Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Beth: I've never found anything that was too chocolatey. I like the vitamuffins more as a dessert though. The blueberry ones were an OK breakfast. I do like that they are all natural.
Sorry you hurt your back. Hope it improves. Mine is bothering me as well. It was probably the 28 boxes of Christmas decorations I brought down from the attic on Sunday.
I agree with you the last 10 lbs are miserable. Stick with it. That's the only way they will go away.
I don't have any ideas about naming the new thread. I'm not very creative. I'll try to think of something.

Good Morning Lean Meaners!

I got up and did my 5M this am. I really didn't want to, but dh's alarm was going off and waking me up, so why not? DH has to work the election today (special election primary to replace Ted Kennedy), so he had to be out the door by 5:30. Anyway, by the time I finished I was glad I'd done it, I felt good. The scale was slightly responsive...I do have to eat better, though! :idea:

Beth -- I know exactly what you ate! I have them as dessert, not breakfast. They are like chocolate cake to me. I really like the fruit muffins. The sugar-free banana nut ones are not as sweet. My only idea for naming the thread is something like, "Happy and Healthy Movers!" I agree it should be positive -- I don't really want something with "Losers", and I think we should get away from being "Mean" (apparently there is plenty of that on other threads), although lean is always good. ;) They say the last 10 lbs are the hardest...but I know with your determination, you can do it! pirate: My yoga class was cancelled today, so I'm a bit bummed. Now I won't get to go until the end of the month, for the "nap" class. The last class of the month is "total relaxation", which = lay down and I'll help you relax each part of your body, if you actually go to sleep you have succeeded. :rotfl2:

Cindy -- Don't forget to vote today! :teacher: And I think you made good choices with the baby shower and staying home. Who doesn't want Mom when they're sick? I'm sure DD was quite happy to have you with her. This time of year is extremely hard to balance. I have literally given myself one or two holiday tasks to do each day, and when they're done, I don't stress any more. There is only so much time, and if I'm faithful about the runs and sleep, something's gotta give. For me it's the Tivo :sad1:, I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. On the bright side, not seeing alot of new episodes of my favs, so the ones on Tivo are precious :rolleyes:

I have to leave work early for ds's parent/teacher conference. His grades were fantastic, so this shouldn't be painful. I'm planning to get his school photos ready to go in the Christmas cards, and bake cookies this afternoon. I can have 2, that's 3 pts. Now if I can just stick with counting today! :cheer2:

Maria :upsidedow


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