That was the baby that would every so often begin to either complain about riding or start singing for no reason! He is becoming quite the singer! :teeth: The other child sat staring at the video screen with his mouth hanging open. Every once in a while I had to remind him to close his mouth and wipe up the drool! :lmao: That boy was totally into the movies I had taken and was not about to be distracted by anything. It was pure pleasure driving…well for the first 4 hours!

Not 15 minutes into our journey we came to the first hurdle. The Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT) was backed up for miles before you ever got to the bridge itself. The sign said it was a 20 to 30 minute wait. Not sure whose time they were on, but by my trusty Timex it was more like 50 to 60 minutes! And the cause of the back up you ask? Breakdown? Fender bender? Collision? Riot? Nope, none of the above. It was the morons who drove 55 to 60 mph until they got to the tunnel opening and then drove 30 mph ALL the way through it. To my thinking, if you are afraid of the tunnel the best thing to do would be to floor it and get through it as quickly as possible…not take your ever loving time and spend a week in it!

After the tunnel we made good time, we took all the right roads…thanks to Mama Bev. She knew exactly where we were going without a map, I just followed her lead. She was my navigator and DVD operator. Every time Jar was ready for a new movie he handed the machine to her and she did all the work. She was also the binky locator when Lounge Lizard would get ticked and toss it, as well as the hander outer of the drinks and snacks. All the while she maintained her calm cool air (well, actually she nearly froze me out with her calm cool air…I finally aimed all the AC vents to her head :lmao: ) and in between her other duties she found time to work on knitting the sweater she is making for Ethan.

We stopped at a McDonald’s located inside an Exxon service station with quick mart :confused3 for a quick dinner and stretch break. I asked the moron behind the counter how much a second happy meal toy cost because the boys were splitting a happy meal. She told me, “oh just a few cents. It isn’t very much.” Duh Tara, did you have to believe her. I looked at my receipt and the piece of junk cost me $1.69! :eek: I could have paid .50 more and gotten chicken and fries with that dang toy! Moron!

Before we left we all made potty stops (including Ethan!! :woohoo: ). While mom was waiting this rather disheveled woman came in and started looking around the boxes near the potty. As soon as the door started to open the woman bowled my mom over and yelled, “sorry I’m in a hurry”. Mom wouldn’t have minded if the heifer had asked nicely but geez woman!

We got back on the road and made good time the rest of the way. The only other “difficult” place was when we were crossing the mountains around Charlottesville, Virginia. One side of the road (my side) was pretty much a jump down to the valley floor if you went off the side of the road. Now this was a 4 lane highway with guard rails and the such but it still was a long jump! At this point I probably should have pulled over and given the reins to mom but I chose to stick it out. Oy vey! I found myself going as fast as I could to get away from the mountains (remember the whole tunnel thing? ) with both hands clenched so tightly on the steering wheel they nearly cramped. Finally, mom asked me if I was okay and I told her I was fine and we started talking small talk and shortly we were back on the side WITH the mountain and no drop. Just signs saying “Watch for Falling Rocks!)

We arrived at the hotel at 9:30 Thursday night. Ethan was screaming to get out of the car seat, Jarrod wanted to stay in the car and finish the movie, mom wanted food, and I wanted to go to bed. Only one of us got our wish!

Next…the hotel! Disney it ain’t….
Here he is.......then off to read more on the Adventures of the Tara family :)


Farther out, so you can see how big he is by the couch. (Now I want more!! :eek: )

Those Mom Bevs sound awful handy. I don't think my van came equipped with one.
alabamaalan said:
Those Mom Bevs sound awful handy. I don't think my van came equipped with one.
She said she is available for rent. Just get me your dates and I'll get her packed!! hehehe

Nancy...Donald is really cool!! Did you get him from the catalog or ebay?

The Lounge Lizard just woke up and began singing. I guess I'll go get him up and see how is doing today!

disneyshopping a week or so ago when they were offereing 20% off and free shipping.
How could I resist. Donald is Dave's favorite ::yes::
Popping in again, bedtime in a few.

The crazy work hours: I suggested I learn what the prep team does, as they're the foundation of the business. Sooooo, that means I work their schedule this week-3:30am start, varying departures. Today, I left and went recruiting, but I stopped by the store being built, ran into boss man. We ended up talking for an hour about the stuff that had been done, the stuff that was yet to be done. He got a call from boss lady, said I was there and she passes on that the prep team has a crush on me. Awwww.

Love this group of people. I am kicking myself for taking French way back when, but the pequeno spanish I do know gets used. Someone needs to offer a "Spanish for managers/food preparation"

Nancy, take lots of pictures of those tulips. I think they're my favorite flower, because they remind me of my Nana's house. Love the Big Fig.

Lily, did I hear nap? Take one for me, 'kay?

Tara, the trip report is quite entertaining.

Sherry, enjoy sleeping in!

Kimmar, so that was a pinkie swear to cause more trouble?

Time for shut eye!

No time for ketchup... busy evening here... just wanted to say hi and good night before I crawled into bed :wave2:
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