Weight Loss 2009

Thank you for passing that information along! You have done very well on your weight loss program. Congratulations!

I have started th soup diet, so I think I'll try it for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I'll be sure to keep in mind the possibe scenarios associated with this diet.

I want to go on our December / Christmas cruises muh more slender. I look at the pictures from our cruise in Mexico and think " Geez, I got more rolls than the Pillsbury dough boy! LOL....

Take Care

Great results, Katscradle!!!

I'm still on program but battling through my plateau ... up 0.2 lbs at this week's weigh-in. Still down almost 20 since January, but no progress for over a month :mad:

I know I have to press on though ~ I've still got a LOT of weight to lose, and still want to be down another 25 by my WDW trip in August.

Hang in there everyone!

Well it went great.
Lost another pound and a half this week. :yay:
Did my measurements on Friday.
In three weeks I have lost a total of 21 inches off my body and 3 inches off my waist. :yay::woohoo:
Avoidance will get you no where, young lady. :rotfl2:
Get back on track. :thumbsup2
My next weigh in is Wednesday. Will let you know how I do. :)

Avoidance is not my friend?? :rotfl2: I hear you!

CONGRATS on the good results!!! :goodvibes
Hi Guys!
Just thought I would check in and post my results for this week.
I am down another 3 lbs. this week.
I feel great, and am so excited about what Isagenix is doing for me.
2 more weeks till I leave on my WDW vacation, and I can;t wait to see how much more I can lose before I go.
I also think I am passing this plateau that I have been at for 8 months.
:woohoo: For Isagenix! :woohoo:
O.K. today is my weigh in day. :thumbsup2
4 1/2 weeks on my program.
Measured this morning 26.75 inches total, and 4 inches off my waist. :yay:
I will post my weight when I get home later today. :thumbsup2
O.K. today is my weigh in day. :thumbsup2
4 1/2 weeks on my program.
Measured this morning 26.75 inches total, and 4 inches off my waist. :yay:
I will post my weight when I get home later today. :thumbsup2

I lost a 1/2 lb. this week, which is low, but considering all the cake I ate at the birthday parties for DS who turned 6. I am greatful for the 1/2lb. loss.
I was expecting to gain. Needless to say I was very surprised when my measurements showed a loss of 5 inches total.
Everyone have a great day!
Also I will try and post my new results on Tuesday.
I day early this week for weighing and measuring as on Tuesday night we leave to begin the exciting trip to WDW. :yay::yay:
Needless to say I am so excited right now. :dance3:
Just wondering how everyone is doing?

Well I finished my liver cleanse and I had a total weight loss of 11lbs in 8 weeks.:banana: Now that I have been off I have put back on about 5lbs but I think that some of it might be muscle. I started a great work out called Cardioboxing. I go to a local boxing club and you do Cardio revolving around boxing. It's great. But to put a damper on things I sprained my ankle the other day and won't be able to go to a class for about another week.:sad2:
Still working on the Wii fit from time to time.

Hope everyone is well.:goodvibes
Hey guy's I am back from my WDW trip and cruise. :thumbsup2
It was great and I really enjoyed alot of my dining experiences while I was on vacation. :)
I don't think I gained weight as the new clothes are still fitting very comfortably. I don't weigh in till next Wednesday so that will be the real test.:rotfl2:
I missed not having my routine with my weight loss while I was gone, I know weird! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
However the Brown Derby, & Portabello were worth it. :rotfl::rotfl:
I just thought I would give everybody my weekly update.
Back from 2 weeks vacation in WDW.
Went and measured this morning and gain 4.75 inches on my body.
Not good! 1 inch on the waist, 1/4 inch on my butt, 11/2 inches on my upper left thigh, 2 inches on my upper right thigh, but over all this is not to bad considering I lost a total of 27 inches off my body in 5 weeks prior to vacation. :thumbsup2
The I went to Weight Watchers for the big weigh in, I thought for sure I was going to gain.
Guess what I lost 1/2 a pound... :woohoo::woohoo::dance3:
Needless to say I am not disappointed with my results.
When I got home from my vacation I went right back on my Isagenix weight loss program without a hitch. I am so happy!!:):):yay:
I lost another 1/2 a pound this week.
Total pounds lost is 11
In the last 8 weeks, this includes the 2 weeks I was on vacation.
Needless to say I will keep going.
I have at least another 25 pounds to lose.
However I would like to lose 35 pounds.
Will decide when I get a little closer to my goal.:thumbsup2
I hope everyone else is doing well. :)
Just thought I would post and give an update.
I hope everyone is doing great! :)
I have lost another 4 inches which puts me back to where I was when I went on our trip to WDW.
I have lost another 4 pounds as well. :yay::yay::yay:
Needless to say I am exstatic about this.
The weight hust seems to be falling off.
When I was just doing the WW plan I was always a slow loser.
I would have been lucky to lose 4 pounds a month. And I very rarely lost 4 pounds a month.
This new program is easy to follow and do.
I am still well within my WW points as well.
I figure I will be at goal before we go on our December trip.:dance3::dance3:
Just thought I would post and give an update.
I hope everyone is doing great! :)
I have lost another 4 inches which puts me back to where I was when I went on our trip to WDW.
I have lost another 4 pounds as well. :yay::yay::yay:
Needless to say I am exstatic about this.
The weight hust seems to be falling off.
When I was just doing the WW plan I was always a slow loser.
I would have been lucky to lose 4 pounds a month. And I very rarely lost 4 pounds a month.
This new program is easy to follow and do.
I am still well within my WW points as well.
I figure I will be at goal before we go on our December trip.:dance3::dance3:

:dance3: :banana: KatsCradle,
That's awesome!! WTG, keep up the great work!!
Wish my update was as positive :rotfl: under 20 lbs to go for me so not getting too down on myself....however I need to get back w/ the walking, that has been sliding :rolleyes:

You're a good influence!!
:banana: :dance3:
:dance3: :banana: KatsCradle,
That's awesome!! WTG, keep up the great work!!
Wish my update was as positive :rotfl: under 20 lbs to go for me so not getting too down on myself....however I need to get back w/ the walking, that has been sliding :rolleyes:

You're a good influence!!
:banana: :dance3:

Get going I am routing for you!
Take care and just go for a walk!:)
Hi. Can I bug you a bit and ask you about the weight loss program you are on. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I'd like to get down at least 20 lbs for my end of summer WDW trip.

DL Offsite - 2008
WL - 2007
DTDD - 2003
POR - 1998
DL Offsite - 1996
Offsite - 1982
FW Camping – 1974
The one that worked best for me was the GI Diet. It really wasn't a diet, it just changes the way you look at things. DW and I both did it; DW lost 70 lbs and I lost 40 lbs. We were also exercising quite regularly and intensely. Check Amazon for the book; it looks like a long read but there are a lot of recipes and other filler in there. Should only take a couple hours total of reading to figure out how it works. I love it and now am coupling it with WW. It's good to know that low point foods are the foods that the GI Diet also recommends eating. HTH!!!
This is great:woohoo: I love reading everyones posts. I am starting out trying to lose 20 pds. We are in the stages of planning our first Disney vacation. Not sure when we are going. Everything is sooo overwhelming:) After a c-section with my first I didn't get to loose that wonderful baby fat before having my son, and then the other two came along and who has time to exercise???:laughing: Good luck to everyone:hug:
Hi. Can I bug you a bit and ask you about the weight loss program you are on. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I'd like to get down at least 20 lbs for my end of summer WDW trip.

DL Offsite - 2008
WL - 2007
DTDD - 2003
POR - 1998
DL Offsite - 1996
Offsite - 1982
FW Camping – 1974

The weight loss plan I am on is the Isagenix weight loss program.
I feel great and it is so easy to do, unlike WW, as I have a problem with writing everything down and calulating the points for what I eat.
I have had a lot of success with this program.
I also get this program at wholesale prices instead of retail, which saves me alot of money.
If you want to know more you can pm me.
Well it's been a couple of weeks and just thought I would post and say hi!
I hope everyone is doing great. :thumbsup2
I decided to only weigh in at WW once a month and to use the Wiifit board for the weigh in on the other weeks.
I did this to try and save a little extra money.
Since I last posted I have lost another 6.4 lbs. :yay::yay:
Just 19 more to go!
At that time I will decide if I want to lose another 10 lbs.
I hope everyone has a great week.


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